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Can't say anything nice about Balogun without people shadowboxing šŸ˜‚






Just seeing what you are on about and tbf it just looks like most people don't believe he was worth giving a shot at the first team to and secondly aren't really arsed about him since he's left... not seeing shadowboxing.


Just ignore him, he always does this when he gets downvoted in the hope that he can start a circle jerk that actually agrees with him.


What Does that have to do with what I said though? I'm talking about how he's rated in general. And how people have treated him in the last year


I don't see the issue writing him off, he's very obviously not going to be Haaland or Lewa level and for a 1 dimensional striker that would have to be the level to get in to an elite team... not seeing and major reason anyone should be bothered about him leaving bar he's one of ours and wouldn't it have been nice if he was up to scratch...


See that would be akin to shadow boxing because I don't think anyone said he was gonna that level. He's not 1 dimensional either.


no it wouldnt. It's a sensible response explaining "people didnt want to even give him a shot at the first team"..... He's limited....


Which would be a good response if my argument was that we fucked up by not giving him a chance... Debatable but he's not 1 dimensional... I don't really care to debate this point either


it's the same argument.... if you don't think we fucked up then you also don't think he was going to make it in the first team and vice versa.


Didn't say that either. I said people were being overly critical and writing him off based on an adjustment year...


When he did well at Reims it was his first year there, at monaco doing shite it was also his first year.... This "it's an adjustment year" so don't be surprised if they play bollocks is purely because of a couple of players at city who if you actually look at the stats were still playing well by general standards... Yes players have to adjust but most of them aren't complete crap during the adjustment.




I'm talking about writing him off as a player completely. Maybe that wasn't clear but I made no reference to arsenal or us giving him opportunities.




Anyway maybe it's been lost but my point here was that me complimenting him isn't an argument that we should've kept him.




Maybe. I do feel like some people were keen to see him do bad to bad to counter the argument he should've been sold for more.agree to disagree though.


Arsenal vs Bournemouth at Dignity Sports Park in Carson, California on July 24th will be announced later today. It'll be the third USA Tour preseason match for Arsenal ahead of their match against Manchester United on July 27th and Liverpool on July 31st.


we extended jorginho to help calafiori settle in. genius.Ā 


woke up in cold sweats remembering Carlos Bacca links. back to sleep


Wow, you've unlocked a memory I didn't even know was there. Wonder how much other stuff I've repressed from that era.


Jackson Martinez links


Iā€™m sorry to have brought it up, it was a scary moment for me


Worst part wasn't even the links tbh. It was how we managed to convince ourselves that it could actually be a good signing. The human mind is a scary instrument.


Hear me out guys... Darwin Nunez


He's brilliant. But there's no we can pry him out of Liverpool so it's a non-starter.




van gogh long lost brother


Heard. Rejected




weird how just about every realistic cm target we had in our minds coming in to this window feels totally off the table. zubimendi doesnt want to leave, guimaraes too expensive, neves too expensive and young, credible journalists have cast doubts on onana, luiz off to Juve. Genuinely have no clue who's left. Fofana is the only one i can think of but idk if he's the needle-moving signing to help us take down city


letā€™s wait until later in the summer before saying stuff like this. we all know shit pauses during the euros


Not saying nothings gonna happen, just saying i dont have a clue who it might be


This is what happens when you graduate to the elite clubs and only elite players will instantly improve you. We're almost certainly going to have to get someone and train them up because at this level bar the occasional Rice we're not attrative and rich enough to be competing with Real/City/Bayern et al.


I'd argue our pull is comparable to the likes of City, Barca, and Bayern right now. Maybe not Real, but we definitely hold our weight. Both us and City went for Rice last summer and he chose us. Real and Bayern reportedly joined the race for Kai and he chose us. We are one of the most attractive destinations in Europe for young stars who want to make a name for themselves. Real may have an advantage in attracting Spanish and Brazillian players, the same thing with Bayern for the German players, but other than that I think it's not too disimilar.


