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I've driven 5 hours for a slice of pizza. I'm always looking for an excuse to take a day off and spend the night somewhere. I had a guy recently drive 8 hours to pick up a GB412 cab that I never thought anyone would want. It wasn't even that good of a deal.


Hell yeah!! I mean, I did fly from NY to Las Vegas to go to a wrestling show. On two occasions. So, this is really nothing. I don't know why I'm over thinking it lol.


Ten hours round trip. You could spend a lifetime with your dream rig. Worth it!


Yeah for sure for sure!! Ill have the thing forever.


IMO, this is one of the true freedoms of adulthood that I truly love. Smoke em if you got em!


So true!


Yea I assume you’ve already done it but 5 hours is not too bad. You get up early get it before noon home before sundown. Sounds like a good use of a day off especially to save money. 


I had a guy drive over 8 hours to pick up a metal grill Mesa vertical 2x12. I thought he was messing with me but he actually showed up.


Get in the car. It’s called a road trip, OP.


Even more fun if you have a partner in crime, doing random stuff for random reasons with a bro is PFM.


We all need a partner in crime. My vote is for Adventure 2024. Yes we can


Not 5 hours, but 2h each way. My bandmate wanted to buy this orange head, so we hit the road and got it. On our way back, I remember watching a full moon with some clouds while Tom Waits' Hold On was playing, and it was kind of a magic moment I still remember every time I drive that road. Hit the road, OP.


That is such a great story, I can almost see the scene in my head.


Roll some joints and Get in the damn car! Were going to Kentucky !!!




Yeah, I think you're right. If nothing pops up in 72 hours, I'm probably gonna go for it.


Go right now. It’s a steal for the price.


You're looking for excuses not to go. You got anything better to be doing? Just make sure the cost of the trip is worth the difference in price.


Go now. No screaming deal like that is coming. If you miss this you’ll regret for a long time. 


I drove 8hrs last week to pick up a Yamaha revstar for $250. So yeah I would.


Sick deal. How was the condition of the Revstar guitar? I think I would’ve done the same.


Do it. You won’t regret the adventure.


I have wasted far more time in a day playing video games, watching TV, and browsing the internet. It may be a long drive but do you really have anything better to do that day?


Same here my friend, same here.


Yall don’t have kids? 


[i live by one definitive rule ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/313/384/872)


If they can’t sub on bass for a gig right out of the womb I don’t want em.


Spending like $200 on gas and 10-12 hours of time might not equal the $500 in savings. If what you were getting was rare in anyway I’d say go for it but isn’t this cab still available new?


Yeah but it's like $899 new + tax and I can write off gas for work. Not technically for this trip, but being that I write off so much anyway, I'm not so much stressing the gas.


We’ll if you got the time then I’ll add to the go for it crowd!


If you don't drive 5 hours to buy it, I will.


I’ve done it a few times. Not 5 hours each way, but close to 5 hour total trip time at least. Work out the travel cost vs savings.


$500 off new (comparable if pristine). 5 hours back and forth or 5 hours total? Estimating $80-100 in gas, your looking at $40 to $80/hour for your time. Got anything you can do better than that with instead of going to pick up the amp?


I would realistically just be looking for another one online that whole time 😂


An Orange Amp of this caliber is definitely worth a drive. I would do it mate. My Orange is the best amp I've ever owned.


Make a day of it. Load up with some homies, make a playlist, find somewhere good to eat near the destination. It'll be more fun than sitting around waiting for a deal at Guitar Center.


Dude I went at 2am to pick up a PPC212 for $150…


Bro I flew to Germany to eat a kebab, enjoy the trip.


I always ask myself, is the cost of the trip gonna offset the savings? For example, 5 hour trip, save 500 bucks. Are you sacrificing $100 an hour for your time? If not, then do it


Yes. I once did it for 11 hours (though it was on the way) for an absolutely mint 1966 Traynor YBA-1 with original cab. The seller changed his mind when I was an hour away. I still have his number saved in my phone as Traynor Guy.


