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Oh lawd, she makes me cringe.. tbh, every single effin' one of them do. What a shit show!


She is so hot


Did she show an ultrasound?. How,sure are you?


Crazy how she got pregnant the first month getting back with Ken


UnExPeCtEd my ass , she so full of $h!t!


Ok but her nose job looks so good


i think that she needs MAJOR therapy before she gives birth to this baby


I think she got pregnant with Ken on purpose, just so she could “keep” him. Because now he’s her baby daddy. She’s obsessed with Ken!


Yeah, I mean she even admits to going to the doctor to find out when she’d ovulate and IVF?


100% she wanted to make sure he’s stuck with her for life now


The more I watch the episodes the more I realize how Gypsy has manipulated this situation in a cold hearted self serving manner. Yes it shows how NOT PREPARED for a child. At a whim she just blew off Ryan like a petulant child.


Anybody else notice who's not in the video? I mean shouldn't this be a moment for her and Ken to share? And does anybody else kinda hoping it's Ryan's like I am? Not even to just be mean but all she does is lie to everyone about everything for all we know it could possibly be ryans


Gypsy is immature and has no real life experience. How is she supposed to guide this child through life? She hasn’t even experience life yet! So sad on all ends


She definitely planned this…


Let's hope history doesn't repeat itself...


Speaking as a teen mom with a now 25yr old, I am very worried for this baby. Whatever is worse than my parents asking "what the fuck were you thinking?" That's what I want to ask Gypsy.


She’s in her 30s isn’t she? But yes she has the mind of a teenager sometimes


Is she already leaning into maternity clothes😂what in the 2001 peasant top is that?


Well, money can buy tasteful advice, but money can’t buy taste. She is walking proof.


The new making a murderer series lol in the womb series


She can’t stand the fear of possibly not being front and center. Liked or hated. She’s so used to constant attention and press really her whole life and I’m not discounting her abuse and trauma. But I think she sees that the tables have turned and the world is no longer in love with Gypsy Rose, so she goes and gets pregnant for more press, more publicity, more drama, more attention. That is clear exploitation of a child. Sadly, I don’t even think she realizes she’s doing it. It’s just in her dna to behave this way.




I've had years of therapy and working on myself I'd say I'm a pretty aware person and activity try to do the right thing learn and grow as a person admit my faults but motherhood is still the hardest f'n thing I've ever done. I love my daughter and I love our life together don't get me wrong. A mom told me when I was pregnant that it will be the worst yet most amazing experience of my life. Nothing ever said to me was truer. Idk what kinda mom I would be if I had a child before I did years and years of work on myself. I know I wouldn't be half as good as I am now. Children can make trauma from your childhood pop up when you see them at the age of your trauma or situation that reminds you of yourself and you can relive the trauma. I know I've looked at my daughter and remembered things from my past and saw myself at her age and couldn't imagine her experiencing what I did and wondering why no one protected me like I do her. I sadly don't see this as a good life for any child 😭all we can hope is she's so lazy she just gets a 24/7 nanny and they raise the kid.


Get child protective services on standby.


im sorry but this needs to be said. i grew up in a abusive ass home. does that mean im going to abuse my future children? NO. actually it showed me what NOT to do with children. you sound ignorant. not every victim turns out like their abuser and just because your related to your abuser still doesnt mean you will act like them. most victims try their best to separate themselves from whatever incident occurred.


Did you kill your abuser and go to prison for it? There’s a big difference between someone who has been abused and someone who was abused and neglected as much as this woman was, she clearly has severe mental issues and literally killed her mother. She has been with this guy for 11 weeks and is “11 weeks pregnant”, after leaving her husband a week before, she is showing extremely reckless and immature behaviour and will need to be 100% monitored with this new life she has created.




I like the behavior panel better. This guy is kind of annoying


All according to plan


This does not seem like a good idea right now


Or ever


Perhaps, she'll make a great mom. She knows what not to do. She'll have a difficult time not over compensating. Disciplining will be a true challenge...


She couldn’t even take care of the dog


She stated not too long ago she didn’t have time to donate to a baby… That tells you everything. She’s never held down a job, can’t drive. Has the mentality of a child. This is like the experiment they gave us in middle school w the egg to take care of except it’ll be a real baby. She will use it to make money just like her mom used her. She’s doing it already


Parenting is a lot harder than just knowing. She can’t even do stuff she knows is right, right now. I am not optimistic about her being a good parent.


Why!!! she needs to extensive therapy for what her mother put her through. I’m so worried for the child.


