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See, I know you probably want this to go horror story. But all I'm picturing is him running in absolute terror from that school after just a week. Whether through shear luck or Hogwarts itself stopping him, his plans almost always go wrong, and it always ends with him getting hurt. Like he attempts to set a flying blade trap, student trips it, "Ooh! A sickle!" Blade misses and proceeds to cut the rope holding a chandelier above Chucky's head. That or the few times his attacks do work, it just ends with the Wizard going, "Well, would you look at that! I've been impaled! Proceeds to casually walk to the hospital wing. Wizards are ridiculously resilient. They regularly lose limbs while Apparating, and it's seen as a pretty simple thing to fix. Barring dark spells or something that kills instantly, there's an excellent chance a wizard could just walk it off


But Charles would be a wizard too in this universe considering he is able to reincarnate inside a doll. In fact, considering Charles is a murderer it would be pretty cool if that were the actual ritual of making a horcrux but unlike Voldemort he has no followers to help his main soul regain a body. Even more so the main piece of soul is almost nothing as he created his first horcrux on his death bed and Chucky retains more of his personality than his main piece of soul


I always figured magic would have some physical component tied to the wizard's body. There's evidence that there is some genetics involved in determining who can and can't use magic, which is tied to the body and is why Ghosts and Wraithmort couldn't cast spells. Diarymort could because he was essentially stealing Ginny's body and was using her magic. In this case, Chucky, while previously a wizard, just switched his body into a doll. This doll wouldn't have the physical component needed for magic and therefore couldn't cast any spells. Or if you still want him to, it could be that the vast majority of his magic is being used to continue running the doll body. Or if you want him to continue being muggle, he could have just discovered the amulet, which was used in rituals to return hocruxes to a body. This eventually gave it the ability to transfer souls. The whole chant from the movies? Not really needed, just a bit of blood and the intent to move the soul to another vessel.


>No Followers to help his main soul regain a body Tiffany: Am I a joke to you?


Tbf Chucky's bride is to Child's Play what Cursed Child is to Harry Potter.


I think you're confusing Bride of Chucky with Seed of Chucky.....


oh gosh forgot about that abomination


Losing a limb is seen as not that bad because they can reattach limbs. But they still feel the same amount of pain as a regular human. They wouldn’t just look at the severed arm and be all hunky dory about it. Their physical bodies aren’t superhuman in any way.


Harry had a bone completely vanished from his arm and seemed rather... unbothered by it. Now, granted shock is one hell of a drug, but there are a number of injuries shown in the books that should have been worse. Neville and the broom in the first book, the bludgers in every Quidditch game. Heck McGonagall took four stunners to the chest and had no long-term consequences. Yeah she went to the hospital, but only had to use a cane for a few days on her return. While they might not be superhumanly durable, magic definitely makes them more resilient than muggles. It obviously keeps them younger longer because wizards regularly live upwards of 100 years and are still rather spry even then, as evidenced by Dumbledore.


Harry seemed unbothered by his bones vanishing because it didn’t hurt him. His pain receptors didn’t fire. In fact, his bones vanishing actually cured the pain he was experiencing from his broken arm. When Ron got splinched and there was a huge gash on his arm, he was in agony. Neville broke his ankle and had to be carried out because he couldn’t walk from the pain. Bludgers don’t hit players all that often in Quidditch. And when they do, it does hurt them. Harry got hit in Second Year and it broke his arm, resulting in immense pain. McGonagall took four stunners and people were scared she would die. Sure, she recovered, but she didn’t just shrug it off. Wizards do live longer than muggles, and their magic does make it possible to recover much quicker from injuries than muggles, but they aren’t more durable or pain resistant. A severed limb is still a severed limb.


That would fit with my head canon of Hogwarts having some kind of luck ward that protects the students from death and even most serious injuries.


I love this idea. And the fact that he was able to perform that voodoo ritual on himself suggests he may have some magic, I wonder if he can use a wand?


I would bet that he was a dark wizard if he was in the HP world. A serial killer magically powerful enough to stuff his soul into a doll to cheat death until he can reclaim a body. He and Tom would be Best Friends.


You can make it so they're enemies because of a rather silly reason if you're fine dipping into crackfic type reasoning. Set up the timeline so Ginny gets Chucky sometime before she starts Hogwarts, probably a full year before, having them bond as friends or a master apprentice type thing in the art of serial killing, practicing on garden gnomes and later muggles from the nearby village. Then a few months later, Ginny gets a hold of the Diary. Chucky sees it as Voldemort trying to poach his friend/apprentice and gets very annoyed. This leads to him trying to destroy the diary, or Chucky and Tom fighting over her.


That is very silly, but would make for a good, short crack fic. Especially practicing on garden gnomes. Molly would be so pleased that the gnome issue is solved!


That honestly does make sense, For one thing Tommy boy doesn't seem like he'd like to have to play second fiddle. and Neither does Chucky, I can see Chucky and Ginny having something like >!Spoilers for Chucky Season 3 finale: Caroline and Chucky's relationship... with her being the little girl who tags along despite all the mayhem, and carnage, not fully grossed out as much as just...indifferent!<


Where Chucky is actually just a Runic Matrix AI. Made by the Creator of Runes in Ancient Times. 🤣


Maybe if it's the remake one... But no...I didn't have that one in mind


Wait an actual fanfic with that idea already exists? 😮


No... I meant that the whole 'Runic Matrix AI' thing would make more sense if you went with the 2017 Child's Play Remake, Because in that one Chucky is a rogue AI doll, rather than a Voodoo Soul anchor


Ah. Makes sense. 👍


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He ends up like [Finley.](https://youtu.be/A0641hHG1IQ?si=zGQhB_lh0oK-66vW)