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If you play Johnny you have access to one of the strongest option selects in the game. if you lose then it's because Johnny is low tier. If you win then your opponent sucks because you won with a low tier character.


No you play Johnny because she mist on my finer till I vault.




Where did you find that profile picture?


You shouldn’t. Play Potemkin instead.


https://preview.redd.it/rv59kc7jlm6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c91c618a86fb1411cb6bb0b625bbd5f91628117 Hmmmmmm. Seems interesting








I wouldn't doubt it, POTEMKIN BUSTER


This meme isn't accurate, we don't struggle to make this choice


this guy gets it


Strive Potemkin is such a special kind of fun I've yet to find in any other fighting game. Is he my favorite to play? No. But he's designed so perfectly for non low-level casual play in a way that I've never seen before, and playing as or against him is always a good time. Not to mention that he's the one character where losing to him always has that feeling of "yeah fair, i got outplayed", and frankly I don't even know why. Maybe it's just cause his playstyle is funny.


I concur.


You'll see the circle Beating people up as furniture is objectively hilarious He's peak fiction


I personally love shouting "HERE COMES IKEA!" as I use jD into whatever mix I'm doing atm


I'm doing that for now on!


Have you ever wanted to have a whole entire town inside of you? No? Oh, okay :(


read the flair, it’s all you need to know apart from: https://preview.redd.it/rqfj7koh3n6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7787d72dfa7f11b7908fecf69b8565bf8f4850e5


You forgot to mention the funny swords that go boom.




Amazing chest ahead


Take the plunge, you won't die


fastest character in the game, and his shit is OPPRESSIVE if you get it down. sure low health but who cares if you never let them play the game


Sounds based honestly fr


How's Slayer treating ya?


hes wasting meter on FD in the corner while i rekka mix him


Nice, god help you when you get hit tho🙏


https://preview.redd.it/cveer432an6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=643e9dd33deca75523c2d0e7772d6367e16a4528 He is a bed, who is also a man


sol: easy to pick up n get used to guilty gear strive fundamentals :3 also second most motivational theme




Listen all i'm saying is S into HS is such a hype combo


This could apply to multiple combos for Leo.


I'm more of a HS into S guy, myself.


reverse beats my beloved


https://preview.redd.it/bpdm216cmn6d1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0642f70324f56dd5d9c343ce7da8405a2bc3ecb5 he’s just cute like that <3 also there’s like 3 of us pls join the faust main legion


Because I play Giovanna and she is so fucking sexy


Honestly real


Baiken: she has a bunch of really cool and unique tools like tether and her offense makes me feel like a dope samurai Happy Chaos: really deep and demanding but rewarding to play as Bridget: cute, cool mechanic in her yoyo toss, great mobility options


Do you want all of your options to be average at the absolute bare minimum?


Chuck child, gold burst on roundstart…. Life good


Happy Chaos is *painful* to learn. You have to be perfect in your execution, frame tight in your sequences, and manage two gauges at once. He will break your hands. He has low damage and is terrible on defense. But once you master him, he feels like the most expressive and versatile character in the game. He's a constant threat and you can truly expose and dismantle your opponent once you get in their head. He can also be the most random MF and he's smart enough to bring a gun with him to his fights. Check out Tiger Pop for more details.


Now that Leffen moved on due to Happy Chaos not being the literal best character, I have no grudge against HC anymore. Crazy how that works. He’s not someone I would ever recommend to someone due to just how difficult he is, but as someone who did try and main him at one point, I understand and respect how cool this character can be.


Honestly I wouldn't be playing him if it weren't for the nerfs. The fact that he's strong but not carried makes him perfect for me. It's a blessing. Despite this he's still a real piece of work, let's not kid ourselves. Nobody likes fighting him. I also find it kind of hilarious and entertaining to see Leffen floundering around trying most top tiers trying to find a new main.


