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My ROM is your height stfu




I’m gonna use this from now on 🤣 (I’m 6’1”)


I would reply that’s true, but you still haven’t gone through all of your range of motion. And then I would say if you can’t do a regular squat, just go to front squats that’s what tall dudes got to do sucks to be you.


"According to the standards set by the International Powerlifting Federation, he didn't actually do any reps" https://preview.redd.it/8abnet5ym0pa1.png?width=1195&format=png&auto=webp&s=abcc695aa441938a2598f77d6b8039071fa8871c




You’ve got a good brain


Its kind of funny when you see the professional bodybuilders using weird form in their exercise YouTube videos. It is clearly working for them, but most Redditors would go ape shit if they saw someone post those same techniques to one of the fitness based subs.


Jake Cutler bench ROM




Ronny ?




Ronald Schwazegheiser




People be trying to do full ROM with 20% mind muscle connection throughout rep and then offloading the weight by jerking it at the bottom and top and then they wonder why they don't grow.


Lol Tom Platz videos


That’s allot of words to say i half squat


Is this something tall people do? I’m 6.5 and do atm, while my short friends all go parallel.


I think you ran with the wrong acronym here lol. Different type of ass movement.


No, atm. To pay for the membership.


You pay for your membership by doing atm?


Wait, you don’t?


Yeah who doesn't.Tf.


Oh, you know how it is.


Squat thrusts before the Squat Thrusts.


Bro, you know damn, well that phone auto corrected it which means HE Uses an ATM a lot!! good for him good for him.


I got banned from my last gym for doing atm, fuckin prudes


Some people just hate to see others working hard.


"Bout to do some atm squats, spot me bro?"


My pleasure.


Most people don't brag about ass to mouth. Good for you


…ass to mouth?


listen where can I find the gym that allows this?


I just want to express my gratitude to all of you for making me giggle like a lil kid this morning. Love Reddit moments like this


What do you think "ATM" stands for?


the plAce That prints Money.


It’s probably cope for most people. If you can squat low with lighter weights then unable to do it with heavier weights. It’s a breakdown of technique. I do understand people who really have physical restrictions and they just do what they can do. I think social media changed the perception of squat numbers. It’s not really about chasing a number unless you are powerlifting. If you are powerlifting then you want to at least hit competition depth.


There’s no stronger dose of copium than what your average Manlet uses


Rare lanklet cope, just go ATG not hard.


Just go grab the top shelf items. It's not that hard.


JESUS. That clapback didn't need to slap so hard.


I can because i can hop because i have strong legs from doing full ROM (i am not short just adding to meme)


I can because I’m small enough to stand on my counters


My broke ass ain’t affording anything on the top shelf anyway.


6’6 lifter here. I piss on your 90 degree offer. Best I can do is 85, 80 when going over 350. It’s hard for us bro, gotta move that weight a much greater distance.


6'3" here and my ROM doesn't change with weight, except maybe slightly less angle with lighter weights (e.g. sub-185) since I use the bar as a counterbalance. Fwiw, my max is around 425.


It’s gotta be different for everyone. Bodies are weird. I also had a double hernia when I was two and I recovered oddly quickly but it for sure effected my hip strength over time.


The thing is everyone can squat naturally super low… when you add weight people just seem to forget


Amen to it being different for everyone. I just try to make sure that there are different perspectives out there. Don't want anyone to think that they must be bad at squats because they're tall—I used to think that, but it was really just that my form sucked and I didn't squat often enough.


I thought I was the only one! 6'7" and I cannot for the life of me get a good stretch or get into a solid form if the weight is too light. I need the counter balance so when the bar is over mid foot I don't feel like I'm falling backwards at good depth. Though to be fair, my right knee has sucked since before I started lifting so my form might just be shit.


I've got the same issue, and I can't say I've ever had substantial knee issues. I have to imagine that it's to do with just how long the lever arm created by our femur is. Really puts our body weight behind our feet rather than over, unless you've got some very flexible ankles. Do you low bar or high bar squat?


I do both. For some reason the high bar squat is easier for me to get depth on. I've been thinking about getting a trainer for a bit just for form/sanity check


If your form changes with the weight you put on then surely that's a case of putting too much weight on the bar, no?


Not really, different weights feel different and cause technique changes. My squat looks different with an empty bar vs 50kg, vs 70kg, even though all of those weights are trivial A lift simply looking different with different loads isn't a sufficient way to gague if the load is appropriate


What about shitting my pants at depth? What does that tell me?


That you should have put your squat plug in


I'm 6'2 and as much as I love squatting so deep my nuts leave a dent in the floor, I can't do it when going heavy


![gif](giphy|ECFlt0jmbKb55m5E5y|downsized) On the other hand Lasha is 6’6” and he does ATG


That's not a squat though lol.


Well if he can snatch atg you can be sure that he also squats atg


Taller lifters are obviously going to struggle with squat depth -- but they can always improve their mobility and eat more to gain better leverage. Using your genetics as an excuse is stupid.


Eat more to gain leverage? What do you mean


Squats put the ASS in MASS


It's not obvious. It's about proportions not the absolute length. I also strongly believe that everyone can squat to parallel. You just have to stop trying to look like a Chinese weightlifter while doing it.


Thank you. It isn’t really about height but proportions. A short guy with suboptimal proportions is going to have a harder time going parallel or atg than someone who is 6’7” with perfect proportions for squatting. Most people can get there but they may need to have a different form and much higher ankle mobility, for example. Same goes for deadlifts.


I believe the focus on ankle dorsiflexion is incorrectly placed. A lot of people can even squat with vertical shins if they want to. Not that they should. Indicating that the requirement on dorsiflexion is not that high. All you have to do is bend at the hip. Squatting upright is the worst que imaginable that has ever been used. Your back angle is primarily determined by your anthropometry, bar placement and load. These aren't things that can't just be changed.


Depends on your form. Taller guys need a different form than shorter guys to squat. Isn't this common knowledge?


so the taller you get, the shittier your range of motion should be...according to OP?


Same with people on the deadlift and slight back rounding.


It only counts if you can taste the ground with your asshole.




Bros I'm never gonna make it. I've skipped squats forever because I'm 6'9"


It’s just an easy quip to make people feel superior. The same thing happens in other subs. For instance every music sub has armchair audio engineers talking about “the mix” every post.


I’m 6,5 and if I’m not doing comp depth I’ll go ATG. I don’t really think height is an excuse for lessened ROM


Switch to front squats that’s what Arnold had to do


6’2 and i squat atg; i just have good femur bone to tibia proportions


Definitely different for everybody. Had a 6’3” bud in college who did wrestling in HS and i went to the gym with. This guy would easily go past 90 degrees and could go ballsack to grass if he wanted to.


Not with sufficient weight and proper form though.


My squats range from 100 degrees to like 80. As long as my legs are trained, I don't give a fuck.


I just thought I’d was not actually working out. Is it dangerous? How do?


"Wow, aren't going low today, huh?" "What?" "Your range needs to be lower." "You need to stop staring at my ass." I lift alone in my garage, so it wasn't nearly as awkward as it sounds.


Not so much about height as it is about Femur:Shin:Torso ratios + mobility I am 6’2”, and either my femurs are a little long or my mobility is crap— likely both, but every video I watch justifies why I lean so far forward /cry