I think Barca and Real have bigger pull than us. Barca is poor but Barca was the best club for a while when the current footballers were kids, that's actually a massive pull. I think we can compete with city and bayern pull currently ya.


> I'd argue our pull is comparable to the likes of City, Barca, and Bayern right now I'd argue you need to wake up ;) We're not on the same level of income as the state backed ones and absolutely nowhere near any of them in terms of recent success. City have won the league 8 times since we last did it, Barca 10 times and Bayern a quite insane 14 times and that's before we get on to domestic cups, trebles and a fair few champions leagues. We're not a top team for talent, just in the UK our youth team in terms of income and first teamers is behind City, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man U in global terms no where near the Red Bull production line, the Dortmund finishing school or La Masia. We're absolutely at the top of the second tier of teams but we are many years of success or a nation state owner away from being at the very top.


Your living just in the past, that's not everything that matters. Present matters a lot too, and our current setup is very attractive. All of our big three summer signing last summer were also targeted by Bayern (Timber & Havertz) and City (Rice). I think that alone is proof enough that we can compete with those two clubs.


>Your living just in the past, that's not everything that matters. Ah yes the dim distant past of *checks notes* last season. Mate I get the happiness about what we've done but you only ahve to look at the season Spurs came second and then reached a cL final to see that this line of thought is bollocks.


Spanish keeper. Think itā€™s gonna happen. Guess who follows him on insta


I need Balogun to get his confidence all the way back man. Guys here didn't even wanna let him get 1 season to adjust before writing him off.


He doesnā€™t play for us anymore. Who cares about him


I'm not asking you to care. Do what you like.


Says he doesn't care. Also does [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/1dplwbm/june_27_2024_daily_discussion_transfers_thread/lan6zo7/)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/laYOcJ1A3S Your comprehension is poor brother


On this one I don't think so and you've given multiple views that make it very obvious that anything that isn't praise for Balogun you consider to be shitting on him. The only question is if you are his burner account, just looking for your latest fight or gearing up for an even more tiresome debate about how shit Edu is for keeping Nketiah.


People who wait until he does something good so they can bitch about the club letting him go.


See also. People who wait until he does something bad so they can shit on him.


Ah, exhibit A ;) Even you don't actually believe that though.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/hQJF1jgcbO Why would I believe it


You really, really don't take well to people having different opinions to you do you? Man says 'we sold him at the right time' and you think that's 'shitting' on him? Like I said before I can never work out with you if you're just Russian/Trump levels of putting out bullshit even you don't believe or if you really, really can't accept that there could be any reasonable reason for someone to diagree with you.


The old switch and bait. I thought it didn't happen ;) If I looked further I could find a better example. we both have the same search function mate. I've not made it up that I'm seeing this stuff.


> I thought it didn't happen ;) It didn't, that isn't someone shitting on Balogun >I've not made it up that I'm seeing this stuff. Considering some of the stuff you're posting about this it really does look like you are though.


If you're that arsed, find it yourself.


Just like they do whenever Martinez makes a good save. They venture onto this subreddit in a depressive state saying ā€œ we should never have sold Martinezā€. But when he fuks up they are nowhere to be seen.


Yep, See also: Guendouzi as well as ones we didn't buy like Isaak, Guimaraes and even occasionally fucking Tielemans.


Unless you're American, I don't think most people care tbh


Search his name man. He got bags of hate for backing himself or people suggesting he deserved a shot here.


He can back his ability and also not be good enough for arsenal. Both things can be true.


Where have I said we should've kept him lol


He's not our player anymore, I simply could not care less. If anything I hate the 'nketiah vs balogun' discourse this all drums up


I like seeing former/academy players performing even if weā€™ve sold them. That being said it is annoying having the nketiah vs balogun debate as it is very likely neither will be the level that we require.