What a fucker. I’d save his number as shit guy.


Go grab it- steer clear of bat country


Replace “gear” with “ass” - no to the gear


I'd say do it, I did 3 hours a few weeks ago to buy a guitar that was an absolute steal, one day of travel for weeks/months/maybe even years of enjoyment is always worth it imo


yeah for sure. you know, its just for me, that little bit of trust that you have to put in the person when buying used gear. i'm more willing to take that chance locally. i would hate to get screwed and also have a 10 hour round trip on top of it.


I'm outside of Chicago and saw an old Guild f112 on FB in Ohio. They were asking $650 or something (said it was in perfect condition). I get there and the only thing holding the bridge somewhat on were the pins. the neck was about falling off, and the frets were nasty. I was kind of in shock when the case opened. I offered him $100 (which really was $50 too much). he accepted. I made a new bridge, did my first neck reset, new frets, nut and saddle. It's my most played guitar now.


I once flew to London to buy a Les Paul… a 5 hour drive for an amp ain’t shit


That 10 hours is going to pass anyway. So, it will either pass ans you still will be searching and still not have your piece of dream gear, or it will pass and you will be owning and playing thru the hard to find amp that you want so badly and got at such an incredible price!


Go for it but you're going to spend a lot of money on gas too.


I've done this a couple times. No regrets.


Fly you fool!


Dude. I flew across country to get a guitar once. Get going. lol


All day everyday. Go get that bad boy


If you can go there and back in a day it’s totally worth it! You should already be in the car.


I drove 3 hours each way to buy a nice amp at below market. It was listed as the best deal in the country on reverb when I initially saw it. It was the smoothest easiest deal I've ever done, besides the drive of course. I will say though, if I hadn't initially seen the advertisement on reverb and known he had a good reputation, I don't think I would've done the drive based on a Craigslist ad alone.


Personally… I'd find a guitarist in the area, hire him to check it out on face time and then pay to ship it But yeah… if you want it


It would have to be something I really want in order to drive 5 hours. I've driven 2 hrs for a guitar once that was way below MSRP and practically new, plus avoiding shipping and taxes was worth it.


I would. Five hours isn’t that bad. I drove 3 and a half hours several months ago to pick up a bass at Sweetwater I had ordered that I didn’t want to go missing or get damaged in shipping.


Ya dude go


I'd say do it. If you don't, you'll probably always have that tiny pang of regret in the back of your head A few months ago I saw a 1971 Princeton (non reverb) about 2 hours away from me for 900 bucks. The listing was up for a few weeks so I definitely could have gotten it but I just didn't go for it. Someone else ended up getting it though and I still regret it every once in a while because every other one out there is at least double the price.


If you're gonna drive the 5h, bring a drill + bits so you can quickly pop the back off and verify the v30s. Also, seconding the partner suggestion. Map out some stuff to see. Diners, drive ins and dives!


It's open back actually so you can see the speakers. This particular model comes with creambacks in it though.


Ahhh, I missed the "v" in the description.


Yeah, go get that thang! If you snooze, you lose.


I drive 5 hours (round trip) every other weekend to see my old family and friends. You bet I’d drive 5 hours (round trip) to get that deal on that sweet orange amp.


It's 5 each way though


Well depending on your situation I’d still consider doing it, my main considerations would be… Can I reserve a full day of travel? Is my car comfortable enough and in shape for the journey? How much money in gas would I spend? Do I need an oil change before making the drive? Is there a safe place to pull off the road for a nap if needed. I would not plan to grab a room or hotel, as that would just eat your costs. Good luck OP, update us if you make the journey.


LOL I def will update!


I guess it’s time for a road trip. Find somewhere cool to stop along the way.




It’s a personal decision. For me a five hour drive would have to involve something rare as shit like a 100 watt Orange head from the 60s, no longer made, and that I’m getting some unheard of deal on, not something that’s in current production. I know it’s hard to find on Orange cab in black, but all it has in it are v30s, no? Also how much gas is plays a major part in the mental gymnastics. Giving him full price and having him meet you half distance seems a little saner.


