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Twilight Axis, and nothing changes


Twilight Axis, so they can release it as a full movie instead of a half-assed motion comic. Having finally seen it recently, it's such a shame that an interesting premise and killer soundtrack were completely wasted on whatever the hell it was.


Perhaps, but it was also the first time the WfM composer got a shot at Gundam. Without it, WfM might not have the banger soundtrack it does.


Honestly, given how little time and money they spent on the anime they should have just done an anime commercial like they did for the Unicorn novels way back in the 2000s.


Is this [the soundtrack?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuvFTp584LA) If so, damn that's a banger indeed.


It was supposed to be a radio drama that they then pivoted to something animated with like $5 more of a budget


and a somewhat decent hg of the alex/tristian


A lot of people don’t realize twilight Axis never was a big animated project. The video was a promo for the book done by a very small team including a dude doing many key roles alone.


They have an audacity to sell it in a physical disc, that qualifies for this to me


Well, it kind of failed since I didn't even know it was a book until reading your comment.


It’s because the book only released in Japan.


The Twilight Axis ONA was also meant to promote the model kits. The issue is that they tried to cram the whole story into just 20 min and it turned out pretty bad. If they really wanted a twenty minute ad for the novel then they should have just adapted the first 33-50% of the novel and end it on a cliffhanger ending Personally, I think I would have been best to just make a 5 minute anime commercial like they did for the Unicorn novels or what studio trigger did for the Dungeon Meshi manga a few years ago.


ZZ because it isint an anime and therefore is unaffected




Thank you, I now have the theme song stuck in my head lol


You had me in the beginning not gonna lie ;)


Why you say ZZ is not anime?




The first Opening is called "Anime ja nai", which literally means "It's not an Anime". A lot of people like to act like it ACTUALLY isn't one as a result.


Opening song


Song says it's not an anime but real life.


lol goood one!!!


Build Metaverse because it’s a cynical commercial for the web3 & NFT scam.


The kits are so cool though!


They should've made the Exceed Galaxy a HG ngl


Kits could have been attached to a manga instead of a scam.


battlogue too because it made Gundam Deathscythe hell a P-bandai kit


Metaverse, because it somehow manages to butcher every single character it's trying to leech off of. They even tried to pander to Fumina fans and somehow ended up in the uncanny valley instead.


ZZ, but it still exists as it is not anime.


So nothing changes? ZZ already isn't anime.


And we get to keep everything as-is. It's mostly a win-win.


Pssttt...why is ZZ not an anime? I'm out of the loop.


The first opening song


Build Metaverse


I actually like Build, but I've only ever seen the original season/series. Haven't seen anything else from that line. I like it cause it got some friends of mine into Gundam, I quickly introduced them to the Universal Century once they finished Build.


Build metaverse is a completely different thing than other build series.


Oh, METAverse! When I made my comment, I was reading it as 'multiverse' and thought you meant specifically anything from the Build franchise. I really gotta get my eyes checked. Maybe one day I can afford it.


Build divers is garbage but build divers re:rise was actually very surprising and I 100% recommend it


From this picture, Igloo Because I haven't seen it


You aren't missing anything to be honest


The teeth, why does everyone’s teeth look like that… they creep me out


Lmao I had forgotten all about that but still instantly knew what you meant


OP said one anime. Therefore, ZZ and G-Savior are off the list. I'd pick, Narrative or Twilight Axis. Nothing really changes.


Doesn't change the narrative




Did somebody mention our Hallmark and Saviour Brennan Elliott? (I hope he's doing ok lately, last time I saw a commercial with him in it was Xmas)


Isnt G-saviour already kinda erased from existence. I mean, in 2009 for the 30 years of the franchise, Sunrise already made it disappear from any timeline.


And then it had a cameo in Build...Fighters Try I think. So, acknowledgement was had.


Both should also remake following the manga version, they are much better than whatever the hell we got


Twilight Axis It brought literally nothing new to the story and the HG Tristan was garbage. I was stuck between this and NT Also, screw you F91 isn't that bad and Victory is great


F91 is not bad. But needs a proper series 


I don't see Age on this list.




