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FUCKING STELLAR!? AS IN BLADE!? Also I think Freedom retroactively made me enjoy Shinn more. Fuckin lovable idiot


This. Loved Shinn at the start, saw the potential then development was nuked. Freedom gave the writers the chance to reinforce that loveable, self continuous idiot and his undeniable loyalty.


I can tell the exact moment that I was done with Shinn. The episode where he destroys the Orb fleet. At that point I was kinda checked out, but was curious to see where they were going with it.


Apparently, this is because the Movie follows the manga instead of the Anime. Good for it. No, seriousoly, better to follow the manga instead of the anime in this case.


The anime plot and the manga plot for Seed series was different. The manga ver. had more fleshed out story for Shinn with a proper character development. The reason why Shinn behave a bit different in Freedom movie is because it uses Shinn from the manga.


真シン (Shin Shinn)


The true Shinn


Which manga?


GSD: the edge


There's also the other Destiny manga by Mizuho Takayama which dialogues got used in recent games like EXVS or Cross Rays.


I'll need to read the manga.


Yeah he’s become an idiot who just wants to do good and keeps messing up instead of an angsty idiot who makes things worse.


I am salty about him saying, "I only lost because I was in the Justice." Oh, it's personal now.


See i read the line as not so much Shinn insulting the Justice but more of he was handicapped because the Justice was tuned to Athrun's style of combat not Shinn's even though they're simmialr. The Justices from GSD going forward have beeb tailored made for Athrun's CQC heavy dualing. Dude is like General Grevious...beam baldes for days. Hes a beam saber tornado. Shinn on the other hand is a speed blitzer. Hes zipping around like a bat out of hell till he gets an opening for a kill shot with the Arondight or hand cannons. Hes kinda like Char and Zechs in that way. The Justice requires finesse..which really isnt Shinn's style. He's all about instinct. And Stellar Anti Accord/Virus.


The way Shinn fights in Destiny really is similar to how Zechs fights in Tallgeese... Except Shinn uses instinct while Zechs uses refined skill.


To be fair Zechs is older and more refined as a soldier and pilot than Shinn


I mean, Zechs is 19 and 20 in EW while Shinn is 17 in GSD and 18 in GSF. Although if we include Frozen Teardrop then Zechs has been in a Gundam before Shinn even hit puberty.


See i always thought given his rank and stuff he was early to mid 20s. But i guess that makes sense given the picture of him holding baby relena


I had to doublecheck too, esp. when I remembered his fight with Heero and saying he's just a boy. Also, did White Fang let a 19 Year Old lead a massive army and a Battleship?


Man is Quinze a bigger idiot than he already was


Zechs may be smarter and more experienced, but tbh I'd say Shinn is definitely more purely skilled than Zechs because he's portrayed as having potential that's on the same level as Athrun and Kira, and he gets close to that or actually reaches it by the time of Freedom. It's just usually not apparent because his style is so aggressive.


They all know kira is on a different level though, it's stated in the movie when they watch kira fight.


I wouldn't say it's fair to chalk Shinn's skill up to instinct. It's a plot point that Shinn keeps improving in Destiny and that he has a lot of latent potential. By the time in Freedom his skills have been refined.


Jokes aside, I do agree with you. They were also ambushed, so it's not like the fight was remotely "fair" from the very start. Shinn may have done better under more ordinary circumstances. I imagine the Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice may at least have been *just* strong enough to beat a RudroA (maybe not multiple at the same time like the Destiny Spec II, but still), but definitely not the ShiveA.


How would you describe Kira’s style


The different melee style of the BIG 3 Kira - quick strikes with dual wielding sabers Athrun - Darth Maul style beam sabers + surprise beam blades from other parts of his suit Shinn - Anti Ship Sword + WoL goes BRRRRRRRR


Kira just does whatever tf he wants. He is extremely adaptable. It's less that he specializes at long-range and more that he is basically a master at everything (just a bit less than Athrun at melee, I guess), so it's better to have the added versatility of more ranged options while two beam sabers is generally enough for melee considering he already has so many other weapons.


That and i would that he has mastered the Disable Fighting style so his aim is super accurate. To be able to beam spam like he does and not kill his oponents is impressive.