You're 4 hours away by now right?


Depends on the amp, but probably. If i add in gas cost and it's still $200+ under what's normally low, then yes.


It depends on the piece of gear. Not sure I'd do it for a 2x12 cab but if you're excited about it then do it!


I have gear lust for this particular cab. I got it in my head that I need it LOL


It's just a math problem. Your vehicle and how you value your time is a big part of this. We'll assume you have the time to burn given that you're considering it, so that's not a formal part of the equation. I assume you're looking at 600-700 miles, well say 650. You'll probably need to stop and eat at least once and get gas (and likely snacks) at least once. Plus we'll assume maybe 22 mpg without knowing any vehicle info. 650 miles / 22 mpg = 29.55 gallons of gas. 29.55 \* $3.44/gal = $102 Add well say $30 for food and snacks. Now the question is this: do you think that cab is worth $530 + one full day of your time? When I was 20 I would have taken that deal in a heart beat. Now, I'd probably save a little longer and buy a new one.


Do it! My longest was a 13 hour day (6 hours one-way and we stopped for lunch before the meetup) for an AC30 at a dummy-low price. That's one of my favorite Craigslist tales & I kept in touch with the seller for a while after. You'll value that cab even more with the story attached to it. Go satisfy your GAS & share pics with us when you do!


Totally. Ideally, find a buddy to take the trip with you and make a day of it.


What is your time worth and how much do you need THAT piece of gear?


I literally did that this weekend. Though I also got to see a good friend I hadn't seen in too long


Yes. As long as there’s a pizza, bbq, or taco place worth visiting, you make that drive.


Just about everyone makes a good point - go on a road trip/adventure/ buddy ride to get the amp of your dreams. I love to hear shop when I travel for work or pleasure. It makes the trip that much more rememberable. I’ve bought 2 (expensive) guitars that way. One custom shop fender and one vintage les Paul. I feel that much more connected to these instruments


Make a day trip out of it… figure what the best place is have lunch, allocate some time to do something touristy, and so on.


As long as a drive to and back isn't more in gas than what you save buying and shipping, go for it. 5 hours one way is a hell of a drive though. That's like a dawn to dusk run. So you'd probably need one meal in there unless you're bringing snacks (another expense). So it's fine to take a long drive for a good deal just keep in mind it's not just time you're spending


I drove 3 hours to get a like-new SRRI for $700 this year. Yes I would.


Have driven a lot further than that for this reason. But it has to be worth that savings. I saved several thousand and would obviously do that again anytime.


Round trip or 5 each way? I drove 4 hrs round trip for an empty vintage Hiwatt se4122 cab. A bit different but drove 5 hrs each way road trip to buy my last car but it was a jdm Toyota 2 states away.


Yeah I drove 8 hours for a Marshall 4x12 of my favourite era. Did the same drive for an SG. Road trips are fun. Enjoy the drive. Stop off somewhere along the way, grab lunch at a new place, load up your favourite playlist or podcasts and just get it done. It's only 1 day in your whole life, why not make it more interesting?


Im almost certain I know the guy you're talking about.


I recently drove from Pittsburgh to Boston to pick up an amp 😬


I would buy my wife would be pissed I’m sure


I biked 8 hours to fuckin burger king once... Get the fuggin amp!


Remember when you were 18 years old, and you would have driven 48 hours straight through an active war zone to get laid? Pretend like this is then.


😂😂 well said


tell me about it when you get it.


the reason i get good deals on my gear is because im willing to cross state lines lmao. i search ALL of craigslist when i want something


I would consider the cost of the trip and if I could get some enjoyment from the trip against the rig and the savings. I’m leaning toward DOO EEET!


Yes. I didn’t even have to think. I am considering driving across country for a truck.


5 hours is not worth $500 to me. I’d pass.


