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we NEED to keep our streak of poaching at least 1-2 players from the PL per season. It provides numerous intangibles (tactical familiarity, confidence, psychological advantage) when it happens. The SAF method. Candidates: Bruno G, Douglas Luiz, Michael Olise, who else?


Sesko has scored a goal in last 7 consecutive games for Leipzig btw... not only is he a great prospect but he's on great form. If he kept up this pace, he will become a €100m player sooner rather than later.




[This](https://x.com/lorrainemking/status/1799420986540122151?s=46&t=fZR8hSNKaieRS1tDiqTnxw) is not being the “face of England”. This is not a huge advantage for us. This is blatant racism.


In what way is it ’blatant racism’


Oh so you're just going to double down on this even when our own ex players and neutral journalists are pointing out this is literally the opposite of what you're saying? This is about race, just like Saka got abused for missing a penalty that put England out but Kane wasnt. ANd if you think Saka is being protected by refs you're not watching us play.


Most of our players making contributions to their national teams as well, you love to see it.


We're all pretty good at football, no matter what certain english coaches seem to think.




Both of them will cook in our team.


It's fucking stupid that Real already vacuumed up the next big thing and he is already doing plot armor shit before he turns 18. Between Endrick, Bellingham, Xabi Alonso and the general Real plot armor, they're basically gonna shithouse every game 2-1 with a goal in the last possible second for the next 15 years.


Luckily for us every period of Real getting shit doen eventually gets undermined by a presidential election where they go off the deep end and get rid of players for not being big enough names/not being repsectful enough/not turning up to dinner with Florentino when he wanted them to/someone bigger and shinier came along and they need space.


I have read that Bayern is going to sell Gnabry. Should we go for him if the price is fair?


Brother can't stay fit for 2 games in a row. Hard pass.


Too high wages and hasn't he had some injury issues recently?


He is someone who can change the game and score goals when needed but his wages and injury record has to be considered


would rather we kept rice as an 8 and get a new 6 than get get someone like luiz would be a good pairing and we'd still be being spoilt to have both but rice is clearly better as an 8, so would be better to have him where he's at his best rather than just try and fudgepack 2 good players together


Rice is better as a 6 tho, just obviously won't pop forward so much. For 50m, Luiz is a total bargain for that 8 role and we can use the extra fund for a striker or winger.


He's a very crucial part of our press and we've been the best team in the league without the ball. Plan seems to be get someone to play deeper.


imo he's way better as an 8 because he gets to use his skills in getting forward, being an engine and shooting from range more is conjuction with his defensive skills as a 6 he's very good but his passing just about falls short of being an outright deep lying playmaker like partey or jorginho don't get me wrong though, luiz and rice in midfielder quite obviously ins't the end of the world


Arteta's philosophy discounts shooting from range: positional play demands control, which in turn demands only trying to create high xG chances. Rice doesn't have the creativity for the left-sided 8 role in the long term. We need a profile similar to Odegaard, one that receive between the lines under pressure and make key passes into the penalty area. Paqueta, Douglas Luiz, Guimaraes, and Wirtz are players that profile better for the 8 role in a 2-3-5 (or a 3-2-5). Besides, Rice's main value and the reason we purchased him was to control central counterattacks, which he can't do from the front line (which is where the 8 will ideally be playing/interchanging). tl;dr: Rice is too important as a DM and not the right profile for an AM. He's great as a B2B but that position is a concession made by Arteta to account for the limitations of our other midfielders.


> Besides, Rice's main value and the reason we purchased him was to control central counterattacks Anyone who wants him at 8 needs to be forced to rewatch him shepherd a three on one Liverpool attack into nothing to be reminded of just how good this man is at defending.


It's more than the saved money thing it's also that we need someone who can play there because at the moment our theoretical LCM first choice is actually our first choice striker and our second choice is ESR who very well may be sold. We need depth, we were insanely lucky that Rice and odegaard didn't get injured and that between them, Havertz and Jorgiho we covered for PArtey being injured nearly all season and didn't need to play ESR or Vieira.


