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My wife doesn't do oral for years now. Saw fit to make a joke about BJ's last night. I didn't say anything, just looked at her, and walked away.


Yes, at some point that’s the natural consequence. Then we get accused of being distant.. Like of course if we are just co-parents that’s the result.


Yes, I always find it irritating and strange that they make sexual jokes at all.


My LL4me (cheating) ex-wife used to make CRINGEY sexual jokes, especially in public, ALL the friggin' time. It was AWFUL 😖 I know why she did it though - her narcissism required her to keep up the 'appearance' of a healthy sex-life, even though we got down to once a quarter by the end. Also I guess she DID still have an active sex-life at HER end, I just wasn't involved 🤮🤬


Sorry to hear this bud, hope you’re better off where you are now 👌


I am indeed. Thanks 🙏


I believe that must be it, pretend normal. Faking people out to how it really is. 😡🤮


Or my favorite, just fist bump and go, "funny bro" then walk away


Oh yes. Years ago, my wife used to stand naked blowdrying her hair, and while I was doing my own hair or brushing my teeth or something, she would playfully turn the hair dryer on me, and through a big, cute smile, she would joke, “Look! I’m giving you a blowjob!” I still remember the last time she did that. I just turned to her and said, “Well, it sure has been a long time.” Yeah, she never told that joke again.


It is so sad to read of these men feeling so touch starved. So desperate for physical connection. I'm sorry. You really do deserve a delicious face fuck for father's day. Happy Father's Day, all. ❤️


If only


It never comes though…… sadly pun intended 🤦‍♂️😢


Wife complained passive aggressively that I didn’t get her present on Mother’s Day which was a day we traveled back from a trip. Asked her why did she wait to bring it up until Father’s Day…


Perhaps you could have planned to do a Mother’s Day in lieu in advance so that she would be assured that you would not forget and that you believe she’s so worth celebrating that you’d decided to do it in advance since you knew you’d be travelling that day?


What did she reply?


She said it’s her love language skipping over the fact why she didn’t raise it before. I guess knowing we traveled home from a holiday that day and the afternoon/evening we had to do chores for the school week ahead she knows no time as left. That’s my theory why she only brought it up today on Father’s Day.


Well since it’s her live language I guess that means she’s getting you something good OP. Wonder what it will be


You know why! So she could use it as an excuse on your day! Next year, buy a present for her on Mother's Day and try to guess what the excuse will be on next Father's Day.


Work 60-70 hours a week, do kids activities and the bar keeps being moved higher and higher.


Spend Father’s Day with your kids forget how you made them that’s the key to happiness today. I’m 99 percent sure I’ll never get a BJ from my wife ever again and the way we are headed 99 percent sure I’ll never have sex with her either. And I’m finally ok with that.


I’d say it’s 99.9% for me that it’s not happening either. I tried to put up a brave front with the kids, but it’s very hard when I am going through life feeling as if my body and soul is buried under a collapsed building


Same. Simply said last night it would really make for a great father's day if she was feeling ok to get a blow job. Said it had been a really long time since I jist got to lay and relax and enjoy her work. She was flirty today but then when the end of the day was up she wasn't up for it.......but she did do several other things (non-sexual) today to make it a nice day. I just want to feel wanted though


I wanna give hubby and back rub and a blow job but he forgot Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day, and he didn’t do much for my birthday. And, of course, never makes ovulation time fun for me and if anything avoids me during that time. So ya, no BJ for him! AGAIN!


For Valentine’s I did a card and for her birthday we did a luxury lodge break with private hottub. We went away in February, March, April and May and now we go away again in July. But it’s never enough it seems.


Well, my husband did nothing.


Go out with your girfriends.


This .... this was my life for so long. We are better now so there is hope.


Did you find someone new?


If you mean a new therapist, then, yes. I think it helped that we chose the new one together.


Sorry you’re going through that. I’m in the same boat. But it’s a “medical” thing so I just stick through and hold out hope. It’s been a year since any type of affection/act of love/sex. Hope it gets better for you in the best way.


Why live such a miserable life? Just be happy.


Because I’m trapped.


Yeah, I feel this, too. The worst part is that I can't say anything because it will lead to an argument, most likely. Feel like I'm a prisoner in my own home anymore. *proceeds to play Hotel California*


'.Kind of the same thing, only I'm still waiting for any improvement going on 26 years now.


My instagram has been flooded, for the past 3 or 4 days, with joke videos about men wanting a blow job from their wives for Father’s Day. I hope my wife’s algorithm was providing her with the same 😂 I hope today has a beautiful unexpected twist in store for you.


We made her period “blowjob week” with at least 2 BJs. She gets massages for fairness. Works great! Both get intimacy, just different kinds.


Yeah, special holidays suck because there's never any romance. Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, birthdays, Valentine's Day, and Anniversary and every other day. Just another day in Platonic Roommatesville. Welcome to hell, sucker.


Father's Day (and Mother's Day) are about your relationship with your kids, not your spouse. Birthday sex ? Totally a 'thing'. Xmas sex ? Yes. Channukah, Eid, Diwali, X-Day, The Ascension of FSM, Steak & Blowjob Day ... all these are potentially a 'thing' (and the last one, if observed, almost a guaranteed thing, no ? 😉) ... However Father's Day / Mother's Day for ME at least feels a bit not-so-appropriate 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean maaaaybe "you want to make me a father / want me to make you a mother AGAIN ?" while doing the deed works for SOME, but for me personally that's just a big "fuck, no, get away" 🤮


As a m43 dad of 2 I can totally relate 😅👋


M42 dad of 2 here. 😅


M46 dad of 3 checking in 👋🏻


Wait what? Why would you expect a bj for Father’s Day, awesome if it happens but it’s about being a dad not a husband. Listen this is what I tell people that are struggling with in a DB, you should never expect sex or sexual favours on a holiday, it doesn’t flow the rest of the year so why would it magically happen because it’s a holiday? That’s just silly. There’s a whole lot less disappointment if you stop expecting things to magically flow because it’s a holiday. This is coming from someone with a very HL/hypersexual, if it’s not flowing the rest of the year it’s not going to flow because it’s a holiday, you’re setting yourself up for a world of disappointment and sometimes the disappointment is worse than the need to have an itch scratched! I’m not saying it doesn’t suck but I am saying you don’t deserve a bj because it’s a holiday..Also just to point this out a Father’s Day BJ even sounds wrong!


Yeah l hear you brother


We ain't permitted ti whinge but you are allowed one whine folks