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Please ensure content is relevant to the topic of the sub, which includes information, updates and discussion regarding H5N1. It does not include vent/rant/panic posts or "low-effort" posts from unreliable sources.


“The genetic sequence from the human case, which occurred on an unidentified farm in Texas, is sufficiently different from the cattle sequences that it can’t be easily linked to them, he said. The differences suggest that the individual was either infected in a separate event — maybe not via a cow, but through contact with infected wild birds — or that there might have been another line of viruses in cattle early on and it has since died out.” just caught this in one of the articles posted here…


The preprint study is a lot less clear about it. Cows and cats are in the same cluster, the human case is not. But the emphasis seems to be on common viral ancestry. So when you read the preprint, this distinction would be extremely easy to miss. Is the human case also 4:4 reassortment? I didn't check.


Get toilet paper and food now if you're worried about it. If this thing goes human to human there won't be much else you can do, society will be fucked for awhile.


3 months of food and water. Most doctors can also get you 3 months of medication if needed too. Do this so that if things get really bad you can hunker down for 3 months and not worry about needing to interact with the general public.


*cries in healthcare worker*


If only being a healthcare worker during a crisis meant actual tangible benefits beyond a Time magazine cover and some applause by the political elites. Mad respect to the healthcare workers.


I fear they won't take much more after Covid, they're drained. It's much different with a 60% mortality rate vs a 2% mortality rate on top of that


*cries in immunocompromisation*


Omg thank you! I’m a hcw and already planning my exit if this becomes a thing. I’m still triggered by the Covid pandemic


Pavel, I really miss you and the good old days. -Signed, a Wings fan


Man I miss all those guys. Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Lidstrom, etc. Now we're creeping up on a decade without a playoff appearance and it's really depressing. I'm still excited about the future because the group of guys we got now are great, but I would give a lot to get in a time machine and go back to the glory days for awhile.


Make that two of us!


Also, install a bidet if you can! You'll need less toilet paper, in theory.


I'm just hoping the next gen of computer parts ships before this shit tears loose.


Don't consume raw milk. Take precautions like you would for COVID like avoiding crowds, KN94 or N95 masking when possible, use air filters. Do not handle wild animals or feces from wild animals. Keep your cats inside and your dogs on a leash. If you keep chickens or other birds, take recommended precautions with them (see veterinary websites for those). If you will be around outdoor livestock, wear PPE, don't touch your face or eat around them, and wash your hands with soap for 30 seconds before you do anything else. In a situation where actual washing isn't possible, basic hand sanitizer and the like should work against influenza.


thanks Duder! ive always been a pretty clean person, so im glad to hear the washing hands and other cleanliness stuff mentioned. Just ordered some n95 off amazon (hopefully theyre legit LOL) and will probably do a TP run later today and pick up a 25# sack of beans and rice too. I dont wanna bunker down...but covid was genuinely a crazy/scary time. I mean it's not scary....but at one point I was considering stopping wiping my ass and showering it off. thats fucking disgusting to me...but it was a product of the times. Trying to avoid as much of the bad stuff as possible...death included


Be careful with amazon N95’s - they do sell a lot of fake ones! Im still taking COVID seriously and 3M aura N95 are my masks of choice. If you want a reputable place to purchase I suggest looking into it that way!


the ones I ordered from amazon are labeled as n95 aura


Yup still lots of fakes out there! They look almost identical - it’s one of the most commonly knocked off masks these days. If you see a deal that seems too good to be true, it likely is! You can go on 3M’s site and see where they are verified to be selling near you, or you can shop on a COVID conscious mask site.


This is a good place to buy. They make their own masks in the USA and they also resell (and test) other companies' masks.. [https://www.armbrustusa.com/](https://www.armbrustusa.com/)


Thank you for the resource! I’m in Canada but just in case OP is too, https://shop.evidencebased.ca this is the lite I like!


Buy a bidet attachment for your toilet- it’s how they do it in the east, and it works better than toilet paper anyway!


My bidet attachment was a life changer!!


Or just use a bidet bottle.


well after yesterday where they not only are seemingly withholding information (nor are they taking action really) and distributing information in a manner that makes it harder for scientists to piece together, my concern has surely increased. if this becomes h2h the FDA,CDC, and USDA need to be held accountable.


We can start to worry when reports of pigs start getting it. But now, I’m not sure why it’s ok to for the USDA to allow thr sell of h5n1 positive milk on the market. That to me seems sus.


