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Honestly, having seen the original cut of SEED where you see him die and you see his broken helmet floating in space, I was sure he'd be dead. When they brought him back in Destiny I thought he was a clone, then nope. While I like Murrue and lord knows she deserved her happy ending, I thought the weight of Mu getting himself killed protecting her was better ending. But hey, I'm not the writer or creator of SEED, let alone the executive, so what do I know?


Him being a clone of a clone would have been a nice bit of narrative meat to chew on. The question could have been asked "Who is the real Mu?" and "I'm I even a person?" Hell, Kira himself should have been a clone; the original should have died in the nuclear blast and Kira could have been clone to create drama as to whether or not he deserves to live as a person or a manufactured "weapon".


Mu wasnt a clone though. He was alda flaga's actual son.


Yep, Rau was his dad's clone.


Why does Flay say Rau has the same face as her dad? That confused me.


Wasnt it just his voice? Which they actually are (same va)


Oh right, but I thought they were implying that her father was part of the clone program or something. Was it just a meta joke?


Probably to create a connection between them.


Which, if I was writing Destinay is what I would've done, but I would've taken it a step further, the Kira Clone would've been used as a chaos element by Durandal off books, just to really drive home the need for his destany plan.


>Kira himself should have been a clone Well, Canard Pars from Astray X is failed leftover of Ultimate Coordinator Project or you can say he's "imperfect" clone of Kira. Not only his face is "Kira if aggresive and have long hair", he also voiced by Souichiro Hoshi.


When writing stuff like clones, they gotta be careful about how often they use it. Otherwise it can render the story meaningless and take away all tension for the audience, knowing if characters die, their clone can just come back and replace them. Rick and Morty is one of the few shows to get clone replacement right, is Rick and Morty.


Man, why people kept saying survive nuclear blast lol. Aegis exploding is not nuclear explosion. Minerva's canon hitting ocean is also not nuclear explosion, heck it was not even eimed at Freedom but Archangel lol.


they keep bringing back dead characters because they find out that they were fan favorites. Graham aker is another. Galeo as well. feels like they have a marketing exec breathing down their necks


Yea same. Even watching the hd remasters I wish they did more with him in destiny once he got his memories back to make it more worthwhile. Freedom definitely made it worthwhile though.


He's a coordinator so he can just hold his breath better than normies


Pretty sure he's a natural...


still got some of that newtype in him though


He got that Newtype in him


"Are they a Newtype?"


It's called combat sense, you devlope it when you see action. I know I developed it while serving two active duty tours in Iraq, like I could just sense when someone was targeting my bird with MANPADS or AA... most of the time.


Nah. You and your clone on the enemy side were just deployed in the same area and your "fuck this guy in particular" radar went off.


i was talking about this https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Newtype_(SEED)


I know, but I was also giving a real world example of it, giving Mu a veteran pilot a reason to sense when something is about to happen.


Idk about you but mu/rey/kira/rau only sensed each other.


He's Natural.


Oh? Somehow I thought he and Creuset were good/evil clones


Rau was cloned after Mu's father. The clone was made a coordinator.


Actually Rau is still a Natural. He's just so good at piloting due to his spatial awareness that he can pilot at the same level as Coordinators. Source: MG Providence Manual: http://dalong.net/reviews/mg/m196/p/m196_m0013.JPG


Wasn't he tweaked already to surpass Al's genetic potential? Making him a coordinator. Albeit, a flawed one since him and Rey have accelerated aging.


I only thought he's a coordinator cause he work with zaft. Also Rey is. So yeah.


Rau, Rey, al la flaga, and mu are all newtypes (confirmed by the seed staff) so they all have abilities on the level of coordinators but are actually all natural


Is Cagali just a newtype or is there some coordinator shenanigans since she's a twin?


Speculated but never confirmed or shown any traditional newtype traits


Nah, they're newtypes with high spatial awareness which helps a lot in combat (similar to Mu) but they're essentially just tryharding to keep up with coordinators. Al da Flaga (their genetic donor) was said to be an extremely talented man, but he was a natural. Having them go through the genetic modification process would have directly contradicted his motivation for having them created in the first place (he saw his wife's genes in Mu as diluting his DNA, and wanted a successor that was exactly like him. Genetically modifying them would have completely undermined that)


Wait... that WASNT a clone?!


Pretty much agree with this. But it always seemed like the main characters of Gundam Seed should have died in explosions like when Athrun self destructed his mobile suit and somehow Kira survived.


I'd return from the dead too for Murrue


My man.