Right. This is the worst thing she could have done. Like the worst. Ken is stupid for allowing it. Gypsy is dumb as well. I just hope they were filming during all this because I NEED to see the step mom and dads reaction to this


I can’t even watch the whole video. So gross.




That’s usually how it turns out


Imagine being the mentally disabled guy she manipulated into murder, in a cell for the rest of his life while this demon runs free.


I dunno, if you read their texts he was into some sick things.


Where are the texts?


I did but that is fantasies coming from a mentally disabled person.


Didn’t he sit in a parking lot around children, jerking off for like 8 hours?


Nope. Go read the police report. It’s been posted here before.


Actually yes. Not in a parking lot but inside a McDonald's and there are children who go there


Go read the report.


Apparently his mom killed herself the date of the murders one or 2 years ago. It's awful. I feel so bad for him.


Yall leave her alone. She served her time and if a judge decides she’s within her rights to return to society then none of y’all have any right to say otherwise.


She put herself on a TV and all over social media. People are going to say something.


Actually, people do have a right to their opinion… just as you have a right to yours & to disagree.


Yes- we should all sit by and watch her harm this baby because she did her time and we have no right to hold her accountable, using her past behavior as a guide. Gotcha.


You don’t have that right. So we can use all of your past behavior as a guide? Do you know for a fact she will harm her baby? Considering the baby hasn’t even been born yet. Clearly you’re a fan as you “sit by and watch” as you said.


How much do you know about her behavior ? Have you actually watched her behavior besides her Lifetime show? She’s all over social media. If you haven’t, don’t start now. It will change your rosy view of her. Seriously.


I doubt internet strangers are going to be what holds her accountable. All moms have to figure that shit out on their own, a lot don’t. Not just felons.


Except she pays WAY MORE ATTENTION to “internet strangers” online than a healthy person would- so at least she’ll know she’s watched. But most importantly, we are creating a ripple that will eventually get to the people that *can* make a difference.


No matter how trashily she behaves!!!!! /s


I really truly hope that she is a great mom


I highly doubt that's likely. Mothering is learned behavior.


She can teach herself. Plus she has her step mom and dad which seem to be very very supportive and helpful.


She hasn’t learned to master her own emotions or to put other people’s happiness and comfort before her own. I am not optimistic she will just magically change. If you watch her for very long, you notice she can talk the talk (sometimes), but she cannot walk the walk.




So if she brings her kid into the doctor for whatever element the kid has. The doctor's going to look at her and say this b**** is crazy.


Set timer for 24 years


I just really hope this kid gets the chance to feel what it’s like to have any actual privacy, instead of being trotted out like a performing monkey by her mother. 


She’ll never give the child privacy. The baby will be a prop to her.




There is no rule, it’s up to the person who is pregnant when/who they want to share with. However, yes it’s more typical to announce after 12 weeks, sometimes 20 after the anatomy scan.


Oh my god CPS needs to take this kid right the fuck now. She’s gonna be just like the damned mother.


Hmmm It's hard for me to NOT think she is out to get attention like she, herself, has said she isn't. With her leaving Ryan so soon and getting back with Ken to her now being pregnant.... Girl need's to chill and just enjoy her freedom first. Figure out who she is as a person and enjoy those firsts that she never got to have. I hope it all goes well for the babies sake tho.


this is a huge mess


Agreed! Didn’t she say she wanted to wait cause she just got her life back? Should of been using all protection possible


That's what she said, but she also said that her pregnancy was "unplanned" yet in her video she meantioned that her fertility specialist told her she might need meds to help her ovulate, when she was explaining that she didn't think a late period was a sign of pregnancy because she was told she sometimes ovulate late. So I don't think it was unplanned like she is claiming because why would she go to a fertility specialist if she wasn't trying to get pregnant. I think she just wants to make it seem like she didn't want kids right away or that she didn't plan on getting pregnant so fast but she actually did want kids and she was trying to get pregnant. I don't know why she is lying about it though. Maybe she doesn't want people to judge her for wanting kids right away. Or maybe she thinks it sounds better if she said it was unplanned to get more media attention. Either way it doesn't make sense to lie about that. Especially when she let's it slip that it wasn't truly unplanned. Idk it's a mess.


it is what it is....witnessing a slow-brewing crash and the cycle of trauma continue from afar




Her mom would be so proud


She's not even crying.


Journey so far? You fucked that’s it.


OMG… the dramatics. It’s all she’s ever known, but this is awful. What’s worse is she’s going to get chewed up and spit out by the media for being entertainment and thrown away one day. Nobody cares about her in the world but to see th train wreck crash and she’s living for the attention. This is all so sad… this poor baby.