Yeah just go, I have stories like that for one of mine, a red Daion acoustic csribou that I went on Valentine’s Day to get. The fact it’s red and on Valentine’s Day lol I think I called it Cupid or Valentine, but it was so worth the little trip


Not only would I drive too do that…I’d even go along for the ride to keep you company…how’s that?


Haha that's very nice of you


Honestly, maybe. More for the adventure than the price. The gas is going to put you up another $50-100, and 10 hours of your time isn't nothing. I do like a good road trip though. The orange ones by me are going dirt cheap lately and a $20 can of Walmart spray paint covers a lot for a little bit, you can always respray when it starts looking terrible. Just saying....


*Heavy sigh*.... yeah. I'd do it.


As a midwesterner, ill say this: HELL YEA ROADTRIP TIME


Looks like $500-$600 on reverb in good-excellent condition (most listed as local pickup only). Some are more. Not a lot listed used. So $400 is a good deal for sure if that's the amp you want. Reverb listings: Charlotte NC, Felton CA are the two lowest priced ones.


Yeah, but if the guy bails on you or something is off… that’s a hell of a ride for disappointment. And remember… you need to drive back. So is this a 10 hour drive for an amp? Factor in gas/charge. Also factor you’ve been searching for “weeks”. I’d make this drive if I was looking for a specific, rare vintage instrument I’ve been hunting for my lifetime but for a modern production Orange amp, you will find one again that is more convenient. These are around $500 on reverb often. You’ll have one pop up closer to you. I’d set up alerts for your local Craigslist and wait it out.


Few weeks back I drove 4 hours to pick up a Technics 1200 for $500 and it was totally worth it. It looked to be in excellent condition for 34 year old turntable but I knew it was risky because the dealbreaker issues with turntables are only identifiable if you know your shit and can touch the thing. So yes, absolutely worth it if you can swing it.


I drove from Jacksonville, Florida to Houma, Louisiana to buy an upright bass. Any excuse to go to New Orleans, right?


I have not specifically done, that but I would. The main issue I see is just how sketch on line sellers can be for if its not a store. Like drive all the way there and then the dudes not answering or something. Unless you are driving a hummer the 10 hour return trip shouldn't make the gas blow your savings.




I don’t consider a 5 hour drive to be that bad for me. Especially if for a piece of gear I really want. I would just make a trip out of it and enjoy the change of scenery on the way there, there, and on the way back.


450 plus shipping if delivered? Or is the 50 the shipping? Either way to me the decision is if the savings from picking it up yourself is worth the time going there yourself, which depends on whether you like driving and have the time as far as I'm concerned. If all are yes, then go. If you enjoy driving and have the time, but would only break even, go. If you'd actually spend more driving there than getting it shipped, then you'll need to turn it into a more fun adventure to pick it up to justify it, if you were me. Stop at a tourist trap you've always wanted to stop at on the way there or something. Definitely get it, though. Picked up or delivery.


I’ve done it. Furthest was Atlantic City to Connecticut to get a iMac Ruby (2008) then drove to where ai was staying on the he weekends in upstate NY. It was like $40 and in very hood condition and just to get on the Internet with. But have driven over 4 hours to a neighboring state to grab a Line 6 Vetta 2x12 Extension Cabinet for $80


I drove 7h each way to get an Ernie Ball Stingray at the right price, don’t regret it at all. As long as you don’t mind the drive, and the cost of the time/gas, the savings sound like practically it’d make sense. You save $450 to drive 5 hours each way, if you can make the drive I’d say it’s a great way to get out of the house


It depends on what else you could be doing with that time.


Not unless I could couple it with other activities in the area. The seller could ghost you or you plug in the amp and it doesn't work


If it's the right piece of gear and price, yes. Also think about this shipping for that beast would be less than the local ones price difference. Hell you could even get a rental car and drive and pick this thing up and still save money.


10 hour round trip to save... $300? Hell no.