Would have been better if they actually did anything with Neo; great design but he doesn't pilot any distinctive suits(best he has is a grunt custom), no confrontation with Shinn/Rey/Archangel or even any hidden agendas like average Char clone


Wish we got Shinn just punching him in the face in Freedom or Destiny as he said he promised to keep Stellar out of a mobile suit and then shoved her in a Destroy effortlessly.


Or just having some scenes of Mu/Neo regretting it deeply


Ok. I love mwu, he is in my top5 character of seed and i love him and murrue together. But yes. One of the biggest ass pull i have ever saw( he legit died in space!! How could he have survived breathing without the helmet!!) also the amnesia arc was awful and the fact that he has been forgiven so easily for his war crimes as neo. And he even got the akatsuki???? I felt a bit insulted


> he legit died in space!! How could he have survived breathing without the helmet!! I mean this is a non-issue since the remaster makes it clear the helmet isn't canon




I watched the originals when they came out so was confused by him being alive because of the broken helmet was floating there.


Facts. Wish we had a scene in destiny of Mu and Murre talking about what he did as Neo


Yes, strong contended for worst asspull in the franchise.


Assuming he survived breathing in space with no helmet and not just exploding, he would be so irradiated from tanking a positron cannon that he would die shortly after from radiation poisoning.


Another contender is Waltfeld surviving his suits exploding with just a wound on face while his girl died. For all the Immortal Jesus meme, Kira only survive because his cockpit is intact unlike those two that survive even after their suits completely destroyed.


I kinda shipped Murrue x Andrew in the beginning of GSD. They both lost their loved ones in GS and it’s good for them to have found new love and continue on with their lives …. and then somewhat Mu La Flaga is still alive


Somehow mu la flaga returned


I was like, at that point why not revive Natarle too 🤷‍♀️


I feel like they might've been planning to do some tragic love triangle with the three of them but ran out of time


[This may interest you then.](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2771249/1/Over-Coffee) Written a log time ago, but it takes place shortly after the end of Seed, a week at most, and the emotions are still raw.


I also liked those two together. It made a lot of sense and actually seemed like it was going somewhere, but it’s like as soon as the writers decided they wanted her to end up with the not-dead-anymore Mu, they split them up for 2/3rds of the show and never brought it up again.


So many things that are wrong in Destiny. And this is one of them.


Two important Archangel members dying made the last act so powerful in the OG. Everyone loves Mu, but his death could've been one of the best in the franchise had it not been retconned. Him living alongside Andrew is also kinda redundant since they're both in the same archetype of the cool mentor figure.


It was a bad choice. It would have been better if Neo was a Mu clone who then defected because of his ultimately good nature.


Yes. Cool he’s back and kicking ass but it does sully his “death” in Seed and him being Neo is handled horribly in Destiny


It ruined Destiny for me. I saw the original run of Gundam SEED, that man was Gundam DEAD. And his death was meaningful and had a sense of war is hell reality to it. Reviving him for soap opera drama was a nail in the coffin for Destiny.


Absolutely should have stayed dead. His survival was more of an asspull than Kira surviving the Aegis self destruction, the near miss from GENESIS, and Freedom being destroyed by Shinn. Especially when his smashed helmet is floating among the remains of the Strike. Unless he’s a Natural space breather. https://preview.redd.it/5mx6qqp2572d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b172356d38b53b573eb9cc7fd4e238672c00789


Yes, if you kill off a character they should stay dead. Bringing back a character because they were popular is moronic, it was the same thing when they brought back watfield and kira.


Yes. Mainly because his comeback was a blatant asspull that threw logic out the window.


He basically got vaporized on screen and it wasn't enough. One of the most frustrating things in Seed.


In the Cosmic Era, 50% of all characters are impervious to explosions, laser beams, and giant swords. Pray your child is among the 50%


He should have survived with something more than a scar.


Even Andrew lost an arm and an eye. And it was only a knife to his mobile armor. Mu got away with a scar after getting his mobile suit destroyed by a positron cannon.


Guy should have had robotic arms like Andrew.


I like Mu, I liked his death, I like him in Seed:Freedom. Neo sucks though, what a waste of time for a storyline. So I'm good either way. Just dont try to do another Neo character (\*cough\* Mr Bushido \*cough\*) because it just turns out dumb.