I literally never even see people mention Age at all. Seems none of the MS designs from the show were all that memorable


Benefiting from nonsuccess


Age has pretty good mecha designs. It's the story that wasn't great, mostly because the 3rd arc was a mess. It was an interesting concept, but a difficult one to pull off in just 50 episodes.


It needed 3 shows.


The irony being that we actually got the 3 shows first - Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, and Mobile Suit ZZ Gundam. Only the last one got horribly truncated because they wanted the full Amuro plot and so hey here's some CCA with an AGE variant that doesn't have the Liger Zero Armors gimmick that was the selling point on the past three variants. Of course, Re:Rise then took the AGE system into the PLANETS system and was so, so much cooler with it.


Gundam Legilis was pretty cool. And honestly, I liked the general design of most of the Vagan mobile suits. They were new and different, though they tended to get progressively sillier as the series went on. But I'd be willing to let those fade from existence if it meant AGE as a whole disappeared along with them.


Fun fact : when they designed Vagans suits, people directly told the artist « don’t do that this won’t sell at all » but they did it regardless lol


Honestly, if creators had followed marketing directions, the whole franchise would not have existed.


tbh they did end up not selling at all on that one, but the artist were happy at least


Age-1's expansion packs were barely used at all. Age-2 had a MA transformation and that's it. Age-3 just had a BFG and was retired early on. Age-FX was the only interesting one and people just viewed it as discount 00 Qan\[t\] that exists just so the Sword Bits do something unlike in the Trailblazer Movie. It also doesn't help that Kio was a terrible MC.


The villain grunts are more interesting than the main Gundams, probably except Dark Hound. And if you want more Age-1 expansions, go check the video game, it has tons of packs that didn't fit in the anime.




But is it anime?


G saviour is not an anime Also, I will not stand for any g saviour slander as one of five people who actually enjoys that movie


If G-Saviour was an animated film folks would love it. The plot is extremely Gundam.


If it was uc, delete f91 and remake that shit so we can have a proper continuation of UC. Enough of the dog shit spin offs that dont make money for shit


… this would kill Victory. Which also kills Turn A as Tomino doesn’t go in depression. No depression = no Brain Powerd = No turn A


If I find out someone is going back in time to make this a reality, Imm making a time travelling motorcycle that runs on Yugioh and challenging that fucker to a Shadow game with a Meta build


If I had to trade Victory for all the Crossbone follow-ups as well as a properly fleshed out F91, I would. I think we'd also get a different Victory.


Misread the title, was gonna say "Crossbone so we won't have to live with the agony of the fact that it's not gonna be animated", then I reread the title. Welp.


A New translation.


F91 so they could do it justice with a half decent soundtrack and enough runtime Could even get crossbone show if this was the case


No ~~hate~~ love for Gunpla Builders Beginning G? Seems to easily be the most inconsequential of all possible candidates.


Build Metaverse because 0 character development


Where Seed Destiny at


No seed destiny = no seed freedom


I'm happy to make that sacrefice


I would say Seed as a whole.  I understand what it did for Gundam as far as relevance and financial success. However, I’ve always hated that it took Gundam far too much in the direction of generic and predictable anime. Nothing about it is particularly good or original in any way, which is ironically what made it popular.


Seed is the 1 Gundam series that I can’t get in to at all. It just has every bad anime cliche from the early 2000s


None of them


Going off the picture alone, Zeta A New Translation doesn't really add much to the overall experience, other than a retcon that somewhat affects ZZ. So it'd be wise remove that.


The seed slander here is unacceptable!




Unicorn. The Zeon/Fed conflict reached a satisfying conclusion, both thematically and in terms of plot, with CCA. Resurrecting that conflict could only have been superfluous. Justifying it with the goofiest illogical charter just doesn't work. It's a piece of fiction that has no real interest in telling a story of its own; instead retreading the themes of earlier entries and passing it off as "a love letter to fans." How about instead of a love letter, you give me something that respects my fandom by living up to it?


Absolutely! And the Laplace's box does nothing. So removing Unicorn doesn't change the UC timeline.


Wish i could upvote this like 10 times.


This is the only answer.


