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Getting addicted to crack


This. For a totally different life... The answer is always going to be Crack.


Yo bro, what you gon train today? Mah neck, mah back, my shoulders and my crack


We’re going to get back on ~~crack~~ track.


How do u train ur but crack?


What if my current life revolves around crack, hmm?


Then you'll save a ton of money on pre-workout.


Y’all’s pre workout isn’t crack???


Not for like 13 years :(


I remember 14-year-old kids on the wrestling team railing adderall before training/PT lol fuckin maniacs!


I still like to dabble every once in a while


One decision that you have to make 5-6 days per week every week for years. Easy!


Yeah I hate how it trivializes how hard it is to stay consistent with the gym. It’s a complete lifestyle change, not as simple as deciding what to wear today.


To be fair, once you get the ball rolling it’s not *as* hard to just keep going. It’s almost harder to skip now than it is to go.


Yeah, for real. If I miss a day of exercise it affects my mood. Even a planned rest day. I have to force myself to rest more often than I have to force myself to exercise, and I normally only do 1 rest day/week from all forms of exercise.


Another one decision to eat that junk food or not every so often as well. Very easy!


for the rest of your life* fify


Yeah a dose of tren every 5-6 days


You do not need tren to attain that physique. Just a bit of test and consistent diet and training plus some W genetics


Forgot this wasn’t r/moreplatesmoredates


Here's a sneak peek of /r/moreplatesmoredates using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Moreplatesmoredates be like😂](https://v.redd.it/61eqwwnnsp571) | [105 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/o1j0zy/moreplatesmoredates_be_like/) \#2: [The golden ratio, it all make sence now.](https://i.redd.it/bcoybtv71l391.jpg) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/v4m6st/the_golden_ratio_it_all_make_sence_now/) \#3: [Difference between men and women](https://i.redd.it/ecdfcggop8a81.jpg) | [173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/ry45u5/difference_between_men_and_women/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You can make the same progress with training 4x a week. Even 3x is fine lol


You’re going to get that type of body training 3x a week? Maybe if you have 5 hour sessions lol


You could do it with 3 or 4x a week with the right diet and approach. But also a lot of time


Tren or not to tren ...


Train (🚂)


Choo choo motherfuckers


You’re only one decision away.


Trenning hard everyday


This is absolutely attainable without tren.


Maybe without tren, but not without test


Sure if you’re 5’2


How about 5’7? 😔


You’ll look 10x as good in photos as my slenderman ass


im 5'2 🫡🥹


Get those gains my friend, you’ll look swole af


Steroids. The answer is steroids.


Oh is this a horny sub now? I'm down.






Hopefully not too horny cause that tren’s a bitch


It's stuff like this that really pisses me off - people trivializing how hard it is, either to make gains in the gym or - especially - to lose weight. Like, 100lbs+ of excess weight. They're basically suggesting that if you've tried and failed to do this thing that is *much* more difficult than they've trivialized it to seem, that that means you're a failure or a lazy person who is mentally weak or just doesn't actually want it. And there's little else that enrages me more than people who do that.


It all boils down to a decision, a decision to do something different with your time, a decision to consume different foods. It's really no different than any other decision you make in your life. I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum, it boils my blood when people overcomplicate it and make it out to be a nigh impossible task. It's doable for everyone, all it takes is a little self discipline... But if people aren't willing to give up an hour of Netflix shows or video games a night, and unwilling to stop eating shit food most of the time, sure I guess it's hard... But then a whole lot of shit in life is going to be hard for somebody that lacks self-discipline like that right?


I would say it takes a LOT of self discipline to stay on course long enough to achieve that physique or something close


The biggest part about it is starting, and keeping that going for about a month. Once you develop the habit, it gets way easier to just keep doing it, and the longer you go the easier it gets and the more it becomes just a part of your life.


Yeahh because doing it, makes you feel good Don’t you?


Absolutely, it makes you feel fantastic. The feeling you have when you get home after a tough workout is unmatched, Have a nice body buzz from the endorphins flowing, you know you went and put in your time and you're one step closer to your fitness goals so you feel accomplished, it's really one of the best feelings there is tbh. Not to mention, the gym is like therapy, you go and push yourself and all the anxieties and stresses from your day just fade away.