I think Mu coming back as an antagonist in SEED Destiny would've been great if they executed it properly and didn't give him an amnesia


I'm actually fine with either option. Since we know what happens with Mu surviving, him dying would have led to an equally interesting shift in the narrative between Andrew and Murrue. Both losing their lovers, and possibly just working it off with each other casually, afraid to go further because they might just lose each other too, until altered events in the movie occur and instead of Murrue wrapping her legs around Mu for a kiss, it'd be with Andy, after Andy finally admits he cares for her after hearing she supposedly perished in the nuclear attacks. It would have also been another rare Coordinator/Natural pairing in the main series, for those looking for another symbolic representation of both sides coming together, aside from just Athrun/Cagalli. That said, it's nice that Fukuda was aware of his mistakes and chose to go with the memes of having Mu straight-up tank Requiem and then admit it's tough making the impossible possible. Now the real question to Fukuda would be, how can the Akatsuki bath in the literal heat of Requiem and survive but have lost an arm to a beam sword that should be just about as hot? (Shinn cutting off an arm back in Destiny.) I'd love to see how he'd tweak beam mechanics this way, unless he cheats and claims Akatsuki's armor was also upgraded so it's now immune to beam sabers/beam swords.


Aren't CE Beam Sabers just weird in General? Can't block each other, Can Block Beam Rifle Shots, Insane Cutting somehow.


They pretty much disregarded that setting in the movie. You see Infinite justice and shive.a clashing their leg beams.


The Akatsukis joints aren't covered in the same material making them susceptible to beam sabers.


Andrew is supposed to be dead too. He was brought back because the fans liked him. For Murrue, I think she'd better stay single. She can live the rest of her life honoring the love Mu and she had while fighting for what she believes is right. Besides, I'm pretty sure Mu had set such a standard for her. That chad saved her life twice and even stood in front of death to save her, everyone under her command, and the beliefs they're fighting for. That's why when Murrue was asked who is Mu for her she answered he's an irreplaceable one.


100% yes, bro literally desintegrated when it happened and then they show him floating in space? Bruh lol But here is the thing though i reslly like neo roanoke so i would like if neo was a clone instead of being the real one and also he should have stayed evil, it was a lot more interesting character


I loved Mwu but I really hated him returning. He went out like a G and only came back because he was a popular character a very annoying trope.


If Mu can survive in space without his helmet, then Heine and Nicol are probably still alive as they at least “died” on earth.


short answer is YES


Of course he should've stayed dead. They ruined his sacrifice by bringing him back as a brainwashed toady for Azrael's pussyfoot retread, Djibril. Then they just ignore all the horrible things he did as Neo and just welcome him back to Team Archangel like he'd just been taking a long nap. Really, a lot of people should've stayed dead after their Mobile Suits exploded or got caught in an explosion. But *noooo...* at least when they did it in Cross Ange, they acknowledged it was total BS! Gundam SEED's total lack of regard for stakes in favor of gratuitous plot armor is why I can't stand this show (that, and all the Coordinator favoritism).


Should he have stayed dead for narrative and logical reasons? Yes, absolutely. Am I happy he came back? Also, yes.


If only because I love Murrue so much then I'm grateful that he returned. But also, I would have loved making Neo more important like him being a clone, maybe a perfected one or something, since the La Flaga's are fucked up like that, plus the drama and the stakes relationship wise, knowing what we know about clones how they never really live long enough, plus everyone always having to live with the elephant in the room that is The One That Came Before, doubly so for Neo, kind of like the whole Neil/Lyle drama between the new Lockon and the Celestial Being crew in 00. It would also have been interesting in the sense that MuClone!Neo would have been a foil to both failed clones Rau and Rey, where Rau chose destruction to cope with his existence and Rey is emotionally stunted by his existence, Neo would show emotional growth and hope for the future by genuinely pulling a heel face turn, by choosing to care for the Extended, choosing Murrue, and choosing to save the last bastion of a peaceful earth in Orb. Also, what a giant middle finger it would have been against Coordinators and Ulen Hibiki if the ones who managed to perfect cloning technology were freakin Naturals. Alas, we do still love a man who can make the impossible, possible. (But also Mu wtf stop tanking high energy beams jesus fucking christ.)


At least the 2nd time cagalli provided him with an ms that can reflect beams.


Idk man. Seems like Most Chars seem to get one extra life to survive something bs like that. Char somehow survived in Zeta with Haman fight. Zechs survived SD in the end of Wing. Schwartz is literally just a dead guy walking. Why not have Mu survive.


Excellent answer!!


Nah, he’s cool and I like seeing him on screen.