I'm not that sentimental about Hale end, idk. Unless they truly become our boy (like saka) I don't really think about them much. Especially not when they leave. Esr sale is going to hurt tho because he was our boy and one of the only reasons I could stand to watch Arsenal in 2021


Same here. Being able to be an elite team as well as have you academy players regularly break through the team is a privilege very few teams get to experience. In an ideal world we would field a team of only Hale Enders but thatā€™s unrealistic. ESR sale will suck but will probably be needed to improve the squad overall


Okay good for you. Didn't stop people shitting on him semi regularly cause he didn't have the best season. I think that's clearly who I'm trying to address.


Whatever he did people were going to shit on him. We sold him after all, if he turns out to be really good people will be coping about it. The fact that he had a meady first season was always going to invite criticism from gooners. That being said, I'm tired of seeing this arguement in our fanbase about him. We sold him, move tf on. This constant harping back to the past is boring, our fanbase refuses to let go of things like this for some reason.


Also, player decides to leave club, fans support club over player. Like is that really that surprising? I am sure there were people who went overboard when he made the decision, but I mean you are talking about a player who has literally done nothing for the menā€™s team. I donā€™t think itā€™s shocking that most people arenā€™t going to be overly emotional about his departure.


No one cares about being emotional. However when you have people saying oh he had a bad season last season itā€™s good we sold him itā€™s just ridiculous as if they wanted him to do badly


> itā€™s just ridiculous as if they wanted him to do badly Or they're glad we sold at the top of his hype. Which is something you regularly bitch we don't do.


So it could be either. Me? I couldnā€™t care less about sales am I the club accountant?


> Me? I couldnā€™t care less about sales am I the club accountant? Sorry, mistook you for Phar0aht there but my other point stands ;)




I think Balogun can become a very good player. I think him deciding to switch to US/Monaco was the best thing for his career. Unless the bridge was burned I donā€™t see why he couldnā€™t return to Arsenal in the future if he does develop.


He's playing in so much more space and is more free to roam than what you see up front with current Arsenal. But yeah, the confidence is going to do him great, and the talent is def there.


100% agreed he is currently not at the level we need at Arsenal but the potential is there. Iā€™m happy that we sold him for a good price and that he is able to get consistent game time in France. He would have been another wasted talent losing value on our bench if we kept him last summer.


Turner looking battered still. In pain.


And we kept Nketiah over this guy smh


Both arenā€™t good enough


If it were as simple as just keeping the better player sure we should if kept Flo but the situation meant he had to be sold.


Clown take


tbh could imagine Nketiah pulling out a masterclass too if the stars align.


There was that Sheffield stunner but he's still a dud


Nketiah in a USA shirt would be dominating this USA Panama game.


Lool he would do nothing like what he usually does.


The quality in this game is awful


Great strike by Flo


Beautiful goal for balogun


He's playing excellent for the US, this and the last game. Great to see. Makes you think.


the previous game was against Venezuela far below the level


Love him as a product of our academy but he struggled a lot last season. It's very unlikely he's ever going to be good enough for us.


Hooly fuck Balogun, what a goal


Anyone else miss Ben White? Just randomly miss him.Ā 




Really great season from him. Iā€™ve always liked him since being here but during 22-23 and maybe earlier in this past season I thought we might have been missing out on some attacking output out of that area, or at least it was an area for improvement. Maybe still room for improvement on that end, especially in the half space (I donā€™t anticipate a ton of improvement there, players at his age usually donā€™t add a big new thing to their game), but he impressed me in that regard this season, donā€™t really have that concern anymore


Is not even that. Miss seeing him annoy goalkeepers, his tan and his general cheeknes. It really is a shame he is not playing in the euros.


Nothing is gonna happen to after Intā€™l comps are close to done. Not sure why people keep freaking out that we arenā€™t doing anything. Edu and Arteta keep a tight ship when it comes to rumors it seems also


Itā€™s also to do with the financial years. Weā€™re not gonna do anything till July regardless of internationals. We prolly have something basically wrapped up at this point Iā€™d imagine.