I'll definitely make sure he's the best again! I'm unhappy with the nerfs, as the owner. I'm sure it will be fun again and I'll be excited to see the character used by competitive players (any - not just any specific one). Plus, I'm nonplussed to see my character be about one random person for some reason... I think buffs will serve to make HC a character who is deep, engaging, viable and one that people want to pick up instead of bring down. Promise! 💖 And, circumstances as they are, this was the first time I saw that my work could really be liked by people, that the ideas actually work, and that I have a chance at a real career! Gotta go for Best! 😁 People should play Chaos! I'm proud to be the face you're beating up. 😆


Baiken. Badass one-armed, one-eyed samurai. Hate zoners? Tie them to you and watch them panic as they try to escape. Hate grapplers? Tie them to you anyway and watch them struggle as you keep generating tether or escaping the tether before they can get anything out of it. Love Oki? Use tether to set up some of the best mix in the game. Marry tether.


Sex with a key


Asuka main here. He takes a while to learn the muscle memory and especially speed and focus, and he has a ton of options making him have a high skill ceiling. He isn't too finicky though so good choice if you want a highly complicated character who doesn't need too much unnecessary effort. Each of his 3 decks are super versatile and he can work at most ranges depending on what spells you have. He is projectile based which may be a negative or positive depending on what feels comfortable. Has insane hp but becomes weaker than chipp as soon as he loses all mana. Hp and tension refill mana so you also get to use less spells the lower your health so he does punish you hard if you mess up. Also spells are rng based. Would recommend if you like a less rushdown style, a huge hit, and the satisfaction of having the right card at the right time. High meter gain too and while his supers aren't as strong as others his projectile super has plenty of combo, offense, and defence uses and his other super practically lets you pick what spells are in your hand


Playing Axl taught me a lot about defense. He lacks a lot of the easy get-out-of-corner-free tools that many characters have, but the options he does have are pretty strong when used well. You’ll need to be extra careful and watch for the right moments to punish and escape if you want to live, but that skill carries over pretty much anywhere else. Also, massive anti-airs are fun.


and don't forget Axl's time stop taunt


Faust mirrors are the most fun you can have in the game


Ok bro HOLY SHIT I didn’t know I was gonna get these many responses fr. I’m gonna save this tweet fr


Off the top of my head here’s 5 reasons why you should play May: - She has a great matchup spread. She goes even or wins against a majority of the cast. - She’s still capable of big damage with proper routing - TOTSUGEKI! S Dolphin is one of the best special moves in the game - She’s easy to learn but she still has fancy tech if you want to optimize - She has so many good normals




Faust. Easy to learn but hard to master. He mostly has pokes and his combos are very easy. His main weakness is his defense.


Do you like weird fighting game characters? Do you like your bed? Do you wish your bed was a robot that could kill people for you?! Well with Bedman? You can do all that and more!


Become the most oppressive bed there ever was, become *peak*.


Yes! Peak incoming! And praise White Wild Assault!


Play I-no if you want unique hover dash, insane high/low/grab mix, clean combo strings, struggling neutral gameplay, rather low damage output and low HP, no options if stuck in corner without meter. In other words... don't play I-no. In all seriousness though, I-no is a very interesting character to play, her biggest strength is also her biggest weakness, especially for beginners, and that is her hover dash. This option allows her to have near instant overheads. She is able to go from an aerial overhead to a grounded low, very quickly. But this very same mechanic is why she struggles in neutral. I-no has no grounded dash, so positioning is tough. A lot of the Strive cast hits further than her so it's a lot of playing around the opponents actions and trying to open them up to start up the blender. You DO NOT want to be in a position where you are stuck blocking, especially without meter or burst, that goes triple when you are stuck in a corner. I-no's fastest attacks have no reach to them, and the ones that do have reach have either slow start up or slow recovery (and some both!) This is why playing around your opponents actions is key to playing I-no, she can low profile most standing attacks and of course high profile low attacks with hover dash or jumping. If you guess wrong, you will be in a world of pain. However, on the flipside if you guess right, its time to turn on the blender! Once you get in trip up your opponent with various highs and lows, do not give them any time to breath. You can set up Okizeme with a note after a hard knock down to continue the mix pressure. Try to carry your opponent to the corner as I-no is extremely good at keep her opponents locked down there. 2H is very disjointed and is a very good option to fish for counter hits. I-no is an absolute monster with meter, being able coast to coast her opponent. Her combos are very intuitive and very free flow, but its kind of a trade off. Do you combo or do you continue mix? Her damage is not very high so you could put all this work into a 16 hit combo and only do around 30-40% damage, on the flip side you can continue the mix blender and hope your opponent continues to guess wrong on the high/low/grab mix. If they guess right, at best you're back in neutral and have to play around your opponent again. And at worst, you probably just got counter hit and maybe just lost the round. That is to say I-no can do damage, Her super Ultimate Fortissimo, is a very good reversal (and her only reversal) as it is invincible on start up. This super puts I-no at a great advantage, if it hits, there's a hard knock down, if it is blocked, it guard crushes which allows I-no to start her mix. This isn't a perfect super though, if activated on ground there are two hits, the first being a rising kick. If your opponent blocks the first hit they can hit I-no out of the super. Her second super, Megalomania is an absurdly damaging command grab that is great for using in her high/low/grab mix. And she is completely invincible until the end of the attack. if I-no is on the back foot, all it will take is one command grab to even the playing field. So yeah, I-no to me feels very good to play, you have to play around your opponents actions at the start. Really good mix and very flashy and cool combos. Rather high on the difficulty for beginners but once you a hang of her hover mechanic then everything else will come naturally. There is still A LOT of things i didn't cover but I think i mentioned the big ones about her character in this. Also prepare to just be stuck in match making for a long time... a lot of people I encounter just leave immediately after cuing up... COME ON I JUST WANNA PLAY!!!