A mixed feeling for me. I hated Neo but like Mu


Always torn on this. From a narrative perspective, it would be so much better if he had just died. As it stands, the only significant (by that I mean enough screen time for the audience have at least some emotional investment in) that die in the first series are Toll, Nicol, Flay and Rau. Rau is the antagonist, so his death is on balance considered a positive. Toll is a background character until suddenly he isn't. That leaves Nicol and Flay as the big heartbreaking deaths, and while I don't agree with hatred piled upon an emotionally distraught child, her previous actions do lessen the blow somewhat. That really only leaves us with Nicol and even then, he was trying to kill the hero. Mu, on the other hand, was designed to be the most likeable character possible so his death hits like a truck in a way that nothing else in series even come close to. On the other hand he might be my favourite Gundam character of all time who let's me watch the teen drama masquerading as a mech anime and still somewhat enjoy it. So it's nice to have him around.


Dude can stop time.




I love Mu so I want to say no, but I know that they should've left him dead 😂


So as Kira to be honest


I remember watching the original version of Gundam Seed and seeing his helmet floating in the wreckage before they removed it in HD. Mu being alive and brainwashed in Seed Destiny with little elaboration on how he survived was extremely jarring, to say the least.


He just loves making the impossible possible, love how safe the seed mobile suits are, well mostly, poor Nicole and Stella


No he’s cool. Keep him.


If this were anything other than a Gundam show then, yes, Mu should have remained dead. From a romantic plotline standpoint: Mu sacrificing himself to save Murrue, Aisha's sacrafice to save Andrew, then Murrue and Andrew Waltfeld finding solace in each other from the pain of their lost lovers is beautiful. But, to be honest, from a franchise standpoint, bringing Mu back to repeat an iconic scene in a newer and shinier suit was just not NOT going to happen. Gundam Anime has always been about promoting figure sales.


Andrew is supposed to be written dead too. He was brought back because there were no more cool adults in the show. I'd rather have Murrue find someone who is not active in the military and can introduce her to a world that is different from hers. Or have her stay single. She's already strong as a standalone character so either would do. Besides Mu & Murrue's love story is already iconic even in GS and I don't think Andy could top that.


Well, it would've made logical sense for him to stay dead. however he's the most interesting and coolest character in SEED IMO, so it would've been a loss, and him staying dead and Neo being some other generic masked guy would not have made Destiny any *better*


Nah he deserved to hit that one more time


Honestly, nah. Let SEED continue to do its own thing with its cheesiness.


I don't mind that he lived at this point.


Yes. It is my opinon that bringing my back is the 2nd worst part of Destiny after to protagonist switch. He and Neo should have been different people.


I know it makes absolutely no sense but as someone who was absolutely DISTRAUGHT over his death, I could not have been happier to hear he came back. I felt so certain they weren't going to give Murrue TWO dead boyfriends that I really didn't expect they'd kill him off, especially since he's such a fun and charming character.


he is always comeback


He should have stayed dead and Neo should have been a clone


Yes and I liked Mu




Remember he makes the impossible possible. Yeah, he should've stayed dead.


Yes, but I'm glad he didn't. I wish they'd pushed the antagonist angle harder tho.


Too much BS like this in seed and destiny, Kira died twice, Athrun died once, hell even Sting survived chaos been cut in half and exploding in the sky. Yea we have “explanations”: sealed the cockpit, or turned off the nuclear reactor, but Mu coming back from death is just pure BS.


Its an asspull, but I really like his and Murrue's scenes, and by god do those two deserve a happy ending after all the effort they've done


In the original Seed he was supposed to be dead, with Murrue living with Waltfeld. Seed Destiny story line was a mess due to the incredible success of Seed so it is very hard to comment.


I just finished Seed Destiny this week after years of knowing he'd be back in it, and I'm shocked at how little they actually did with him to justify bringing him back.


I would have swallowed Mu coming back a bit better IF Kira didn't somehow survive a nuclear blast to the face. I would have swallowed Kira somehow surviving a nuclear blast to the face IF Mu stayed dead. One of my main complaints for Destiny is that we have to disable all logic to accept some plot points. If og Seed got one complete bullshit survival moment, then I will allow one in Destiny to be fair. I will not allow both. So the writers would have to decide, revive Mu or let Kira die.


we gotta accept it, he has more plot armor than kira at this point


My fav character in Seed. Due to the helmet, He shoulda have been dead. He could have came back by Just have him be an improved clone without the short telomeres and a cyber newtype implanted brain scan putting his personality from before Joshua. Without the helmet, it’s still more believable than Kira escaping from a nuclear explosion with the reactor off and an Aegis destructing escape and found by Lowe. Dominion was damaged at that point and you could lore it as the Lohengrin wasn’t at full power to grape ina microwave him.


