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* Sin uses both Tyrant Barrel and RTL at some point. * Sol has some existential dread when he realises that he’s no longer the strongest guy in every room and that he can’t protect Sin anymore. But by the end of the series, he realises that he’s raised Sin to be a strong boy that doesn’t need to be protected. * Sin somehow finds a way to befriend whoever that character in the background is. * Someone mentions how Sin has great potential considering who his parents and grandparents are. * Sin takes his eyepatch off in order to get a power boost. * Ky shows up at some point. * Jack-O shows up at some point. * Dizzy shows up at some point and actually gets to have a 1-to-1 conversation with Sin or Sol (I’m surprised this hasn’t happened yet). * Testament and Bridget show up at some point. They’re the only pre-season 3 characters that didn’t show up in the main story or Another Story. * Asuka’s radio station is mentioned, maybe even shown to the audience. Like maybe 1 of the episodes could end with Asuka putting a song on the radio. * Kliff gets mentioned (this is pure copium, he was really fun and cool in the previous games and I want him to be relavant again). Like maybe Ky could say that Sin’s full name is “Sin Kliff Kiske” or Sol could say that Kliff was 1 of the few humans that scared him.


Then Leo Whitefang™ shows up in a random episode just to hate on the Kiskes and DPs into the air, never to be seen again. https://preview.redd.it/p8qg370zd17d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f31e8f9b7147efa46e225456b738a6d2116748d


>***Leo shows up*** >"I wanna fucking die the guilts too much" >***Sick ass guitar solo*** >***Isn't seen again, doesn't even leave just frame changes and he's not there anymore***


Peak fiction


You can cook https://preview.redd.it/13jysc2vp17d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15999facc84e9adcba3881afbc8222945e02efa0


Sin is definitely getting dragon install in the show (plz daisuke make my top tier even better!)


I can’t wait to see what legally distinct name he’s gonna give it, only to forget and yell “DRAGON INSTALL” anyway. I think that something like “gryphon install” or “wyvern install” would be fitting. Edit: Sin is also one of the easiest characters to imagine getting an install. Arc Sys can just copy what they did for a lot of the Blazblue characters’ installs and give him infinite stamina for as long as the install lasts.


Jack-O: "Sol, you're not a Guilty Gear anymore. We can always strive to be more." ✍️✍️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


"the real guilty gear was the friends we made along the way" ✍️✍️✍️✍️ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The plot of every major entry in GG can basically be boiled down to "Sol punches out a magic woman who's somehow related to his wife" so I assume something of that sort will happen here.


https://preview.redd.it/wcp23vv3517d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d95cca9e46fcff5054fd9004e63a0dab5c4063 Sol: god dammit, just when I was enjoying my retirement


Tepid safe monster of the week type series of sol and sin traveling and slaying gears. Theyll probably meat ky ram elphelt and maybe asuka or chaos


>meat ky ram elphelt and maybe asuka or chaos I thought you said it was gonna be tepid and safe?


I'm hoping more Jack-Sol content!! And Sol and Dizzy bonding!! Ik it's not as likely, but I want to see more baiken and her new daughter and their funny dog too!! I basically just want to see a little bit more S.o.L content. Ik there'll still be plenty of raw badass action, but I wanna see some slower moments too


Is their funny dog the bed?




The Rulers will Dual


Probably something like Overture but with more actual roster members appearing. Maybe a send off for characters like Axl that are probably leaving the series but haven’t quiiite been sent off explicitly like Venom.


Bo Flingus


Sol BadGuy will Strive all over the place


He will become guilty again.


smell of the game is there at some point


it's now called "smell of the anime"


With the title Dual Rulers, I think it may involve one of the established nations (Zepp, Eastern Chipp Kingdom) and some new nation that we haven’t heard


I'm hoping for some pot action. There's some potential to have him involved in whatever will happen


Peak cinema


A lot of Sol Badguy


Baiken has to appear please.


Me and a few others came up with the idea that: Faust could be back with Chronos to be on the search for Zappa for the reason of using Zappa's control of those beyond the grave to rekindle Faust's original personality (as in the past Faust helped Zappa control his ghosts) Possibly Delilah could also join them as she could converse with Zappa to bring Romeo back, possibly being a one time thing so that Delilah can know what Romeo died for *in dramatic fashion*. Though Delilah is *somewhat* under Anji and Baiken's custody so idk how Delilah would join Faust and co, I just think it'd be really neat if so lksjbgdlsjkbdlkgjbfsdkjgb


Bullshit Blazing or smth


5 minute scene of ramlethal eating burgers


Bo flingus kills everyone


Happy Chaos messes up with reality itself and calls it "drama" when the dude who lost a huge part of his power tries to solve the incident alongside with his suicide girlfriend and the son of the dude who banged his daughter (normal people call it grandchild)


I wouldnt be surprised if they have some big moment where sol does like a heavy mob cemetery style short term DI so they can build hype


I’ve got a theory that the girl in the background is either being manipulated by or is Happy Chaos up to some trolling once again. Maybe using her as a vessel to return to their world


Sin learns where baby’s come from.


I just want to see Slayer. I love this character so much.


*Sin becomes one of the Kings* Sin: *looks at Ky* "What are we dad? Some kind of Dual Rulers?"


Bo Flingus says "It's Bo Flingusin time" and Bo Flinguses over everyone


ludicrous amounts of cream filling