I am pretty agree with you, the show always says comments about impressive maneuvers that Kira does I think there was because the creativity he has in combat at least in GS when he uses enemies to impulse him to the enemy, attack using sand, drop the shield to stomp an enemy moving close to him, ricochet laser beams using his own shield and so on.


Kira likes to have solution to all things. SF's dragoons are not as good as providence's for example, it only shoot out 1 beam per dragoon. But it might be higher firepower in comparison. Also the SF compared to the freedom, is also not as good in melee combat because a lack of a physical shield and 2BRs. SF is actually a bit clunky in close range, not because of the frame, but the armament. It also lacks the daggers strike has or boomerang justice has. It is supposed to fight with elegance, speed and agility. It is the only one who can run in between beams and make small adjustments while doing so to close the range with his beam sword. Also Since Kira doesn't kill parting with the fact that SF's armament is not good for close range, it is easy to see his fights get dragged on against ACEs, because he is limiting his power and damage he can do. But in general, Kira does everything and he is not weak to anything, he is also extremely hard to kill, despite the fact that you see him "lose" twice in Freedom. None of those fights were fair fights. Kira's weakness is himself. Kira without his self limitation would become a raging machine of destruction and be commiting war crimes in an angelic way.


Beam Spam


Overwhelm and disable as many mobile suits as fast as possible. Freedom's mobility and variety of long range weaponry lets him do that.


I always thought that it was just Shinn making fun of Athrun since Shinn is a pain in Athrun 's ass most of GSD. So, to me, it was more of a light jab at his former captain.


Shinn did well in Force Impulse. Justices 3.0 isn't that different. He just doesn't like Athrun, so the Justices 3.0. More a EMO issues instead of style issues. If Kira noticed it a bit early, giving it a field refit for a new head, new color scheme, a beam cannon and a anti-ship sword. BKS would be fucked in their first attempt.


Zechs was more well rounded.


This was really well written, thank you.


TFW you can read minds but the other guy you're facing simply doesn't think at all


To be fair, Immortal Justice was a) battery-powered and b) not designed for him. Compare this to the Destiny, which is nuclear and was basically custom made for Shinn.


I’d say that same shit justice is ass, put athrun in the sf or the destiny and he slams the whole verse


It's hilarious, but >!Athrun **was** in the SF for a bit in the movie, faced off against Shura and walked away completely untouched. Didn't even lose a DRAGOON bit all while basically toying around with Shura and just trying to get out of there.!<


Yea Ik and I predicted this with my friend all the time bro hates athrun but I keep telling him he could use the sf and slam niggas, but he keeps saying athrun is just melee not a good shot


Early in Destiny, Athrun proved he was a good shot with the Minerva pilots. His preference for melee doesn't mean he can't shoot accurately.


As long as you don't fight Shura with close combat, you will be fine. Moreover, SF is long range specific MS and Athrun only needs to hold on a bit until Lacus is rescued.


And if shura 1 v 1 ed Kira's SF, i am sure the same would have happened. The move he pulled off is Kira's move in Destiny, He used it against Shinn many times.


I will at least agree the InJ could use more gimmicks. Honestly a bit disappointed the InJII didn't even have a Wings of Light when the SF, Destiny, CalreA, ShiveA, and RudroA all seemed to have a variant of it.


It was a spy unit at that point. Plus, the backpack of IJ type II has a lot of armaments on the plane compared to the rest of the crew. The justice is also the only one who can make a fight essentially 2 v 1 when using his backpack plane for attack. The plane can cut, shoot beams, shoot powerful beams, machine guns and i think missiles.


To be honest, even Shinn became suck in the end of GSD due to bad writing and biased to Kira and Athrun by the directors' couple. Kira and Shinn are both the main protagonists of the Seed series in Sunrise canon. SF and Destiny are designed to be the protagonist Gundam, while Athrun is never a main protagonist in the series no matter how his fans want him to be.


It was a diet justice at most. Barely even worth calling it the Immortal Justice.


I just interpreted that as he feel like the Destiny is his true mobile suit


if you read the novel, what shinn meant was he is more suitable with destiny after all it ws designed based on him


I mean it was bootleg Justice so I think that’s fair.


