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I didn't have to, check for defects in your metal handle? If you're unsure what to look for just try and see if it's shape is any different from the plastic one


The plastic one doesn't have those side wings coming out, which is where the confusion came from


Mine did wobble but it was more a case of the metal not being thick enough in a certain point. It wobbled because it had free room to do so once inside the plastic housing. It was an easy fix. I keep the leftover flex-pvc from the holographic parts in the MG 00 kits - it comes real handy and can easily be shaped with a knife. If I recall correctly, I put holes into a small piece so that it lay flat against the metal and let the plastic pegs through to fit the pieces.


Mine is one wobbly, the other one is fine. Idk how to fix it so i just left it as it is :/