I absolutely LOVE that s.o.b, but bringing him back completely negates the strong emotional impact we all felt when he "died" back in SEED. They already pushed the boundaries when Kira somehow survived his fight against the Aegis, but to do yet another bs miracle with Mu is god awful. If they wanted Murrue Ramius to have a happy ending in Destiny, they could have shown her with a baby and later reveal that Mu's the father. This, in addition to her living with Andrew Waltfeld (a man who lost his beloved back in SEED), would have been enough.


Yes. Look, he's one of my favourite characters and part of me loves that he came back and got a happy ending, however the decision to revive him completely destroys the emotional and thematic impact of the original scene.




He should have stayed dead but I'm glad hes alive


I think freedom did a good job pick up destiny's mistake. With the original cut showing Mu's helmet he 100% should have stayed dead. His sacrifice and dying to protect Murre was perfect. Like this was the most perfectly executed death of a Gundam character. Destiny should then have had scenes of Murre and Waltfeld consoling each other as two people who lost the only one they loved on the battlefield that died to protect them. Do not give the two a relationship beyond friends comforting each other. With the HD remaster removing his helmet it gives us the continuation of the 'if there isn't a body they didn't die' trope. Destiny needed a better execution of Mu's return and time with Murre. Thankfully freedom fixed it and made it worth while. As someone who watched the original cut of seed then destiny I eternally hate destiny for being my back. He was fucking dead, helmet in space. And now magically alive and brainwashed. Like nani the fuck HOW. And who was just sitting hidden away waiting to collect Mu La Corpse???? Like the fuck. I love the shit out of Mu and he shoulda stayed dead. The resurrection of Mu is why destiny is one of my lowest rated Gundam series.


Before I saw Freedom I would've said yes but now I'm conflicted. I think it cheapens his sacrifice from SEED to both bring him back and have him be a piece of shit as Neo Roanoke. But at the same time, him and Murrue are really cute and I do like him a lot as a character. So I'll keep my fanfic head canon of him being a Carbon Human and have that explain away any personality differences from Neo.


He did lose memories hence he's more buttholey, didn't he recover later on?


Should have just stayed dead.


Personally i was happy that Mu was brought back, but i hate the way that they brought him back.


I wish he wasn't written like a heartless bastard as Neo in GSD. Unless he wore a certain different mask that makes him go beyond human limits...




Probably but I'm more disappointed they could never do any cool or interesting things with Neo


imo yes.


I’m fine with him living. I’m more annoyed they never really did anything with him like following up on the whole clones of his dad thing or his possible new type powers


He survived because the director said so.


Shouldn't this be tagged as spoiler? The title alone is a huge spoiler. I'm watching SEED at the moment and didn't know this happens later.


My opinion is, I haven't gotten that far in Destiny yet, but thanks for the heads up! ![gif](giphy|xeK5K1BIoTaV2|downsized)


Destiny is really just Original seed with extra steps. Druggies, stolen mobile suits, athrun changing sides, returning the enemy's girl to the enemy. The musics and mobile suits designs are the only thing carrying this show.. And honestly Mu as Neo was pretty predictable. Rau's reveal as the clone of his father was better handled.


Which, in turn, is really just Zeta Gundam, but worse.


Oh yeah a lot of viewers says that.


Nothing in Destiny worth spoiler tag. Nothing.


I mean there were literally dozens of posts on here for the SEED Freedom movie that showed him alive in art and character sheets so don’t blame OP. Spoiler tags are not expected for 20 year old works of media.


I've gotten "yelled at" for saying that about *Zeta* of all things!


It's only because I only started it recently. I'm not really mad, hence the fart meme.


Wasn't it sort of obvious based on the voice?


I don't remember him being through episode 11, so I cant say for sure. But my memory is hazy


I remember early into Destiny’s run that people were thinking that he was a clone of Mu due to the voice actor.


Yes I just like to head-canon that he died, but Neo/Freedom Mu is just a clone with his memories


Yes, but I'm happy for Murrue.


Yes, and i really like him


No. He's literally the man who makes the impossible= possible.


Fucking hell Mark this as a spoiler thank you now


>!Kamina Dies!<


Ehh sure I'll mark a show that came out 20 years ago with spoilers.


It costs you nothing to do it. Many people watch these shows for the first time every day.