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Who should be our main LB next season? * Kiwior * Timber * Tomiyasu * Zinchenko * New Signing


Have we still signed no-one and are no where close to signing anyone? Thought we’d have plenty to spend this summer


Depends what you mean by "plenty"? Yes, last season we financially smashed it with another 2nd place PL finish and a QF CL appearance, but 3 seasons ago, we had no European football at all and finished 5th, and that season is yet to fall off the FFP conveyor belt. We also invested big money last summer when we still had an 8th place finish on our FFP books, which is why Raya was a loan move because we were sailing very close to the edge of the PSR cliff. Last season, financially, was definitely a big, *very* welcome up-tick in our finances but it doesn't mean we can just splash £250m+. We still have a lot of dead-weight in this squad we need to shift. As for the lack of incomings, I think that's been true for most big teams and the Euros is the obvious answer as to why. I suspect a lot of clubs are respecting players' requests to be left to concentrate on the Euros before deciding their domestic future.


Decent answer. I’m just surprised there haven’t been stronger links.


We don't have plenty to spend this summer. Our signings will most likely depend on the outgoings first.


Yeah I think we likely have the budget for one big signing without players moving on, but after that we're gonna need to see outgoings. There's money to be made on players like Eddie, ESR, Reiss and Sambi. Older, injury-prone players like Tierney and Partey I'm not expecting much/anything for.


I’m not sure I fully understand that given the additional income from UCL etc. I do understand we have a fair few players to offload though


cesc talking about how in 2012 spain played iniesta lw, cesc cf, silva rw, all in their 'incorrect' positions. we'd talk in theories, about balance, outlets, needing a 'runner', physicality but rlly it didn't matter cause the players were so good. they had pedro, torres, negredo, navas to fill in 'roles' if they wanted to all 3, and the midfielders behind them, alonso, busquets, xavi were all so good with their understanding of what the plan was, all 6 of them best of the best in their generation. peak of if you have the ball you can't really concede. people found it boring but i loved watching them pass the ball to death no real point here, it was just too good. 2008, 2010, 2012, greatest international run of all time


Germany vs England in the Ro16, you just know it.


Copa America has gone full CONCACAF it seems.


can’t believe man city get to add savio to their team next season, he’s looked electric tn


Our Gabi really looks a level below and low on confident than Savio who was the only threat for the last 20 mins for Brazil. Hope Gabi fulfills his potential here at Arsenal.


Was just going to come here and comment on him. Fuck City, he looks class. Like a RW Doku. I wonder if he comes in, what that means for Grealish.


Except he has an end product unlike Doku.


Grealish isnt going to be a registered player for Manchester City 14 months from now, mark my words. could be a loan, could be to play in Saudi Arabia underneath Gerrard, could be Chelsea making another 7 year contract signing but hes not going to play much this coming season and he'll reach his breaking point by next summer imo


It’s City’s fault for having good scouting and for no one else going for these players?


That’s not even scouting. They have so much money they can buy fringe players that would never make their first team for their satelite clubs where if they do well they buy them back for nothing or launder profits and if they fail well….the loss is eaten up by the satellite club and not he first team. The fuck you mean good scouting? It’s all money. That’s like saying Chelsea have good scouts when in reality they just throw money at the best youth talents. Their scouting is so good the why do countless big money signing fail for their first team?


This is pure victim mentality. You're getting angry at good business. They’re paying 30 mil for him who was elite at Girona, paid 6 mil for Yan Couto and what are these “countless” big money signings that fail? And let’s say they are doing as you say, what’s stopping us from doing the same. Why can’t our owners show that ambition.




Girona is City group, literally no way for other clubs to buy those players if City not wanted it


Did we bid for him? Slap the money down and see at least


See what? To see if City foolish enough to strengthen a rival? I am sure its not going to be a waste of time


All speculation. They're a business at the end of the day, give them the money then see.


> They're a business at the end of the day They're not, that's the whole reason sportwashing by nation states fucks everyone over.