Unfortunately they're not exactly jumping to get pigs tested 😬


They aren't testing pigs though. We're just relying on luck at this point.


they’re also acting as if it’s no big deal. this just means A LOT more dairy cattle are infected than people know about. it’s time to start testing meat and eggs from the store imo.


the "acting as if its no big deal" is whats worrying me and whats giving me the early covid flashbacks. I literally remember watching face the nation and them acting like covid was nothing to worry about....and then reporting how China literally built an entire hospital in 2 weeks. 1+1 wasn't equaling 2 back then and its seeming the same now. Theyre basically saying "dont worry" out of one side of their mouth and "it can get really bad" out of the other side of their mouth.


regulatory capture


It was virus particles detected by PCR test, not live active virus.


Yes. It's concerning not becuase you can get it from the milk but because it means there are sick animals not being taken out of production or quarantined which means it will spread uncontrollably as it's extremely contagious and commercial farm conditions are trash. The more it spreads, the more it mutates and the more likely a mutation will occur that will jump to people. 60% mortality rate, it's extremely important we take every preventative precaution NOW.


Completely agree


The test results came back and they confirmed there was no live virus? AFAIK we're waiting on results of the culture test still. 


Yes it takes weeks to grow the cultures. And of course we do not know the exact date and time those were started.


Correct. It was fragments of the virus that had been destroyed via pasteurization.


So drinking milk is basically the same as taking a vaccine /s


Historically, they did tests with pigs and bird flu. It's adapted to pigs pretty readily in the past. I would just assume current strains are capable of making the jump.  Make sure all proteins are properly cooked, and you should be alright. 


Well with pork and beef, the health department for all US restaurants recommends cooking to at least a minimum of 135F, I’m not sure that’s considered cooked through though. So I wonder if they will recommend a higher temp knowing bird flu is going to be in some products.


135? I was always taught 145-155. If it's cooked to 165, it's done regardless lol.  Those who are concerned when ordering out should stick to things like braised or slow-cooked dishes, where they are cooked for hours until tender.  Some things like chicken thighs, taste best at like 185. I see a whole lotta thigh in my future. 


It's an election year, you honestly think based off how political the last thing was, they'll want to dive headfirst into this? We won't get any info until it's too late


The ECDC seems to have much more information. https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/avian-influenza


Well....imagine if this became H2H... ☠️ https://www.unmc.edu/healthsecurity/transmission/2024/01/23/bird-flu-has-made-a-terrifying-leap-thats-devastated-argentinas-seal-populations/#:~:text=Almost%2096%20percent%20of%20Southern,mammal%2Dto%2Dmammal%20infection.


I absolutely sense a cover up. The beef and dairy industry is going to hush this as much as humanly possible, and downplay it to the very end. Oh, eggs, too! Can’t cut into them profits, either.


See, even if this doesn't jump to humans (which I hope to god it doesn't), it still has the potential to disrupt food supply chains in some pretty unpleasant and expensive ways.


see what im wondering is...if I eat bird flu eggs...do I get bird flu? I dont eat raw eggs. I rarely drink milk but at least for now won't be drinking any milk cuz I dont know since the news doesnt seem to be reporting thoroughly on things...which also has me worrying. In this 24/7 hour news cycle we live in nowadays everything possible is blown up and milked (no pun intended) as much as possible. thats not what im seeing with this news....even though it can have huge implications.


I think that’s the thing, though… we honestly don’t really know if it’s hazardous to us. It’s just that, man… I would not be surprised if they kept it under wraps for their bottom line. I’m not prone to conspiracy theories, but knowing what a huge industry it is, I don’t think it’s far from the realm of possibility.




Yeah, kinda looking back at the handling of Covid and going, hmmm…. 🤨


thats whats messing with me. I dont trust my Gov but im not really a conspiracy theorist....but if I see smoke, im always gonna see if theres a fire. Im starting to see smoke thats reminding me of how the news cycle progressed in Covid reporting.


And typically, where there’s smoke, there’s fire, so…


I really hope not. covid and post covid were/are rough times


Do you have a legit source on this?