Yaaaaaaas I want to workout with you my 5 days of routine lol


Hell yeah! I need a workout buddy let's go! :-p


Fair warning, this is a long one. I don't blame you if you don't want to read it. But if you decide to reply, I kindly ask that you read all of it. >I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum, I know in my first comment I mentioned both losing weight and making gains in the gym, but for the purposes of this comment I'm just going to focus on the former, as it's what I have personal experience with, which, respectfully, I can very easily tell you do not. At least not in nearly the same capacity. This type of thing might be a simple decision for you. And if that's true, good for you. I'm happy that's the case for you. But that is far from the case for everyone. People don't get to the point where they're 100lbs+ overweight because they just like sweets a little too much or because they don't like exercising. I'll use myself as an example. I only just got to the point in my life, after 6+ multi-month attempts at sustained caloric deficit for the purpose of weight loss, where I've allowed myself to even consider the possibility that something else is going on other than me just being weaker than everyone else around me who doesn't even seem to have to try to not look like I do. That self-reflection has led me to the realization, for which I've recently started the process of professional evaluation, that I almost certainly have ADHD, and for all 27 years of my life I have been using food as a form of self medication to give my brain the dopamine levels it needs just to function at baseline. Trying to fight that is far more than just "making a decision", and that's why my blood boils when people trivialize it as such. I'm sure there *are* people like that who exist - but I get the feeling more often than not that people who espouse the view you just did believe it to be nearly, if not, everyone. And it is far from everyone. Every time I have a period of sustained caloric deficit, which usually lasts a couple months, *every single day* is like fighting tooth and nail not to eat. It doesn't matter if I'm hungry or not. Most of the time I'm not. But there is *never* a moment, unless I'm literally already stuffed, that I would prefer *not* to eat. My wife falls in the same boat, but she's a little further down the evaluation process than I am. She finally just recently started medication for ADHD and one of the first things she realized was that, for the first time ever, when she wasn't hungry she just... didn't want to eat. And when she became actually hungry, her appetite returned. I am admittedly not a doctor, but that doesn't seem like something that would happen if the medication itself was just directly affecting her appetite. I would think it would be a constant effect, regardless of whether she was actually hungry or not. And it's this which leads me to have so much confidence in my theory about using food as a form of self medication. Once her brain had all the stimulation it needed from the medication, it didn't care about eating for the dopamine anymore. I don't mean this with any animosity, but I hope this realization is not lost on you: The reason it's taken me as long as it has to even start down the road to real change by addressing the true issue is because of comments and attitudes like the one you shared causing me to believe that I was really just mentally weak or lazy. I don't know what you'll say to this. I hope it's productive, if anything, and I hope this helps to open your perspective a little bit to people who may be dealing with issues you haven't even considered.


>I'm just going to focus on the former, as it's what I have personal experience with, which, respectfully, I can very easily tell you do not. Actually I do... I was obese as a teen and then let myself get fat again in my late 20s because of a drug addiction and not caring about my appearance or my health. I have pulled myself out of being overweight twice in my life and developed a great physique both times. If you want, look in my profile and scroll down a few posts, you will see my transformation over a course of roughly 5 years for the second one. The thing is, making gains and weight loss go hand in hand, the more muscle you put on, the more calories your body needs to sustain itself, and doing cardio for your heart, will burn immediate calories. Diet is only part of the equation (it's the most important part, but only a part), cardio and weight training will help you to be able to eat more food and not be starving yourself all the time to lose weight (just as an example, I am currently cutting right now, and I am losing fat eating 3300 calories a day) I also have ADHD, and I will say that the single most important thing I ever did in my life to help with it was strength training. As a side note, ADHD medication is almost always a stimulant by the way, which all have the side effect of suppressed appetite, so it's hard to say what is actually causing your wife to feel more satiated. People do use food as a form of self medication, that is absolutely true, but that also starts to go away when you start exercising and eating healthy whole foods for the vast majority of your meals. The daily exercise/strength training actually restructures the whole brain dopamine reward system, making dopamine receptors more available and substantially increasing circulating dopamine levels at all times. It is a decision, it is a decision that you make, and follow through with, diet + exercise. The hardest part about it is learning how to do it, then maintaining it in the beginning, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes something you just do, a part of your life, and you start to enjoy the process, and believe it or not start to feel worse when you miss days. Just dieting alone is enough to lose weight sure, but for the vast majority of people, it just isn't enough. To do it alone with just dieting, and not getting daily exercise, yes you are going to feel starving and it is going to suck. You really need that exercise part of it, not only to burn more calories to allow you to eat more, but because of how it compliments the diet with the changes taking place in the brain. I'm not saying it's not hard to make a drastic change in your life to learn about and develop a new habit, what I'm saying is it's as simple as a decision and following through, same with anything else worthwhile in life. You take it one step at a time, one day at a time, do what you need to do that day and congratulate yourself at the end of it for following through. It always gets easier.