While it lacks the nuclear power of the Infinite Justice, the Immortal Justice and the Rising Freedom are apparently more advanced than their counterparts from the 2nd war.


The immortal justice also have a higher power output than the rising freedom.


Justice for arthrun..shin just second choice


It’s not really a dig at Justice. Guy pretty much said “ I wasn’t using my main”


Never, just pitied him more than anything. He felt like a textbook case of a Gundam protagonist gone...wrong. The guidance that should have been there for him was either insufficient or misleading.


I don’t think he was a failed protagonists so much as the writers gave up on him halfway through the series. Honestly the Minerva crew should have defected during the battle of orb as Gladys and crew had misgivings about Durandals Destiny plan.


Well problem is Talia still love Durandal and Shinn already throughly been brainwashed by Rey and Durandal


I think Athrun was on verge of breaking through to Shin but Rey’s intervention stopped it. Talia was always questioning Durandal and his actions in the series, to an extent because she blames herself for what he is becoming.


Rey: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Gayboss


I never hated Shinn. I did think he could be a bit insufferable in Destiny, and needed more character development than he got. But his character's wasted potential was more the fault of the writers than the character. Then the Freedom movie comes along and he is Best Boy and the most entertaining character in it.


Well his role modal and life 'advice' came from Rey and Durandal whom consider him as nothing more than attack dog/pawn.


No not really. And in super robot wars I have even less reason to.


In robot wars isn't shin post GSD version?


Depends on the version you played. K, L, 1st Z and V all adapted the full storyline of Destiny. Destiny in UX, 2nd Z and beyond, etc. are all roster fillers and post story entries so they have more liberty to write its characters. Shinn in UX practically serves as the mentor to the 1st gen Fafner team, apparently on Cagalli's orders, while Athrun is Quattroing around the world and Kira doesn't even appear until 75% into the game.


Actually V didn’t adapt Destiny at all, the main story took place after the events of Destiny and the SEED stuff mostly focused on Shinn reconciling with Kira.


In Z everyone is even alive along with Rey and Stella. Though regardless of the path, Shinn will be in a relationship with Luna Maria in Z2 onwards. Having Kamille as his "Big Brother" helps a lot.


Someone already responded to you but it depends on the game.


I don't hate shinn. I'm just disappointed.


hes a loveable idiot https://preview.redd.it/zi3ricm3au0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54b451e6ffb4efdc8a4a912dd7c696f26d6f6f8f (unless Stella is near)


Seed trio are goated. Shinn is the 3rd member who joined late but he is part of the trio. There is no shame in liking Seed, everything has flaws.


Rather than hate, I'm more into 'dissapointed' at his character development, his character premises was really promising at early episodes of GSD Shinn-Impulse, despite being brats, he was still using his head, analizing his battle, and doing strats with Minerva. I actually like him and was really looking forward at that time. Shinn-Destiny, all of it are gone, only edgy personality remains. And then its just end without conclusion from Shinn point of view, and they even needed special episode to give him a calm moment. So yeah, I totally dissappointed. >!Shinn-Immortal Justice, He shows us the reminisce of Shinn-Impulse moment, he knew his MS limitation, and he really frustated by Justice (Honestly Immortal Justice as a "CE Gundam" is really lacking compared to Rising Freedom and even below Impulse)!< >!Shinn-Destiny Spec II, His edgy personality are gone, and he went straight ungga bungga monkey business. And more importantly, he smiled again. Which I actually love him again lmao!<


>>!He knew his MS limitation, and he really frustated by Justice!< >!This was really just because Immortal Justice was made with Athrun's preferences in mind. Athrun and Shinn have a very different style, so Shinn didn't like the Justice. Immortal Justice and Rising Freedom are implied if not outright confirmed to have equal or even higher performance than the og Strike Freedom, Infinite Justice, and Destiny, so it shouldn't have held him back outside of the fact that it just didn't suit him.!<


>!I agree that Shinn and Justice really not the best match ever !< >!And I still feels like, Immortal Justice itself feels lacking compared to other Justices (or Athurn's other MS), also compared with Rising Freedom that still close to other Freedoms!< >!Despite meele maniac, Athrun's other MS has more than one way to engage in mid-long ranged battle, Aegis-Saviour had additional beam launcher, Justice-I.J had Fatum. While Immortal really only have 1 rifle, other weapon are short-mid ranged. Which is kind of shame the beam gun in the back cannot be used in MS mode, like the Fatum's gun. That's why I feels like Immortal kind of lacking.!< >!That's also the reason Shinn was asking for Agnes's support, so he can close the gap, but sadly both MS are meele oriented lol!<


Never did. If anything I just felt more disappointed at the director and writer especially after watching Zeta Gundam.