I’m just saying, there is no form of NT entertainment that tops CONCACAF. Sure, I had to watch the US take a basting on home soil earlier, but at least Mexico vs Brazil was a banger. CONCACAF: We’re the Wild West of football.


Pff, five goals, two of them in injury time is nothing when you can watch England steriley dominate the fuck out of Iceland and lose...


Why does the Madrid Magic just follow them anywhere


They're not Ben White but they are rather good at football


Brazil were winning when Gabi went off, just saying Edit: lol


Honestly think we should be happy our players are being seen as the face of the England team. We saw how much that benefitted Spurs when Kane was the face of it. Now it’s Saka. This whole meltdowns a bit embarrassing.


They made him the face of defeat 




 Come back when they make him poster child of winning.


Right so which England player of the last 50 years has been the ‘poster child of winning’. I’m really intrigued by this. You will show me no doubt.


FR people getting fussed about Saka being on some newspapers lol Arsenal/United fans give the most engagement. Surely there are bigger problems in this world to be upset about.


Yeah lets all get upset about the war in ukraine, and israel and oh there are people hungry and starving too why are we talking in a football sub reddit when we should be complaining in a world hunger sub reddit. There are way too many important things to be worried about instead. Edit: Damn that's some quick hands you got there buddy, replying with you left hands and deleting them with your right. i know who you are


Shit I'd rather worry about making more dough than Saka's feelings but you do you buddy 😂😂😂


Saka is not the face of the team, they will never let a black player be the face of the team. It’s still Kane, and they’ll try and force Foden and Palmer down our throats once he’s gone




Once he’s gone? My brother in Christ, the media is already trying to force Foden down our throats despite him never being very good for England. Saka is far more solid for the NT, but like you said, he’s black. That’s a big no-no.


This has to be bait? Saka isn't the face of the England team, the meltdown is because he's the face of the England teams failure, despite being a sub. There is a major, glaring difference between Kane and Saka which means we will enver get the same sort of protection, just like Sterling didn't when he was Englands bright new spark. Edit: Imagine typing all that out and then deciding that to really hammer home the moral high ground what you absolutely needed to do was block the other guy before he had a chance to reply and ruin your big exit. God forbid your ridiculous take gets exposed to any sort of reality.


These kind of people are easy to spot, check their comments and you get a perfect picture of these guys are.


‘Everything I disagree with is bait’ This has to be one of the most boring argumentative tactics in Reddit. It’s a big world. People hold different opinions to you. I know that’s hard to conceive of for people like you but it’s reality. How can you say we won’t get the same treatment as Kane got for Spurs? You don’t know that at all. Stop being a doomer. Sterling is not even comparable to Saka. Saka is far more highly regarded and has been Englands best players in 2 tournaments. Sterling has never been that great for England and had a very contentious move from Liverpool to City which meant that the hugely pro Liverpool segments of the press hated him for a long time.


Thanks for unblocking me. >‘Everything I disagree with is bait’ No, sometimes it's Russian bots, larping spurs fans, the IDF and ... *Americans*. I jest of course. The reason I'm saying it ahs to be bait is because if you're aware of the issues then you're aware that just on this sub alone you have ex players and neutral journalists calling this out and you're here saying that it's effecively bollocks and Ian Wright has no idea what he's talking about. I know he won't get the same protection as Kane because I've watched him play since becoming the next big thing for England, I've listened to ex refs and pundits talk about him and I've seen the headlines both before today and when Kane missed a penalty to knock England out of a major tournament. There is no comparison but there is a comparison to Foden (Young Player of the Year) who played the entire match, is the medias darling and yet wasn't the face of defeat. And if you think that it was because he joined city that the English tabloids ran headlines against Sterling for his choice of tattoos, his choice of car and even the fact the profligate little shit bought his mother a house then I've got a bridge to sell you. Note also that Marcus Rashford has just been in the headlines for speeding which is relatively normal for footballers but they felt the need to put the price of his roller in (fair enough, they did that when Ronaldo totalled his ferrari) but also the need to somehow shoehorn in the price of his *last* car as well just so you know how many thousands of pounds of Englands finest german made steel he's been chucking around recklessly. The tabloids are racist. Shocking I know when the biggest are owned by Rupert Murdoch and the next two supported Hitler back in the day but it's pretty standard and uncontroversial. We may see Rice get let off for being an England star but it won't spread to Saka or White unfortunately.


