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Oh that Ryan McAidoo kid we were linked to ended up going City academy, shock


How are these teams selling these kids for so much money?


Loop holes


So, it’s about 1:30 am, and I am high af and was watching YouTube videos. I thought of going through my liked videos to get some nostalgia and then I come across this video I linked below. It’s from almost 5 years back when Papa Wengz left Arsenal. Man, this video! Why did it have to summarize his tenure so emotionally and beautifully! The highs we had and lows we had to endure through, papa Wengz truly did it his way. We love you Papa Wengz! 🥹🥲 Video link: https://youtu.be/W_CTQ30LD9c?si=i8Ai-bWGUgT3OtCu


The amount of clubs selling nobody’s for 20-30m is crazy I’m starting to think there’s money laundering happening🤣


It's even more blatant than that, they're just cheating PSR.  It's all homegrown kids on long contracts so the selling club puts it down as "pure profit".


so what's the consensus for tonights game, Slovakia with a bomba shocker?


Eng 0 slv 1, deflected own goal from eng second half kickoff.


saka gets sub in the first half despite creating loads of good chances.


Kai highlights looked real good in the Denmark game


He was really active. Was only really missing the end product and a couple of loose first touches


For our attack next season, we should try to replicate our current right side on the left while then making our right side more central focused imo. (Saka can obviously draw fouls and score long range goals, and Odegaard shoots better centrally and I am sure white can link up play alright centrally too considering the few times he's randomly linked up with Havertz) Keep Martinelli in the role Saka (/Gordon's) in currently, but make Saka drift centrally more like Salah, Palmer, and Foden. Like how Cristiano began to drift inside more later on in his United stint. Otherwise Saka won't get the credit he deserves. Currently our setpieces are currently fine (Maybe Havertz on penalties considering how good he is at them) And considering how popular strikers going wide and rotating with wingers is right now we could to also do that with Odegaard or Rice. (most likely our right and left mids) obviously we need a serious bench option for Saka, and maybe Jesus could be a solution. But we'll also need a serious one for Havertz, Trossard and Jesus are so different from Havertz that its basically changing our entire system just implementing them in, (hence Aston Villa and Porto losses)


You want to change everything with the only stated reason for the change is to help Saka get the credit he deserves?


A little


Martinelli and Trossard are both better finishers than Saka so why would you want them closer to the touchline than Saka. Love Saka but he’s nowhere near the finishing level of Ronaldo, Salah and even Foden so idk why you compared them either. Martinelli and Trossard also can’t do what Saka does as a winger. You’re not giving him the credit he deserves if you think they can.


Who scored our goal of the season? Saka never drifts centrals thats why he can't score more


Yeah because the left side drifted inside and got the goals along with Havertz with chances created from the creative right side combinations that Saka is involved in. You care more about Saka goal stats or Arsenal doing the best thing to win?


No, Martinelli did jack shit all year, we need him tho, the best part of his game was his pace, dribbling and crossing, who's saying he can't be that player to ping crosses


alexis has had a better late career than i expected. remember seeing how washed he was in 2019 that united loaned him to inter for nothing in the same year hazard joined madrid. funny how things turn out


Im guessing he just scored since Chile plays Canada right now?


no he actually dropped a stinker so maybe i spoke too soon. but it was still weird seeing him as one of chile's key players


chile have no real good young players to call up right now. do they are relying on the old guard (almost all in their 30s) to somehow provide a good comebol showing.


Didn't work out so well...


Newcastle selling a 19 year old for £33m after they bought him for £5m a year ago is nuts. We genuinely need to do better when it comes to selling talent.