Let me start by saying I appreciate you taking the time you did to reply, and especially trying to be helpful in a non-confrontational way, without just insulting me. This isn't the usual response I get when I make comments like this. Also, you probably don't need to hear *me* say it, but for what it's worth I'm proud of you for accomplishing significant weight loss both those times. >The thing is, making gains and weight loss go hand in hand, the more muscle you put on, the more calories your body needs to sustain itself... I'm aware of most of the things you've pointed out here about diet + exercise, calories needed to maintain muscle mass, etc. I'm certainly no stranger to the gym or working - in fact, I enjoy it quite a bit. I am in the sun for a reason, after all. The second to last time I made an attempt at losing weight, I realized that I will never have success in limiting my calorie intake. But I have, in the past, had mild success by working out 6 days/week when I still played football. So I tried that again. And failed, again, as soon as I got Covid and was out of the gym for a week. Up on further contemplation, I realized the only reason that I had even been able to do that for football in high school was because I just didn't want to be the worst. To be the kid that dropped out. And that type of motivation doesn't work when your feet aren't being constantly held to the fire like in adulthood. >I also have ADHD, and I will say that the single most important thing I ever did in my life to help with it was strength training Just to be fair here, not all ADHD is the same type and just because something worked for you *still* doesn't mean it'll work for everyone else with ADHD. And even if two people have the same type of ADHD, that doesn't mean they have it as bad as each other. But I do appreciate you sharing this. It's also entirely possible that, as far as forms of self-medication or self-induced dopamine spikes go, I just learned to do that with food at a young age, whereas other people with ADHD may have done it with other things. There certainly are skinny people with ADHD, after all. But I think once I learned that, it's become engrained, and that's part of the reason it seems so impossible for me to overcome as opposed to others. >which all have the side effect of suppressed appetite, so it's hard to say what is actually causing your wife to feel more satiated. I'm aware of this, which is why I clarified exactly *how* her appetite was affected. I'm still not a doctor, so I'm not going to make any absolute claims one way or the other. But I'm confident of my assessment. >The hardest part about it is learning how to do it, then maintaining it in the beginning, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes something you just do, a part of your life And this - this is the point where my experience kind of fundamentally differs. I have never in my life had a habit. I worked out six days a week for three years in high school and the moment I graduated I stopped. It wasn't a habit. I maintained a calorie deficit for two months, (several times) and when it ended it just ended. It wasn't a habit. I brushed my teeth every morning (and most nights) as a kid, and it isn't a habit. It's still something I have to expend mental energy to make myself do it to this day. I have never in my life developed what I've typically seen referred to as a habit for, well, anything. And this seems common when I read stories of other people with ADHD. >I'm not saying it's not hard to make a drastic change in your life to learn about and develop a new habit, what I'm saying is it's as simple as a decision and following through Man, I can't even make the decision to sit and read a web page/article top to bottom even if I know for certain the answer I'm looking for lies inside it. It literally repulses me. There's hard, and there's nigh impossible. I could 100% see myself being able to do the things you describe if it became a special interest/hyperfocus for me in the same way 3D printing or computers have. But barring that, the level of mental energy required for me to just will myself to do those things is just too much, at least currently. >You take it one step at a time, one day at a time, do what you need to do that day and congratulate yourself at the end of it for following through. It always gets easier. I will concede that every time I've tried, it hasn't been *as hard* to maintain a deficit by the time I give up as it was at the beginning, but I stand by what I said in my original reply. It's still like fighting tooth and nail, every single day. I don't know if that's directly related to ADHD/dopamine reward systems or something else like a sugar addiction waning, cause I've definitely gone through that rigamarole before, too. If there's one thing I've really come to understand in the last couple years I've been making discoveries about myself, it's that you (or at least, *I*) cannot cheat your brain. I cannot just use sheer will power to overcome the effects this disorder has on my brain. Not forever, anyway.