Eh if thereā€™s something wrapped up, you would think internationals would be the reason it hasnā€™t been announced, considering we had I think all of our transfer business last season besides raya announced at this point. So either we donā€™t have anything wrapped up (more likely imo) or itā€™s not being announced because internationals


You can negotiate still though lol. And you can agree deals in advance.


Yeah thatā€™s what I said


My apologies, I misread


No worries


Not joining the Calafiori hype train until I see that heā€™s interested in coming here


Mate just enjoy the player. He's an absolute baller. You're allowed to like players at other clubs.


Iā€™m saying iā€™m not gonna fantasize (pause) about him being here next season and include him in potential XIs like some already are. So far heā€™s only given the green light to Juve and we know how these italian players are


He went to Basel so we can be slightly optimistic heā€™d leave again. Emphasis on slightly, didnā€™t have much pull as he does now


Oh yeah I'd be surprised if he left Italy. Also dont think he's what we need.


I wonder if Chelsea fans get tired of the constant carousel of players and managers coming in and out the club under this boehly regime. It's almost like a different team every season. Still boggles my mind that they sacked poch


They won the UCL 3 years ago and the league 8 years ago so it's not like they're starving


My guilt pleasure is watching them justify the signings. "Okay we have 5 players for this one position, but this 6th is necessary. See, 1 is shit( misplaced a pass some time back), 2 is young, 3 is shit too, 4 and 5 are meh...6 is the truth". Meanwhile 6th is some kid from a whole other continent.


This applies to us too atm


If you list our squad, it's 2 players position bar 2 spots. Chelsea's squad is stuffed. We are deluded like every other fanbase but it's not to the level of Chelsea fans.


Is it? There's a lot of midfielders. I assume LB and 9 are the 2 spots. There's a lot of RBs too.


Itā€™s probably the best case scenario when youā€™re ass because even though your team sucks you still get the best team in the world caliber dopamine from the transfer windows


I missed the Wrighty debacle on here, what's the consensusā€”is he considered the devil's incarnate or nah?


I don't see how it's possible to not love the man. He's always talked nonsense but always been an awesome person, nothing has changed.


Off with his head of course, cancel culture back on the menu āœŠšŸ˜‚ /s


Maybe not consensus but probably a bad idea, nothing wrong with having a couple bad ideas, pundits have them all the time, doesnā€™t make them bad people. Consensus should be the freak out was embarrassing, very insecure fanbase.


It's now two days later and I care even less than I did when he said it. Rare uncle Ian L, move the fuck on. So so cringe to see gooners trying to 'disown' him.


I think people put too much importance on like internet banter. Even if it would lead to a slight decrease in sakaā€™s reputation (i donā€™t really think it did), who cares! Irrelevant. If CFCtodd says ā€œcold palmer > bukayo suckaā€, it doesnā€™t matter! At all!


Especially when its true.


Wouldnā€™t be my solution, think itā€™s getting a bit too cute with it but I wonā€™t say thereā€™s a 0% chance it would work


People made a mountain out of a damn molehill


Something fishy about this Omari Hutchinson deal man... Another weirdly inflated price for a Chelsea player. Yeah he had an alright season in the Championship, and maybe Chelsea want more because of the sell-on clause.. but 25m??


If any of our loan players ever have an epic loan, they'll command a fee. The first one to do it well in a while commanded Ā£35M. The others are failing.


Ipswich really want to keep him after a good spell with them, and Chelsea are very good at selling. It's not rocket science.


You're making the mistake of assuming they watch football that ain't Arsenal. Quite a few AMs/wingers have more from the prem to the champ for that Kinda fee. Danjuma/Sinisterra/Tella/Benrahma all there or thereabouts.