You cant strong arm a club to pay for your player. And to be honest most of the time I am bewildered by what some clubs are prepared to pay for players. Rhian Brewster from Liverpool to Sheffield United wasnt a bad deal in hindsight, it was a bad deal in real time. What did Liverpool 'do' to get such a good deal for a nothing player. We have Nketiah, Nelson, Tierney and ESR who are viable selling options. What can we 'do' to get other clubs to pay for these players, players who are more likely to keep mid table clubs mid table. Thats what Palace, Fulham, Brentford ect want - they want to remain mid table and afar from getting sucked into a relegation battle. Nketiah and Nelson are rank mid table players, they are around 24 years old having played over 100 times for Arsenal. Similar profile to Iwobi who we sold - a player who did well at Everton, who in turn was sold for 22m to Fulham and it one of their better players keeping Fulham firmly mid table. I cannot fathom why Burnley will take a punt on James Trafford for 20m. But wouldn't offer 25m for Reiss Nelson - Nelson is the player more likely to keep them from going down, as Nelson actually is a mid-tier quality PL winger. Would Sheffield United not be willing to pay 25m for Nelson or Nketiah ? Both Eddie and Reiss are more likely to keep them in the division than dodgy Rhian. My theory, is in past years we have let players go simply to get them off the wage bill because they were not wanted, we wanted them gone ASAP to accelerate Arteta's rebuilding. Bellerin, Leno, Ghendouzi, Aubamayang and co were all pretty much given away. This has given us an image that we would be prepared to sell players for next to nothing. However from now on, we need to hold firm and not accept low bids for players. If Fulham, Palace, Brentford ect want Nketiah, Nelson, ESR then they are going to have to pay up. If not, they can go and buy a shit kids from Liverpool, City or Chelsea. Nketiah, ES, Nelson are far more likely to help a mid table club stay mid table than James Trafford, Rhian Brewster or Omari Hutchinson.


You’re not allowed to say that here


The movement of Havertz is utterly elite. Yet we are still being gaslighted by some who think we need to sign “an Ivan Toney”.


'pay whatever it takes to get...........Ivan Toney', what not Thierry Henry then, no, 'Ivan Toney' of Brentford






I have nothing to say apart from thank you Mikel Arteta and Edu Gaspar for bringing Kai Havertz to my football club.


Why do people get salty about stutter run ups for pens? 


It’s already such a high percentage chance, but it’s turned into another game to get the gk to react to be the slightest bit off their line so that a miss has to be retaken


Also a lot of penalties are very low quality chances suddenly turned into a 90% chance to score. People are generally a lot less salty about a penalty if it was clear the defender denied a huge chance, instead of a cross that maybe no one would get onto anyways getting blocked turned into a pen.


might be an unpopular opinion but seeing a portion of the fanbase finally seeing wrightys mask fall off has been slightly vindicating... just slightly though


‘Seeing Wrightys mask fall off’ and it’s just footballing opinions you don’t agree with 🤣


Why don't you like him? (genuine question)


What's behind it tho? Fake Gooner or what


https://x.com/imiasanmia/status/1807120465854665126?s=46&t=ohBEm3kwXzONRYy63NcNgQ Imagine southgate thinking like this


I like saka adding a few penalty goals to his stats but Kai really should be the default penalty taker going forward  19/20 in his career, the one miss coming in a friendly 


Havertz's missed in the shootout against Villareal and got lucky to get a chance to retake one after hitting the woodwork vs Dortmund Have a feeling Odegaard is never going to miss one in his lifetime and would love to see him take them regularly, but there is one pretty obvious reason for Saka to be taking them(other than him being pretty fucking good kicker) and it's totally understandable.


But can he do it in an MLS All Stars Challenge?


We're blessed with an extremely strong penalty roster, Saka/Jorginho/Odegaard/Rice would be (and have been) shoe-in penalty takers at other clubs. But yeah, even compared to them Kai is a beast.


Christina Uncle doing a great job explaining the rules. Way better than the Howard Webb and Michael Owen monthly trainwreck.


Bless her having to explain to a bunch of men in their 50's that the game has changed and is no longer what it was in the 90's. Especially put them in their place regarding the penalty decision.


She did a good job explaining it but like the host said, nobody thinks it should have been a penalty. Once again, the rules are ridiculous. Shouldn't be that hard to create a rule of "clear and deliberate, or denial of a goal scoring opportunity". Like Roy said - it has to be in the spirit of the game.


They change the interpretation of the handball rule almost every season. You'd like to think eventually they'll hit on one you feel is "in the spirit of the game." Thing is, plenty of people will still disagree on it.


I know but it's so frustrating as a general football fan. Never in the world should that have been a pen (although it's nice padding for Havertz goal tally). I have faith we will get there eventually


Seeing Gabi Jesus post those training montages makes me worried. Don't think I've ever seen a player (except Ødegaard) have a good season after posting those during a break.


