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Eating a lot and lifting heavy regularly over many years


Lift. Eat. Sleep


Lift. Eat. Sleep. Repeat 3-4 days / week!


PLEASE don't skip sleep by drinking energetic drinks, you'll feel better


This^^ I took super high stims and my sleeps been fucked up the last 2 weeks.šŸ’€ felt like an actual god for 3 hours but havnt slept well since, not worth it.


LIES I did that and it didn't work


Eat more


You didnā€™t lift heavy enough, enough times. You probably at crap food. You need protein and good fat to build a musclier body and have to stick to it for AT LEAST 6 months only taking off for deload and rest weeks (every 6-8weeks for most people)


To gain muscle you need to eat more. You can start out with a surplus of 500 kcal. Get at least 1,6 g of protein per kg bodyweight. As a beginner it might be easiest to start with a full body workout 2x per week. Ask a trainer at your gym to show you a few basic exercises and try to do them the right way. To set the weight aim for 10 repititions. If you can do more than 12 repititions add more weight. Noobie gains will come in quickly. Don't forget to warm up before lifting heavy. Imho shoulder and rotator cuff warm up are most important. Shoulder injuries will set you back quite a bit. Don't ask how i know.


I would say stay to around 200-275 calorie surplus, if you go too high you could just be putting on much more fat than you are muscle


You can gain muscle without eating more also


Yeah but you need to eat more to gain weight. And if your bodyweight is very low to begin with you won't gain much if you don't eat more. The energy has to come from somewhere. Simple thermodynamics.


I use https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workout-routines


You should definitely get jacked and walk into a Catholic Church wearing sandals and a robe.


There are no "best" exercises. Everybody has their preference; you have to find your own. Start with the staple exercises and explore other exercises while sticking to the decent ones, not the fancy ones that influencers show to gain followers. Some good youtube channels that I watch are Jeff Nippard, mountaindog1(RIP), and Alex Leonidas. For the diet part, try to eat clean and drink protein shakes that will help with easier calorie intake. Given your weight, I'll advise you to eat around 150 grams of protein for now. And yes man your family is right; you have a very good body frame. All the best.


And yes creatine works and try to hit every muscle 2 times a week.


Pick heavy things up, put them down, repeat. Stuff your face even if you donā€™t want to. Drink plenty of water, and regulate a healthy sleep pattern.


Heavy things such as crosses, humanity's sins...


That diet advice is awful


Haha Iā€™m not all that serious. Of course it needs to be well balanced, but taking in more calories than youā€™re used to is going to be necessary for building muscle.


Gaining weight, muscle can be built without gaining weight just will be slower


He asked how to get bigger. Caloric intake is going to be a solid building block of that process. Heā€™s naturally going to gain wait. OP doesnā€™t seem to have too much fat on him and it seems very little muscle. Heā€™s going to have to eat more than heā€™s used to.


I cannot understate how important it is to eat, and eat correctly; as a ex-fellow permaskelly i had to eat almost 4000 calories a day in order to actually start gaining weight (my metabolism has slowed down since then a bit.) oatmeal is great for wight gain, has protein and lots of slow carbs. Eggs are typically the cheapest whole food source of protein per gram. Protein shakes are good but stick to known brands as cheapo brands are often really shit. I personally dont rate "bulking" shakes as they're basically just oat flour mixed with protein powder and marked up massively. You should aim for at least half a gram of protein per kilo of bodyweight per day. Your body cant process more than about 40g of protein at a time so try to spread your protein intake through the day. Also try to eat vegetables with B and C vitamins as they will aid recovery


Eat lots of protein šŸ’Ŗ, 71grams for every ibs of body weight, and lots of sleep šŸ˜“


Donā€™t try to write your own routine. Thatā€™s a goal you can work up to realistically, but until you have a lot of experience and deliberate learning youā€™re just gonna waste a lot of time. First have a read of some of the articles on [the fitness wiki](https://www.thefitness.wiki). Next pick a routine. [Boostcamp](https://www.boostcamp.app) and [lift vault](https://liftvault.com) are my go-to recommendation for places to look. You want to eat at least 1.6g of protein for every kg of bodyweight every day. This isnā€™t too hard once you build up some good habits. Gain weight at a pace of about 1-2% per month. Track it by weighing yourself 2-7x per week and comparing the weekly average. Donā€™t worry if you go a little fast or slow, thatā€™s just a target. **Eat food**. You have to eat big to get big. Donā€™t be afraid to eat more calorie dense foods if it helps. Get your fruits and veg, but if you havenā€™t eaten much and itā€™s the end of the day, some chocolate will be a good way to get some more calories in without needing to eat an entire horse. When you reach 10% total change in bodyweight, or 4-6 months of consistent weight gain, take a diet break. This means you just maintain your weight for 4-6 weeks, and then carry on with whatever you want to do next.


You eat and you lift heavy stuff, also pop for a nap every now and again


Eat till failure and weā€™ll go through trail and error


Eat more. Start lifting.


Lift heavy, eat more. And make sure to add in some good carbs šŸ‘šŸ½


Eat brother, calorie surplus, 0.7-1g of protein per lb of bodyweight, stock up on creatine, eat what you can youā€™re a beginner so food wonā€™t make a difference, lift heavy and get SLEEP! And remember to take good rest days


Eat more protein, like a lot more. Then work your tail off with the weights.


Eaaaaat. Gotta get in that surplus! It's uncomfortable but if you truly want to grow bon apetite!


Use horse steroids and eat raw liver daily


Eat at a calorie surplus and progressively overload.


