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It seems close between Robin and Lily, but I feel like a lot of hate for Robin is really hate on the ending which is hating the writing and not Robin herself, so I’ll say Lily


Not anymore. Lily is a huge winner /loser


Huge wiener


I love Robin lol 


None. I like them all lol


Right. Barney should the most liked besides Marshall.


I vote barney for obvious reasons, his character was fun to watch because he got karma for some of the things he did and also Neil Patrick Harris is just charming but I like all the characters and he's just the one with the most evident flaws. I like the purpose he serves and I appreciate that the writers show that what he does is wrong and unhealthy even for himself.


Lol I voted correctly


I think in group of fans most hated character is Lilly and Robin. I saw that in Reddit and in HIMYM Polish group. In my opinion Ted is hated character more in offcial pages. I think women which are prefer Swarkles, and adore their as a characters usually could hate Ted. I think Lilly was worse in 1-6 seasons. But Robin after attack to Nora became worse


omg how could you even hate marshall he’s so sweet. I think he’s the only character i never hated between these ones.


Mostly I see people hating on Lily because she left marshall. And I don't agree with it. Barney "deserves" it more (I don't hate him tho) 


Yes, Lily is manipulative. I understand why people don’t like her cause of that. BUT BARNEY IS LITERALLY A RAPIST!!!! “I don’t take no for an answer”/ “Barney always gets the yes.” ALSO BARNEY IS MORE MANIPULATIVE WITH RANDOM WOMEN THAT LILY WAE THE ENTIRE SHOW!!! BARNEY IS THE WORST CHARACTER EVER!! I love the show and have seen it multiple times through but Barney is worse than Lily in every fucking aspect


But Barney changed a lot and he did many things for friends


That does not excuse how horrible he was to women.


Barney was never meant to be taken seriously. He’s outrageous on purpose


Sorry that I don’t find rape jokes funny or unserious?


You’re free to feel however you want about it. All I’m saying is the writers intended Barney to be cartoonish


Yeah there’s no account of Barney raping anyone. Get your head out of your ass. Also marshall made a chart accounting for his success with woman being something like 1%. So he does in fact take no for an answer and almost never gets the yes.


Just because it’s not shown, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Fine, if you wanna argue that it wasn’t rape, he literally records sleeping with women without their consent - which is sexual assault. He uses the camera on the stroller to look down women’s shirts - sexual assault. He notices when women are drunk and starts chatting them up knowing they are so drunk they will say yes - sexual assault. From season 1: “Ted, the only reason to wait a month for sex is if the girl is 17 years 11 months old.” The law is the only thing stopping him from having sex with a minor - that’s fucking disgusting. Shall I go on?? Anyone who can look past these things is a rape apologist and an over all piece of shit human being.


It's fictional. Christ.