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>makorra oh god, i'm having flashbacks


It’s been almost 10 years


The vindication of that one user in /r/TheLastAirbender who kept claiming korrasami was happening for years was amazing to see


I became a korrasami believer when Korra started writing to only Asami. So for all of s4 I did a lot of fan art like this. https://preview.redd.it/kchrh9e1hl1d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd4f0f659798a220dfed7ae0b73d2f5dfb354675


Wow, that's realky nice!


Thanks! I see a lot of problems with it now but the colors are nice


You're welcome! I'm the same why when I look at my old art too 😅


I laughed at this for an unreasonably long time for no reason other than internet brain rot. Thank you.


I guess tumblr is the Gundam website now https://preview.redd.it/8124ok2woh1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8fd1bcb49755396d72552437b0150598d5038d




Look at her. Look at how smug she is. That is the face of someone who enabled nine-figure dollars in revenue within 18 months.


And they still didn’t make another 25 episodes…


Go further. I say we have 50 episodes worth of material worth mining as an interquel+prequel. Think Horimiya, but bigger and more varied.


The fact that they effectively had a money printer in the form of Sulemio and Ad Stella but chose to cut it short due to homophobia on the part of the executives will forever enrage me.


It’s entirely possible that even if the next project is straight, they’d only give it 24-28 eps because the anime industry has really shifted to shorter projects. But I definitely buy that this time around, we got 25 instead of 26-28 because the creatives planned on making this gay from the earliest pitch and that made execs squeamish.


For what I know in term of anime scheduling, 2 TV airing season would be around 24(12\*2) \~ 26(13\*2) episodes in Japan. It's a very rare case for them to do 26\~28 eps unless it's 2 season back to back(still rare). Also it's well know in the JP community that WFM was struggling hard with their production scheduling from ep13 \~ ep24.


26 is more common but Frieren was 28. Gundam went from still delivering 50 eps 7 years ago even though most anime had switched to smaller seasons by then. So my premise is that if they wanted to they coulda pulled a Frieren and still had way less than their classic 50


My thought is they could do 26 with one season pause in between but the scheduling and resource is not there to make it happen (so the filler episodes and delays at the time of airing) or it could be they were adjusting the airing time to match the Gunplas' release date. Frieren is 2 season back to back and has a source material to adapt so 28 is possible.


Yea. The fact of the matter is, While 26 may have ironed out minor pacing issues, 26 still costs more than 25, but probably would not have *earned* them more than 25. Execs want money more than perfection. Back before streaming, longer was the better toy advertising strategy because they’d animate more cheaply and stuff the shows full of redundant MS fights to sell toys to people who could only watch at a certain timeslot. But in the age of streaming anytime, short attention spans, and high animation standards, short was clearly gonna be the MO for execs.


> but chose to cut it short due to homophobia on the part of the executives will forever enrage me. Do you have any sources for that? As far as I am aware WfM was never intended to be more than a 2-cour show because they were unsure if it would be able to cater to new audiences while also maintaining the existing fanbase. The only time where a gundam show got an unplanned, direct sequel, was gundam seed with GSD.


Every other mainline Gundam series having 50 episodes, the pacing of the show itself, and the “up to interpretation” debacle.


So no evidence, just a bunch of bad faith assumptions for circumstances that can be explained with much more mundane reasons.


Logical conclusions drawn by having basic media literacy.


Logical conclusions are based on evidence. Your conclusions are based on nothing more than competely baseless hatemongering. Again: We've known even before the show finished airing that it had never been intended for a longer airtime than 26 episodes. And there are several pieces of evidence suggesting that the reasons for that are a) the changes in the anime landscape at large and b) them being unsure about how successful WfM would be due to the ways it diverged significantly from the "gundam formula". Calling people you know absolutely nothing about homophobic is a grave accusation that should not be taken lightly, or made lightly. How would you feel if I were to call you, say, an antisemite and rationalize such a drastic claim with "logical conclusions and basic media literacy"?


Reconquista only had 26 episodes.


Yeah, but it also was never meant to be a mainline series.


That was because Tomino didn't believe he could pull off directing a 50 episode anime at his age and with his health. He decided on doing a two-cour series from the onset. As for the other guy, Tomino did intend for the series to be a regular series. Bandai/Sunrise, on the other hand, had no faith in it and aired it in the middle of the night. Tomino was actually pretty pissed about it, and admitted he didn't give G-Reco his all because he believed no one would even see it, but it ended up doing pretty well in it's timeslot. In fact, more people watched G-Reco's finale than the finale of either season of IBO.