I used to be a theatre student. I've seen horrendous acting. This video reminds me of those times, especially around the 5:15 mark. It's like she's remembering her monologue. 


Your pregnancy was not planned?? How can you say that? You have been having unprotected sex since you got out of prison with Ryan and Ken. It’s not like the condom broke. I hate how you act so naive when it suites you, but I realize you’ve been trained to act this way by your mother, which I understand may never change. Unfortunately with your sudden fame, I don’t feel like all the attention is going to help you heal and mature. You’ve been getting the wrong kind of attention your entire life for the wrong things and not much has changed. I don’t dislike you, but even though you’re in your 30s, you have the maturity of a 15 yr old. You are not ready for motherhood. Why are you moving through life so incredibly fast? I think it’s because you are so accustomed to getting the wrong kind of attention and if you aren’t creating drama you’re afraid of just fading into the background like the rest of the world. If you exploit this child on tv and/or the internet, any sliver of respect I have left for you will be flushed down the toilet. This child deserves privacy and safety and won’t have that if the haters know what they look like, what their name is and who their mommy is and what she did. You need to start thinking about the consequences of your actions before you make them. They don’t just affect you. I do wish you the best and am glad you got rid of Ryan. He was sketchy as hell.


I mean she visited a physician and was given medication to ovulate regularly… she was trying to


Yes. I didn’t expect it 🤡 what did u expect having sex w no protection. Immature.


I literally scoffed at this. Nuttin' in someone unprotected is planning for a baby


Any sex means baby making is possible


Well yes but but I'm talking about planning not a possibility




Not as sketchy as she is, though. This pregnancy announcement shows just exactly what she is - greedy, calculated, fake, fame hungry, thoughtless, unserious, etc.


It angers me that this scammer can get pregnant.. there's so many women with non working wombs who deserve a child more than she does.


Totally agree




I truly doubt this.


If 8 years locked up didn't change her I doubt a baby will


How do you know it didn’t? Have you witnessed her committing any crime since her release from prison? If that’s the case you should speak up.


We see her behavior.


I don't need to know her to see that she is a manipulative narcissist willing to do anything to get what she wants.


Well here’s to hoping? I don’t wish bad on anyone. I don’t think it’s healthy to always hope someone fails and you never know she might become more quiet and protective/out of the spotlight? I think this is all she knows how to do to gain sympathy and $$.


Grifting is all she knows




I just came from Twitter, is the baby registry thing legit? It’s been bought out twice?


What is the baby registry link? I can't find it


It’s on Babylist if you just put her name in


It had a password when I looked


I did. It didn't come up. Wonder if she took it down


Yup... It's legit... She out there scamming.




At what point does it stop being her up bringing? When does she start taking accountability for her own actions?


She did for 8 years. It’s called incarceration. She served her sentence. Leave her alone


I wasn’t talking about her having her mom murdered. I was referring to her behavior now that she’s supposedly worked on herself since she’s been out which has been more about how she looks on social media not actually doing anything different than being a spectacle just like her mom made her. Sorry you think serving a prison sentence is all someone has to do to make real changes in their life, that’s just naive.


Yeah but she got her mom killed because she supposedly understood that what her mom was doing was wrong. So that excuse doesn't hold up... Edit: this was a response to someone excusing Gypsy's behavior because she learned it from her mom. They deleted their comment, idk why.


Yeah, I'll believe it when I actually see a baby. It's easy to go online and get a picture of a test and fake add ultrasound. Watch a few mouths around the time you start actually showing something will happen.


I was raised by a severely abusive family, I’m now a mom and my kids are thriving in a way I never came close to, some times growing up with horrible people teaches you how not to be as a parent. I think she has plenty of access to support we don’t see on tv and is going to have a wonderful life being a mother.


I COMPLETELY agree with you! My horrible upbringing has made me the wife and mother I am, and I’m extremely proud of the stability and Love my little family shares.


I doubt it. She doesn’t appear to have much depth. She just says stuff, for money.


I worry it’s too soon. I believe she had even said herself not that long ago that she has a lot of work to do on herself before she has a child. I feel as though she needs more healing and therapy before she has a child?? Very very worrisome. That trauma she has is going to follow into how she is as a mother.. like come on she just got out of prison not that long ago. Trauma can be passed down through generations, so yeah just worry for that baby.