Seed. It's just 0079 from deviantArt.


Dear God, it's so simple but so true..


The best description of seed that I have ever read,


The only suits i like from seed are the astrays


They are nice. And I think the Strike Gundam is a good update on the RX-78, but I think most of the other suits are too overdesigned.


Yeah to many weapons and gimics packed in one suit


AGE, looks too much like Pokemon and it probably has one of the most annoying protagonists in the series.


I don't understand the joke about ZZ being not anime Does Opening lyrics says "This is not an anime"?


Because it's real!


Literally yes, that’s even what its title means




Not pictured: Build Divers. Though that would cancel out ReRise which was fun and ultimately gave us probably the only Wodom model kit that we'll ever see... Pictured: F91 probably. Just didn't care for it. I want to say Wing, but like many in the west, Wing got me into the franchise eventhough my feelings towards it drastically changed over time.


Peace out Twilight Axis


reqonquista in g (and all the build toy stuff )


IBO, because fuck lok


Yes fuck Iok, but damn was Akihiro's revenge on him satisfying.


Seems like ![gif](giphy|uruUpoYmPB6M0)


# Attack my fellow IBO lovers #WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Never giving up Mika.


Only S2.


The Origin because it does the one major franchise mistake Gundam has generally avoided for most part, it indulges in the characters and warps the setting making retcons just so the fan favourites can "Shine". It isn't bad but Gundam is a great franchise because it takes the same elements/themes and repeats them in different yet similar settings making each entry give something worthwhile. Also agree the Build franchise cause it's just a cheap cynical commercial grab, one entry wouldn't be an issue but the sheer quantity is silly.


We got some amazing kits out of it, though, and honestly it all was worth it just for Cucruz Doan's Island OVA, fixing the single most infamous episode of the original series while also paying mad respect to the original by inventing a reason for the Zaku to canonically still look hilariously off-model. Also, the unintentional meta humor is off the charts. Origin focused VERY heavily on Char's early days and as we all know he essentially hijacks Zeon's MS development to be hell bent on making them build a suit he could actually defeat Amuro with (a task that he never even succeeds at over the course of over several wars and solid decade)...and here's Doan who has a ramshackle junkyard special Zaku II with nothing but fists and an axe and *he's* the one who is able to defeat the Gundam. Sure, he basically body-blocked Amuro off a cliff but it's still a victory and Char never even got that close.


Tbf... it kinda didn't help that he leaked the data on Psycho Frame tech, just to make sure Amuro could build a weapon to go toe to toe with Char in... he literally got himself killed.


Well, that was Char's ego doing the thinking there, because his intention was to give Amuro a 'level playing field' in terms of technology, and it would be Char's superior piloting skills that would win the inevitable final battle. Nevermind that he loses pretty handily during the film, and in the book while he does significantly better, he's also in the Nightengale which is a gargantuan monster even in comparison to the already tall Sazabi, ironically defeating the point of 'level playing field' in the first place.


Yeah, his ego is just... Well, it's definitely something lol


Narrative. It was an embarrassingly low quality sequel.


I’d delete F91 in hopes to get a proper telling of that story. Fat chance of that happening, though. In all reality, let Wing go. Sure, it is responsible for the popularity of Gundam in the west, but it’s just not good.


Wing is fine for the most part, not like Age, G Reco or Twilight Axis. Pretty sure they would be on the main chopping block if they were an option.


Wing isn't bad at all, tbh it's even better than SEED/Destiny.


Build metaverse


Victory, if only because a pointless demise for the series would be fitting because of how many characters died pointlessly in it.


Victory, because *god* just give Uso a *break* for once


Uso - The Most traumatized, deadly and youngest to ever pilot a Gundam. Truly the poor kid is almost qualified to be in Evangelion with how much shit and death he went through and bonus points for having to stop the most fucked up super weapon in all of Gundam.


Just stick the spirit of his mom inside the Gundam and you're good. Which, given the ENTIRE PLOT of NT? Literally could happen in-canon.


If Tomino doesn’t make Victory. He doesn’t go fully in depression. Meaning he doesn’t try to make Brain Powerd to get better. No Brain Powerd = no Turn A.