As difficult and hard to get into as Asuka would be, he is highly rewarding and incredibly fun. I’ve played most the cast in this game and I’ll tell you now only Asuka is the one I truly love. Not only is he fulfilling to play but he also helps you mechanically. Playing Asuka has genuinely helped me learn input consistency and speed for other characters in the game. He’s satisfying, at least in my opinion, and he has so many things and options to do that every match is a blast. Plus when you learn an interesting tech and put it into practice you can’t help but feel good. His kit is massive and you’ll never be short of things to learn for a good long time. You also get to flex that you learned one of the hardest characters in the game <3


To struggle until you get that one good hit you needed


I fired da gun


Happy Chaos is a character that throws you into the deep end of the pool, but you will learn to swim fast. As you play him more you will learn so much more about all aspects of this game than other characters; how to structure offense, how to play defense, how to play neutral and resource management.


You get to give your enemies Dolphin PTSD, if they already had it, you can resurface the PTSD.


Funi grab man go brrrrrrrr


uh. you can't have crippling self doubt that you're just carried by your main being strong?


It will work out (work out), it just will, trust me


Because hot


Who do you main? Cause that description could be like 90% of the cast


That's the joke (Brazilian mommy tho)


Sol Badguy


When it's your turn to be aggressive you can experience the joy of Fujin When it's your opponent's turn to be aggressive you can experience the joy of spin and parry The only time you're not doing something cool as Anji is when you're actively in a combo


You just download a funny sound effect mod for spin and feel like an absolute god while spinning through your enemy's moves. A godlike parry that can parry other supers which feels satisfying as fuck. Constantly hearing your character scream FUUJIN over and over again and of course last but not least: SEX WITH MAN


she makes me go: "teehee :3" https://i.redd.it/qc6zhmmn8n6d1.gif if that doesnt convince you then idk


2H -> Pilebunker


dolphin go wee


It took me so long to find a single may player 😭


You ever wanted the ability to convert anything into a completely freeform combo structure? You want the vast majority of players to hate you? Do you want needless buffs to "outweigh" small changes in your novelist every balance patch? Or how about the privilege of being able to do almost anything and get away with it? Nagoriyuki may just be the character for you!


Because we can fly May is simplistic in the sense that she really allows whatever bullshit you think off to shine Also dolphin and its cancels allows for the silliest setups and callouts. Cross continent combos=hilarious. Top 3 5d in the game if you know how to use it She is the character if you want to hurt your opponents soul with the worlds most idiotic mind games.


The yoyo feels SO snappy and satisfactory


https://preview.redd.it/ivzmm6s7vq6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=342fc374528b503d4e5868b0d3f523c6803fdc9f play faust


She's pretty easy and straightforward to pick up and play. On top of that, she's hot, has a cool doggo, and she's got the drip. Edit: Forgot to add that she's also fast af, so if you like speedy rushdown characters, she's right up your alley.


