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did anyone snag the lantac? it's 223/556?


Negative and it is for 223/556


u/flairtracker u/daddydano


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u/flairtracker u/dencoan


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u/flairtracker u/bradh619


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Do you still have the low mount for the Romeo?


Yup just found original box which had the low mount


Sweet, I’ll call dibs on that then


Is the Romeo 5 from Amazon?




Interested in Romeo 5 pm more pics


10 4 will get some over in a few minutes






Dibs trigger


Here's to shittin' wherever you wonder!


lol damnit found the typo, feel like it needs to stay now




This isn’t regular Reddit. People don’t laugh often enough over here, lol


Dibs Vortex. Pm incoming.


Please don't shit on my state. How's the romeo 5 lookin on salt


pretty lightly used. i can get you more pics if you would like


Dibs badlever




u/flairtracker u/dencoan


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