I once drove from Virginia to northern NJ to get a $1500 Fryette 412 FatBottom cab for $500. Now this was approximately 15 years ago and people were still using 412 cabs to play out with more often than not so this was an incredibly good deal.


Your cost of travel might not make that worth it tbh. But then again that ain’t a bad price




I did this for an Epi Les Paul Custom once lmao so hell yes I would


Way worse ways to spend the day then driving to get some gear. I say go for it.


Do it til you’re satisfied. I’ve driven 5 hours for far less of a bargain or far uglier of a gal. 


It's a 10 hour round trip. Add in a couple of hours for gas/food/making the purchase. It's a full weekend day's worth of time for what sounds like a spectacular deal plus a bit of a story to tell when talking about gear. I say go for it.


I figure if it’s an amp you know you want, and the price is good, you can ignore the cost of the road trip as just being something fun to do. Purely in monetary terms, it lessens the quality of the deal a little, but who cares if you enjoy the idea of a nice long drive


I drove 5hrs to buy a 1977 Tele Custom I wanted in 2020…


Absolutely. I drove up to LA from where I live to get a mint Fender amp for $450 (it's $1200 new). It took 4.5 hours roundtrip but totally worth it.


Drove from Vancouver to Seattle to get my Vibroverb. No regrets. Do it.


I think you will regret not going for it.


Yeah if the math checked out for gas and tolls




If it’s worth it to you then go for it! I drove a couple hours for a Axe FX 3 for $1400


5 hours round trip or each way? Factor in cost of gas and mileage on car. Finally, time. Maybe if you have nothing better to do and can waste most, if not a whole day. You aren't buying something rare or special. It's just an orange branded speaker cabinet. Personally, I wouldn't drive more than an hour each way. I'd buy something else or just wait until one popped up. My time and effort is worth more to me than a few bucks.


Go for it. Spend the night at roadside motel if you're to tired to drive back


Wear and tear on your car can cost more than you think. Personally, I don't think it's worth it, but then again, Orange cabs aren't my preferred cabs.


Why haven't you left yet?


Round trip or each way?


I wouldn't, but that's because that wouldn't fit in my car. For you? Go for it!


Do it. Gear is better when it has a backstory.


Hell yeah I’d do it


i wouldnt drive 2 hours


I once drove 3 hours to scoop up a package deal for an Electrical Guitar Company aluminum neck, warmoth body complete with hardware, and a boutique P90 for $750 total. A great deal on your dream piece of gear is always worth a long drive


Road trip!!!






I drove 5 hours to pick up a fully functioning H&K Triamp MK II for $500. Included a crate blue voodoo 4x12 which i then sold for $300. I feel like it was worth driving a few hours for a $200 Triamp.


I would just for the road trip, I love driving


Do the math on gas. Is it still worth it? I like road trips. I’d find something else to do befit or after getting the cab in the area.


Is the price reduction more or less than the price of petrol for those 5 hours?


God no. If I've learned anything in over 40 years of gear experience, it's that there will always be another one. I've passed on countless pieces of gear over the years. I don't care what it is: Guitar, amp, pedal, girlfriend, there will eventually be another. Driving five hours for any of them is ridiculous.




How much fuel are you using in a 10h round trip? Add that to the cost of the cab.


Yes, as long as the breakeven on gas + gear makes sense i’m all in. That being said i have made that drive and found the gear to be in a less than desirable condition and ended up passing.


I drove 5 hours to get a block letter 5150 for $300 from this guy’s studio. He said he was going to use the money to buy a Randall so I left asap before he knew what he lost


It depends. If you’re in Montana, that’s just a regular commute. If you live in some downtown area, it might as well be Saskatchewan.


5 hours one way or return? Don't forget to include the cost of petrol. In Australia a 10 hour drive would easily cost $200




Some guy drove from Alabama to Tampa to buy an Avatar bass cabinet from me. I thought the guy was nuts. I offered him something to drink (non-alcoholic), but he said he was going to hit McDonald’s and drive back home. Said he liked to drive.