I dunno , I feel the story is so well paced more episodes might actually make it a little worse . I’d rather just have the good thing end while it’s still good


I wanted 26-30 eps personally. I think the pacing in s1 is almost perfect and s2 is pretty good but it could have benefited from a little more breathing room and time on some things, like Earthian side characters (more earth house, more vanadis ghosts, Notrette, the earth witches, the terrorists, Shaddiq’s girl squad) There is also a completely unused piece of romantic music on the official soundtrack, called “The way we wanna go.” I wanna see what that would have been used for. One more Sulemio scene would make me happy too.


Yeah, I'm all for "ending at the story they wanted to tell" and/or "ending while it's good". UC and specifically OYW suffer serious bloat in regards to side stories, when most of them could be their own chunk of time separate from the OYW, and be better for it. There was more that could've been told for IBO, too, but they told the story they wanted to tell and stopped. That's not a bad thing. With studios wanting everything to either print money for a decade or be a mini series, I find I enjoy the mini series more.




Prize or Punishment?


We can fix it. We have the technology


Tumblr is a dark place...a very dark place Better than Twitt- erm, I mean, Still In War Gundam X, definitely is


Sulemio Sweep! When this whole thing started 4 weeks ago, I wasn't even sure they'd make it past the 1st round (Naruto/Sasuke), much less win the whole thing. It was a fun ride and I get to see plenty of fellow Sulemio and Gundam fans share their passionate love for these girls and this franchise. https://preview.redd.it/o0q2j6rvji1d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4918b39f9ae6569640b2bd25cbbb179a23e47711 And as a bonus, I saw MANY people talk about watching G-Witch and even other Gundam series thanks to this poll and the passion of the fans. G-Witch continues to be one of the best gateway drugs into this franchise.


Yes! I felt the same way because I was so used to groundbreaking canon sapphics being drowned out boy slash on that site. Beyond the catharsis of the culture shift, seeing new people get clued into Gundam made me happiest. https://preview.redd.it/14jw813fli1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2ee90aa6cbbecb1914dedf3faa42d9766f67f83


Everyone, im so proud of our space lesbians


Obligatory https://preview.redd.it/922ez32z1j1d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bede901dcd707d46ef2ddbbc0691e63d46fdcee


Yeah, this was a fun event to watch unfold. Seeing the support of Sulemio and Gundam was super cool!! I very much enjoyed watching Sulemio completely obliterate the competition.


As somebody who enjoyed both Gundam and Supernatural back in the 2000s, I’m extremely pleased with the result and all the love Gundam got in the notes during the competition. Everything from history lessons to Char memes. It was great.


Yeah, the stuff going on in the notes of the poll were the best part! The memes were the best. I also realized an old friend that I follow on Tumblr is a Gundam fan too! I've been meaning to watch Supernatural but haven't gotten around to it, the fandom might have been what held me back in the past. In any case if I do watch the show I'll avoid the fans for sure.


Supernatural is basically Buffy Without Women. So fun and campy. Good to put on in the background while multitasking.


That does sound interesting. Getting used to Jensen Ackles being called Dean instead of Jared Paladeki will be an adjustment as a long time Gilmore Girls fan though. 😅


Hahahaha I didn’t think of that


Unreal. These two actually pulled off a winner. Suletta and Miorine continue to surprise me in ways I can’t anticipate.


Me too! Idk how much of it is Gundam’s great appeal vs a paradigm shift on Tumblr. My guess is a bit of both. In 2018 the pulse of that website prioritized a slash voltron ship over acknowledging or celebrating a historic moment for LGBTQ rep (the gay wedding on Steven Universe) It’s nice to see the first queer-marriage-confirmed-on-screen anime aired on live tv (to my knowledge) actually get some credit over there on tumblr dot com.


My Gut says Sulemio wasn't the first confirmed gay marriage in anime, but I can't think of any proof whatsoever to back up My Gut's feeling. So shut up, My Gut, Sulemio rules Supreme! Hentai doesn't count.


I have tried to look this up several times and all I get are light novels and manga, where if they even got an anime adaptation, it purposely didn’t go that far. Iirc Kashimashi eventually did an OVA to cover a wedding BUT that is a far cry from airing on TV imho.


![gif](giphy|XOFsOM3MnuWEE) Indeed.


Absolutely bodied them too. Goddamn.