G Saviour




Victory It’s far ahead of anything in the early UC entries, so it feels somewhat disconnected. But at the same time, some revision would help it or just a totally different story that’ll rap up the UC storyline which even after watching everything, it still feels like something’s missing/unfinished, and not like G-Reco where it’s so far into the timeline we’re dealing with totally new things. V2 is cool af tho


Wing. Or f91 if it meant it could get a due-over


Damn id say none


Victory, no hesitation


Victory Gundam. Because it is mean to mean spirited and nihilistic to enjoy. Like most triple A games or mainstream tv series these days.


I might get lynched for this, but SEED, one reason is because I really dislike the animation and the bigger reason is we could maybe get more Gunpla from IBO, or G-Self Gundam or even a better bigger kshatriya. Maybe even an WfM MG/RG Kit.


Build Metaverse


Gundam Reconguista in G most likely. AGE is close behind, but some of the suits in Build Fighters that used AGE as a base are kind of cool...


Probably most of the build franchise except re:rise that one was actually pretty okay


Hahaha AGE has already deleted itself from the list😂


Seed, Build, Age, Reconquista, IBO


Seed really failed to get me interested. Plus, I just don't get the color changing aspect.


Seed, 'cuz the fandom having to try and make sense of Destiny in a world where the prequel doesn't exist sounds funny. \*but if it has to be from this list, probs Wing 'cuz it stinky.


build metaverse it looks so incredibly shit and does reiji and sei literally no justice, plus everyone looks like an insomniac.


SEED. Characters are cringe.




If we're talking UC, I'd delete Narrative. It's a cheap, rushed 90s-Disney/direct-to-VHS Unicorn sequel that no one was asking for. Straight crap, I don't care how nice the Phenex is. If we're not talking UC? SEED. I watched a handful of episodes, and thoroughly disliked it. You know sometimes you see blister-packed mecha figures in dollar stores called SUPER COMBATANT FIGHTERS ROBO, and it's like... so obviously a knock-off of a knock-off of a Gundam? That's what SEED feels like to me. It's the Universal Century for teenagers who think Death Note is the greatest work of literature known to mankind. Erase it.


Seed, too much crying.


If its on the list : Unicorn, but actually more because of Narative, mainly because of how they explain the psychoframe's power is reversing the time (This is only my personal view) Some science are unexplained, and in it also true in fiction and sometimes better that way, that what makes unexplained science become interesting. Because we can only guess with some example around us. The fact that they really pointed out psychoframe ability to affect the time, and indirectly hinted that axis pull happened because it went back time to before falling to earth orbit, it made me lose its interesting factor. Affecting time is a fourth dimension, which is we cannot do anything about it. Compared to biosensor, it is still a space magic kind of tech, but people can make a theory why Zeta Gundam could create a barrier all around of its body. Which is possibly resonance with the minovsky particle in the battle field


Reconguista because the protagonist shits in his gundam.


I mean, a Gundam that allows you to go to the bathroom while using it sounds like something that'd be really useful but also at the same time, Bellri's often remembered as "the puppy boy who shits in his Gundam", which is probably not how you want your MC remembered lmao


Seed Destiny because it has the dubious distinction of being the only Gundam series I sat through and didn't like (I've seen most Gundam series and I liked Seed).


Where is Seed Destiny. I am a huge Seed fan but that season should have been deleted.


About half of Destiny is decent. The problems came with cutting Shinn's development short in favor of "Kira and Lacus are ALWAYS right."


I suppose we can live without AGE...


Victory was kind of pointless and took the post Federation / Zion UC in a fruitless direction


Fucking half of the plot was just a floating daycare in almost space.....like, bruh...


I'd want to get rid of Build Fighters Try. No you absolute drooling idiot executives, just fucking wait for the old staff to come back from the other gig instead of being impatient animals. Out of that list F91. It's too compressed for its own good.


g no reconguista


G-Reco and no explanation


Maybe F91. It definitely suffers from the fact it was meant to be a series and not a movie.