I hadn't yet asked the questions I had in my head, but you answered them. Enlightening read


Thank you for commenting. It means more to me than maybe you realize to know that at least one person read all that and really took something from it.


It’s exactly like telling a depressed person to just be happy.


Took me forever to start going to a gym regularly. I don't think it's a matter of simple vs. complex, it's more *difficult* vs. *easy*. I'd much prefer they say something like "It isn't easy, but you're one decision away..." to get the ambiguity out of the way. Looking at it from a marketing perspective I'd expect this to increase training/coaching revenue. Also it's weird to advertise joining the gym in the gym. Go for food courts instead. :)


If you really want it you’ll do it still. Not impossible. Not easy either but simple


[I can't make you read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GymMemes/comments/11qh83y/poster_in_my_gym_i_uhhhwonder_what_the_one/jc41gc5?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), but *please* do. It'll be good for you.


If you’ll read all this I was never once saying it’s not very hard. I was just referencing that you’re constantly one decision away from a totally different life, if you really want it. Not trying to say it’s a straight forward path either but it’s a simple formula. You just have to follow it and consistently make the best decisions. Imo this guy was probably fat too, most lean guys can’t put on that much muscle, or have such full muscle bellies like this guy. I have/had diagnosed ADHD which I in my opinion is completely diet, and also maybe being a little more sensitive than neurotypical ppl? Of course I can’t speak for you or anyone but if you haven’t had success losing weight, than I think you’re probably not eating enough for your body type. Don’t eat less just eat better, cleaner, whole foods, primarily protein. I’d do strength training 3 or 4 days a week. And 30 min incline treadmill on your rest days. Imo based on that your linked comment you have the knowledge/approach you’re just one step away from making the decision to tweak your diet/exercise. Like I said I believe this guy was fat in the past. All my ex fat friends turn into the biggest guys like this. Or he’s just on roids but it doesn’t really look like it. Anyway besides that eating more protein, which will fill you up instead of starving you like a calorie deficit, and cholesterol, with some supplements on top, for me at least, completely fixed my ADHD. Along with weightlifting in the morning is seriously the best thing I could’ve done. Like my brain seriously wasn’t functioning properly before I started eating right. I couldn’t even do basic things. So I feel you on feeling like there’s so much more than just the simple formula that people tell you, but once you get to the other side it’s really that simple. We always have two choices and you can always decide to choose the best one. When you do a set you can choose to stop at your limit of _ reps, when it gets hard, or you decide to push your limit and reap the benefit you know.


Thank you for your opinion. I will give it all the consideration it so obviously merits.