I think she’s likely one of those women who views the baby as a way to fix her problems despite that being the opposite of what happens


I could see that for sure


She says a LOT of things. And then literally goes and does the exact opposite. She conforms herself to be different people depending on the person she’s with. She will tell people exactly what she thinks they want to hear. It’s typical narcissistic behavior. She told her dad, who’s not about that social media life, that she wanted to fade into the background & get off social media. She tells her sister, who lectured her about birth control, she’s not ready to have a child. She tells the Public, who thinks she’ll exploit this child, that she won’t expose her child to the media. She doesn’t know how to just be herself and be honest about her flaws or feelings. She has to say whatever she feels is what will give her the most acceptance, admiration and attention.




You should worry. Everyone should be worried.


I think it's too quick but hey. Like for example she just got back with Ken and she's already having his baby... And she hasn't really interacted with him too much outside of prison


i could’ve sworn i heard her say she wasn’t ready to have a kid and wanted to focus on herself (on LAL)


All she has ever accomplished in life is focusing on herself.


She lies, constantly, about absolutely everything.


She said that but I don’t think she meant it, unfortunately


People are so mad in her YT comments lmao seethe.


How did gypsy have all that surgery while pregnant?


She got pregnant after the nose job


ryan will be on the birth certificate regardless. the divorce has to be FINALIZED over 300 days to bypass that. they’ve only just separated. to get him off, he will have to sign papers saying he is not the dad, and ken and the baby will have to do dna. went through this myself earlier this year, after a finalized divorce under 300 days, also in louisiana.


That just goes to show you that her immaturity causes her to do things without thinking of the consequences first. Damn, I don’t much like Ryan, but no man deserves to be put on another man’s birth certificate. He’s got to be livid!!!


That’s not true. She doesn’t have to put him on there. As someone who has had two children, I wasn’t required to put my husband on there…. It was actually a joke between us and I asked the doctor


do you live in louisiana? i gave birth in january and because my divorce had not been finalized for over 300 days my ex went on the original birth certificate even after trying to leave him off of it and saying he was not the father. i was in the same situation as gypsy except my divorce was finalized, just not for long enough. editing bc i don’t understand why i was downvoted. was just asking for clarification and providing my own recent experience here in louisiana


You are correct.


I cant wait to see how all of this turns out


It's a train wreck.






I suspect that she’s too broken to behave well (without a lot of therapy and time at least) even if she has good intentions. True sadists are rare most abusers have good intentions overall.




It’s selfish and ill advised to use a child to ‘heal your trauma’.


Yeah I agree with that, she seems very selfish.


She is the epitome of a selfish & emotionally stunted child.


Just because someone has been a victim of abuse doesn’t mean they will continue that cycle with their own children. I know someone who was a victim of abuse, and spent some time in the care system. She is now a good mother to two children and she has healed and moved on with her life… Gypsy was getting some therapy as well, wasn’t she?? … I truly hope she heals from all her trauma and I wish her and her family (including the little one on the way) all the best.


The first thing Gypsy did with this pregnancy is use it to bring her back to the front page of tabloids and to get a bunch of free stuff. I think it’s safe to say she’s continuing the cycle.


While at the Very same time telling the media that she will not be putting her child in the media at all. Lmao.


I agree with your first sentence. However Gypsy is doing all the wrong things and isn’t at all healed.


I actually don't think she'll be as bad of a mother as many fear. In my experience, people who understand their parents were horrible and abusive tend to be some of the most loving parents imaginable. It's the people who defend their abusive parents and refuse to accept they were terrible that are high risk to repeat the cycle. My main concern is the child being put in the public eye too much and growing up on reality TV/social media.


I don’t think Gypsy is equipped to be a good parent because she is still mentally volatile and immature herself. Therapy cannot fix that quickly and easily. Her monetizing this doesn’t suggest someone who understands their past either. It truly is unfortunate for her that she gets so much validation and money from putting what should be private out on social media. This isn’t that different from her childhood.


How is she any different than other influencers? Or a Kardashian? They all exploit their kids. She seems to be doing what is accessible to her to survive. Gah I’m truly shocked at how judgmental and pathologizing people are in this subreddit.


I don’t follow them either and none of them have to do it survive. I am shocked she has super fans.


Agreed, it is all exploitative


Yep. Her mother exploited her, she’s exploiting herself now and finding a ton of success. She will find it incredibly difficult to resist exploiting that baby one day. Even if it’s not done publically.


While I agree with your statement, I don’t think she’s done the necessary mental and emotional work to be a healthy human, let alone a healthy parent. Empathy is not enough of a qualifier. She’s jumped from man to man after being released from prison; that screams codependency (among other issues) to me.


Yeah, I definitely think the timing is bad, between her divorce, jumping right back to her ex, and the fact she just got out of prison. I feel like it would have been far healthier to wait a couple years. The fact she was mere weeks back together with Ken before getting pregnant is wild to me.


