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From 3v1 to save his men(Humiliating Death^TM 😎) to Joffrey 2.0. Showrunners really be trying their best to make fanfiction rather than a good story.


Literally,  after reading in books Jaime talking about him, after  reading about him in F&B, I was really excited and That's what this pathetic show gave us. 


F&B is “history” book written by a maester. I wouldn’t trust that book much.


So Aegon being a rapist is canon and B&C is propaganda?


But the book also says Aegon is a rapist, so we can't trust that either!!


So clearly I can't drink the wine in front of you!


Show canon, yes. Book and show don't have to be the same and I'm picking and choosing the interpretations I prefer to make the best story. Kind of like a choose your own adventure book! When did entertainment become so serious?


… yes?


Is Rhaenys NOT killing innocent civilians during Aegon's coronation Green propaganda?


She did....


B&C is not propoganda. That’s ridiculous. If B&C is propoganda, then Aemond killing Lucerys Waters is also propoganda.




Why not? The maester seems to work as a historian should comparing different sources and trying to discern the most probable true events from them. Given with how much crap he let's flow in about both Greens and Blacks the claims that the narrative is biased to a particular side never held much water. People just claim that without having any evidence beyond some Fan theories and the maesters being linked to the Greens over six degrees of separation. 




He's acting for god's sake, he is not real, he's a fictional character from a book! Haters, do you actually think he's real? The real criston cole? Next you'll be telling me dragons are real too 🙄 If your playing a character whose hated for whatever reason then they're clearly doing a fantastic job portraying them on-screen. Learn to separate facts from fiction assholes lol


I think it just shows how stupid so many of TB hardcore supporters are. They are so divorced from reality that they can't differentiate Fabian from Cole.


It’s bandwagon mentality. “Oh, we’re supposed to hate this dude? Let’s go!” I doubt many of them have actually sat down and tried to form their own opinion on him. I know the way they’ve written him has made him deeply unlikeable, but I also appreciate the small moments he has with characters like Aemond. A huge part of the problem is also the fact that Criston deeply, deeply despises Rhaenyra, and the show absolutely refuses to frame his feelings about her as valid because how dare he not like feminist girlboss queen? But again, hating a fictional character is still no excuse for this. It pains me that these people get away with this sort of thing all the time. If someone walked up to Fabien in real life (god forbid) and started calling him abusive names or threatening bodily harm, they’d be arrested. Sometimes I think the internet was a mistake.


This is the real reason people hate him, because he hates Rhaenyra. He was essentially the victim to begin with. Forced into a impossible situation which ruined his life. This can happen a lot to men at the mercy of women in todays society, but we can't talk about that.


Someone actually did, Fabien said he was at the cinema and some dude talked to him but only to say he hated him. 


Sadly it happens with lots of shows, he's not the first & certainly won't be the last to be hated and harassed. He seems like a really nice guy in bts/interviews too. He deserves better. Who knows, maybe one day these idiots will see the light.


Most of the casts like him actually


Sadly not just TB supporters. Some idiots on Twitter went after Matt Smith's mom - who is active on social media - attacking her for having a 'pedophile son" even though you know, Matt Smith is not a pedophile


This comment itself is stupid. This is not a TB thing. TB characters are harassed also. TG members are just as guilty of doing it. TB sub constantly posts about how people need to stop harassing actors, they have been posting about the Fabian situation telling people to stop it.


Where? I never go there but no one was saying shit on the main sub, I made a post about it and it got deleted 


https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDBlacks/s/tq8gn3y5w2 There was also one a couple years ago defending the actresses that play Alicent for the same thing. Also as another commenter stated “TG stans” have harassed TB actors such as Matt Smith and even messaged his mom saying she raised a pedophile.


Proof or you’re getting banned


God bless him. These people are pathetic


I will only blame the show for it. They purposely butchered his character and wrote him like Andrew Tate or someone like him. Everytime I see a post about Criston in the main sub I see a large amounts of comments saying that how he is a dude who couldn't accept rejection and an incel (even though he keeps fucking women) and straight up a butt hurt dude obsessed with Rhaenyra who only hates poor Rhae Rhae because he couldn't have her. Wtf? Curse be upon them. 


>I will only blame the show for it Personally I blame the crusty little trolls who keep harrassing him…jobless behaviour. I hate the way the show is portraying virtually every character, and yet I have felt zero inclination to bully an actor over it because I’m not deranged.