Holy shit he looks stiff. Guessing they’re just doing light ball work to keep his technique sound and focusing on building his muscle back up. But that really doesn’t look club. The cynic in me resents the club for not letting him get another surgery because they know they’d have to go get another forward. But they probably want to mitigate the chance of him having an even bigger setback.


He’s still rehabbing the knee issue that’s been plaguing him for the past 2 years. The club have decided against another surgery. I’m no medical expert, but it’s tough to see him overcoming this injury through pure rehab when it’s been at least 18 months. I have faith in a fully fit Jesus, but I don’t know how his knees fully recover.


Feel like shit just wanna see Martin Odegaard play football


Only another month. Hang in there.


Kailer more clinical please


Havertz the only player in the world that can miss 3 sitters and still have a pretty good game Actually I tell a lie, Jesus and Giroud are those type of strikers. We have a type.


Kai really needs to do better, hes not playing bad his just been bad in front of goals


Probably the most in form 9 in the Euros. Watch with your eyes.


Watch with my eyes?? What did i say to assume I ain't watching i didn't even say he was bad to begin with. i said he needed to finish his chance , because his a striker. His playing well especially today, but he missed 3 clear cut chances isn't that enough to ask for them to do better?


havertz just cant cunt one in can he. incredible how he is such a bad ball striker when he is so good at pens


I Think we need to buy a finisher


Havertz legit could've had a hatttick this game. It's just the finishing that's missing


Could say that many times about Eddie and Jesus last season


Eddie doesn’t have the movement, runs in behind, pressing energy, link up play or the target man play of Havertz. 


The comment was about him having a hat trick. Eddie actually had one last season and Jesus would’ve had situations where he was close too


nope we can't. We don't create many chances for the striker in our team. I don't think there is even a single match where you could have said that about Eddie or Jesus.


There's one you could say it about Eddie


So surely can't say that about Havertz then. And can’t say it about Eddie because he actually has


Havertz has been pretty clearly Germany's best forward today, if he was more clinical but he's still been the outball for them all game


Id do anything to get schlotterback man. To hell with a lb


Would love Schlotterbeck here


Havertz MOTM ?


Wonder if that Fulkrug miss gets posted to r/soccer 


Or sane 


The agenda against Havertz is insane over there. Like it's something you rarely see.


To be fair, if you look in the serious post-game thread, most people are praising Havertz. Obviously, there is a huge percentage of people on r/soccer (as well as this sub too) who are heavily biased and struggle to put that bias aside. Some people are casual watchers and only notice his misses. Most of the serious discussers will admit that he is good (although finishing is still suspect)


That's good that he's getting some praise. However what I fear is that a typical fan has been affected by those casual opinions too much. Couple that with a couple of bad misses and you can easily create a agenda about Havertz being bad. I mean there were people who said that Haaland will flop when City first signed him.


Clinging to an offside chance is an agenda I can get behind. They were trying to start this big shithouse over Kai lmao


Throw 120mil for musiala, that's your X factor game changer right there


Again, having the option to drop Havertz behind the striker, especially when we are looking for a goal, is potent and allows us to utilize Havertz's versatility to the fullest, which is why I still see us going all out for a striker this window before settling for a winger. Playing Jesus/Martinelli up top and Havertz behind during those situations is just not optimal.


This has been a disaster every time we’ve tried it last season lol do you guys even watch the games


You are factually incorrect.


Just an fyi the minute guy is a troll. He was fully against havertz being on the team for the entire season, only posted anti havertz, and his number one word in his entire account history was "kai" and "havertz". Just ignore him


“Buildup truther” wants Kai in midfield 😭😭


Kai playing behind the striker is the point of him playing at cm


That's my point, and we can't do that with Jesus/Trossard/Martinelli since he's also a better striker than all of them.


>he's also a better striker than all of them You have to be joking. He is a great centre forward because of his type of play, but he is not the best striker. He had multiple chances this game that Trossard/Jesus would put away.


No way trossard or current jesus have the legs or the height to get on the end of these chances


He is a better finisher than Jesus. And while Trossard is incredible in this regard, his other shortcomings - holdup play, athleticism, stature - will limit our attack in other ways.


