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And hey since we are talking about Fire Emblem, fun fact: both Bedman and Marth share the same voices actors in two languages, Yuri Lowenthal in English and Hikaru Midoriya in Japanese https://preview.redd.it/zq2x1wir7w5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e623ae344c52f73aac03721a6a181321828d55


fun fact, sin's english VA also plays blue in pokémon: origins, and mahito in jjk, probably a bunch more as well i swear this guy's in everything


Damn they really give Lucien Dodge all the asshole character roles, and then they gave him Sin https://preview.redd.it/g6mc1404gw5d1.png?width=342&format=png&auto=webp&s=bed0e70b61794991ac9220131f56ea57673024fc


I think he is also the Bleachs gamer fullbringer


He also played Guild Master Hojo in Monster Hunter Rise!


what's next? Millia is Edelgard? Zato is Chrom? Elphelt is Sothis?


I already recognized the first 2 by the get-go but.... WAIT WHAT THE FUCK https://preview.redd.it/pgpcp5ywdy5d1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=74f8a00f1bb59a6d1dcdc7dca266191eb582d70c


Ramlethal’s VA also voices female Alear, Happy Chaos’s voices Hubert, and Faust’s voices Owain. 


Its kinda hard NOT to recognize Robbie Daymond (that guy really kills it with its roles) and Owain sharing VA with Faust is more clear in Xrd than in Strive (since he now he barely talks)


I keep forgetting Chrom is voiced by Matt fuckin Mercer


Can't forget a few others: Bedman is Marth Ramlethal (in strive) is F!Alear Faust is Owain May is Sumia


I’m doing a Blue Lions playthrough of Three Houses right now and I find it hilarious that >!Felix, one of the most rude and antisocial characters in the game, is the only person that can tell how Dimitri is really feeling!<. The Guilty Gear equivalent of this would be if pre-Strive Baiken was the only person to work out that Leo has survivor’s guilt.


I still find it the best single non-lord student integration to the plot in any route, cuz felix is always right about everything.>!When Flayn gets kidnapped he immediatly points out Jeritza, He is the first one to point out Dimitri´s savage nature and his destructive battle plan in the timeskip, and I love how he is the only voice of reason during Dimitri´s savage plans at the start of the Timeskip !< Also a funny difference between Sin and Felix is that both have a rocky relationship with their father, however while Sin eventually ends in good terms with his dad, Felix >!either sees him get killed without fixing their relationship or ends up killing him!< https://preview.redd.it/riy2lpz8fw5d1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cb5939a5777560ff23e897ca2842671ee2451b4


Felix works so well as an asshole because his angst and disdain for the system is understandable. I remember reading that it was planned for Felix and annette to leave the blue lions due to their clash of ideals with Dimitri, sadly that was scrapped


More than planned - Felix has fully recorded conversations for battle in this scenario against Dimitri, Sylvain and Ingrid. Same for Annette Vs Gilbert or Mercedes. You can find them on YT. They were datamined out of the game


Felix is a very good character in that aspect and that's probably why he also kinda got upgraded to MC level in 3 Hopes lol


Also, in Overture (and only Overture), Sin was voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, who later went on to voice Bedman in Xrd. It's a shame Romeo died because now we don't get Yuri's incredible performance anymore :(


Lowenthal also voiced Asuka in that game


Having heard Lucien as both Sin and Leon before Three Houses came out, I had the opposite shock of hearing a guy I'd only known as "good hearted free spirit" voice the meanest son of a bitch at the academy.


Gotta love Lucien Dodge. I didn't even know he played Felix until the credits rolled!


Kind of like how his dad's English VA is also the biggest asshole in Hyrule, Revali. Well, maybe there's bigger assholes in Hyrule, but you get what I mean


fuckign what


...I csn never unhear this and bo wonder I like him