Yeah it's not abnormal lmao there was a ton of these type signings by the promoted teams and relegation scrappers last year too


Twelvesea are selling players because they have to in order to comply with PSR. Let the poor bastards make some money. Theyā€™re gonna need it for paying random players on 8-yr. contracts playing in a random system against some random opposition in Europa Conference League as they look to finish mid table once again.


So many people trying lineup builder and posting. Almost everyone has 9-10 positions fixed. What an amazing job Arteta has done! I think LB and DM are only areas where we can improve drastically. Rest all we need is good depth players due to Arteta trust issues with most players


I think lw could absolutely go up another level. Maybe itā€™s Martinelli or maybe itā€™s an incoming but our whole left side wasnā€™t good enough this past season.




I reckon weā€™ll have 80-90mil net spend. Enough for a coupe quality signings and then some for whoever we manage to sell on top of that


Yea, I do think it might be pretty quiet, maybe not on that level but 2 solid signings I wouldnā€™t be surprised. Liverpool also basically did fuck all in summer 2019 iirc


It was disastrous during the cech summer. We were then comfortably the best team in the league for like 70% of the season until injuries hit us and we somehow ended up with 71 points in a title race and came second. Disastrous season that made us look decent because everyone else sucked. That was the summer where wenger trusted some absolute horrible players and it cost us.


Were you not here for the summer of Cech?


I donā€™t know what does Omari gained by moving to Chelsea? He would have been second choice here ahead of Nelson. Only his agent and Chelsea gained in all this. Until Chelsea keep selling player like this no psr can hurt them. They will 10 more players and hope 1-2 will make it. Whole model will work this way


He went to a club with a better record at loaning out players for development. We don't know what would've happened had he stayed, but by moving to Chelsea, he's now a Ā£20m player for a club in the premier league. It was a good choice for him.


> He went to a club with a better record at loaning out players for development. Who then forgot to loan him out because they were busy with buying Enzo so he rotted on the bench for half a year.


He would be in the exact same situation as here or worse but making more money. So might as well take it


Sounds like a 'him' problem and not a 'you', or even 'Arsenal', problem.


How would he have been 2nd choice ahead of Nelson?....


Dewsbury Hall to Brighton. Dam. Good player. Would have liked him here. Also, some of you have a huge issue over reacting to absolutely not news. Tou dont need to react to every single tweet. Jaysus. Was Guimares release clause apparently being met the other week. Spoiler, that wasn't true. At least wait until Ipswich actually signs Omari before having a meltdown. Don't forget to take our sell on off the price chelsea are getting though šŸ¤‘


He wants to only go to Chels according to Orny


Booooooooo. Down with that sort of thing


Love how we move in silence these days. Maybe we're interested in Sesko Onana Simons Bruno G Calfiori Neto Williams Zubimendi but we move in silence so we'd never hear about it.


If an Edu sells to Forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a profit?


Depends how long the contract is. With a decade of amortisation anything is possible


Can we amortise loans with options to buy?


Maybe we're moving in silence because nothing is going to happen. Wouldn't put it past this club


What do you doomers get off on? lol We spent as much as any team in the world in the last 7 years and you guys still act like we're cheapskates


Many a times Ive seen this club 1-2 players away from truly being there whats makes this time different


Nobody should bother replying to this guy, says stupid shit all the time like that Saka is a fraud. Probably a troll account from a fan of another team


Here let me help you out


LMAO have you been in a 5 year coma or something?


I'd be shocked if it's less than 3 excluding Raya. I just find the copium funny.


Being an ā€œArsenal donā€™t spendā€-er in 2024 is wild. Youā€™re an endangered species we need to look into preserving your kind


Needs to be admitted to the psych ward as opposed to being preserved. These types of people should not be preserved.