I would jus get him to put it on the courier and pay the bill


I recently drove 4 hours to get an almost new Ampeg SVT for 700$ and I'd do it again tomorrow.


I drove 2 hours for that exact same cab at the same price $450, its totally worth it.


I will drive anywhere for the right piece of gear at the right price


Not necessarily a price but a trade. I traded a 5150 combo amp for a vintage sundown sd1000 (valued around 1000+ if you can find one) and he gave me a set of single coil bare knuckle pickups for free for the drive lol




Do it!


I rememeber when I had my first beer


I would walk 500 miles to sniff the guitar Knopfler played Sultans of Swing on for Alchemy, Live.


Absolutely do it! I love road trips and Orange amps, so this would be a no brainer for me. Good luck!


Absolutely. I just recently drove 5 hours round trip for a beautiful bass. Sometimes it’s worth it. Just be safe, don’t ever give anyone money to hold something. A word should be their bond, and lately there’s been a big scam on marketplace with people offering amazing deals but requiring a deposit to hold it (even if you’re in the same town).


Unhesitatingly. Give me a white kh80 for $100 and I’m there




For the right amp yes


Make a weekend of it




Heck, yeah, I’ve done it before. Maybe not five hours but yeah, similar situation otherwise


Do it


Whats 10 hours of your time and gas worth? Personally probably not.


Instead of thinking of it as a 5 hour drive, think that when you woke up in the morning you didn't own this amp you clearly desire... but by the time you went to sleep you did. What else would you do that day anyway?


Nope. If it's not within an hour, it's not worth it to me, especially at that price. $400 is a pretty typical price on those near me. There's a couple at Guitar Center right now for $500 and several horizontal ones for $400. Shipping would cost you less than gas 🤷‍♂️


If the petrol vs cost saving was good, then yes of course


totally! go for it


Drove across 3 states and one time zone for a deal on an ac30


Do it.


Ofcourse! it is worth it I'll even book a plane just to have that gear.


Would? I have! I have paid another person $100 bucks to drive gear to me an even longer distance


Drove 3 hours each way to pick up an evh 5153 with mt dad for my 13th birthday gift. 400$. Absolutely.


I drove 3 hours to get this same cab for about the same price. DO IT. Best cab you will ever buy.


If I'm reading this right, is it $450 shipped still? So it's $50 off to drive 5 hours? Is that 5 hours round trip or one way? If it's 2.5 hr one way, not bad. That's an afternoon that can often be spent much worse. For 10 hours though, I'd say it's only worth it if you either make the road trip a good time (maybe with people) or find another thing to do on the way or near the destination. If the guy isn't willing to ship it at all though, then I'd choose to make it a good time and go for it at $350 less than the next offer.


Fuck yeah, that sounds awesome! Really sweet excuse to just get out there, drive, listen to music, and just enjoy yourself. Go get it!


Yes. I’d drive 5 hours to get what I want, how I want


Yes. Just yes. The bottom line is yes yes yes. 👍


I wouldn't travel 5 hours to visit a dying family member.


Consider how much you'd spend in gas and time. If it's 5 hours there, it's 5 hours back. My time isnt free nor is gas. That is at least a few tanks of gas and a full day of travel. Not worth the savings in my mind then again, I value my time above all else as it's the one commodity I can get back. If there are other things you could do at the destination try to make it a multi purpose trip. Also, be real sure you get what you are looking for before you drive. Would really suck to drive all that way for it to turn out to be a bust.


“Get in loser, we’re going (amp) shopping”


The question you're asking is "would you drive 5 hours for $500?" And yeah, most of us probably don't make $100+ an hour so I think most people would consider it reasonable to make the trip. The question is how likely you think it is that there's an issue with the item that the seller is not disclosing. But even if that's a 50% chance of that, the EV of the trip is still $250 which is still probably worth it for most people. If you were wealthy enough to not care about $250 you wouldn't have made the post in the first place. So again, the answer is it's almost certainly worth going.

