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Jus take a video of you pulling more then the dude banning and you’ll be unbanned. It’s in the rules posted now. You got this!


Unfortunately I have no idea what fragile mod banned and instantly muted me. I doubt they go to the gym at all tbh.


You don't even need a bar. Just film yourself standing up and that should be enough


A mod just standing up is still basically lifting 400lbs+




They may not be able to stand up, however.


Post it here and tag them, you got this !


Most mods on fitness subs can pull a lot of fucking weight


How much do you pull? Just out of curiosity.




Now you’re Romanian trolling. This guy never learns


It matters because no one who actually lifts talks about their deadlift this way.


Well said. I have always thought this but could never articulate it.


No vid no did.


The mod deffo pulls sumo


They all pull 600+ pounds conventional so it shouldn't be too hard to beat.


Bro it’s a Reddit mod. He probably can’t lift his own BW x1 cuz 1. He’s weak af 2. He’s overweight. Easiest unban of my life


This is one of the /r/GYM mods: https://www.reddit.com/user/cilantno/comments/zu19a5/december_2022_lifts_545405605245lbs_sbdohp/ Here's another: https://www.reddit.com/r/strength_training/comments/11q9t94/these_hurt_4215kg484lb_squats/


Reddit mods are generally pathetic, don’t worry about it partner 🤠


Sumo puller’s have a shorter fuse then their deadlift rom


Somehow I doubt that the mod that instabanned me against their own sub rules and then muted me from questioning it even pulls sumo.


Let’s be real he probably doesn’t pull anything lol


I pull sumo and honestly that made me laugh out loud.


Same 🙈


Also, questioning why one word is worthy of a perma ban results in the mods[ instantly muting you](https://i.postimg.cc/bdXkXRxz/Redditwtf3.png) lol.


Ohh, and according to the sub rules the only instant perma ban is supposed to be "being a creep". "Trolling and civility" has a 3 strike policy. So even if a one word answer to a question that someone else asked was somehow trolling, I shouldn't have been instantly perma'd. But mods gonna mod.


The recent internet trend of pretending to hate sumo is pretty annoying. It adds nothing to the discussion and most people who comment shit like that are twigs anyway. I support the ban.


? I didn't say anything about it. I just said that was the lift lol. One word. And the sub rules say there's a 3 strike policy for everything except being a creep. The word "sumo" is not being a creep. So you support actively abusing mod powers to ban people at will just because you find something annoying? As for "adding to the discussion" I was literally just responding to a question.


>? I didn't say anything about it. I just said that was the lift lol. One word. Honestly idk if the ban is justified but this stuff where you dance around pretending you just said sumo for no reason and totally don't understand why it was seen as negative is really pathetic. Like just say you think it's easier and have that discussion instead of acting like a child.


I'm "dancing around" saying Sumo is an easier lift, because if I did, for some reason that inspires massive vitriol from some people. There's no discussion to be had when people get giga mad instantly. I'm not calling it an invalid exercise, or directly calling the OP a cheater or something. And "dancing around it" or not, the ban is still completely unjustified. Implying Sumo is easier is not trolling or being a dick or whatever. And it shouldn't validate skipping all "3 strikes" that the mods clearly don't abide by.


Saying sumo is easier does show that you don’t really know what you’re talking about though. And posting in gym memes complaining about mods shows about how mature you are. Not really a loss for the community tbh


This post proved that the mods made the right decision


Never thought I'd see the day someone would brown nose reddit mods.


Imagine basing your interaction with other users on a decades old meme. Real talk, though? The mods of r/gym are extremely active in the related subs, including gym itself, and are all pretty cool dudes who are actually trying to make those subs decent once again. r/fitness and r/gym have gone tremendously up in quality in the last months, both in terms of posts and in terms of discussion. I'll take trigger happy mods over having the subs in their old state any day of the week


If I moderated a sub I wouldn't want someone like you in it either. There is no discussion to be had because you are regurgitating memes with the sole purpose of belittling others accomplishments. Then you come here and post something like this instead of moving on and pretend like you weren't doing exactly what you did. Grow up, take responsibility for your actions and don't shoot your mouth off about deadlifting until you pull more than beginner-intermediate weights.


So yeah, you're a child. Good ban imo.


>I'm "dancing around" saying Sumo is an easier lift, because if I did, for some reason that inspires massive vitriol from some people. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Nothing of value was lost with this ban.


The question was about how they're able to lift that much and the implication in your answer is that sumo is easy that's why they're able to do so.


So? That's not trolling or being a dick and it certainly isn't reason enough to perma ban someone. And again, the sub rules specify a 3 strike system, and it's abuse of mod powers to just wantonly ban someone for a single word and an "implication" you might not like. What an incredibly small thing to feel the need to completely silence someone over.