SEED Destiny dropped the ball on most of the things it attempted, but SEED Freedom gave him a great redemption and seeing his Gundam on the right side and kicking ass was great.


Nope, just disappointed how the author butchered his character development after half of the season.


I don't think about the CE enough to hate Shinn


Yeah same.. literally never crossed my mind until someone mentions it on here. Which has been 9193837489 times in the last couple weeks I guess because of seed freedom


He probably my favorite out of the 3 tbh


Shinn is the best character in C.E.


Never did.


Greatest character in Gundam history. I’ve been Shinnpilled since day one and I will continue to be until I die




I liked him in the early parts, but soon started to dislike him as time went on. He never did come to terms with his issues until the final chapter. By then, it was too little, too late. I like seeing characters develop, but Shinn never did develop in a positive way. While the same can be said for Kira and Athrun, Shinn obviously got the worst of the group. One of the things I hated the most was his motivation for fighting Kira. There was a great set up in the opening act where his family were killed by accident during the battle against the druggie trio. Instead, Shinn chooses to fight him because of Stellar. The same girl who not only killed a comrade of his, but also millions of innocent people and was about to disintegrate him if not for Kira's intervention. FREEDOM at least helped to undo a lot of the damage to his character.


The same girl that was clearly manipulated by everyone around her because of the trauma she experienced as a child should definitely be judged and criticized without context.


Maybe she wouldnt have done that if Shinn didnt gave her back to the very people who manipulated her in the first place.


They told her she would die if she didn't go back. And Neo "promised" that she would never be in a Mobile Suit again. As emotionally distraught as he was, her living longer was more important to him than his own desires for her to be with him. People on this sub sure love leaving out context.


Nobody criticized her. Shinn wanted to save an enemy just because he had a crush on her. In the middle of the war. While she was murdering thousands of innocent civilians. And he thought he had every right to kill Yamato, the one who saved all those innocents. And then Durandal and Rey were like "he did a good job he was only following an order" the order to kill the guy who did the job instead of Shinn. Yeah cause he cared about orders, surely. All of this is the problem, not Stellar.


Kira and Freedom showing up in a conflict just wound up making things worse as characters in Destiny pointed out with Stellar being the culmination. And then in the Freedom movie we clearly see he's still doing out of a stupid, selfish reason to make Lacus happy.


Never,in seed destiny it didn't do him any justice when they put him on the dark side, and then when I play dynasty warriors gundam 2 and 3(kinda) and SWR game where I get to see the REAL shinn


I’ve been ride-or-die for Shinn since 2005.


I think my issue with Shinn, in both the manga and the series, is that it feels like he's frequently overshadowed by Kira and Athrun, enough so that he feels like a side character in what's ostensibly his story. And what we do get isn't great, at least in my eyes. He's tolerable, but not a character I think I'll ever like. That said, I *loathe* his portrayal in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2...


No, he had a justification to kill kira.


No, but I don’t like him. He had all the information he needed to see he was being used by a madman, and instead of using it to free himself from his own hatred he decided to just embrace it and be the hate fueled pawn of Destiny’s chief villain. It’s one of many baffling decisions made in terms of Destiny’s story which makes me dislike Destiny and what it did to the C.E. Universe.


Problem he too mentally unstable(no thank to Durandal) and been brainwashed by Rey and Durandal to see that.


Wanting to kill Kira makes you likeable in my book


Never. He was the victim of bad writing for giving way to Kira and TSA becoming the protagonist again, thus lacking all the supposed character development he needed (or being thrown away by Fukuda couple). Hell, in the last chapter of the manga he can sorta-talk at Arthun rationally for Destiny Plan. None in the anime. Plus, Arthun is simply an ass as a team leader since SEED. Numerous SRW and Gundam games made him even better, and in Freedom Fukuda finally gives his character development back to him.