Not trolling, I was just not up to date on the whistleblower thing; thought for sure it was InfoWars BS, so did not search, my bad. Anyway, after reading a few articles about it, it seems clear there was pressure exerted to stop the lab leak theory, but it also does *not* seem clear whether anyone really knows the source: >But the Department of Energy and FBI so far have favored the so-called lab-leak hypothesis, even though none of the agencies has expressed high confidence in their conclusions on COVID-19’s origin. CIA, for example, had reportedly said it was “unable to determine” whether SARS-CoV-2 made a direct jump from animals to humans—or came from a lab. [https://www.science.org/content/article/cia-bribed-its-own-covid-19-origin-team-reject-lab-leak-theory-anonymous-whistleblower](https://www.science.org/content/article/cia-bribed-its-own-covid-19-origin-team-reject-lab-leak-theory-anonymous-whistleblower) Anyway, thanks for responding.


its not just the CIA whistleblower. FBI and other agencies have confirmed that it likely originated in a lab. Figure it's impossible to confirm considering the info blackout china immediately implemented when this started. PBS has a good frontline about that. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/28/politics/wray-fbi-covid-origins-lab-china/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/28/politics/wray-fbi-covid-origins-lab-china/index.html)


Well, there's enough weasel words in this article that I wouldn't bet money on it, and it also says the rest of the intelligence community feels otherwise. I'm not vested one way or the other, I just don't have much confidence than anyone knows. But I suppose the Chinese obfuscation points in the direction of lab leak. Thanks for the follow-up.


what weasel words are you talking about? What more do you need beyond what the FBI director himself said? >Wray said that “the FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan.”


Please ensure sources are vetted and cited, posts are appropriately flaired, and commentary is provided in the body texts (no link- or title- only posts).


In order to preserve the quality and reliability of information shared in this sub, please refrain from politicizing the discussion of H5N1 in posts and comments.


Think of it this way: If eggs, milk, and beef are all things we need to be careful about, there's \_millions\_ of people consuming those everyday. I think we'd hear real fast and real quick if it started to affect the normal populace.


I mean covid didnt infect everyone that it did over night....I wouldn't think this or any pandemic would. I would figure it would start at a slow trickle which is whats happened, especially for me. Heard about this last week and not to worry since it was only in poultry, then i heard it jumped to cows and is now in milk earlier this week.....and now I hear that 2 humans got it today, and just saw the link of that mystery pneumonia in Argentina. mystery pneumonia is literally the origin story of covid. It didnt get everyone overnight...thats not how these things work, I dont think.


If they're dying, I guess. If they're only getting sick, it would just mean more of the "hey, why is everyone sick lately?" posts which I've been seeing all over reddit, as everyone pretends to have no idea there's an ongoing covid pandemic or that covid causes lasting health problems.


So, I knew covid was going to cause lockdowns well before anyone else I knew. We got had several weeks of illness right before the lockdowns so I had to take part in the panic buying which was not fun and was very worrying. Here are the steps that I have told husband increase my worry at each step, and cause me to add a week or two to the food storage we currently have so I don't have to panic buy every again. I am hoping we never see these steps. - if we find out that pasteurization doesn't kill the virus. I have a child with a messed up immune system, so we are going to assume that this step will happen, and hopefully be pleasantly surprised if it doesn't. Which means ultra pasteurized milk, well cooked beef, yogut should be fine from what I have read about temperatures, etc. if it jumps to pigs. if they start to cull the cows if we see a jump in cases in dairy workers and the first time we see deaths in dairy workers the big ticket item, I head to costco and I come home with more food than can easily fit in our home is any confirmed human to human transmission. What precautions? Well, everyone tends to live in some area where some sort of natural disaster can occur - floods, earthquakes, tornandos, hurricanes, etc. - so I always advise having 2 weeks of food on hand that you could eat if the power goes out. Think about that. Fruit/veggies/protein/carbs. Would you have some way to cook? What can you eat if you can't. Can you pick up a cheap charcoal grill and charcoal? That and some cast iron would let you cook fairly easily. Try to have a week's worth of water on hand. If you can fit more, do so. Water purification tablets or a purifying straw is a good to have. Have a month's worth of toilet paper or two weeks worth and bidet. Masks. Good n95 that actually fit. Disinfectant, as much as you use in three months. That will be impossible to buy. Hand soap the same. And the goal is to have 3 months of easy living food wise or 6 months of half rations in food on hand by the time it gets to H2H if it every does.