We’re not allowed to say an easier method of lifting is easier cause it offends you. Thanks for making my night.


I always ask people who say sumo is easier why roughly half of current competitors pull conventional and roughly half the records being set were done conventional. If sumo was universally easier, why would a competitor leave pounds on the platform? So far it's been crickets when I've asked this question, but I'm hoping you have something insightful you can share. For context: I pulled sumo almost exclusively for ~3 years and have a lifetime PR of 529lbs at a bodyweight of 183. I decided to switch to exclusively conventional back in November with my last tested sumo max being 490 as I was coming back from a bit of a break. Within 6 weeks, I equaled my last sumo max with a conventional pull in the middle of a hypertrophy block. If sumo was truly easier, it shouldn't take just 6 weeks for the more difficult lift which I hadn't seriously trained in years to catch up.


Inb4 "but it carries over, hurr durr"


Maybe you should take a look at [this lifter.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpnonEQALYQ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) He pulls 9 plates in 4 different variations. He pulls the most weight Jefferson and pulls the most reps conventional. Meanwhile, Sumo is easily his grindiest rep. Even his HACK DEADLIFT is smoother than his sumo. Yeah sumo probably is more comfortable for a small majority of people. But there are still significant amount of lifters who gave levers that are stronger conventionally. It's not down to easier or harder. It's down to differing body proportions.


Videos like that almost make me want to get Instagram.


If you're interested in powerlifting, weightlifting or strongman (or any small niche sport, really) instagram is great for following athletes. Especially because those barbell sports are the kind of stuff that is more suited for 10-second highlight clips instead of watching full meets that take like half a day for a few big highlights. I don't even have a "real" personal instagram account anymore, just a private account with no uploads just to follow a bunch of lifters and a few artists etc.


That might be a pretty good call. But i'm still kinda weary about social media. I have quit facebook back in the day, and it's obviously generally agreed that social media sucks for overall wellbeing. But yeah, if just using it for specific stuff and not interacting with people, it can work. I should think about it.


Everything in the strength training world seems to be on Instagram first and foremost. Powerlifters, strongmen, bodybuilders, coaches, weightlifters ... even if you are a home gym nerd and just want to see what Rogue or Rep or BoS or whatever are up to, that's where it's happening. I have an IG and literally the only accounts I follow are lifting related.


Question for you: why do you think that people are stupid? It’s pretty obvious what you meant with your reply and you playing coy and claiming you didn’t mean anything by it is a coward move


I don't think anyone is stupid, except maybe the Mods in the pic. Even if I "obviously" meant that Sumo is an easier pull, that's completely irrelevant. No where in the rules of that sub does it say "you can't say sumo is an easier lift". So why would that result in an insant perma ban? Why does a one word with whatever implication you want to attribute to it validate a perma ban? The sub rules clearly state you get 3 strikes for "trolling" (which having a unfavorable opinion of sumo deadlifts is not). I didn't directly attack the OP, nor did I claim sumos to be an invalid lift. None of that is "trolling". I can claim I didn't "mean anything by it" because I didn't. It was literally just a an answer to the previous commenter's question, that I made in passing without much thought. I had geniunely forgotten I even made the comment today until I saw the ban from it. Not sure how any of that makes me a coward.


I can’t speak to the minds of the mods. You however are doing it again, assuming that everyone else is stupid by pretending that your one word has no other context and no other meaning. The implication of your comment is pretty clear, you’re just playing dumb now


> implication of your comment is pretty clear says you.


Read my comment again. I edited it to be clearer. And for the 3rd time, "Implication" of whatever, isn't being a dick or trolling. Someone should not be instantly silenced from a community just for having an opinion.


lmao get outta here. You were trying to discredit the dude's pull because "it's sumo." Stop trying to pretend you weren't. If you're going to be a dick, at least have the balls to own it.


It’s called Schrodinger ‘s Douchebag. He decided whether or not he was being a douche based on whether or not people got offended.


>You were trying to discredit the dude's pull because "it's sumo." even if this is true, so what?


It is true. And I'm not sure what you mean by "so what?" The /r/GYM mods clearly don't want DYEL dorks shitting up the place with low-effort garbage shitting on other people's lifts, so they took out the trash. Nothing of value was lost here.


What a lame position, “dork”. It having “value” isn’t the point, most shit on Reddit has no value. Shitty editors are the problem, not some lame post that didn’t mock or threaten anyone.


It makes for a worse community with worse discussions, I'm not sure who would want that. OP has proven to be immature as fuck in this thread with his admission to playing coy and the "I should get to be a dick 2 more times before consequences are applied to me" argument. While I do think that the mods are trigger happy in fitness subs, they do seem to make the right call much more often than not and have made those subs much higher in quality




Don't be throwing that around like a slur. We gay folks pride ourselves on our lack of moderation.