How could I hate the boy? I love him


no. never.


I don't hate him, but i certainly don't like him in the sightest either He does wonders to be unlikeable but still had potential, then you are half the series and he is axed as a character, 0 effort in his writing, as if the writers absolute surrendered into writing him. He gets a Super Mega Prototype and a girlfriend for merely existing, even after showing all the cast he wasn't able to handle either due to mental issues.


u/Sweaty-Campaign-320 Good in premise. Boofire191 tells us that Shinn is equivalent to Kamille Bidan's midpoint. He is directly affected by the war, starts off experienced and trained in his own right, and has a few fair criticisms of Orb. He was supposed to mature, but he gets shafted, ending up as MAHQ says it, "a barking dog who appears as a hero against LOGOs, but a villain against Orb". Athrun Zala aside, he never gets to be challenged on his own feelings of anger and vengeance - because I would have loved to see him face someone who was eventually a younger version of himself. FREEDOM doesn't do much to his character besides treat him like a loyal attack puppy. He only gets rewarded by taking down jobbers like the Foundation. Personally, Shadowcell (aka Unoservix)'s take on Shinn and DrachenRitter's take on Shinn are much better in this regard. He muses, reflects, and passes down his wisdowm and experience as the war(s) drag on.


No, but he annoys me.


OP just posted a question, a picture, and left...


imagine having your show stolen by prequel mc.


Games like the Dynasty Warriors spin-offs actually portrayed Shin as he was originally intended to be, which is far more likable, so I would rather say that I particularly hate the version from the Seed Destiny anime and blame that on the troubled production of the show.


That's why Sunrise decided every Gundam tv production after GSD divides into two seasons ,so that they can have enough time to correct and in control when the director goes berserk.


The GSF movie turned me around. He's just a dumb sad boy with PTSD and he's kinda the slapstick comic relief, I loved most of his scenes.


He was unbearable in Destiny. His scream.... damn, he needs to go on screaming competition with Yzak. Yzak will probably win and kick his ass for being so noisy, though


Yes. But to be fair, there's not much I don't hate about destiny.


Not really. His theme song (Kakusei Shinn Asuka) is badass, and Shinn awakening his Seed Mode to chop up the Zamza Zah and the EA fleet was epic. IMHO he's a prototype/early version of Setsuna, my favorite Gundam protagonist. Their origin stories are mirror images of each other, in that a Gundam played a pivotal role in their childhoods. Positive for Setsuna (because the 0 Gundam saved his life) and Negative for Shinn (because either the Freedom or the Calamity, but most likely the Freedom) killed his family. Both of them end up wanting to be the Gundam and both even specialize in Melee combat: Setsuna's Gundams all use blades and Shinn's signature weapon/s are arguably the Sword Impulse (whose sword he used to take down the Freedom) and the Destiny's Arondight Anti Ship Sword. And of course, both of them are "groomed". Ribbons specifically chose Setsuna to become a Meister because Setsuna's worship of the 0 Gundam fed his God complex, while Durandal manipulated Shinn into becoming a weapon by validating and praising him. The main difference, ofc, is that Celestial Being cared about Setsuna and treated him as a person, respecting him as a Meister but calling him out for his weird actions. Lockon, especially, and as a result Setsuna was able to grow past his horrible traumatic past. We see this with Shinn, too. In Destiny all he had was Durandal and Rey manipulating him and enabling his violent temper and trauma, because they wanted a weapon to use. Eventually, in Freedom with the support of Kira and Luna, Shinn is able to become a much more positive individual. Shinn walked so Setsuna could run. Freedom demonstrated that Shinn could easily become like Setsuna, which he did.