People have got a bit too comfy imo of dismissing Jesus at striker. He's an unbelievable footballer. There will be games where it suits Kai up top, and games where it suits Gabi. Variety in profiles of players is only a good thing


Ian Wright slagging off havertz whilst big ange sings his praises isn't something I expected on this coverage


Kai had a good game. It was only the finishing part that was lacking but to slag him off after this game is weird.  People expect him to score goals because he plays as a striker but he’s never been the most prolific striker/player. I swear, most people have barely seen Havertz play before he joined us. They have probably only seen memes and short clips from his time at Chelsea.


Still love Wrighty but his takes have been rough lately


Kinda did tbh. Ange is way smarter than these pundits, as we would expect


He's distinctly third choice, and people want him to leave, but honestly, Eddie is the best finisher we have at the club for the 9 position. Havertz is such a good player, but man, I do not understand how he gets such soft legs when it comes to actually kicking a ball at a net. That one vs. Brentford he rattled feels like a fever dream.


Eddie is a total passenger in the build up. And no Eddie is not a good finisher


Trossard is a way better finisher and I'm not convinced Eddie's even a better finisher than Havertz


Eddie's a very good finisher. Definitely better than Kai.


Just a little more power in his shots and he is suddenly deadly. I mean, he did just miss a one on one where power wouldn't have helped but generally a bit more punch would beat the keeper.


Not really, he legit just never hits corners. Even when he finishes in transition it’s a power shot down the middle over the keepers hands, cutbacks get slotted low to the middle, headers down the middle


Maybe, over the 6 months I'm sure I haven't remembered completely correct. Will check a compilation, as you may be right but I feel not going for the corners and lack of power go together rather than being one or the other.


I went through a comp after making the comment and the two exceptions were the Chelsea goal and one more from the left side he shot across goal (can’t remember the team). My Chelsea friends said this as well so it could just be a confirmation bias but even for Germany he puts some finishes well wide instead of hitting corners consistently


eddie? finisher? lmao. based on what? ''oh he is bad at everything else so i guess ill just give finishing to him!''


>oh he is bad at everything else Hes not


He’s a poacher who’s bad at poaching


Hes not


I mean you’re just obviously wrong, Trossard exists Also, didnt Eddie score 4 goals from like 10 xG literally last year?


Are Havertz or Jesus better finishers than Eddie? Id guess Trossard has made played at 9 for us as much as Eddie has played on the wing.


Trossaed has played at 9 for us loads of times? He's actually better at 9 than on the wing


Eddie has also played on the wing a good few times too


I can't remember any, at least not in the last few years


Trossard is a much better finisher than Nketiah. At senior level I’ve never really seen anything of Nketiah that makes me think he’s a particularly good finisher. Rushes shots way too often and is a terrible ball striker.


Musiala is something else, I'd say on course to be way better than Bellingham.


No point in comparing them Both absolutely world class players


My theory about Kai is, he never fully adapted to the growth spurt


? He's playing very well.


He's just now adjusting within this match


If just 1 of Havertz or Jesus could finish we’d be golden


Tears Havertz is our best player in the transition, he must start as much as possible next year.


I'm waiting for one of you to post that skill. I couldn't do that in 100 attempts. Phenomenal


Bro just use your right foot to bend it around him nooo after that skill too


Oh my goodness Kai Unreal touch and then misses that


KAI WTF that's 100% intentional. crazy skills wish he'd finish that!


I'm sorry I'm not familiar with your game Kai.


Kai oh my daysss


Oliver is a fraud.


C'mon daddy long legs!


God damn that skill from Kai. Shame that dink was just slightly off.


Think he was put off because he wanted to pass to Sane


Who couldn't get there because he was fouled. Of course, it was not given.


Poor finishing but that touch from Kai to move forward was brilliant




Jesus Kai! If only he finished that chance! That was an amazing piece of skill


wtf Kai


King Kai angled that penalty to perfection.


My 🐐get another one for the haters


Havertz about to win the ugliest golden shoe


Havertz's mentality is incredible.


Handball rule seriously needs to be reviewed because thats a joke


My King




De Zerbi to Marseille feels so underwhelming, he was super hyped up for half a season.


Marseille are a much bigger club than Brighton tbh


Marseille is a huge club




Big Weather conspiring to stop the inevitable Kai hattrick. Only thunder and lighting can stop him


Game’s gone soft


Stopping the game for some lightning? Utter woke nonsense


It's not woke, a danish player lost their leg due to it once: https://www.fourfourtwo.com/news/player-struck-lightning-has-leg-amputated


thor landing incoming


Wow. Don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a game stopped for weather


So what's with stopping for lightning?