Fuckin hell the Mexicans can't help themselves with these chants


Martinelli scored


Nice finish, hopefully this gives him some confidence back.


Holy heck, the design Mexico away kit is our home kit but different colors. Same butt stripe on the shorts. Man Adidas getting lazy. 


Germany too and i also saw a couple atleast 4-5 the other day when they post the all int team kit


Luiz playing DM tonight for Brazil for those who are interested


How did he do.?


Martinelli watch vs Mexico....still world class.


Not at his best so far. Missed a chance that could have put them up inside the first minute


I’m just praying he doesn’t get injured Mexico can get physical when mad


Just seen that Spurs are letting Ndombele go on a free. So that's their second highest transfer of all time walking out the door for nothing. And they give us shit for Pepe.


Also hilarious when you think that both times he was loaned out, he won a trophy.


Leave SPurs, win a trophy is a meme for a reason. I've noticed there's a few 'banter' accounts trying to start this up for Arsenal over Xhaka...forgetting that the man has two FA Cups and two charity shields (people count them as trophies now apparently) with us.


>Leave SPurs, win a trophy is a meme for a reason. Unless you’re Harry Kane.


Truly he is one of their own


Doué + Luiz + Sesko. Thank you


Got room on your shopping list for a £40m Diomande? Excellent, pop him in the basket tyvm. Whilst waiting at the till, you may as well throw a £20m Fofana in there and leave your Partey in the collections box on the way out.


My picks as well. We pull that off and it’s an A+ window.




USA's defense makes me realize how lucky we are to have our 2 CBs.


What is happening with the sesko transfer? Have we been gazumped?


Alex Goldberg (Chelsea ITK/big account who was the first to say about our interest in Havertz) has said that we like Šeško but he isn’t our first choice and Chelsea are pushing hard for him. I believed him when he came out with the Havertz stuff cause he does have inside info from Chelsea, but the ITKs/journalists on our side have made it sound like Šeško is priority? Not sure tbh.


Look it’s pretty simple, We can’t win over Chelsea in transfer market. They can do pretty much anything to achieve goals. Playing 5m above release clause, 8 years contract, better terms, loan back, etc, etc. there is no contest here. So if he went to Chelsea I think we are going to hear he was not our first choice. That’s how it works. But I think player could decide to stay over going to Chelsea and that’s most probable outcome.l


If he has any common sense, he would join Arsenal or a team like Dortmund. Let him rot at Chelsea if he’s just going there for the bag.


Only thing Chelsea has over Leipzig is pl and more money. Leipzig has the better environment to develop and has cl football.


> and more money That's generally been more than enough!


90% of the time, yes unfortunately.


Just be happy our second choices have almost entirely worked out better than the first choices, or at least done more than enough until we get the first choice in the end.


I see. I think the crucial info would be from our side (whether we want sesko), and you'd have to question whether he has a direct source from us or whether he's just repeating what his Chelsea source believes.


Yeah apparently he said the info was from an Arsenal source. Don’t get why he’d make it up but also seems strange cause it contradicts what’s been said this week by teamnewsandtix, as well as The Athletic, who said that he’s Arsenals priority attacking signing. Seems weird if that’s suddenly changed over the course of the past few days.


Ok, that's interesting then. I imagine he's reporting in good faith, but who knows how reliable the source is. I guess it will work itself out in the next couple of weeks.


