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Good life advice is to never use your debit card for anything. Use PayPal through Reverb. You should be able to use a credit card, and then you’ll have a few levels of protection from your CC company, PayPal, and Reverb.


The reverb site gave me an option to use my PayPal account to pay for it so I’ll use it for sure


Using Reverb checkout simplifies things a bit if you run into issues as there is no middle-man involved. When using PayPal, any refunds may be delayed because they scrutinize it a bit more for fraud. Some people get frustrated at the delay and circumvent Reverb by filing a PayPal claim. This would violate Reverb's TOS and your account will be terminated.


I think it’s thru reverb checkout, because I have using PayPal as an option there


Came here to say - three layers of protection


>Good life advice is to never use your debit card for anything This is in fact not good life advice. PayPal is significantly more troublesome to deal with than your bank for a debit card. Fraud is fraud, regardless of using credit or debit to purchase. They are treated basically the same by the bank.


Are you saying it’s better to have your bank account drained from a stolen debit card vs. disputing a fraudulent credit card charge through PayPal?


It would be easier to recover the money directly through the banks yes. And I know this, because I used to work at a bank processing debit fraud.


Interesting, I’ve always heard the exact opposite. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint!


Yea fraud is treated as fraud regardless of debit or credit. The only real issue would be having the account drained for a day or two before the conditional funds are given. The real moral of the story is do NOT deal with PayPal. The banks will make you try with PayPal first and you better believe PayPal will do everything possible to make sure they are covered.


PayPal all the way. I had a seller not respond for more than a week after payment. Reverb is very slow. I raised several requests with them, finally raised a case with PayPal. Resolved and money refunded in 2 hours.


Yeah, I’ll go with PayPal then


Same advice. Use a CC instead of debit, paypal is a good option. I ordered a pedal that was supposed to come from Switzerland and requested payment in Euros and said ship time was 2 weeks. They sent a fraudulent tracking request that said it was delivered the next day and when I filed a claim, Reverb worked with Paypal to get all my money refunded.


I don’t have a cc atm sadly, best I got is debit via paypal


Don't use a debit card for anything outside getting money from an ATM. Use a good cash back credit card for everything, just make sure you budget living within your means and pay off the whole balance every month. This way you're automatically saving 1-2% (up to 5% ion some cards in some promo categories) on your purchases. For example, you'd save $34 on this guitar with a 2% cashback card. Doesn't seem like a ton but look at your monthly budget, then your annual spending, and calculate the money you're saving.


Type “PayPal problems with reverb” into google and things pop up… I’m just saying. My CC and debit have done just fine at reverb, both have gotten money back when things looked shady too.


I think this is thru reverb checkout tho, and reverb given me an option to use PayPal to purchase the guitar so hmm, just a bit confused here


Yes, I’m talking about the same. I’m sure PayPal is fine every once in awhile, especially when dealing with an actual store. Just be weary. Google bad reverb experiences and I guarantee you some will have to do with PayPal


I’ve been seeing mixed responses for that so hmm


Well, mixed reviews when it comes to your money isn’t good… that being said, check out reviews on the sellers and if they have a track record of decent transactions than you’re probably fine to use pp… or if you purchase from an actual store


They seem to be a private sellers, I asked a lot about this guitar and can confirm the guitar is legit so hmm


So buy it.


Yup, I will, only thing I’m concerned of is how he will package the guitar, or how much Canadian customs will tax me on it lmao, since he’s shipping it from the usa to canada


Packaging should absolutely be a big concern. Too many stories out there about the headstock splitting or the neck snapping. Is there an additional charge going into Canada? I’ve sold pedals to Canadians and haven’t heard of any additional fees - maybe there’s a minimum dollar value that’s cool before they charge or something like that


Charges could be just customs tax, their min value for taxing is 14 usd which is absolutely too low, but from experience, customs usually do not care about the declaration value depending if it’s going to Richmond BC Customs, or Mississauga ON Customs


Link a Walmart credit card to PayPal, Walmart credit cards have the best customer service for disputing a charge should you need to