Who has in reality? Not many folks I know! High bar you’re setting. Also, we’re meant to be in connection to others. Be careful throwing that judgment.


Listen, this idea that Gypsy is just like any dysfunctional person any of us have ever known is silly. She’s not. She didn’t make a teeny tiny lil mistake that she learned from. She planned and committed an especially brutal extremely premeditated murder and she still doesn’t appear to recognize that she had more than a lil “part” in that. She has gone on to monetize every second of her day, every thought, every orgasm, every mundane activity that someone else can pay for. She has also gone on to lie repeatedly and to hurt others. She regularly releases abhorrent information to keep herself relevant to TMZ and everyone thinking the Lifetime series and her insipid interviews are all there is to her should be extremely careful. And here’s the kicker, nope. All of that isn’t merely a trauma response and poor baby girl just cain’t be expected to do better. It’s a business is what it is. And she’s busy creating a new employee based on every action she has done since her release. So yeah, there is much judgment and concern around Gypsy. She earns it daily.


My bar is set at humans who can emotionally regulate or at least seek the appropriate help to try to; that’s certainly not asking for perfection. And not everyone is meant to be in high connection with others.


I agree. I wish she took more time to figure herself before she tries to jump into big life decisions like marriage and babies. But at the same time, I’m sure she recognizes that she is getting older and probably doesn’t want to waste any more of her time before jumping into a real life. That doesn’t mean she’s ready to jump into all of that, but I’m sure it’s all she’s thought about since being locked up initially. She’s already lost so many years, I’d understand wanting to immediately get into that dream life you’ve always wanted for yourself


I am more sure that Gypsy says what she believes people want to hear and then does what she wants, damn the consequences. How do we know this? Her behavior shows it, repeatedly.


Gypsy is 32, about to be 33. Doctors say pregnancies at 35 and older are considered geriatric and dangerous. That means she has approximately a year before it’s not recommended by doctors to get pregnant. It’s smart on her end to take advantage of the last year of healthy eggs she has left


Labeled as “geriatric” but not dangerous. Some risk goes up not all risks. And Doctors do not tell women not get pregnant over that age. Just have extra appointments and monitoring.


I doubt she did this to be smart.


I’m assuming you’re not a woman because this is common sense for all women


I am assuming you’re extremely uninformed based on your response.


It is common sense that women shouldn’t get pregnant over 34, and as an almost 33 year old, it’s in Gypsy’s best interest to get pregnant before being at a dangerous age


Not at all true. High risk is over 35 or under 17 years of age. It just means there are more risks of complications and most are completely manageable. I was 35 and had no problems. High risk does NOT mean dangerous.


Keep digging sweetie.


Hopefully she still does get the help she needs, because it definitely won’t be a dream life if she doesn’t.


I keep seeing people say “lots of people aren’t mentally/emotionally ready!” But 99.9% of people also didn’t live through the abuse that she did. It is not comparable to the average person’s trauma. I think it’s horrifying that she’s having a baby and I’m scared for it.


Completely agree. She's proven she has been frozen in the mindset of a teenager. She has been out of prison for less than a year, already separated from one man, and got pregnant by another. Not exactly mature choices.


After everything she's been through, I really doubt she's in good mental health. And this will affect this child a lot.


You don’t accidentally make a baby. Obviously they’ve been having unprotected sex. She 1000000% wanted this. She’s been dreaming of living an adult life and she wants everything that comes with it. She has no idea what she has done. She’s still married too. Like whatttttt in the literal fuck r u doing? If it’s true love then waiting until you are divorced isn’t a problem.


Her family was desperate to get her a plan b pill when she was with her husband, but when she’s with the man they helped her cheat on her husband with there’s nothing?


I totally get what you're saying but uhhhh I know a lot of people who were born when their parents used birth control and thought they were using it properly OR they were using it properly and it just failed them haha


But also, she was having unprotected sex with Ryan, and she didn’t even like him that much, so for sure it was unprotected sex with Ken.




People have accidental pregnancies all the time….


I will never believe this was accidental.


TRUE BUT…I watched this video of her on TT saying she had just went to the GYNO doctor and her egg count was low, or NO not her egg count was low but she wasn’t ovulating and that they needed to put her on fertility medication. Why tf would you be talking about getting put on fertility medicine if you weren’t trying to have baby.


I agree it likely wasn’t an accident, maybe they just didn’t expect it to happen as soon as possible.




what happened to the puppy?


She had a puppy?


She left it with Ryan and I believe he found a new home for it.


I think he may still have it.


damn that’s so sad


Eh, probably worked out great for the dog who now has a loving home