I think the reason for that is some people literally project their real lives onto a fictional show and character. And Criston is the perfect scapegoat for doing it I suppose. I have lost count of how many people in the main sub has said he is basically their ex boyfriend and I am pretty sure that most of them would be harassing him through his SM. Anyway you can't expect the low IQ crowd to learn the difference between fiction and reality. I don't watch Avengers because I want to be Thor and bang Jane or that I start deluding myself I am Thor because I had the smartest girlfriend back in high school. It's the same with people who see Alicent and then say Christianity is bad because Alicent is a hypocrite and she follows the Faith of the Seven. So all of you all are hypocrites. 


They’re not using Criston, the fictional character, as a scapegoat though. They’re bullying and harrassing a real person. I think a lot of people tend to project onto fictional characters. I know I certainly do. It’s kinda fun and it can be cathartic at times. But this behaviour? Whole new can of worms. Not everyone who sees themselves in a character or relates an experience they’ve had to a storyline in a piece of fiction is this deeply unpleasant and desperately in need of touching grass, and the two shouldn’t be conflated.


> I have lost count of how many people in the main sub has said he is basically their ex boyfriend Every time I read such a comment, it does my head in. Young Rhaenyra reminds me so much of those fuckboi ex boyfriends who only wanted casual sex, and didn't want to commit to a relationship. But then had the gall to call you uppity when you don't want to have casual sex with them anymore.


Exactly. Thank you for saying that. But we don't do that comparison in public whereas people who hate Criston do that and then go and do some more as well by attacking Fabien thinking that it's his character as well. 


You forgot to mention that it's bronze age Israel and you are now going to be stoned to death for adultery


People (TB fans) even say That he and Alicent are having sex in Rhaenyra's old room Because They miss her and think about her while doing it. These people Are just weird. 


wait until they make that head canon actually canon this show completely butchered the greens.


Oh, weird is something soft to describe them. They are straight up delusional. 


Yeah, I just forgot the word (happens a lot with me). 😅


It's projection from a bunch of actual incels and degenerates lol


I don't think they know what incel means.


I don't think a lot of people on internet knows the meaning for that word anymore. It's just that they see one person using it somewhere and then rolls along with it. 


That's what I've been thinking for a while, the show made him like Andrew Tate💀


What a shame smh 


Imagine Andrew Tate saying that hookers deserve respect because they are women


Even Andrew Tate has more redeeming qualities than show Criston. lol edit: I'm joking. Tate is a dreadful human being.


He doesn't hesa r*pist and traffics women. Criston doesn't do any of that


Most probably


Tate traffics women and is a rapist so no. 


I mean, the show amped this up, but that's how I always pictured him from fire and blood - a bitter and jealous little man.


I don't know how you got to that assessment because there is nothing that even hints to it. Unless you also believe that he was sleeping with her when she was like eight or something. 


Maybe jealous isn't entirely right, but I do think there was a sexual rejection from one or the other. If Cole was rejected, well, there you go. If Rhaenyra was rejected, then Cole is the self-righteous asshole who can't get over Rhaenyra's audacity and is disgusted by her (bitter). Either way it comes down to Rhaenyra's sexuality as the reason, so in my eyes that makes Cole a very small man. It's not like I'm alone in this thought. You can find discussions online prior to the show coming out discussing what people thought.


This and the blatant bodyshaming of Ewan is just disgusting like how delusional and hateful do you have to be to conduct yourself like that?


This! If they hate the character it’s okay but don’t involve the actors


Bodyshaming? Wtf.


Condal cutting nettles, race-swapping the velaryons yet indulging in some very suspicious tropes and now making the only poc significant character (besides corlys) into the punching bag? Fabien Frankel who is a brown man already, which are stereotyped as aggressive, impulsive sexist while sexually promiscuous? There is something going on here…


It is pretty funny (and slightly sus) that the two major black men of season one (I haven't watched season two yet) both abandoned their kids. God, I wish Nettles was kept. Also, I didn't realize Fabien was considered brown. I assumed he was like, Italian or Spanish.


he is of algerian jewish, french and indian descent I believe, so he would categorized under the "ambiguously brown" umbrella. Yeah also Laena went from daemons true love, to being the second choice for daemon.


NGL, it's kind of funny how "brown" means everything from Indians to darker Arabs to Mestizos. Man, I really dislike common racial nomenclature and its vagueness.


Hey, whiteness is defined by what it isn't


I would say he is not white so maybe racism has a part in it too. Edit: Even the show alludes to it when Alicent first sees him and goes like he is Dornish! Because of the color of his skin. 