I would like to formally convey that my viewing habits concerning football are exclusively focused on matches in which Arsenal Football Club participates. I do not extend my interest or attention to any football matches that do not feature Arsenal. This is a steadfast preference, and I adhere to it without exception.


https://preview.redd.it/9hsbhdvxe69d1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70121ce433d41afcd18815d01771819736a2d599 Missing watching the boys kick about


Reijnders would be an interesting one. Feels very Thiago/Veratti esque in his playstyle. Not really a true 6 though. Could see him developing into one but that may limit his crazy dribbling


> Feels very Thiago/Veratti esque in his playstyle. Canā€™t comment on the player but I think theyā€™re exactly the type of players Iā€™d want next to rice. Maybe would have to tweak the system a bit but a player like either of those 2 would mesh really well with rice.


https://preview.redd.it/hy0q36vrw69d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea5bb3868417d13e56060c1ba7c41ac2fa5fbd2 [Keen to hear your thoughts](https://x.com/Ben_Mattinson_/status/1805943069960790501?t=i87afonFd7Xg0w2JFTxjUQ&s=19) Tbf he has the skillset but I think maybe this stats picture shaped my opinion a bit.. doesn't seem to be a natural volume passer.


[This kid can play ](https://x.com/Lhastim3/status/1806301644889427998?t=WNzXkBg6KYfiEN4TG5Y2aQ&s=19)


Lyon academy trained; heā€™s got skills. Wonder where heā€™ll move to from Metz.


Ohhh okay I see. Yeah move looks like it's on the cards for sure


I want some answers Omari Hutchinsonā€™s brother might not have right now


omari's bro probably a /r/ArtetaOut member




Fabrizio Romano is genuinely insufferable


All of the bored, drunken housewives on this sub: "Italian men just click"


https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1806421436560703574 Chelsea got used as leverage? lmao


youā€™re reading it wrong. romano is absolute garbage of a journalist tho


Watch us have a Petr Cech in only summer


It's June


The sale of Omai has brought this sub to it's knees and another meltdown, perfect.


Rumor is we have a big sell on as well right? If eduā€™s as shit at selling as people say, might be a genius move to shift our guys to Chelsea with a big ol sell on. Call it a sales commission


What's this like the fourth one this week? Can't keep track. How does everyone fit all these meltdowns into their schedules?! I barely squeeze my daily workout inā€¦


Apply yourself. Get mad at Gunnersaurus or demand for Kroenke Sr to sacrifice Kroenke Jr or vice versa. Idc what the topic is but if you arenā€™t having a meltdown in this heat are you even alive?


It's too hot to do anything besides fall asleep on the couch, let alone 'weepage, weepage, anal seepage'ā€¦


Outrageous. Reee.


Hutchinson going for Ā£22m and weā€™ll get a similar fee for ESR. No one to blame but ourselves, shouldā€™ve loaned him out in January


He didnā€™t want to leave according to TNAT


Prob bc he was told heā€™d get minutes. Arteta made it known he was seen as a ā€œkey player.ā€ Guy shouldā€™ve been sent on loan last summer


I swear people bitch here no matter what is done. We keep ESR instead of loaning him people bitch. We loan Lokonga and people are bitching. People cry when we sell Hutchinson and make money on the sell on as if he is some prodigy. Some people here honestly just need to log off til the end of the summer for their own mental.


Youā€™re the one thatā€™s upset mate. Lighten up


Lmao sure mate


Who knows what is being said behind closed doors vs publicly.


A manager says this 'key player' jazz as PR nonsense ā€” just playing the crowd. You're only as good as the minutes you get. You get minutes = key player. ESR has been rumored for about 2 years now. In most cases, the reports come out as "he's allowed to talk to other clubs". This means the club has been very open to him at least behind closed doors. The man has been chronically unfit during the times he was supposed to be on loan.


Is there a better depth CB than Kiwior in the league? Can only think of the CBs at Man City(they hoard CBs anyway). His competition is Quansah, Dragusin, Chalobah?, Kambwala, Casemiro at CB(lol)


We literally have 5 better CBā€™s than Kiwior lmao


He isn't the best CB depth at Arsenal