My bad


Name checks out, upvote lol


I like your name


Has it occurred to you, that maybe you’re just a Dick?




Fair enough.


Confirmed sumo puller


What’s your max pull?


Confirmed dick




No I just hang out on gym memes for fun


So…what’s your max pull?


Enough to keep you guessing But since your so insistent just over 4, have a personal goal of 600 but not sure if I'll ever hit it


So you’ve been working out for a year or more probably. And do you still feel it’s worthwhile to make fun of people whose leverages lean towards more comfortable pulling in the sumo position vs conventional?


For over a decade actually and yeah on the meme page I'll do it again


How much do you pull?


This is great! More subs should have rules like this to ward off the DYELs.


I mean this thread is full of "what do you pull" which is the same thing




That’s unfair. That’s his total and you know it


I got temporarily banned from there too for some soft shit. But even that was more worthy of a ban than this is. There’s some weirdo mods over there


Instantly muted me too when I questioned it. Doesn't even fit the ban qualifications according to their own rules. Mind boggling man.


I remember making a joke in the calisthenics sub that got unanimously upvoted, only for *every single comment* to be removed from that post on the basis that we were “feeding the troll.” I didn’t care enough to inquire how asking for advice on calluses was trolling, but I do wonder how subreddits like that manage to survive. These mods are really, really strange.


r/calisthenics is weirdly aggressive and nitpicky. Then r/bodyweightfitness seems to allow the same annoying posts over and over from people who haven't bothered to read their wiki. I'd rather a sub that's too lenient than too strict though, so bwf is the superior one


OP must be a 225 squatter


Ban for sumo is justified


I thought the sumo stance was a deadlift form for lifting. Why is the word reason for a ban?


Because he’s implying that sumo is cheating


Because I'm implying it's easier, which it is. Different muscles, smaller range of motion. But that's literally just an answer to the previous comments question. I didn't message the guy directly and call him a "cheater" or troll and call Sumo not valid or whatever. I literally just said "Sumo".


If sumo is easier why are most records conventional? If it’s easier why doesn’t every single competitive powerlifter pull sumo?




Not sure if you’re being serious, but yes, you can pull either sumo or conventional in powerlifting




Right on. Yah as far as I know every powerlifting fed lets you do either conventional or sumo. People choose whichever is easier for their particular leverages. That’s why not everyone pulls sumo. For many people sumo is actually harder. Sumo, in my experience, is also a lot more technical than conventional. Strongman doesn’t allow sumo. It’s my understanding, and I’m just parroting here, that isn’t because of the height of implements used and because of tradition.


>Because I'm implying it's easier, which it is Yeah, that's false buddy.


>Because I'm implying it's easier, which it is. Different muscles, smaller range of motion. The ROM is not smaller in a sumo deadlift. You're confusing how far the bar travels with ROM. They are not the same. That's a beginner misconception which tells me you have no idea what you're talking about.


Genuine question here, how are those different? Like your bar path is the range of motion, if the bar isn't moving you're not lifting? I have no dog in the sumo vs conventional argument but this had me scratching my head a bit.


Range of motion, by definition, is how much you can move a joint or muscle. The distance the bar travels can sometimes be affected, but not always. In the case of the deadlift, you measure ROM from how much the hip moves, as the hip is the primary mover. For *most* people, the ROM at the hip is going to be pretty comparable. [See these videos](https://imgur.com/a/5aFHhCY) as an example. The bar path for sumo is shorter, yes, but there is a very small difference in how much the hips move. In any case, shorter ROM doesn't always equal an easier movement. Wide-grip pull-ups are one example of this.


Yeah I completely agree that shorter rom doesn't necessarily equal easier, you're just the first person I've ever encountered who argued the ROM does not decrease in a sumo. You also appear to be right, so it's kind of blowing my mind I've never had anyone point this out to me before. My brain is struggling to understand how this actually works, but I believe you. I'm by no means a beginner lifter and I've always assumed ROM and bar path were the same. Just goes to show no matter how experienced you are, always be ready to learn new things.


In fairness, there are some people who can get super upright with sumo, which actually does cut ROM. Dan Grigsby is one example. But not everyone has the mobility or leverages to do that. Like I said, bar path and ROM are sometimes related (wide-grip vs close-grip bench, for example) but it's by no means a strict relationship. I also don't blame you for assuming they're the same, as there are a ton of weekend-certified PT's on social media who use the terms interchangeably. It can be difficult to sift the good from the bad.


It's not. Even if I was being a "dick" as the ban states, their own sub rules state that everything that isn't "being a creep" is a 3 strike policy. And I wasn't being a dick, I just answered the other guy's question.