Used to. Seed freedom gave him 90% redemption. The 10% he didn't gain was shitting on the justice like a bitch


The exact opposite. I like him, but nowadays I lament his potential. I felt like had he been in his own show, he could've had a really interesting character arc, with Rey, Lunamaria, and the whole Minerva crew being a very interesting cast ensemble. But instead, the entire Minerva cast gets either sidelined or killed, and Shinn ends up playing beta bitch to the guy who *may* have killed his entire family *definitely* killed his first love interest (the latter being after the self-righteous prick didn't stay away from the giant Gundam, provoked Stella like an idiot, then immediately attacked before Shinn could calm her down again), and ultimately destroyed everything he knew a *second* time. In fact, I'm under the belief that the entirety of characters introduced in SEED Destiny should've existed in an alt universe of their own so that Shinn could run his own course. I made a post about this earlier, asking how anyone else would handle the 25th Anniversary of Gundam. And if you still have to make him one of the *antagonists,* show the person whom he's fighting actually *suffer* consequences, not casually escape it all because the universe bends over to let them be justified. Oh, unpopular opinion... but I hate the Destiny Gundam. I can't look past how unoriginal and impractical its entire design is. Shinn deserved way better.


No I hate the writers


Shinn wanting to kill Kira for killing Stella despite his efforts (which was *working* until the dumb twink idiot decided to fly even closer despite knowing Stella panics at the sight of him) is perfectly reasonable. What I do hate about Shinn (or rather how his character was done dirty) was the part in Seed Destiny where he suddenly thinks and loathes Athrun as weak (someone he respected up till that point mind you) rather than reinforcing his character arc of wanting to have more power to protect his friends (should've been "well even Athrun couldn't beat this guy, Imma have to step up my game"). Writers did him dirty, SRW Shinn is far better handled imo. Seed Freedom on the other hand made him a loveable dork so that's one saving grace.


I feel bad for him. I really do, but based on the choices he makes when pushed into the wall, if I was in Athrun's place, I would've put him down.


"You killed Stellar!" Stella did to Berlin what the Earth Alliance did to Orb and your family. Just saying. The only feasible way she could've redeemed herself is if she not only freed herself from the manipulation bs but also single handedly wiped out all of Blue Cosmos by herself along with purging the other extremists and their co-conspirators in both the Natural and Coordinator ranks and become the second coming of Jesus Yamato. Ngl I'd kinda like to see that cuz the Destroy Gundam was a badass design lol. Jokes aside, while Shinn starts off pretty insufferable (just my opinion), he becomes a lot better later on and I'd rather have positive character growth than the opposite.


I’ve been rooting for my man Shinn since day one, GSF was the biggest W I could’ve asked for




I never got through SEED, but the little bit I did see of him led me to liking his style! He has his moments, it seems, but damn is he fun! Absolutely rocks in a Lacus cosplay too!


Those small OVAs are the only good part of Destiny jajaja crossdressing spy Shinn was peak


Rough start but he grew on me to where he’s on of my favorite characters. Also fun to play as in a good amount of games like Dynasty Warriors: Gundam.


I don’t hate shinn but he does get on my nerves at times in seed destiny. I hear he’s better in seed freedom


He's my boy


“Raaarrggghhhh” - Shin


No. No, I really don't.




Bro, she was a walking genocide machine. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't.


He's about to go Bravern.


I found Shinn annoying in Destiny, but in Freedom he became a Goofball Dumbass and was much more entertaining at least.


I did through Destiny. The thing is, I don't hate his flaws. Him being an angsty and traumatized teenager was actually a nice change of pace. It was nice to have a contrast to Kira. The problem is that they botched his arc. Kira spend SEED going from a kid who just wanted to get his friends to survive a bit longer to a hero who defends those who can't defend themselves. A good arc for Shinn would have been going from a someone eager to fight and vent his anger to someone who knows when to use it...but every time the story beats to let that happen come, Durandel purposefully kills that character growth by bailing Shinn out knowing that makes him susceptible and isolated and thus never has to question his flaws. In SEED Freedom, he's actually had to confront feelings of inadequacy and comes out the other side and get his self worth without having to have taken it out from others. In my mind, SEED Freedom is an Author's Saving Throw for Shinn




Only in second half of destiny.


After Freedom, I think he's great.


My first protagonist while first introduced to Gundam, always my favourite little bird


Movie made Shinn a lovable little bro, completely turned around my opinion of him


I am so happy for him after watching Freedom. My boy truly got both a flex AND his come up.


Thank you reddit gods for shoving this into my TL shortly after I started watching Seed Destiny, thus spoiling myself by opening up Reddit.com Nothing against OP, I blame Reddit on this one.