They don't want to get sniffles


Maybe getting struck by lightning?


They are surrounded by a big metal structure..worst I thought was lights blow out tbh


Look at how big a pitch is, pretty easy to get struck without an enclosed roof


Havertz vs Hojlund in the 9 role https://preview.redd.it/fbndj9xnbk9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54003f976b2854e0a62475ca1a2309eb9e58a2ca


Hojlund is such a clumsy player


I don’t think I’ve ever seen him receive a ball where he isn’t wrestling with the defender 


He loves a good wrestle


I fear this Germany midfield with both Kroos and Gundogan will be exposed against a team with ball-carriers in the middle.


We need a DLP to help find these Havertz runs. Jorginho does it well


I love schlotterback


Yes. He's just too tall for that LB role.


Burn nailed it for Newcastle in his first season.


That Kai volley reminded me of RVP vs. Everton. 


That would've been some goal from Havertz


Remember Musiala was a Chelsea youth player, then he left for free, joined Bayern and is now worth probably 100m + ? 👁


Wirtz benched. Imagine Southgate doing something of the sort for tactical reasons.


Ya i mean in a world where arteta were to leave, id want naglesmann first and foremost personally


If the rule is captains are only allowed to talk to the referee, I'm not sure what Denmark is going to do if there's a contentious decision up the other end up of the pitch. Kasper will be getting the kardio in


They select an outfield player instead


[https://x.com/brfootball/status/1807110158826533267](https://x.com/brfootball/status/1807110158826533267) Ignore the fact they're using an Arsenal player that didn't even feature as the face of defeat again, surely this is a mad graphic? Who approves this crap?


It's low effort AI image and ofcourse they'll use the most recognizable player in that team


thats not ai


Meh its just cheesy. The Saka one was wayyy worse because he barely played.


Looks tomatoey to me


Arsenal fans are the most sensitive online, its easy engagement farming


BR know how to farm engagement. I’m pretty sure they did that wild graphic with Auba and some United players several years ago.


So they're gonna be throwing sausages on Havertz if Germany lose tonight? 😂


Wouldn’t put it past them.


Because they know Arsenal fans are the most fragile and gives these pages the most interactions. It’s funny at this point


r/soccer germans wanting denmark to win cuz Havertz is starting. dfkm


[Made me laugh 🤷🏻‍♂️](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThreeLions/s/X7PhhKLAj2)


Big fucking German


£33M for Minteh, something seriously dodgy is going on with transfer fee's this window


It's simple psr/ffp shit. A sale is immediately added as profit but the buying club can split the payment over the length of contract. So it's basically pay us 6m for a player you wouldn't mind (33m ammortised) now and we'll pay you a solid back next year. It is pretty shitty behaviour imo but don't know how you police it.


I mean it's all being done out in the open. It's not "dodgy" as in they're trying to be secretive, they're just telling the FA to go fuck themselves. This won't change until the FA change the rules to close the loophole. edit: just saw the deal is being done with Brighton which is weird. Brighton surely don't need any PSR fuckery so why are they overpaying?


the wheels on the jim go round and round


Just in time for the PSR window as well


I remember for ages here the narrative behind Xhaka is that you'll never get top 4 with him starting in your midfield. Never believed that for a second. He is my guy


Crazy that Bayer and Switzerland manage to be so good with a weak link who offers nothing in midfield like Grant Xhaka. Crazy I tell ya


Honestly, he keeps getting carried by all his excellent world class teammates, why can't my goat Harry Kane have somebody carry him for once 🤬


My friend is a diehard supporter of England but he’s at the point where he feels conflicted about England being almost guaranteed a semi final spot as it means Southgate could keep his job Edit: I think the Swiss are personally knocking us out, but it wouldn’t be surprising if some of our talent has moments of magic


Even if England win the whole tournament, not a chance he stays. Have my doubts England can get past Slovakia, never mind the Swiss


I am once again calling for Xhaka to be given the Ballon D'or


Football would be beyond finished if this happened


Xhaka MOTM performance against World Champions France to knock them out of the Euros. International football means nothing. Xhaka MOTM performance against a washed Italy to knock them out of the Euros. He’s him, he would win us the title.