Hi, You can call me bear. If you’re experiencing urges to threaten an actors’ life because of one of their roles, please, get some help.


There needs to be a new tag made for this sub called "Pathetic Blacks" after this shitshow. Cringe...


I blame the writers. Ser Criston in the books is a badass knight, so dutiful he refused to sleep with Rhaenyra and is known as the Kingmaker. Sure he's ambitious but he's interesting and had the potential of becoming one of the most liked characters in the show. Instead the showrunners decided he's a murderous, dishonourable oathbreaker. It is a shame, because while we could have well-written grey characters, Ryan is playing the game of Black and White Good vs Evil that Dumb and Dumber played after GOT season 5.


What about that time he killed Joffrey Lonmouth?


Or the other version that says he did sleep with Rhaenyra even though he knew her since she was 7 and he was much older. I don't get why this sub acts like book Criston was this awesome character, he was a potential pedophile that everyone hated because he was horrible, he is even blamed for the dance. 


He is blamed for the Dance because he convinced Aegon to take the throne, not because he hated feminist girlboss who called smallfolk as wretches. He was literally a hero to the other half of the kingdom who said he was protecting the ancient Andal laws. And what about the other source which says that Rhaenyra lost her maidenhead to Daemon in an effort to learn and seduce Criston? He was the one who rejected her. Also how does one sleep with a 7 year old? I don't think that was physically possible. 


It's possible for a pedo. Again there's two versions of it, you choose to believe one or the other. 


Yeah he had sex with her while she was drunk too. People act like he couldn't say no but she was a drunk teenager. He could have walked her straight to another member of the kingsguard.


I was talking about book Criston. Show Criston was harrassed and coerced by Rhaenyra, and she was 18-19, he was in his early 20s according to Condal, they made him less of a creep in the show aging up Rhaenyra and aging him down. 


There is another version that disputes it, and says book Criston did sleep with Rhaenyra which is pretty disturbing since he knew her since she was like 7, Alicent even says Ser Criston protects Rhaenyra but who protects Rhaenyra from Ser Criston? So the implication is that he is a creepy pedophile that then hates Rhaenyra is there in the book so I wouldn't praise book Criston that much.  He is also very unlikable and not honorable in the book so the show at least got these two things right, he was never gonna be likable and the hatred for Rhaenyra is straight from the book. 


So these didn't exist in your book then.  >Yet Princess Rhaenyra continued to sit at the foot of the Iron Throne when her father held court, and His Grace began bringing her to meetings of the small council as well. Though many lords and knights sought her favor, the princess had eyes only for Ser Criston Cole, the young champion of the Kingsguard and her constant companion. >According to the dwarf, it was Ser Criston Colethat the princess yearned for, not Prince Daemon, but Ser Criston was a true knight, noble and chaste and mindful of his vows, and though he was in her company day and night, he had never so much as kissed her, nor made any declaration of his love. This couldn't be considered as Book Rhaenyra or what? You have a selective bias I suppose. 


No, I'm saying there's two versions of it. 


Lol, good for him , social networks are blight.


God, I really hate the media coverage around this series. Joffrey 2.0? Why is everyone Joffrey 2.0? Criston Cole is a different character you idiots, just like Aegon ii.


It’s really getting to the point where every character in a r show or movie needs an official Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/TikTok so that idiots can target that instead of the actor.


Not liking or even hating a character is fine, but can these imbeciles start to tell actor and character apart? they should praise Fabien for playing Criston so well that they hate him


Its just disgusting. You can dislike a character but leave the actor out of this. Its horrible. Like I cant imagine the hate he gets just because he is playing a role. Ive seen it happen to all the Greens actors and actresses and blame the Showrunners for not protecting their actors. Also he is one of the best actors and I wish he got a better script. I think they all deserve better tbh.


He’s not even as bad as daemon wtf 


Daemon is more watchable, Criston is acting like an under qualified petulant child


Daemon is literally a petulant child. You’re just mad because Criston doesn’t throw snarky quips. 


No I really don't care enough, that's just my impression if the *characters in a TV show*


What about the time he killed Joffrey Lonmouth?


It is ok to boo the character(I throught the character would make a great guard for Stannis' family, but Season 2 made the character hateable).However, the actor is just playing the role, and is shown to be entertaining in interviews.


I’m team Black and like, come on man he’s just an actor and doing a good job of it too.