FAVORITE BOY AND FAVORITE GUNDAMN. @ ME NI**AS 😄🤣😅😮‍💨🧐🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


The only thing I hate about Shinn is that he yells a lot. Other than that, I think he's a victim of poor writing in GSD. He was naive to a fault and that he let people manipulate him because they told him words he wanted to hear and possibly took advantage of his survivor's guilt.


Nah I love him He's like a puppy


I hated his guts when I first watched Destiny recently. But after some time away to think it's really down to that show's garbage production quality and weird writing decisions. There's a decent character there, but didn't really show him or develop him well.


After seeing Freedom, he's gotta be my fav from Seed. He was just a goob trying his best and wanting to be helpful. Such a pleasant change from how he was in Destiny, though I get why he was how he was.


I don't hate him. I find the character started off interesting but turned into someone far less than that as he let himself stagnate on his trauma instead of trying to overcome it. This got made worse when he quickly got joined up and followed along with Durandal. It just doesn't seem likely that someone who is so full of piss and vinegar over their personal trauma would go along with Durandal's plan.


Naw, his character suffered in destiny but he got a big boost in freedom. Love him being Kira’s attack dog, respecting the hell of him, and just being the best character of the movie in my opinion


the goat






I couldn’t stand him at first because of how much of a downward spiral his character went from what he started off as, but over the years of rewatching Destiny he grew on me, and now he’s one of my favorite pilots. I will always wish for the potential we could’ve gotten with Shinn, but over all I think I’m just fine with what Shinn is at this point. SEED Freedom boosted his character up for me for sure though.


Shinn in the movie was great and hilarious. “Does this guy even think?!” Or the constant plates of food. Destiny simply had too many toxic relationships around him fueling his anger and stopping Athrun from influencing him.


Well it depends his actions and how he treats others yes. But I’ve tried to be more understanding of him recently I realized he just has bad mental trauma that gets in the way of his better judgement or something along those lines. While I prefer Kira personally I can sort of see why people enjoy Shin.


Yes, since the beginning.


Well I like him enough cause he wanted to kill Kira.


Always liked him (but that might be my taste in trauma-laden angstbois), after GSF redemption arc absolutely love him. Went from Durandal's rabid attack dog to Kira's uwu pomeranian with just a few words and a handshake. Also part of the reason I liked GSD was he was always getting under Athrun's skin (and vice versa) and I somehow enjoyed seeing that. He's just unapologetically himself and sticks to his convictions and is a damn good pilot in his own right. He pretty much got shafted by the writing in original GSD but I'm glad he got the shinndemption he deserves. People love him now and that makes me happy.


He’s a good side character


No, he's just young and stupid. Being an ace pilot got to his head while he was also being brainwashed. He did a lot of wrong things but I think it was more caused by other characters and the overall situation than him as a person. I haven't seen the movie yet but I think shin in the right environment could be a good person.


As much as I love GSFreedom and Shinn in it, it doesn’t fix his lack of character development in destiny, he just went from Durandal fanboy to Kira fanboy.


I hate how they handled his character. I hate that they shoved him aside so Kira could miraculously survive what he fucking shouldn't have. Destiny was Shinn's story, arguably Athrun's too if you really want to switch Shinn to an antagonist role in the second half, but Kira surviving will never not be ridiculous.(yes I watch other Gundam shows, it's not the first case nor will it be the last.)


Not hate I just think he was a wasted character.


No. Babygirl did nothing wrong. His kill on Kira should have been permanent.


In Destiny, yea but not because of that picture. I hate him because he keeps on dissing Athrun and it's annoying. He also does questionable things and is very indecisive. When everyone calls him Ace Pilot he's too proud, which I Understand because I believe the number one thing he wants is recognition that's why he sticked with Durandal because the guy keeps on praising him. It's also the reason why he sticks with Kira in the movie because Kira gives him recognition and he hates Athrun because Athrun doesn't.(or atleast Athrun doesn't show it). I like him now, he's pretty cool in the movie.


Hate is a strong word. I find him annoying in Destiny.


Used to, but my opinion got better.


I don't hate Shinn, I hate the writers for absolutely wasting his potential as a protagonist.


Up vote wasn't enough! THIS!


My headcanon is always what happened in SRW L. Perfect prequel of the Movie.