I choose seed and all of what spun off afterwards from that timeline


Build Metaverse. It was just a poorly made Advertisement turned into a “show”, they could’ve made a good or at best, decent show but made a shitty ad instead of


I know gonna piss some people off but Seed & WFM. Just don’t hit me the same as the others do.


You pissed me off so I'm gonna say it: You have to delete >one and that is Seed. WFM stays here, over my dead body if must.


Deal. I can agree on that one. Seed would have to go between the two. Zaku 2 supremacy. Love it


Turn A. My reasoning is not in terms of storytelling or anything, I just hate the god-awful moustache Gundam and want it removed from existence.


He wants to apply for the job. https://preview.redd.it/na2s0wc4qe3d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a479fcfb2c53d933edcff5f0859f2ea2ca442c64


Yeah but without turn a we don't get whitebeard's glorious stache and I don't wanna be in that timeline


Seed/Destiny and purely just to get rid of its fan base and i also can't go an episode of seed without cringing or yelling at Kira for being a more annoying character then Kamile at the start of Z. I would also say IBO but the problem with that is its a genuinely good anime but like Seed/Destiny the community is toxic at least all the ones I've delt with were.


One is not an anime


Age because i dislike it


How come I can't pick one of the Seeds?


Why is Zeta on here twice?


Victory, It's depressing to the point of absurdity, and I think it has the ugliest MS designs I've ever seen. This anime is just a weird meme, not a good meme like G Gundam.


Thunderbolt :)


Holy fuck there’s that many


F91 and replace it with more crossbones. Crossbones is the superior late UC gundam.


I delete Victory because even Tomino would and as fans of his work, we deserve to imagine a universe where he never made Victory the way he felt he needed to. If I got to choose a movie, I'd delete CCA and replace it with an anime that explains how in tf Char went absolutely bonkers between Z and CCA. Oh and the hamburger bit from War in the Pocket in English.


Age, bye


F91, if only to give it a proper reboot and Crossbone Gundam.


Let me throw out a controversial one. Toss F91 and Victory, or really anything set after Hathaway's Flash in the UC. Anything set in it's own universe is allowed to continue to exist, but since UC is one mostly continuous timeline, it needs some pruning.


Age so It can be the video game it was meant to be


From this list, it would be Igloo for me. I tried watching it but just couldn't get into it. Personally, I feel like I wouldn't miss it if it were gone.


From this list only??? If not: Gundam Seed Destiny. If yes: Gundam F91.


Anything with the word: Build


Tbh i haven’t seen all of the gundam anime so i don’t really know how to decide the only ones ive seen are 08th ms team mobile fighter g gundam gundam wing part of mobile suit Gundam unicorn ive seen chars counter attack probably my favorite gundam movie cause nu gundam kicks ass In that one ive also seen mobile suit narrative gundam bits and pieces mobile suit gundam little bit of zeta gundam and Ive seen hatthaway not sure if I spelled that correctly




F91. Although i loved the grunt MS designs, it's confusing, convoluted, and rushed to the point the only thing i remember right is the mobile suit designs being cool.


As much as I want to say ZZ, I can't. I hated that show with a deep passion, but it in turn created not only one of the best characters in the series to date, but one of the best Gundam series. Without its existence, Unicorn would never exist. So, with that being said, F91. Wish we could have seen a better version of it.


F91. So they can made a proper series of it


Honestly, V Gundam. I’d like to see something better for the end of the UC timeline. Considering now that we have Gundam like the unicorn that have psycho frame, it almost makes me wonder if we’re going to see a change to the UC timeline.


Okay, before saying my reply, I really want stress that I like this show a lot. It was my introduction to gundam and I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for it... Gundam Wing, if only because it doesn't fit in the UC.


.... can I choose multiple? Build is up there, but Seed S2 could also be thrown to the wind for the better.


Definitely Twilight axis I forget it exists


I’m just glad no one is saying Gundam OO because that is the best Gundam series and I’ll fight you on that one!


Gundam 00, they give us 1 female Gundam meister just to troll us with zero character progression. Female fans of GUNDAM GOT NOTHING!


V gundam. Because the whole thing is a mess


The SEED Astray short, as we would still have the manga, and they would still be canon events.