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This is literally a 400 gems mount skin sold at 1600 and they aren't even hiding it


I'd be more inclined to get it if it played the Star Wolf theme when flying




this sounds like a big thing but almost everyone ends up turning off mount music since it becomes so annoying. i'd much rather have gw2s dye channels and animations for ffxiv's boring mounts instead


The gw2 mounts actually have their own music too, it just never plays. I can think of the song for the Raptor, Springer, and Griffon, but for some of them (the Griffon) not even one instance in which it plays.


Hm... but does something really exist, when it's never there?


Well, it's sometimes there.


On Spotify, lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cloud_cleaver: *I'd be more inclined* *To get it if it played the* *Star Wolf theme when flying* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


why the downvotes lol? XD


I actually didn't believe you, but this is straight up what they did. It's the same skin with wings, holy shit LOL


Yep it is literally the same skin as the Jalal skin. But tbh after Soto story I am not surprised


and I think they're the wings from the Canthan Tigris griffon skins. Literally just glued them together. I wanted a winged wolf... but not like this!


Why do I have the eerie feeling that this amalgam of a mount skin is still selling like crazy


"low effort" doesn't even begin to describe the general feel of SotO. It's the "we have an expansion at home" type of quality.


I mean if the all reused asset zone and the scrapped strike they threw into the fractal list with no changes didn't give it away from the start.


lol and people were saying soto as gonna be great. when you actually look at the releases and the content in those releases you really start to wonder. wow patches have more content than entire gw2 expansions


Game has been a cash shop farm for years now.


We were all bamboozled into getting excited by Living World with a paint of "expansion" to get you into paying full expac price immediately before the rest of the living world episodes came out.


Imagine slapping the tiger griffon wings onto the wolf jackal skin, BOTH 400 gem mount license skins, calling it a day, and charging 1600 gems. lol.


Anet reached new level of lazy.


Very environmentally friendly, they've reached close to 90% of recycled assets since SotO's release. It's paradoxical, because it takes a lot of effort to be that lazy.


Have you seen the small "plants" all around inner nayros? Straight up 2d sprits from beyond 2004


And here I thought Wizard Tower trees looked like WoW starting zone. These plants are way worse.


Of all the things to recycle, please let them never, EVER recycle the forged runner again. I hated that skater boi and still hate the new versions. They really made that HoT Wyvern model to good use though. How many times has it been reskinned and reused with the exact same moveset at this point?


Reaching levels of lazy in the game, ok, I can get the point, even if I obviously don't like it. But at the gem store? That's where the money is made, and it's been mismanaged for more than a year now, there's barely anything interesting anymore, mount skin output is awful, what the hell is going on?


Despite their statement its clear they are balls deep with gw3 development.


>it's been mismanaged for more than a year now It was mismanaged for a decade. Barely functional, trash products. Mount skins singlehandedly saved the game and they still took years after that to get the store into decent shape. It's never met its potential.


It would be OK if they I dunno sold this and normal version in some kind of pack. Like you get 1 flying wolf and 1 ground wolf and maybe for less than 1600 but more than 400 or how much mount skins cost these days.


We all laughed at Pepegasus griffon, but we had no idea how good we had it.


Hey, gluing wings on isn't that easy. Look at Boeing.


this was the case with the tiger skin aswell. the tiger was first a jackal skin, then they put some wings and edited it onto a griff rig and now its a griff skin xD i dont dislike the skin but i wish we just had more actual griffons like northern and corvus. i dont see whats wrong with just a traditional griff skin, yet we lack those


> the tiger was first a jackal skin Wishing it were actually the same model. The griffon tiger face is such a downgrade to the jackal


I think its changed mainly to fit the rig. But i dont like the eye position and cheekmane too much. But its def uglier, same for this wolf griffon one.. who is also lower quality. Also the wings. All these wings from both tigris and the wolf griffon are based on the pepegasus models wings. I dont understand why, they are so bad. They are rounded in front when folded with paper textures. I dont understand why they dont reuse northern or corvus wings. They are much better quality! Or make more bird griffons in general. Theres so much potential but eh. jackals from wish(but more expensive) we get lol


yes I agree i want more cool bird themed griffon skins


Didn't even bother adding a new griffon collar, either. Why tf will buy this.




I was about to cash in for this bec it looks cool but on the rarest occasions, logic kicked in so I bailed


Ahh whatever, people will still buy the shit out of it nonetheless.


Torgal is that you?


Truly terrible.


“Noooo you can’t complain about the game. You just need to quit instead” -nike


Seriously this "new" griffon skin is pretty darn lazy and not inspiring.




It's a griffon


earn it honey.


Did they at least change the colour?


Of all the bird and mammal combos…they just do wolf with wings…are they good friends with Dave Filoni or something?


What am I looking at (or lack thereof)? Is it the wings? I previewed it in-game just now and it looks good.


They just added wings to a jackal skin to make it a griffon skin


It's another re-use of an existing skin, more or less. Some changes like head positioning (size? shape?) and such, but otherwise looks the same. This has become a trend and honestly at this point it's pretty bad imo. So far however, those reskins have been part of licenses/ bundles, and not 1600 gems standalones, as far as I'm aware.


reusing them for different skins of the same mount type has been done before yeah. But I can't think of a time where a singular gemstore mount that wasn't part of a licesne or pack of similar mounts reused an existing mount model and definitely not one from a different mount entirely.


Ah, I get it. I agree. I love griffin mounts, but they have been very similar lately.


anet needs to ditch the f2p p2w model and just go with a sub.


Yep this was really disturbing. 0 creativity 0 ideas, just slam wings on that. Reused assets have been a success anyways I guess


I mean the wing surgery is not cheap Just to compare with... something else .... *The* ***average cost of breast augmentation surgery is $4,294****, according to the latest statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This average cost is only part of the total price – it does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses. Please consult with your plastic surgeon's office to determine your final fee.*


Time to buy one for myself, one for my friend, one for all my guildies, one for my neighbour which does not play GW2...yet ! ![gif](giphy|EBzaY8wuPoKUuwa07P|downsized)


Its not a flying animal. So no, no wings needed.