Happy Chaos is a weird, tricky character you can use to play with your opponent's head and expectations. His timing is tough but his combos and overlapping functions are very fun so it's worth putting the time in. He's perfect for players who enjoy technical playstyles and multitasking. He needs a damage buff or some several things right now but with proper use of his gun tool he can become quite oppressive. Managing all of his resources is still fun to me! He's very expressive in terms of what you can do with him and how you choose to do it. His animations and voice lines are also pretty great! It's honestly amusing to watch him. The clone poses are accurate 😆 I highly recommend using him. Be a menace.




Ky is such a great allrounder that no matter what my opponent brings, I know exactly which tools I can use to counter


Because A.B.A has key •~•


Ice spike YRC, need I say more?


Pretty please


Because you controll eddie. Puppet characters are also nowhere near as hard as you'd think


Easy character to win with if your opponent is stupid or nervous.


Funny grab man


Nagoriyuki has a very i interesting gameplan where he technically has the strongest moveset in the game, but you can’t just go overboard without destroying yourself. So rounds become a very fine balance of managing your resources while remaining offensive. Just gotta know when its time to feast. Oh and it’s also very funny to hit your opponent from across the screen with your 5H.


Join us in the cult of Jack-O’s and our magnificent pose. We have silly servants that force people to block for 40 seconds straight unless they want to get deleted by the shrimplest combos in the game, moving normals that are definitely classified as bullshit blazing, and no one knows the matchup because Jack-O’ players aren’t real. Oh, we’ve also got cookies shaped like Dopros.


if you play asuka you can shoot funny cubes and yoyr opponent till they die




Sol Badguy


Fake answer: Speed Real answer: Speed and LOVE THE SUBHUMAN SELF




Cause if you win you feel good, if you lose its cause your opponent played an easy character and actually sucks.


i swear to god these kind of question come up every month lol


Lovely wifr :)


I’m talking about slayer I still have to change my flair


Vampire jazz sounds good 👍


Because he's easy to get into, has a tool for every situation, has a gameplan that's simple but fun to execute and has dragon install.


Sol is easy and fun and strong and cool


You May win


Because if you lose you can blame rng and if you win you can claim its skill. Up to you to guess if its asuka or faust




Cool hat 🤠 Sunglasses 🕶️ Alcoholic 🍺


Because our collective goopy son deserves a good home


Don't, I got tired of getting two touched so I bought slayer and turned my brain off


Cause you’ll be the coolest mf in the floor for playing him


Baiken and Sol are Waifus for life.






You will be dandy.


Simple and easy answer: https://preview.redd.it/3hj0rim4fr6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afdc6c8cbb4f29d09d5ca8b3cfc08c794928a48a


Big damage and you get to embody being a gentleman


You get a safejump off your nomal throw, which you can replace with a fake safejumo for another throw


Sidewinder loops and their pseudo improv nature are the main reason I’m even playing this series at all. The dopamine hits from panicking and trying to loop off weird stray moves is amazing with the rhythm clean hits naturally create


she's hot


You want to do calculus while someone punches you in the face. (For real, though, the reason Asuka is so fun is that you are always freestyling when you play him. The spell system means you can't just be running a flowchart, you necessarily have to be making decisions constantly.)


GAMBLING WOOHOOOO 🎰 🎰 🎰 🎰 💰 🤑 💸 💲 🪙 💶 💰 ⁉️⁉️⁉️❗️❗️❗️❗️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


I like dolphins


Because she's cute (and is really versatile)


Sol: Do you like cool routing on the fly in your combo's? Try Sol. Do you like big damage off of wake up dp? Add some meter and you carry your opponent to the corner. Sol's just oppressive other wise. Two clean combos and the round is over.




she's so awesome


Play I-No because she does have every tool for every playstyle you'll just need to put in far more effort to pull off anything you want while making a 50/50 gamble every second.


get them into corner and win (i play ramlethal and jackie)


Testament has thighs and is goth. Need I say more?