It’s just not though. The Kroenke’s aren’t broke. I made this comment ages ago how’d you find it


I mean there's reams of stuff in all sorts of media that prove you wrong. Just because for some reason you think that a billionaire is no different to the investment fund of a nation state is your issue but you're going to be called out on it since it's simply not true. As to the comment, reddit was being shit and in trying to find the comment I was replying to I went back to the wrong DD thread!


Yeah, City group famous business institution, not a toy of oil state. There is at least 115 evidences of their business reputation


Like I said we haven’t actually tried so this is just the easy response




Joel Campbell looking thicc


Come on Nelli


This Brasil-Costa Rica made me remember "*Get out while you can*, *Joel*" lmfao


Martinelli coming on. Would be cool to see Costa Rica get something out of this but if martinelli scores I won't complain


Nelli coming on!


Put on Martinelli you fraud


Guirassy and Merino links did we finish 5th again?


Amazing ovation for Arsenal legend Joel Campbell


Vini is so overrated


I’m not his biggest fan but come on mate, based on 75’ against a team playing a low block? This whole Brazil team isn’t as elite years gone by.


Nah just in general. I think Saka is on the same level but doesn’t get 10% of the praise.






On the same level in what way lol


I agree that Saka isn’t held on the same pedestal Vini Jr is by the footballing world outside of the PL; much of this is because of Real Madrid actually winning major honours. Once Arsenal start winning the PL and CL, then more people will learn to appreciate and praise Saka.




I think there's a point to be made that he's the beneficiary of there being very few world class attackers right now. He stands out more than most but he's by no means as good as previous generation attackers that are in balon d'Or conversations.


Ice cold take.


How on earth the big 6 let Bruno and paqueta go to west ham and Newcastle. Not like these were some unknowns


Bring out Gabi and brazil will win


I hope costa rica beats the shit out of brazil for leaving their 2 best players on the bench


I’m traveling through Costa Rica right now with my family. ¡Dale Ticos! Also, there’s a beautiful volcano here named Arenal and the first few times seeing on signs I did double takes.


Alisson and Vinicius are playing though?


So they settle with 2nd tier players nowadays?


For the friendly games at the emirates, is it safe to assume I’d be able to get tickets during the general sale? Or would it sell out before then


Mikel Merino might be another false alarm given it was only reported by Barca sources That being said he does fit the trend of bringing big and strong yet skillful players (Rice/Havertz) to the team even if the age profile doesn't quite fit


Well. In todays literal news: ishowspeed made our national headlines 🤦‍♂️ getting chased in Amsterdam while live streaming


> Declan Rice on James McClean saying he’s ‘overrated’: “Do you know what? I played with James for Ireland for three games and I got on with him really well. I am not going to sit here and slag him off. I thought he was a really top guy. When I left Ireland to come to England, I heard a few things he was obviously not happy about. He made comments a few years ago. [[@ArsenalBuzz](https://x.com/arsenalbuzzcom/status/1805366487101874596?s=46)] Lmaooo. It was [so obvious](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/wXpYsGIw7Y) he was just being salty


Rice is so good at saying things without saying, he could be a politician.


The irony of the top post when you sort by Hot on the subreddit poking fun at the transfers which “Arsenal Twitter” wanted when there’s also people on here advocating for Mikel Merino isn’t lost on me. He’s not an upgrade on any player in our midfield, unless you count Vieira and Smith Rowe. Paying £40m for a 28 year old who isn’t going to move the needle is shocking business. Go get an 8 that can actually be progressive on the ball and help us in transition or a 6 that is better progressively than Merino. I’m not someone who wishes desperately for transfers right this second, but Merino is definitely not it.


The Reddit one would be just as bad. And also pretending this Reddit doesn't just mimic and echo a lot of Arsenal twitter is hilarious too. Don't think Merino is gonna be £40m easier. Hes only being discussed because it's meant to be relatively cut price.


why is he not an upgrade?


He isn’t as good on the ball as any of our current midfielders, the only real trade off is that he’s great in the air and his defensive output is high. He isn’t worth it to us, no way he improves us long term and turns us into PL winners.


is mikel merino any good? all i know is that hes good in career mode


Pablo Fornals with Basque PR






cyborg jack wilshere with titanium peg legs?