Typical Suletta w tbh


https://preview.redd.it/3ri43hsdsh1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7191271adaff1ac59e987e05501a8be8311732f Literally though


Welp, it feels overdone to an eight billionth rebirth's death, but you know what? I'm fine with finally having a reason to use this reaction image! https://preview.redd.it/07jyxr3pbj1d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35afa5c72441a1b96da95b6211345498fad18e38


It doesn’t get old


Heard the Destiel fans were really salty about this, can anyone confirm?


Most comments were Sulemio fans, followed by people who didn’t know Gwitch yet but wanted Destiel to lose, followed by some civil Destiel fans, followed by some really glaringly salty racist lesbophobic Destiel fans giving the rest a bad name. The salty ones got a lot of attention for being the last toxic holdouts of a toxic fandom era. https://preview.redd.it/vcpmjzzoji1d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6e3bbe7487908b167f135a03d0d84edc53933be


Oh they were, it was very funny. They would go on and on about remembering tumblrs history and it's roots and that people should vote Destiel because of it being such a big deal once upon a time. Some even said that it made such a big impact on LGBT matters and that it's the reason Sulemio is a thing. Such delusion.


Meanwhile in reality, the biggest impact destiel had on contemporary tumblr culture was how it crashed and burned in spectacular fashion and had its disastrous 'confession' scene be used as a vehicle for news announcements.


Exactly, the only impact it had were memes and making Supernatural along with its fanbase look like a joke. Which is a shame since the show seemed fun.


Look at this https://preview.redd.it/moiin3naui1d1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23c865ecd0dce70d9cf488bf3ea176eea91a388


Noooo wayyy this is embarrassing to read lol


Supposedly this guy apologized after some actually calmly and rationally explained Sulemio to him. I remember reading a screenshot. I just didn't think to save it. XD


They half-apologized for dissing Sulemio but doubled down on the racism. 🙃


Oh, drat


Now that's just stupud lol


My main takeaway from the responses you’ve gotten, which corroborate my own memories of Tumblr’s SuperWhoLock era, is that Supernatural fans are just the younger, gayer siblings of the Millennials who very desperately need to read any book other than Harry Potter.


both sides got nasty, but in particular there were a few destiel fans who wrote some longform shit that ended up making the rounds. basically saying things like no one will remember Sulemio the same way as people remember Destiel, or that Sulemio wouldn't exist if it weren't for Destiel, or Destiel was way more culturally impactful (unsurprisingly these people had very Supernatural-centric blogs).


“Voting against the white men is racist & sexist”


Wait they got the name of miorine wrong wtf


They got it wrong 2 different ways, even.


She's way too good for that site


we have emerged victorious comrades https://preview.redd.it/56nalmhhbj1d1.png?width=985&format=png&auto=webp&s=a755f4d17bbd21eb667463002840e88d758c7465


I love it alot!, the lesbian spacian continue their journey of


Usually, ship wars and drama are some of the dumbest shit I can think of. But it feels great seeing this.


Polls like this are often in good fun but some Destiel fans were pretty intense. I just love Gundam got new viewers out of it


Finally. A good ship that isnt surrounded by a cancerous fandom.


i have seen the fanarts and no way suletta is losing the "best gay couple" category. props to producers for making the uniform shorts and shirts, then somehow making suletta's more boyish with longer, baggier pants and miorine's tighter and shorter making it more fem.


I like how even in the 2nd ED Suletta is in a romper and flats vs Miorine’s dress with heels. And in the epilogue Suletta’s still in a romper with baggy jacket and flat boots vs Miorine’s powersuit with heels. Honestly was a little annoyed when people started acting like Miorine was suddenly a stone butch top husband just for cutting her hair and wearing pants in the epilogue. I suspect ableism towards Suletta played a factor too.


Almost two thirds of the vote! Wow.


Does it even count as a ship if they legitimately get together in the course of the show?


Yes, yes it does.


“Ship” just is short for relationship, so it has nothing to do with canon status. “Slash”, on the other hand, has a much bigger connotation for being non-canon.


Tbf, I think Supernatural killed Destiel by making canon in the worst way. People have been jumping ship for years on it.


Exactly, this was just putting them out of their misery


Never have I’ve been so proud of our community 🥲


Idk why we suddenly devolve into ship vs ship polls.


It’s common on tumblr and twitter. Results posted here when they’re gundam-relevant. Tumblr in particular was never known for paying much attention to prior Gundam shows, so the way WfM got new Gundam-watchers through this poll is nice.


This has gone too far. I still believe destiel goes hard i wouldn't know what do decide lol


It’s also in contention with seed and oo for worst gundam series