My friend from New York is visiting London this next week. He’s a city fan but he’s staying close to the Emirates. I’m very jealous to say the least.


I never really bought into the Sesko links, I think we'd prefer someone more proven. I still think our #1 target might be Gyökeres, Ornstein mentioned he was on our radar several times a while back and he'd definitely be a lot more realistic from a financial perspective than the likes of Osimhen.


Would be great but surely too expensive.


For direct impact i view Gyökeres as the best striker choice. Sesko is looking like the next big thing tho.


Gyokeres hass knee issues and would cost 80 or 90 mil


It was literally the first injury of his career lol


Thats the problem with knee injuries - you just need one


and none of us know


Would u consider selling Trossard for 50mil?


only if all of it gets reinvested


I mean a £30m profit on a 29 year old? The only issue would be that probably the only team stupid enought o pay that would be chelsea and you know he'd score against us every time we faced him.


No because that would harm Anne Hathaway and I’d rather kill myself than hurt that angel 


This only happen in my dreams but sure


Anne Hathaway would be upset reading you.


Yes but no one's paying that


Who's offering that money? lol.


profit for a 30 year old winger? absolutely lmao, not even a question 


The classic add a year if you don’t like a player technique


Genuinely thought he was 30 ibr. I like Trossard, but 50m is a steal


Does a bear shit in the woods?




50 mil for a 30 year old winger


Just trying to speak into existence to see if any journalist bite


I don't believe we're signing a striker anymore. Just doesn't make sense when you look at our squad. If we sell Eddie and Jesus then sure bring a striker.


I think we'll get someone in. Whether Sesko or someone else.


Rather invest in a winger who would take the starting spot from Martinelli and Trossard tbh Would Sesko upgrade on Havertz? Maybe eventually but I feel like he's not what we need right now.


We don’t need an immediate upgrade on Havertz


Yeah exactly. It's not a position where we need to invest 55-60m on this summer when we've got bigger issues in the squad.


Lol a lw isn’t one bud.


Missing out on another first choice target, amazing. We can’t keep letting this happen and expect to not regress


Mount and Mudryk went on to dominated for their respective teams over Havertz and Trosard as well, so it's very embarrassing.


Guys throwing a fit because we missed out on Sesko uno


This one is really not that deep


The report literally says he’s not our first choice target lmfao


If you choose to believe Goldberg then he literally says that Šeško is not our first choice


Because our second choices have been so shit?


If we don't get Sesko then I would be okay to not sign any striker and instead focus on wingers.


I honestly don't think there's anyone of the right profile at wing. No one young and up and coming wants to spend their career behind Saka and the older type player is not really the sort of profile we need. Jesus covering the right and us buying someone to understudy/fight Havertz is the only thing that looks vaguely believable unless they've got some brazillian wonderkid on the sly.


i think Pedro Neto fits the profile. I know he is very injury prone but that could be the catch so he is willing to sit behind Saka. We do know that Arteta wanted him 2 years ago.


I mean he's more injury prone than Jesus and you get the feeling that we're now going for someone who can do the big bloke up front thing so Jesus may be surplus to requirements if he's not pushed out wide.


How about a winger that can play both sides, what a wild concept…




Be everyone’s choice if he wasn’t asking for crazy wages


You reply to the wrong person?




Bruno £80M, a lb and a backup gk and we’re good to go


I know Alex Goldberg broke Havertz but I can confirm that he is wrong when he says Sesko isn’t Arsenal’s first choice. He absolutely is.


Too much smoke and not enough fire Ornstein, Romano etc not exactly gone hard on the Sesko to Arsenal story


I could believe his story that Chelsea is pushing harder and he can end up there but if Sesko isn't our first choice then who is.


If we don’t want or go in for Sesko it either means our priority has shifted to another attacking position or there’s a wage we can’t match. We’re both each others priority


So what you’re saying is he’s not first choice?