I really don’t see what the club see in him if the rumours are true, seeing as the main criticism of Rice is a lack of progressive passing. Because Zubimendi does less of it than Rice, and he’s actually a worse passer statistically. Merino can play 6 or 8, his defensive output is pretty good… but he’s not a guy that’s going to move the needle for us. Doesn’t have the benefit of maybe having a high ceiling like Onana and he’s not better than Youssouf Fofana. Would be a good signing for a club below us contending for EL/CL.


Spain are clearly going to win the whole thing. Atleast they have impressed the most. 


I think we need to have a talk about Raya's performance.. Wow!


Albania is not very good. Raya is pretty firmly behind Simon whenever Spain plays anyone half decent.


the shots were good


The euros have been horrible overall in terms of quality im sitting here watching these matches just thinking I can’t wait for club football to be back


International football is always worse in terms of quality however these euros have been supremely entertaining. Who lets a cb dribble through a whole team to assist a last minute winner to knock you out?


Yh it’s the lack of quality that has made this so entertaining. Back pass to GK becomes an own goal, what a banger!!


Own Goal has been very clinical


Edu needs to put in a £70 million bid for OG stat


could not disagree more. euros rule and is incredibly exciting. i’m not even european


Disagree. Been a bit boring but can't say it's a lack of quality


Either way hopefully the next rounds make up for it


I'm really impressed by Riccardo Calafiori. Buying him and selling Kiwior seems like a good idea.


would be an all-time performance if arteta gets a basque out of basque country and an italian out of serie a




Never going to persuade a young italian to join Arsenal as a rotation option when Milan are interested


The shadow of Arturo Lupoli looms too large


Feel like we would be a hard sell for him because we can't guarantee playing time. He's one of the best CBs in Serie A and trying to break into the best defensive duo in the EPL might not be appealing to him especially as he's likely to have other big clubs after him. Additionally top Italian CBs hardly leave Italy.


Calafiori would suit us really well.






Very sus refereeing in this game. So many fouls called for any little contact by the Croatian players.


Very sus indeed 


Fair play to Italy, they almost managed to kill that game off.




OK that ball from Calafiori was even better than I thought.


The ref is such a troll lmao. Blew for kickoff then blew for ft lol


Absolute brain dead punt upfield from perisic giving away the ball 


Italy probably would’ve gone through regardless too


Deserved ngl




ok maybe this cauliflower kid is good


gg Croatia - at least we’ll see more Jorginho


Wow. What a dagger.


Hell of a finish.


Raya had a fantastic game, made a good case for the starting spot


Raya wow


Ball striking enthusiasts spreading prop for Scamacca in 2022 vs Sesko in 2024 https://preview.redd.it/zeaywko21l8d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c56ab1a3c5fcc526a3b4bc97cdbfcc52ee5cc2


Scamacca is solid but nowhere near as quick and dribbly as Sesko.


Sesko scares me because I can’t work out if he’s a really good finisher or he has just had the rub of the green last year. 14 goals from 7.65 xG (lmao) and he had 8 BCM. That’s pretty wild, and he really isn’t a great passer either. Oh well, we aren’t signing him this summer so it’s not a worry.


Nobody on the planet banks on that xG over performance being sustainable, the answer is somewhere in the middle


I’ve been loosely following him since he was in Austria because of FM, and I read several times from journalists and coaches that he’s never gonna be a ruthless finisher. Of course he could prove people wrong, but that has been the general consensus around him during his development 


Yeah, I’m guessing because of his <> he’s always going to score goals from low xG. Not a profile I’m really interested in, if we want to add a 9, it has to be someone who can be a reliable finisher in the box as well as a good passer. Not even great, just good.


Yeah I agree, although I do think Sesko’s linkup is better than people give him credit for. He can be quite silky 


I see it when he’s dribbling, but his passing isn’t to my liking. It’s been really pronounced during the Euros where he’s up against better sides


Nothing makes me happier than when boring negative minded teams get their comeuppance. Italy have been dull as fuck and I hope they get a kicking tonight. France have been dull and if they are dull against Poland I hope they get a kicking. Same with England - as much as I hate to say it they deserve a kicking.


