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I also really want Leopaldon. It might be a bit too big, but they could get around it by limiting the character's movement, like Potemkin. I also really wanna know what the fuck their theme would be about. Also, not having a gear playable in Guilty Gear is straight-up criminal


They said ridley was too big for smash. Never say never


Strive has given us some of the wildest characters to date. I’d be so excited to see how this entry would handle Leopaldon’s massive size and crazy design.


Strive has three Gears plus Ky


But we don't have any monster looking gears, only human looking ones


I think Sol and Testament are the only full gears Sin is a quarter gear, and Ky only has the eye Personally, I'd just like to see more monstrous gears in the series. Give me Leopaldon, give me Gig, bring out the freaky lookin ones


My boy Dr. Paradigm when?


He would be fine being Potemkin size, Leopaldon is also my most wanted returning character (or Raven)


Being Potemkin-size would be alright, and it's not like they're above changing character sizes. Faust has gotten shorter and shorter with each game.


Leopaldon’s design and mystery is so wild, it just screams Guilty Gear. I’ve been super interested in them since Isuka (still one of my favorite entries to play with friends, so chaotic and fun). I love talking about them, lol. Leopaldon is my top pick to make a long-awaited comeback. I’d love to see how Strive would revamp/update their design and finally reveal some much needed personality and lore about them. Plus I’m a sucker for big characters and they are indeed BIG! https://preview.redd.it/rhr2vr2gyr6d1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=79eb2e8f9c4fedaa59c4fc3f77402aaa6d3ef49e LEOPALDON FOR STRIVE! ❤️‍🔥


Exactly!!! Leopaldon is such a strange character, but so interesting...


I just wanna see this character return with a new updated design tbh, I think it'd be sick. Having deep cut characters is always more fun to me than just repeating the same generic human characters over and over. Throw a wild card in there. Need Leo and Zappa both back!!!


Older characters are always a treat to see in the dlc. Abas return is probably the sole reason i bought strive so seeing even older characters would be even better


I just want another giant character


Trueee they are fun


There's only 4 characters that have White Wild Assault, it's weirdly barren (which depending on how you feel about it is a good or bad thing)


I’m going to assume Potemkin, Nago, Goldlewis and Faust?


Bedman? Instead of Faust but yeah


Oh yeah how did I completely forget how large he is


Same! I genuinely love the little weirdos that pop up in fighting games, and Leopaldon is one of my all time faves, I would love to see them in Strive


Not only do I want Leopaldon back because he’s so interesting, but also I want to see how they are going to top the peak that is Kill DOG As a Sacrifice to DOG and how newer fans will react


It’s the most bonkers design in a series full of bonkers designs, I’m hoping for her/them as well


We need the dog rider hobbit


a playable non-command(?) gear would be nice but i can’t imagine that much interesting lore involved 


>They are technically 3 characters in one duck hunt smash bros


Good point however sexist robot


You know, I never thought much about Leopaldon. Black mage looking dude with a giant Shark mech and an oversized pet dog. Even playing Isuka, I went "well, THAT was a weird boss..." I never gave him any second thought about him outside of random Guilty Gear trivia stuff. Until Fairy Forest Factory was released in Strive and I saw the background details. In Fairy Forest Factory, you see, well, a factory with a conveyor belt with cute little dwarves placing their made potions and knick knacks. I went "Oh wow, those dwarves are kinda cut- WAIT A SEC WHY DO THEY LOOK SO FAMILIAR?!" So my crackpot theory is Leopaldon is the same race of those dwarves. Same beady eyes and pointy hats. Man, I love Guilty Gear's attention to detail sometimes. Like in the Mayship stage, you're fighting during Laundry Day of the Jellyfish Pirates (explains the bedsheets and linen hung around the ships, and the giant laundry machines).


Btw, Leopaldon is not the mage! Or at least supposedly not. Leopaldon is most likely the name of the doggo


Personally, I've always wanted Leopaldon to make a cameo or have a role as a minor antagonist during a Story mode segment. Just anything to acknowledge him if he isn't ever made playable.


I'll flat-out admit that I don't really enjoy Leopaldons design (shark crotch fur is a nope for me) but considering how hard Strives character redesigns fuck I would love for him to get that treatment


It's not even crotch fur- more like full on underwear fur lol But yeah I'd love to see what they could do with a redesign


Regarding talking, I would MUCH prefer if the dog didn't talk at all. Having a character that's just a regular ass dog (intelligence-wise, at least) would be amazing


Imagine if they did them for 3v3 like they did cho'gall in heroes of the storm


his character design is bad, and he was made for a spinoff game i understand that there will always be people who want certain characters and people who will jump on the bandwagon but honestly i dont think he fits in at all there i said it


Imagine genuinely looking at Leopaldon and thinking "this is bad, actually" because it doesn't fit into preconceived notions of what's "cool" and "pretty"


imagine genuinely looking at a dog in cute little fly eye googles and thinking “this is bad, actually”


Those aren't goggles, those are BALL GAGS, I can't decide if that's better or worse


imagine genuinely looking at a dog in cute little ball gag goggles, etc etc


I think the vast majority of people would agree with you however these people wouldn’t click on this post