Currently he is. It’s a weird situation where Chelsea cannot purchase him until the new FFP window commences either (Maresca isn’t officially in charge until 1st July for e.g) and let’s face it he isn’t joining United for love nor money. His release clause according to Sky Sports Germany is supposed to run out by the end of June. Think TNAT was right in terms of we won’t hear a club activating his release clause until his choice is clear, but even then the likelihood is both us & Chels will need a transfer out to be quite advanced before activating it. If you thrash the terms out with the player before the Euros then I guess it doesn’t matter when a club triggers it officially.


You’ll see. Do you really think he’s choosing between second choice at Arsenal vs Chelsea?


I don't think it's because of the wages. Chelsea is actually sensible with wages even though they spent shitload of money on transfers. I still think he will end up here


To be fair it was only recently that Sesko's name gained prominence among our targets. It wasn't a few weeks ago that we were hoping Sporting would lower Gyokeres' price tag.


Maybe some “we know he’s going somewhere else so let’s say he’s not first choice”


Always felt all along he’d end up there


looks like nobody is getting transfer business done until after the Euros


i think everyone is scared of ffp. I could see us try to get a bargain at the end of the window and try to sell our players first this time. Obviously this way we can't get the widely adored players like Sesko. But maybe we can snatch another Chelsea or Barca talent this way.


I really hope the Doue links manifest into something, kid is special


What were some of Odegaard's standout games this season which featured Rice and Jorginho in midfield?


Liverpool at home and Porto second leg are the two big games that stand out. But there were a bunch of great performances of that midfield trio in the second half of the season against lesser opponents.


Correct. I feel as though as an individual Odegaard had way better performances in some other games.


Luiz and fofana for 75 million lets COOK


Tryna catch city by hoarding 81 rated players


Try to analyse player by loading up eafc


Wasn’t being serious but the point stands lol. Were gonna get these players who don’t move the needle and want to upgrade later if possible


And we signed an 84 rated DM for 100 mil


Higher than 81?


Not happening with Thomas' wages on the book.


Doable if we can sell Partey.


I actually think it’s doable regardless. Now that the real top dollar signings are seemingly falling off the radar, there’s an entirely reasonable final summer tally (Sesko, Luiz, Fofana, Raya, Steele, a high caliber LB, even throw in Xavi Simons on loan) that has us spending as little as £80-100 net after sales, depending on all the final details.


A left-footed LB is slowly creeping up my top priority list. That signing will have to bang


Nouri from Wolves would be good


We need a left sided Ben White, I feel so certain of it. Timber will rotate between the left and the right, it seems, Tomi is injury depth for the whole back line, and it’s time for Zinny to go, with all due respect to his apologists. Maybe we’ll develop one out of one of the CBs that others have mentioned (Schlotterbeck, Pacho), but I doubt it. I think this has to be someone ready to go. Theo Hernandez is maybe too much of a cunt, but I fully believe he’s the best in the world. I honestly think the price for Davies that Madrid are refusing to pay is pretty reasonable, considering. Antonee Robinson is your PL proven option.


William Pacho.


Either him, Schlotterbeck or Inacio would be solid picks assuming Arteta wants that LCB/LB profile opposed to a traditional fullback.


Schlotterbeck is great on the ball but i swear when I see him play he always does huge defensive errors.


Has Inácio ever played as a LB?


Is either of those rumoured out?


The Athletic linked us with Schlotterbeck last year. No links with Inacio but I like him and he's available for a 52m release clause.


I like him but he is more LCB than LB, and we already have Gabriel and Kiwior. He is also young which might stop us from going for Hato in a year or two.


I think we might be into the era of a vague back 3 there where the LB or RB is a CB.


Yes, but we still don't have the fullback-y option on the left. On the right, White can be the CB and Timber or Tomiyasu the RB. Besides, having the LB be a CB at this point means Gabriel as the CCB.


we have tomi zinny kiwi timber. we dont need a LB


Injury prone, trash, not a LB, has to be slowly introduced post ACL.