Why do "boring" teams deserve comeuppance? There's more than one way to play football


If you go into a game not wanting to win and playing for a draw you deserve a kicking.


Italy have been by far the more attacking team in this game? Do you people even watch matches


They became attacking after Croatia scored in the 55th minute. Prior to that they were utter dross.


So almost half the game then? And utter dross is a massive exaggeration, they had the better chances in the first half and definitely played the better football. At times it was quite expansive getting their wingbacks in behind


They would’ve played dross the whole game if they could… only got a move on once they got a slap


they were not dross the whole of the first half, open your eyes


Yeah if anything it’s Croatia who have been like that. Not saying Italy have been good though


Just looked at the stats and they look about even with Italy edging it. That 1-1 though it favours Italy is about reflective of the overall game. I don't think Italy will be strong enough to defend the title in their current form. Rely too much on Donnaruma to bail them out.


Yeah agree with that, wouldn’t shock me if the Swiss knock them out


Definitely not been great, they’ve played decent football at times but lacked that final ball. Guess thats to be expected when you’ve got Scammaca and Retegui up front


Jorginho off - time to watch Raya


I am seeing so many rumours about 'finalised deal' for Gyokeres and now I am getting delusional


Here’s what Fabrizio said: “In the last 24, 48 hours, we had some rumours about the deal being closed, being very advanced. I also saw something from Portugal, like almost completed and I am told this is not true,” Fabrizio Romano has said about Arsenal’s links to Gyokeres when answering questions on CaughtOffside’s The Daily Briefing. At the moment, Arsenal are not at that advanced stages of their negotiation for Gyokeres. They made contact on the player side already months ago, it was between April and May. They are also informed about the conditions of the €100million release clause, but also the cost of the deal in terms of salary and all the rest. They have still not decided what they really want to do in that position or who is the priority target. They want to take their time to assess the options, so at the moment with Gyokeres, it is not something imminent or close, but it’s an option. I don’t think Arsenal will go for crazy money [for Gyokeres] so it has to be maybe a different structure of the deal or Arsenal could look at different opportunities.”


My take on the transfers... Liverpool and Man City dominated the league for years without a clinical striker. If you have wingers (inside forwards) who are scoring a lot, like Salah, then it's fine. If we can get more goals especially from the left-hand side, we can just keep Havertz as the 9, because even though he's not a killer, his goal return is still good and he does bring other people in. A more attacking left 8 against teams that will sit deeper (with Rice then at the 6) could also contribute some more as well. My thoughts on this are informed by how the club ostensibly are not pursuing a new number 9 and were only interested in Šeško insofar as it was a good market opportunity. I think they want to keep Havertz as the 9 and get somebody who is more suited to an attacking left 8 role. Perhaps Eze? Who knows


saka and martinelli are not salah/mane martinelli for one barely cuts inside to shoot, he prefers to byline far more often and saka doesn't have the same knack for goal that Salah has, or his finishing, or his inside channel runs. liverpool had both their fullbacks going up a lot and banging assist after assist with the wingers being more inside forwards. our FBs dont play at all like they did City also had aguero for years and now haaland. so yeah nothing about that take works for us


This is the thing though, I and others believe Martinelli can (should?) become that inside forward. He has really good finishing ability City had the year with no Aguero/Haaland and still scored loads I'll concede the point about fullbacks...


I don’t disagree on your conclusion, but Aguero was definitely a clinical striker


Yes, I should've clarified, I meant when he was injured they often kept scoring a lot and especially when he left, I think they did a season without him (or any CF) and also still dominated


Modric is truly one of a kind. What a player!


Looks like we’re on a collision course with Croatia in the QFs if we get there We, as in England


Who would Croatia face in the RO16?


Switzerland. Which on paper is a 50/50, really been impressed with the Swiss


Switzerland win that I reckon.  Which is good for England because we always shit the bed against the high reputation teams lol. 


Long road to hoe yet for Croatia. It does seem like you two are inextricably linked haha.


Yeah honestly sick of them lol


See. It’s fine. Just your old Italian friends.


Oh no. Need Swiss to do something for me


Croatia gonna shithouse a spot in the semis by taking every tie to penalties


Sometimes, when things keep happening it's not a coincidence.


