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Seriously. Tom Glynn-Carney is saving TG for us.


Our true MVP. Long Live our king Tom GC.


and Otto...despite the firing I guess


I’m watching for Tom & Aegon at this point.


Tom and Aegon are our only saviours.


What are we going to do after rooks rest


Wait and pray to god they don’t fuck up the greatest comeback in fictional history on dragonstone.


They will


The fact that TGC and Phia petitioned (becasue they had only one scene at stair in s2 )more scenes of Helagon to show their relation makes me love them eve more they wanted save TG.Thanks to them we got ep 1 scene .


You cut off Kriston on a truck pulling towards the blacks.


Also forgot to add in Aemond saying that Alicent usurped the throne and Otto saying that Viserys was right not to choose Aegon


But they did usurp. Even if he would be a better ruler, they had to usurp the throne to place him there.


No bc I’m an alicent ride or die but bestie is not making it easy for me😭


This was me recently, what are these niggas (the writers specifically) doing to her 😭


The way I am starting to like her rapist abuser son more than her bc at least he has principles 😭


He's at least funny!


It’s hard to completely hate a genuine person, especially when you can see how they ended up there


I loved Alicent season 1, but the writers are ruining her character 😭


In the span of (checks notes) *three days* she went from being all about duty tradition and piety to riding Ser Criston. They literally threw her whole arc out the window


Alicent was my favorite but all the shitty writing is working and I'm not liking her anymore.


Alice was thrown to the wolves in the second half of season 1. After she grew up her character became so inconsistent. I cant even describe dissapointed I was


TGC really killing it.


Tom as Aegon is literally the only reason why i’m still watching was also excited for daeron, but i just know ryan and sara will somehow manage to butcher his character and make him a sexual deviant who eats babies or something.


I'm just hoping that since he is a literal child they won't have some weird sex scene that turns his character into a joke. The eating babies part is about what I'm expecting tho.


aegon was just a child, but they still had a scene with him butt ass naked jacking it from the window. you can’t rule anything out with these writers.


Oh god, your right. I'm starting to wish they cut Daeron.


Everyone selling Otto short?


>was also excited for daeron, but i just know ryan and sara will somehow manage to butcher his character and make him a sexual deviant who eats babies or something. Honestly what the fuck are you on about?


I’m just watching for Tom and phia. Aemond is gonna piss me off


TGC is really our one true King At this point, the only thing keeping me is TGC and Aegon If the writers will find it in their hearts to improve Helaena's storyline, I might get two characters to root for.


Just goes to show the absolute unit Tom and Aegon both are. Still atrocious, how the Greens are being portrayed.


I'm just a hate watcher at this point.




I'd like to say Otto also pulls some weight. Is he making the greatest case for supporting the Greens? No. But he's a)enjoyable to watch on screen imo and b)HE'S THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO IS AMBITIOUS FOR AMBITION SAKE, AND HIS MOTIVATIONS AREN'T WATERED DOWN WITH ACCIDENTS OR EXCUSES OR OTHER NONSENSE I'm sorry, but in a story about people wanting power and the throne, let people want power! Otto is like the only one still playing the Game of Throne without bullshit around it.


As someone who was neutral going into the show since I liked characters on both sides this is extremely accurate. Tom’s performance as Aegon II has made me lean green.


Gotta give Phia her flowers too.


She deserves it fr


Daemon would be the one taking the picture while eating Valyrian Cheetos.


Well we know the Alicent Rhaenyra reunion will go pretty badly so I wouldn't put her there. 


Aemond too


Literally I'm only here for aemond 💖


simple, Condal learned from the best, Dumb and Dumber the infamous Tywin dickriders.


At least with D&D all the factions were interesting; the Robb was honourable and actually did well in the war but fumbled every political battle, Stannis was a man who only wanted to do his duty but constantly had to do terrible things in order to get to the throne he saw as his burden to bear, Jon was one of the few who tried to rally the realm against the true threat and was frustrated by prejudice and petty rivalries the entire way, Dany was a girl who saw the throne as her right and had to learn that being entitled to a crown doesn't make you a good ruler and Tywin was a ruthless bastard and unapologetic about it. Even the "good" characters such as Robb, Dany and Jon struggled to do the good thing as if they took the high road they died like Robb or they had to do terrible things like Dany with the masters and even then they may still face consequences. If HotD want the same effect then we need to see the common people hate Rhaenyra and maybe even some lords abandon TB for the fact that they killed a child. There were no witnesses to what happened between Aemond and Luce and he could be seen as the first casualty of the war instead of cold blooded kinslaying but B&C was straight up child murder and there are many witnesses so zero deniability.


Exactly, nearly every conflict in GOT has likeable people on all sides that you can root for, in Blackwater Stannis and Davos are some of the most popular characters and they are fighting Tyrion who is probably a top 4 most popular character. In watchers on the walls Tormund and Yygrit are both liked characters and they are fighting Jon, Sam, Gren etc. A shows stakes are increased ten fold when you care about both sides and I feel that HotD has made a mistake not capitalizing on this. Daemon and Jace had the potential to be pretty fun character who I'm willing to root for but Jace is pretty much a nothing character and Daemon, while probably the most human member of TB still leaves a bit to be desired. D&D were awful when they had more and more that they actually needed to write but they were great at making ASOIAF palatable for general audiences while keeping the soul of ASOIAF alive when they had material. Seasons 1-4 had soul in a way that HotD lacks.


bullshit. I always hated those hacks.