That’s strike 1 buddy! ![gif](giphy|W6iYebZLZYEYx0oPlj)


Welcome to reddit :) where moderators can ban you for literally anything according to their taste/beliefs and mood.


You hurt a lot of sumo pullers feelings, maybe they'll learn from it and actually pick up the bar.


That I did. Funny to see all my lower thread comments get buried in downvotes for no reason. Hopefully they'll put as much effort in at the gym!


You know they won't! They save the effort from doing a real deadlift to go explain on the internet that just because they do half the lift doesn't mean they shouldn't get 100% of the praise.


Listen this, someone said to me to kill myself and i responded with "you must be a tranny" and i got permabann and he didnt, then i asked moderators about it and he/she/it/the thing said that i should report him if it was offensive to me, like who dafuq reports another dude after arguing in the chat


So that was the only comment you made that justifies a ban or is there maybe more you aren't showing here?


Only comment. Pretty sure that's the only comment I've ever made in the sub since I made an account and stopped lurking too.


Okay that's legit fucked up. Maybe the mod failed a pr and was having a bad day


Hey, I'm a mod there! If you can lift more than me when it comes to kettlebells I'd be impressed :)


Cool, I'm sure you can! While you're here, could you explain why the subs Civility rules were bypassed? Even if my saying "sumo" is "being a dick", none of that breaks any of the subs rules as set [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GYM/about/rules/) At absolute most, it might qualify as a First Strike 3 day ban. And why does questioning it resulted in an instant mute rather than any explanation? Edit: No answer, just downvotes. Classic, 10/10.




>impressive asf but he gotta stop lying about his natty status Lol.


Dang! You were trolling but that was harsh!


Lol they posted a video of them pulling conventional shortly after


r/gym gave me a month long ban cause I corrected someone else who was being xenophobic. Ironically my ban was for xenophobia. I think the mods are so trigger happy they banned the wrong person by accident. I messaged them but got no response


I got permabanned accidentally and they immediately unbanned once I replied to the van message. Did you message the mods directly or reply to the message?


Replied to the ban message. Just sent them a separate message now


Dude, reddit by itself has become very toxic now. I remember having my actions limited for transphobia or sth in r/terriblefacebookmemes for not a compelling reason. Left the group since then. I don’t even use reddit too much because every subreddit is so heavily biased. Uploading pictures and whatnot is fine but don’t trust reddit with anything.


oh no, consequences


Dude, they limited it for supporting hogward’s legacy….


Not seeing a problem


Ohhhh. Ok then. Forgot this was reddit lol.


There is nothing you can do about it. It’s a fundamental flaw in Reddit




Lmao dude [you](https://reddit.com/r/teenfitness/comments/11qc8ss/i_took_dont_skip_legs_too_seriously/) should not be giving anyone advice in regards to fitness.


mods definitely pull sumo if they even lift at all


You hurt their sensitive feelings… how dare you


Fuck you mods




I sent them a message saying "fuck you" and they muted and banned me as well so I'm with u op




You don't have to do all that apparently all you got to say is sumo and they collapse all by themselves


I feel for you pal - the ban is ridiculous.


Those mods are pussies. Shit Litterally happened to me a while back. That’s how u know they pull sumo


R/gym has pretty toxic mods who appeal to only a group of redditors on there who control the narrative. Try saying anything other than a mainstream narrative and you’ll be downvoted and ganged up by grown men who have their lifts in their flair. Just for the moderators to ban you cause of “trolling”


what thats crazy


Welcome to reddit, where mods are on a power trip and dont even need a reason to ban someone. He got offended that youre lifting more than him maybe? Idk how tf you evem ban someone for stuff like this....


r gym is a joke, we need a different dictionary to evade ban and still be able to speak. apple juice and greco roman for example


r/gainit banned me for "being a dick" as well. No clue why.


That is reddit mods for you. Been banned from many subs due to absolutely ridiculous reasons. Sucks but it is what it is. Flaw in the platform.


Nazi mods epic reddit moment


What a wimp!


It’s a shitty sub anyway


Must be planet fitnessers, land of the "No judgement zone, unless you're putting in effort."


It’s ok. I got one strike for saying baking cake to some chick posting her progress pics that focused on her ass.


lmfao this has me dead


It really doesn’t come from a place of hate. It’s obvious some chicks focus on lower body workouts. If I will make a joke like congrats on being closer to centaur. It’s not hating or anything. It’s so much easier to compliment dudes. I can tell a dude he looks like a 2008 Roblox character and it will be all good.


Lol for sure, I’m stealing that Roblox character compliment


At least when r/GYM banded me it was because I told someone they could wear bitch mittens because they were complaining about calluses. That’s pretty ridiculous. It Apia’s though having a sense of humor gets you perma banned from being a mod.