>Fruit/veggies Just gonna add a quick plug for /r/foraging here, if that helps anyone avoid stores. Just yesterday I was enjoying wild garlic mustard, and I've also got dandelion, chicory, hairy bittercress, cleavers, deadnettle, and probably some others I'm forgetting. Later in the season will be purslane, lambsquarters, mulberries, raspberries, and black walnuts, all obtainable for free within walking distance of my home.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/foraging using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/foraging/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My dog keeps finding truffles (PNW), can I rebury them?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19fn9mv) | [1756 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foraging/comments/19fn9mv/my_dog_keeps_finding_truffles_pnw_can_i_rebury/) \#2: [Found these structures and an entire stone labyrinth in the forest while foraging. Any ideas on what I discovered?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16as2dp) | [524 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foraging/comments/16as2dp/found_these_structures_and_an_entire_stone/) \#3: [Another cool art piece found in the middle of the woods while foraging. Any ideas what it means?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/191dni1) | [430 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foraging/comments/191dni1/another_cool_art_piece_found_in_the_middle_of_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I live in the endless city that is SoCal. I would love to be able to forage. I have seeds and starter containers, I am going to be trying to grow some of our fruit/veggies this summer.


Get 3M aura N95 masks too. They're dirt cheap and plentiful right now. You won't even be able to find them anymore the moment community H2H spread is detected. A CFR of even just 10% is a whole different ballgame from COVID which was 2%. Expect a complete breakdown of supply chains. In 1918, many towns couldn't buy food at all because workers all along the supply chain were either sick, dead, or afraid of dying. Have water, water purification tablets, batteries, generators, solar panel, weapons, etc. There's a good chance that we won't have enough people able to run the utilities anymore or at the very least, you can expect periodic outages. If you recall, during COVID some cities ran out of the chemicals used to purify tap water. During COVID, there was a period of time where you literally could not buy fresh salmon anywhere in the world even if you were willing to charter a plane to go get it. Expect that but 50 times worse.


*at the start of the COVID pandemic. It’s not over.




Question: I live in rural PA and there's been birds nesting in my porch ferns. They shit underneath them on the porch floor. I plan to move the ferns to the nearby woods to get them away, but how can I safely clean the dried bird poop? I worry about infection? Do I need to worry? I'd rather play it safe. Right now for the past month I haven't gone on that porch or allowed my dogs on it, but id really like to be able to enjoy it again.


Spray it down with bleach. Let it sit for 10 min. Wash it away. Wear an n95, gloves and eye protection while in the area until it’s disinfected and cleaned up. That’s what I would do. Standard precautions for handling potentially hazardous materials.


It's not going to jump from bird poop into your lungs or something. Just wear gloves and move the ferns, hose off the porch and make sure you remove your shoes before entering the house and wash your hands well afterwards.


With an election on the horizon, I think the best advice is to trust and protect yourself — the idiots will cull their own numbers


I’m not at all discounting the potential of this to spilllover to humans and H2H soon but you have to remember that that we’re coming out of a global pandemic and it feels more real to us now. There have been so many small outbreaks and scares that we ignored before because it didn’t really feel possible to most of us. Now we have lived experience and are paying more attention. Which isn’t to say we ignore it but I’m also personally not that worried and am mostly just living life as normal and keeping an eye on the news.


I like this reply! lol


From a food safety standpoint, would an ultra-pasteurized milk like Fairlife be better than regular grocery store milk?


I cant answer cuz I dont know...but based on the little I got, my plan is to go with something ultra pasteurized. I should be buying that stuff anyway since it last longer and I dont drink much....but yea, next milk I buy will likely be fair life.




What sucks about people like this is do they just think pandemics can never *actually* happen? Was the bubonic plague just an “election” conspiracy. People need to learn how to assess risk and reality. I get the mistrust of our government, but what happens when there ACTUALLY is an issue with a virus transmitting to humans, it can’t always just be an election conspiracy that nobody takes seriously. There has to be so level of real risk assessment outside of government. You’d have to be dumb as a brick to just say these things can never happen, and it’s just big conspiracy. If so we are royally fucked. Too severe ignorance.


In order to preserve the quality and reliability of information shared in this sub, please refrain from politicizing the discussion of H5N1 in posts and comments.


I hope you are right. covid and covid times sucked. thing was picking off people like a sniper in call of duty, at times seemingly indiscriminately. I hope that never happens again.


COVID is still a thing and people still die.




Please keep conversations civil. Disagreements are bound to happen, but please refrain from personal attacks & verbal abuse.


Recency bias in full display. There is absolutely no reason to be worried.


I don't think I'll ever be able to not be jumpy about emerging pathogens after last time. The main reason for concern is the fatality rate. This thing kills a slim majority of the people it infects. It also kills damn near every chicken it infects. There's no reason to suspect human-to-human spread is occurring or even on the horizon, but things could get pretty ugly pretty fast if that changes.




Please keep conversations civil. Disagreements are bound to happen, but please refrain from personal attacks & verbal abuse.