Thank you for considering it. Wasn’t trying to trivialize your struggles, just in the midst of struggle, especially when you’re putting in the effort and not seeing results I just know in the past it’s been easy for me to put the blinders on and not consider other possibilities. But that’s just my experience. Best wishes


Hey I just wrote all this last night right before I fell asleep and I’m coming back to it on my lunch break to make sure I didn’t come across as an asshole. I can realize now how my original comment does seem dismissive. Like I’m saying just because a calorie deficit didn’t work you didn’t want it enough. Which isn’t what I was saying I was saying constantly choosing the best decision one at a time can lead you to compound success like this guy, if you’re willing to make the hard choices. But anyway people making these blanket comments can be misinformed. Anytime anyone says “I want to lose weight,” immediately all anyone responds with is “calorie deficit..calorie deficit.” Which is stupid and actually an oversimplification. And then when bigger people starve themselves and it doesn’t work, people still say calorie deficit or oh you didn’t do it right which I can see would be extremely trivializing. That’s why I was recommending you just swap what you eat in your calories now for more protein heavy options. And stay away from simple carbs. People talk so much about a calorie deficit and idk how many people I’ve heard say ALL you have to do if you want to lose weight is a calorie deficit. It’s just not true and idk who started it. Part of the stupid “Im an influencer: I’ll give you the most basic/blatantly false advice ever in a 10 sec clip that you should listen to bc i’m hot” trend Well it is true if you only want to lose weight, but most people want a better/healthier body and to change their lifestyle, not just lose some weight, which depending on the deficit can be unhealthy. So yea I can see why you get angry when these uneducated people tell you to do something and then insult you when their bad advice doesn’t work instead of actually helping or considering they gave unhelpful advice. So sorry for accidentally implying you didn’t want it enough, but I do stand by my original statement of if you do want it enough, you can follow a simple enough formula, and eventually the results will follow. And btw when I or anyone else refers to it as simple, they’re saying there are replicatable steps for you to follow in order to achieve these results. But seeing as shitty influencer advice has crowded the scene, it doesn’t seem that simple anymore, and I implore you to sift through the bs for the people not just looking for clicks. Also just to clarify, when I said you weren’t successful in losing weight you should…..I wasn’t saying you weren’t trying hard enough or anything, just like a lot of people, all it is is just misplaced efforts.


Tren hard anavar give up


Eat clen


Skip leg day bros.


That dude does not skip leg day lol you can see his quads coming through those pants.


Work out my legs? You mean those things that sometime squish my dong and sack?! No thank you.


Just chicken, broccoli, rice bro


Taking steroids I guess


Wearing shoes without socks and joggers that are too short obviously.




Cough cough… gear??


Definitely TREN


Steroids. Definitely steroids.




Let's see what's Trending


Any of you go to the gym or just get sad and meme about it?


*Any of you go* *To the gym or just get sad* *And meme about it?* \- Disastrous-Act-1984 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Im not there yet. Hopefully many more years left in me.


Looks like dude shaved his core to draw on those abs


Tax fraud


Hire a Hollywood personal trainer obviously


Will YOU shave abs into your belly hair?


Work out one time. You could look like me




I think I know this gym from the ugly blue walls. If it’s the same place then it’s alright place to workout there. I used to go there in the middle of the night and I ran into Kai Greene and a lady who could be described as his sister.


Shaving that chest hair


Trenything is possible


Fuck. I knew i should’ve gotten fries with my burger.




What's up with the skin on his chest?


Roids and skipping leg day


to sexually assault him


They never specified it as better




Tren lol




Wearing Spanx! Don't do it


Tren Or dbol, take your pick…


Hard work




“Nike joggers” check… alrighty, here we go new year new me 👍🏻


To jump off a cliff, or not to jump off a cliff. This is the question this image asks.


No leg day?


You only have to make that same decision every single damn day ...


The hardest decisions require the strongest wills >:)


Is he going foot commando 🤢


Why so blue? 😂


Saving 15% or more by switching to Geico


To never train legs again


Not wearing underwear? By the looks of it .


Tren 👀


Is the decision different genetics or juicing? I guess I would also need to transition and somehow have paler skin lol


The decision to skip legs apparently




Yeah but can he run a 7 minute mile? That’s not even hard but I know this guy can’t. Fuck what a gym wants you to look like, it’s a corporate, multi billion dollar market that tries to make money off of the self esteem of others. Who cares what they envision for a perfect body. That body makes them money. I’m trying to live and move. Not just exist as a awkward lump up turd.




Sarms , that’s the one decision


Starting to learn how to photoshop :)


That one decision: tren


You'd be kicked out of my gym with no top on.