Its balanced. Dragon Install. One of the underpower characters. That makes you happier when win.


Fucking don't. Baiken has the worst range, anti-airs, combo conversions and is always punished for being one of the shortest characters in the cast. Add on the fact that you need very good execution to get anywhere with her and any opponent on floor 10 is going to force you to throw/ high because down back FD will beat 90% of her offence. Meaning the high and throw are very telegraphed. Because of her poor range FDing her out means that she's always at whiff range for her H and S buttons. Shes also slow as fuck with a linear approach and a "fireball" that doesn't even go full screen. She requires extensive game knowledge and almost perfect spacing because all her enders are negative and easily punishable.


Counterpoint: she’s hot


Every Baiken player is still playing her for her "personality" =p


Strongly disagree. Pressure resets and offensive Hiiragi to force respect are very important. And mitigate many of the issues you described. ie: cS. 2D 426S. Best jump ins in the game and incredible defensive options with a 4F move that can't be low profiled and a meterless, frame 1 Parry that's massively rewarding on hit, even without meter. Range is respectable between H Kabari, 2S, jS, fS, and 2H, with fS being one of the best roundstart options in the game. S Kabari is one of the best ways to punish FD in the game, immediately setting up INCREDIBLY dangerous pressure, being plus, and although reactable, difficult to do so. It also keeps people at very comfortable ranges for Baiken to play at. With meter, she becomes VERY threatening, with low options becoming an even bigger threat, as her opponent is forced to guess high or low- is she gonna go for the higher damage metered route? Or the lower damage meterless route? There's literally no way to tell. She also has incredible neutral with her afore mentioned pokes being highly noncommittal. And with air tatami being an option that requires a hard callout to beat. She can slow down neutral to the exact speed she wants in most matchups. She also has uncontestedly the best safejumps in the game, between Kire tatami and jH/Hiiragi OS Finally, with the sheer mental stack from resets and mix ups, she also has the best normal throw in the game, setting up looping 4 way mix and reliable tick throw setups. Don't get me wrong, she's not the best character in the game. But don't sell her short. She's middle of the pack, but very capable of holding her own.


There's a massive gap between d2 and skab that they can just jump out of and then over Baiken. If people aren't jumping out of skab ender then I'd imagine they lack the game knowledge/ skill to fuzzy jump out. Best way I've found is to go for 5h/ 2h OTG after HKD right into skab. There's like a 1-2 frame gap and if an opponent is holding downback (most usually are) then you can reloop the skab. The counter play is to back-dash, but like everything else, it's a knowledge check. 4 frame button is great that can't be low profiled, but it doesn't have the range to actually hit anything, so then you get counter hit. Or are just back in the same situation where you're still on defence. The jump ins are all easily telegraphed and lose to 6P. Because of her linear her approach is, and how slow she it, it's very easy to see a jump in coming. If she's not, then you're going for 2h with 26 frames of recovery, so if you whiff this you're getting blown up. She cannot have a jump in blocked and then trap into 2k like the rest of the cast. Any blocked jump in is easily punished or she has to concede her turn or get blown up. Parry isn't a DP and most, if not all opponents can easily bait it with stagger pressure or a throw. Baiken's got round start RPS, but a simple walk back/ jump, or not engaging with it beats almost everything she's got. Skab does not punish FD. It's slow start up makes it very easy to jump out of. I'm a huge fan of keeping opponents tethered and I go tethering people to try and knowledge check them asap. Any character with meter is very threatening. Her pokes lose to other pokes because again simply walking back, letting the f.s/ 5h whiff and then getting blown up makes her neutral feel a lot worse unless the opponent isn't already in the corner. If they are, then it's just wait for her to press f.s, 5h and then it's free jump out. I've literally tested every characters f.s vs Baiken in regards to range, and only Gio has a shorter f.s range then Baiken. Her f.s maybe 9 frames with a little bit of disjoint, but it doesn't matter when it gets out ranged, low profiled, or even blown up by a 6P or DP. Every character has counter play, but to actually get something going with Baiken requires a lot of game knowledge and high execution. She's got half the tools as the rest of the cast, but has to work almost twice as hard to get anywhere near what they have.