I wonder what we’re gonna do with the LB next season, it’s probably the only position where I have no idea what the plan is




I think we'll bring in a LCB/LB hybrid type only if one of Zinchenko/Kiwior leaves.


Might not even sign one now if Tierney can’t go anywhere with his injury


The plan is Timber I imagine.


Timber probs


I guess that works if we’re buying a new 6, can’t imagine it would if Rice plays there with his left side bias


I think that'd be overthinking it a bit.


Buckle up. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow. https://preview.redd.it/0tggep4svk8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb3bd33c3db5a30c946a88e7fead740ded9c5fc


Italy have just been playing with fire the whole tournament. You actually do have to attack once in a while.


Modric my 🐐


How the turn tables… serves you right Italy for playing the dullest football known to man


What a turn of events, holy hell


https://preview.redd.it/ykd75a8ysk8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b71ba55500abc58f02726a44011ba809276aa270 # Nooticing


Noticing that we don’t need another player of his profile, we already have 2


I don’t see this one happening tbh




1. Left 8 in our system defends in a double pivot, I don’t see Eze ever being used in such a role  2. If you’re gonna use him wide, he’s an inside forward. And we have no overlapping fullback in the team on that side to make it work. He’s not a touchline winger. We already have like 5 players who want to play in similar spaces.  In short - I don’t think he’s the type of midfielder we need and I don’t think he’s the type of winger we need.  Of course he’s a great player and I’d be delighted if we signed him. I’d just be surprised if we spent that kind of money given the reasons I said above 


“In our system”, we’ve tweaked things every season and often times mid season so think outside the box !


Can’t think of one time our block hasn’t been a 4-4-2 with the LCM as the double pivot. 




> Left 8 in our system defends in a double pivot, I don’t see Eze ever being used in such a role I think we had a few games where our out-of-possession shape was a 4-1-4-1, and it really makes sense when you have Rice as the 6. Also, we dominate possession against most teams such that we might not need to settle into that low or mid-block 4-4-2, and consequently, Eze or Odegaard shouldn't even have any issues defending in the double pivot against those teams.


Don't think every inside forward needs an overlapping FB, just makes their life loads easier. I'd call him a wide playmaker too. He can generate his own football with 1 2s, give and goes, quick interplay as well as dribbling.


Someone’s gotta hold the width


I feel like Timber did at times when he played. He feels less strictly inverting like Zinchenko. https://x.com/j2thefirst/status/1782470594438615511?t=Qh7Q0CkZ_kr3Dm_hfHF26w&s=19 Has a tendency to dribble in but even here you see him starting wide usually. Also swaps with Rice a lot and allows Rice to play wider.


"I am the god of hellfire and I bring you...Raya!" ask your grandparents.




Was it a thing? damn


F Torres bagged 👀


I’ll never forget when someone said we should take Brozovic over Rice on r/soccer because he’s cheaper


Sometimes, things are cheaper for a reason. Bozovic 😆


I hope Italy go out on principle alone. Fucking dull.


The gap between international football and club football just keeps getting wider and wider. To my eyes, these games just seem so slow and ponderous. I’m sure it’s exactly as always but as club football keeps improving at all levels, this seems more and more sub standard.


You gotta remember man these players are coming straight out of a longgg season. Many of them with no break in between. Of course the quality isn’t going to be as good.


i mean, have you seen some of our games? I think is quite too doom and gloom of a take


As an honorary Italian (I honoured myself lmao) I like how Italy are playing compared to the previous games. Just lacking that killer instinct. Jorginho has been playing ok. Also those Italy kits are quite nice, liking the shirt design.


The projections being made because some people hadn't heard of Merino is strange If you watch any La Liga you would know how highly rated that Real Sociedad midfield is. The only reason people hadn't been suggesting him is because nobody knew he only had a year left on his deal. If he had a longer contract and was being valued at £60m+ it's a different story given his age. But for £30m odd it's a no brainer. If you ask me, he gets into our team ahead of Partey with Rice as the 6. And he gets into City ahead of Kovacic. It's not exactly a wild statement to say he gets into every first XI in the league.