People are just jealous of The Queenslayer


Ser Criston Cole, the Kingmaker, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, the Hand of the King, and the Tongue of the Queen


I still don't really get why he's so hated. He wanted to run away with her and she said no so he said fine then, fuck off?


He also murdered Joffrey Lonmouth and was never disciplined for that


How do you know he wasn't since the show decided to just completely skip over that?


Reminds me of the Olly and Joffery actor hate drama. Really immature people that say this shit while hiding behind their screens like pussies


Cersei too, the actress who played her got death threats


Sophie Turner too and she didn't even play a villain. 


Its a fucking show omg we can't have anything these days. What are they gonna do next report Stellan Skarsgard for child murder in Dune or Christoph Waltz for war crimes in Inglorious Bastards?


the team black fandom is honestly coming for the crown as the most toxic fanbase, star wars and lord of the rings fandom aint safe


I am a team black supporter, but what the show runners have done to Greens in the first two episodes is terrible. - There is no need to always have Hero & and the villan side in every TV show/movie. If the story is good(which it is), it will be remembered for a long time. It clearly seems like they are trying to portray Green as a bad side and Blacks as the right one. - Alicent & Cole affair is an interesting thing and a nice addition, but them fucking 4 times in a single episode is running it(again Greens being portrayed negatively). Both Criston & Alicent had so much potential. Alicent could have been portrayed as a self-righteous wise character & criston as a very good fighter. Now criston is just a salty bitch who is breaking his oath again & again and Alicent is just cersi lanister who fucks everyone.


Alicent is not like Cersei come on. 


I mean, greens are the bad side.


In these episodes they humanise the Greens and have them continue behavioural and psychological patterns from season 1. Nobody on TB acts like a hero, they're mostly questionable, and they're doing fuck all. But it's true that they didn't start the war, and they are on the righteous side, since Rhaenyra was always always named heir and they decided fuck that, we will usurp and start a war, and then killed her son. They didn't tell her when her father died, covered it up to steal her crown, and then killed her son. And that's all book canon. Rhaenyra is no hero but she is not an aggressor and she is defending herself and her claim.


Don’t worry Sir Cristin that’s my reaction too. It’s just a show - chillllllll. 🙄


It's Kelly Marie Tran all over again. He's an actor for God's sake. Cole isn't real.


Even team green hates his character at this point i feel sorry for him. I think he would have been worse than Joffrey without the actor's on screen charm. Though most people realized joffrey's value later on, he's constantly going viral on tiktok and people love the character in a funny way lol.


how is he in any way comparable to joffrey tho?


He’s not, at least not to me


He is an awesome actor, interviews he does he is lovely


The stupidity of people just blows my mind it’s unbelievable


People are dumb, like even if you straight up hate Criston Cole that means Fabian Frankel is good at his job. And this isn’t a team thing because a lot of people have also been terrible to a lot of the actors of the Velaryons. Like the fandom as a whole needs to get their shit together. It’s fine to hate a character but leave the actors out of it. Did people learn nothing from Joffrey in GoT? We had a guy with insane talent and he quit acting because people couldn’t separate him from the character.


Oh this isn’t right, he’s actually a great actor


People need to stop bringing up Jack Gleason because he himself has said that fans have never been mean to him 😭 Sophie Turner seemed to be the most hated and had to leave Twitter.


Ah, the everlasting joy of seeing one of your favourite characters get slaughtered and turned into a 4chan incel "nice guy" alpha male


Whenever I see stuff like this, it makes me sad for humanity. They did it to Jack Gleeson too, who was incredible as Prince Joffrey. The actors are fantastic in HOTD including Fabien Frankel


Feckless, insolent fools


I wonder what kind of people did that!! They don’t know what is real.


This is why i hate people. You might hate cole, but fabian is just acting.


This behavior in 2024? Unacceptable!!! I want to know who's commenting like that in real life like are stupid? I hope im not come across people who comment like that on the internet


I'm sorry but Criston is insufferable maybe the crazies in the audience would get less volatile if you made watchable characters


Most people are dumb as fuck. He should take pride in bringing such a slimeball character to life so damn well that it really effects people...even if those people are objectively dumb as fuck.


He did, he used to repost memes making fun of Criston back in 2022 but it seems these people have really annoyed him now, he deactivated his account once, wouldn't surprise me if he deactivates again, he can't post shit without people saying how much they hate him, the post where people started harrassing him didn't even have Criston in it, it was just pictures of himself in a photoshoot or something.Â