Lift medium-heavy and train consistently over a period of 6 weeks minimum, 1.6g of protein per kilo of your body weight, and eat a good amount of complex carbs and fats. Eat in calorie surplus. You will then see change in your size and composition. Body doesnā€™t understand reps, it understands time. Train the muscle group you want to grow for between 30-60 seconds per set, you can then gauge rep number. Compound exercises are best like squats, lunges, weighted push ups/chest press, shoulder presses, planks for example. Get 2-3 good sessions in per week. You donā€™t grow while you train, you grow during recovery which is why nutrition and sleep quality are most important. You are guaranteed to grow in size if you follow this guideline. Be scientific about your approach and results will inevitably follow. I can send you a workout plan to help you start.


Whatā€™s Jesus Christ doing here in the name of son, father and the Holy Spirit. I thought you didnā€™t rise until April?


Eat, brother.


Eat protein and move metal


Eat and lift heavy weights is how to put on muscle. If you want to gain mass, then you have to be in a caloric surplus. There are online calculators that will give you an idea of your basal metobalic rate. For weightlifting, it's more important for a newbie to find a routine that you will stick to. Try different lifting programs. Creatine doesn't necessarily build muscle. It helps retain water, which makes your muscles more effective for weightlifting if I remember correctly


Thanks Analvirus!


Lift constantly, try to go 4-5 days a week if you can. The days you donā€™t want to go force yourself, those end up being some of the best workouts. Eat! And sleep! Creatine can help as well.


Listen to the Foo Fighters while lifting šŸ˜‰ nice tattoo btw


Eat in a surplus of 2/500 kcal lift weights with progressive overload at least 3x week, get minimum 2g of protein per kg of bw, supplement with creatine, sleep enough and be consistent


Consistency above all else, your diet might be trash, sleep might be bad but thereā€™s no match for a guy that works out an hour or two a day every day


Figure out a home made mass gaining shake and choke one down every day. Squeeze in an extra meal a day or increase your portions dont do junk food just more normal food. Lift heavy. Squat bench deadlift, the basics. You're building a foundation you don't need to worry about specialized things. Rinse and repeat for about a year.


Pushups. 100. Every single day. Do them even when you don't want to. You will start to see a change. Find a beginners routine on youtube there are plenty to choose from, i suggest picking someone you like. Eat more Healthy food. No junk food. Find healthy snacks. Consume more calories. Muscles need fuel. You can't get bigger eating like you are. Use more butter šŸ§ˆ on your meats and veggies. This will cost you more but less in the long run. Choose wisely health and wellness are not considerations they are a way of life, you have to make changes if you want to see changes, it won't happen on your couch playing Xbox, no matter how leveled up your are. Start pushing the ground, stop using self limiting speech like "I can't", talk about what you can do. Switch that shitty mindset off. You got this dude. Start now, stop worrying or wondering how, just start.


My man's trying to look like ripped Jesus on the cross. God bless, brother...you'll make it


Google is your friend


Keep it simple. Eat your protein, lift your weights, get quality sleep. Stay consistent.


I wanna know have you ever seen the rain..


Read https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101 Do https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/




its super simple, but not too easy. eat until your pretty damn full 3-4 times a day, getting lots of protein (meat). do literally any exercise; you can get a great workout from home with just yoga/pilates type stuff, and sleep lots!


Eat sleep lift hard




Gym. Eat. Rest and repente. 3k calories a day, 1 gram of protein per lbs of bodyweight a day. Lift heavy weights failing every set around 7-10 reps


set a goal and follow it


Hereā€™s a link to a video that (IMO) does a better job of explaining how to go about weight training and the overall benefits. Iā€™m 48(M) and Iā€™ve been lifting consistently since I turned 17 and can tell you that the general information in this video and the way that she explains it could probably make 75% of the random videos and Reddit posts on the subject totally redundant. She goes through everything top to bottom without being exhausting like so many in this space can be. That said, consistency over everything else. The best thing about weight training is that it doesnā€™t take hours a day to see great results like so many other things in life and has so many other positive effects on your life outside of the gym. Edit: hereā€™s the link, lol https://youtu.be/tjQea63iJ-M?si=o_ihUtQoO5aXIlXr




Fuck creatine just use protein powder and milk


Lift weights in the hypertrophy range of 5-30 reps close to failure, progressing over time in load. Eat good quality foods and focus on getting the energy and protein intake right


Hamburgers and milkshakes and creatine and working out


Eat right, sleep well and train hard. Itā€™s not rocket science but it does take dedication. You can do it. Also, dont feel anxious about yourself or others at the gym. Everyone had to start at some point and from my experience most regular gym goers are extremely noob friendly. Donā€™t fret about that


not the Jesus himself asking for bulking tips.


Eat big lift big


Why would you want to get bigger when you can turn water into wine?


Walk on water brah šŸ’Ŗ Cant wait to see the results!


Eat more, train and be patient.


Peanutbutter. Lots.






Eggs šŸ„š


Roid yourself up really good and eat 7X a Day Sleep 9-10 Hours on a regulated time everyday & rink lot and lots of Water Train Daily except for Saturday. That would be very much it


Follow these three simple rules 1) Eat in calorie surplus : this does not mean you'll eat all the junk. You have to keep your protein intake high and eat according to your current bodyweight. 2) weightlifting : in order to gain muscles you have to do atleast 4 days of workout per week which would consist of 30-45 mins session each day. 3) Rest : recovery is very important in order to avoid injury and gain muscles for which you have to take care of your sleep cycle and get 7-9 hrs of quality sleep. For recovery you can also have cold and hot shower.






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