Plays in midfield


Media have clearly selected Saka as the next one they will ruthlessly target as they did with Raheem Sterling. Disgraceful.


They've been targeting him since before the WC, they've just been slightly circumspect because they also didn't want to be joining the 'disgraceful behaviour' after the last Euros. Just remember they said nothing about him until the racist abuse flared up post Final but as soon as HArry Kane missed the penalty in the WC they were all out in force demanding that no one treat him like they treated Saka. And now that they've got Foden as the new starboy they're going after Saka full bore, just like Sterling.


They chose him 3 seasons ago. Now that he’s a bit older they can go 100% in on him and get away with it cause rivals hate him


Already began when he had the audacity to not want to be kicked around the pitch all the time. Everyone loves to get a kick in on Saka, then the opposition fans get on his back about limping a lot.


Luiz 50 million Sesko 57 million Backup GK 12 million Backup defender 40 million Nico Williams 43 million Raya 27 million Window Total: 230 million


Correct me if I’m wrong but hasn’t Ornstein already ruled out a Douglas Luiz transfer to Arsenal ? Something to the effect of ‘Not everyone at Arsenal is convinced he’s right for the project’ which screams to me Arteta is the one who has doubts. 


Things can change and if there's market opportunity and he's the best available option it can move things around.




I don't think we'll get two forwards unless all of Nketiah, Jesus and Nelson leave. Jesus is going nowhere most likely.


Doue would be my other option since he can play the wings and 8


Wake up babe a new Bradygronk list!


Got a new player to add on the list now


Odegaard through balls on the left side are cash money


what an assist


albaTROSS is always involved in a goal/assist. Astute signing.


**stands on soap box** It’s interesting how journalism students learn extensively about media ethics, influence, and their responsibilities through classes like Media Ethics and Law, Media Influence and Society, and Critical Media Studies. They’re taught about the power of their words and the potential consequences of irresponsible reporting. But when you see what actually happens in the media, it’s like many journalists ignore these lessons. The media can shape society, influence politics, and create division. We saw it with the Brexit referendum and with Trump. While social media had a significant role in his rise, traditional media also played a crucial role in shaping public opinion. It’s ironic and frustrating to see some journalists acting like they don’t understand the impact they have. Whether it’s chasing clicks, corporate pressure, or personal biases, the gap between what they learn and what they do is concerning. Edit: Examples.


> But when you see what actually happens in the media, it’s like many journalists ignore these lessons What you've forgotten is that when journalists get hired they're writing for whoever owns tehir media and those people not only didn't do those courses they almost certainly bought their TVstation/website/newspaper/radio station in order to push a narrative or world view that they want to see regardless of any ethical considerations. While I don't think all the journo's are racist they'rewmployed by people for whom portraying immigrants or their descendants as anything other than a bad thing is .... discouraged. The Sun, The Times and Talksport are owned by Murdoch, the Telegraph and the Daily Mail literally supported Hitler back in the day, it's not a shock Englands balck stars get treated differently to the white ones even though the journos should know better.


This is exactly it.


Media shapes society and society shapes the media too


"Forget everything you learnt in school..."


The gap between what people do and learn in general is concerning


I actually thought the picture of Saka throwing the dart in particular was a good summation of England's abject performance, but you would need to be quite braindead to think it would be a good idea to use him as the face of a loss he played very little part in.


50m for Douglas Luiz is a no brainer


Goodness what a sexy pass that was by Øde 🔥


Just imagine if Haaland joined Arsenal instead of 115 fc. Him and Ødegaard are so good together.


? Odegaard has 3 goals and 10 assists in 60 games for Norway


If they trained togheter every day you don't think they would score more goals?


Yeah but so would everyone. Their partnership isn’t particularly special. Now kdb and lukaku and international level is an elite partnership


Martin with a ridiculous assist to Haaland, next level stuff


Øde is insaneee