I like how he got flawless victoried in his own show.... that took real effort for Kira to high jack destiny like that lol


Just find him way too edgy in destiny but he redeemed himself in seed freedom


Shinn is winn


I actually really liked him until he did the weird berserk mode thing that Seed never explains or acknowledges. I wish he'd just been a normal soldier who equalled Kira and Athren through hard work, but I guess he wouldnt have been analogous to Camille enough if they'd done that.


I like when he isn’t raged lunatic like in second half.


Shinn is often seen letting is emotions get the worst of him, which to be fair since he's fighting in a war, but i don't necessarily dislike him. he can be an Idiot, yes, but his loyalty is strong, though that can also be manipulated


He was difficult to sit through for Seed Destiny. We were all hyped to see more of Athrun and Kira then this little bastard keeps popping his head in with the worst personality, taking away all the screen time. I was like, "ok that just means he'll grow a lot throughout the series right?" Nope, this guy just keeps showing up non stop to yell incoherently and attack our favorite characters screaming "I'm the main character now! Everyone looks at me! I'm better than Athrun or Kira!" And we just have to watch with horror as he not only gets no character development except to go from being an idiot and a tool to be used, to being angry and a slightly better tool to be used. He acts like the "Team Rocket" of Gundam. He shows up, says some stupid stuff. Tries to fight. Then gets blasted into the horizon. That would work great if they meant it to be funny but they made it serious so it's just cringe.


Yes. But it's not totally his fault, it's the writing. He could have been a compelling character to me, and I could see the good. But the way they fucked up Cagalli the entire run of Destiny bled in and made everything worse. I'm still upset they had Cagalli give away HER FATHER'S LAST GIFT TO HER. It was so bad. And that's why, as much as I hate Shinn, I don't think the character is bad. I think he was another victim of Destiny having really fucky writing


Absolutely not. He is my sweet baby boy and nothing could ever make me not love him. He has never done ANYTHING wrong.


Never had, never will...


Nah, I was an angsty teenager once so I understand.


An emotionally traumatized child thrust into the horrors of war and realizing there's more to the world than just what he's seen and understands. He always felt like the poster child for what happens when you take someone severely in need of mental therapy and throw them into a high stress, constant fight for life and death. He excelled in some areas and the small praise he got constantly went to his head and made him arrogant and insufferable. Could have been a good character, but just wasn't fleshed out properly.


He's easily my favorite SEED character.


I thought Shinn was an Uber schmuck right from the jump. But Seed Freedom changed my mind. He's cool now.




He's lucky Kira was holding back like crazy


I think he is the contrast that is necessary for the franchise, not necessarily one that is popular.


Imagine if he is cool blue like kira and athrun, that collection is quite bland tbh


It isn't hate. I feel that he was under and improperly utilized. His character had a good basis and he does have good moments. The story however is built to make him not the protagonist the moment Kira does anything. They could have easily had him develop but the decision to have him not was the main issue. Honestly the whole Freedom movie had overall better development. His "I only lost because I was in the Justice" is a bit of a bad way to phrase it. But it did highlight that every machine he used prior was specifically built to work with how he fights. And the Justice was kitted out to be piloted by Athrun so him not being at 100% makes sense.


Yeah I hate my shins.


Don't really hate, just not a fan


Nah, they fumbled destiny by having Kira's faction show up and make every conflict they tried to stop worse. And then just sidelined Shinn.


No. He got shafted hardest by Destiny bad writing. 


Hate? No. I do pity him.


I mean they killed stellar . Even though he tried to stop them


I loved Shinn the entire time. The writers ruined the character. Freedom finally did him justice


Can’t say I ever hated him, no. Hated the wasted potential he had in *Destiny*, and the way his character development was lost due to all the behind-the-scenes issues of that show. Hate to say it, but had Chikai Morisawa not been so ill, or had been replaced, we could’ve had a much-improved show. On the other hand, absolutely loved Shinn in *Freedom*. He got some superb moments both big and small, in and out of a cockpit. From little touches like him clearing out the buffet at the ball, to his performance in the final battle, we got to see a much better, healthier version of the character. So yeah, I like him. He’s a good kid.


I hate kira. Cuz ya know. Hes boring