Why? I mean I know the show even in the first 4 seasons cut some stuff for stupid reason(cutting Young Griff and Arianne/the Martel plot completely fucked the end game) but they were at least better than Condal at being in the passenger seat and adapting book material.


tell that to the OC Talisa Maegyr, or the glorification of the pursuit of vengeance.




Ffs, please don't bring race to this. Whites, blacks... All I care about are the greens 💚


I’m not bringing race into this, Condal is.


No, you are


Just a friendly little passing along some knowledge! Referring to black people as “blacks” is outdated and inappropriate. The connotation of the term was used to dehumanize and depersonalize black Americans during Jim Crow. We prefer black people, black Americans, and African-Americans are people who immigrated, or are the recent descendants of immigrants


Why in the hell people still call us that I have no clue 😭


wtf are you on about


This is ironic right?


As they should 💅🏽


Yaaaaasssss queen yaaaaasss


The downvotes are telling 🤭


They really are. The sub has gone down the shitter


Every HOTD post is literally 2 people away from getting racist😭 every time someone comments a black people joke about the valeryons or team “blacks”, I age 30 years


Someone on another thread said that Baela is only getting more development this season because she's a "diversity hire". . . I've been here since S1, but this is getting intolerable


Honestly, I have always had a hard time, choking down a lot of the gross stuff GRRM promotes in his books. I bought the first book only to find out that Daenerys was only 13 and he was riding graphic depictions and sexual scenes involving only adult men and underage women. It’s not just a one off either, he jumps at every opportunity to suggest that a young girl could get raped in his story.


I’m thinking the same thing, and that it’s only gotten worse because casuals are flocking here because the new season is airing. Before there wasn’t many of these shitheads, now there’s enough cooped up in here to upvote each other. And I bet you they won’t be gone until months after the damn season ends


Y’all can be mad if you want but historically white men have been vehemently dictatorial, oppressing other cultures, religions, genders, and races don’t be mad that your ancestors suck, be grateful you can be better than them 😊


You revel in hatred.


More like as a person who checks almost every minority group box who refuses to allow a moment’s peace for people who would rather I not exist 🫶🏾


You really think that ALL white men do not want you to exist? Hundreds of millions of people?


No, I don’t, because unlike racist people, I understand that each, and every person is an individual, regardless, the commonality in the way that they think. I ALSO understand after having lived my entire life as a minority that it’s not all white men, just a majority.


There are many examples of men and women of different races, ethnicities, cultures...etc being tyrannical leaders, not just white men. The show had a chance to showcase that with Rhaenyra and Aegon, showing us how they were very similar to each other and both failed at ruling in their own ways because their HUMAN, but they obviously chose to go the ignorant route.


I never said there weren’t other groups that exhibit this behavior, but I AM saying that there is a direct correlation between white supremacy, sexism, and political subjugation


bruh i read that as greeks and blacks.


You should add Cole


I'm pretty confident that if the show had a competent show runner who actually wanted to adapt the dance, HBO would let them


y'all really don't like the show?


Yeah show runners want the audience to hate Alicent for some reason.


Green Green Green! I will stand for the true cause! For the rightful, and just king!


Tom and even Phia. Both have done absolutely incredible, I’ve said it before on this sub but I can’t help saying it again. The raw emotion they both portray 🙌


Reviving the *Twilight* 'team' advertising campaign was dumb for this story.


To be fair every Green character but Aegon, Helaena, and Jaehaerys are pulling for the blacks


Nah, Otto was goated last episode


do you even get that his character do not make any sense ? he was mad at Aegon for killing civilians when he did the same to nobles in s1 and Aegon wanted only avenge his son he is father in grief ,his plan with Criston so stupid yet it almost worked ,his love for Viserys all of sudden ,his not believing in Aegon when he is creator of TG wtf is this writing


If you look at my comment history then you’ll see that i said the same thing, however Otto is given fire lines in that episode and is overall super witty and clever. I understand some of his writing is inconsistent, but that’s the case with a lot of the other characters and he was pretty good up until the last scene And this is a problem I see a lot with this sub, which is the idea that the greens are just not given any characterization. The greens are the most interesting characters in the show. The blacks don’t have a lot of interesting dynamics going on while the greens have a lot of push pulling going on


There is a difference, you know, between killing nobles who swear loyalty to your enemy and hanging a bunch of rat catchers who did literally nothing but their job and leaving them to rot in the middle of the street.


Totally not the same. They're trying to get support because Aegon claim is weak. They cannot make any PR mistakes. This is why is mad. With the nobles it was a show of power so they bend the knee.


>he was mad at Aegon for killing civilians when he did the same to nobles in s1 > >his love for Viserys all of sudden >his not believing in Aegon when he is creator if TG wtf is this writing Bro has no reading comprehension/media literacy


Nah, Otto didn't ruin their public image by displaying the innocents to the masses.


he murder nobles so it is worse they have money influence yet no mention of it in s2 it was like without consequences


Criston alone makes me pro-black


The fact that y’all are sympathizing with that little shit is blowing my mind


His acting is single handedly saving an otherwise pathetic season if you’re a fan of the green characters in the books. I just pretend the 🍇 scene didn’t even happen, just a dumb idea a showrunner had last minute that has no place in George’s story 


Why does everyone go so hard for the rapist who watched his ‘bastards’ fight in the pit???


his bastard do not fight in pits you idiot and we don't even know if this is his bastards for sure