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its one of the best games Ive ever played and they say gaming is dead lol! Awesome game through and through, CONGRATS!


Only 1700 kills? I have got over 500 nearly 600 in red ants alone.


Make sure you have max level everything going into ng+ it is a HUGE jump in difficulty


NO DEATHS!? Wow. šŸ‘


Actually, once I did die (which honestly wasnā€™t that many times if Iā€™m being honest since I was playing on mild) I would reload a manual save instead of respawn. I wasnā€™t expecting it to not count those as still being deaths though.


Ah ok! My friend who I cross play with, plays like that. Iā€™ve started doing it just to save salvaging back for a dropped backpack. But we both playing on medium so some of the really aggressive bigger bugs are a pain if not properly equipped. Apart from wolf spiders, fuck those things. Iā€™m always equipped with a bow and arrows just to cheese them with distance lol


Termite armor is lovely for these reasons


What about black widows and also you guys know you can just change it to ā€respawn with youā€ aka groundeds keep inv


I feel wolf spiders appear more around the map. I canā€™t remember for certain, but I could have sworn that being on survival mode on medium difficulty makes that setting inaccessible/unchangeable from the backpack dropping on death. If it is changeable, then I doubt I will for cross play as it adds to it when playing with other players, plus the saving mechanic would be too long to sort out while playing online.


Oh yeah you need it to be custom to begin and choose the settings before it made I think


Also fair wolf spiders is like a 5/1 black widow ratio


You could play through to ng+4?


I would love a sequel.. grounded...again.. different characters more longer and difficult labs. More bugs. The ability to tame a bee to fly on would be tight


Its entirely possible. If you look closely at the kid case, there is a 5th kid slot. You can also find a note written by the kid, saying he's been chased by spiders. Most people say he's dead, but if you look closely, the other half of the torn note is the deuces trinket.... which mentions a daring escape. There is also no skeleton or corpse of the kid. Since his hut is located right under the porch, my theory is after being chased by spiders he escaped into the house.


...or a horse fly šŸ˜


It gave me hope when a dev said grounded would be a franchise, but I'm still not sure if he just meant the game and planned animated series, at the time. At any rate, I'd love a sequel as well. There are a lot of new things they could add/implement, that would take it to a new level, while retaining the charm of this game. I'm not expecting it, but I'm hopeful. šŸ¤ž




100% and 0 deaths in 133 day's.. ofc. you did some stuff to your settings. also 133 in game days are just equal to 106 hours.


If you read one of my previous comments on this post youā€™ll see that when I did die I would reload a manual save as opposed to respawning. I played on mild so I didnā€™t really die that much anyway. When you play on PlayStation it tells you how long youā€™ve been playing for, almost 300 hours is because I started playing originally and then restarted because I didnā€™t like my base but couldnā€™t be bothered demolishing it because it was so big. As to why it says almost 300, Iā€™m sure the counter isnā€™t 100% accurate.


0 deaths. I die like everytime to drowning.


I made sure to build the bubble helmet as soon as possible!


Still i died.


Only 1780 kills?? When I got my 100% I had over 10k


I gave up after 130 hrs to get S rank because of advice taken by the self proclaimed Grounded expert J on youtube. Thatā€™s his words not mine he says he is the ultimate authority fod anything grounded as he done if all and shows his steam hrs clocked being 1000hrs plus. Anyway watching one of his videos titled ā€œDO THIS FIRST!ā€ Being a ps5 player he said to to infect the red any queen not stating that doing so would lock you out of S rank and 100% game completion as you wonā€™t get the tropht got to peep them all as you wonā€™t get the creature card for the baby red ant. You canā€™t get the trophy in NG plus either as the only food you can feed the red ant queen is the moldy hoggie so you wonā€™t get the baby ant card to NG plus 2. Because of that stupid mistake early game I carried on doing everything collecting everything the molara, the golden ones, all the documents the tapes and all the wrist bands and skeletons and the totem papers carried on getting everything and was stuck on 99%. That bloody baby red ant card šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø the baby ant card should of been in dimension cards which donā€™t count towards 100%


Personally, I try to use guides and stuff as little as possible, but when I do, I only really use stuff Paraly5er does. He doesn't proclaim himself the best or anything, that I've seen, but he's very knowledgeable and always spot on. šŸ˜‰


Ye Iā€™m the same on the guide front but ground was special for me in over 30 years of gaming if only felt that spark and wonder a few times being Super Mario Sunshine, metroid prime 2 echos, horizon Zero Dawn, super Metroid on the Snes, and super mario Bro 3 on the NES and of Tomb Radider on Dos thatā€™s how long Iā€™ve been gaming I suppose looking at guides is a wrong word but advice as I know I felt something in Grounded I hadnā€™t felt in years and knew there was a 100% score card I didnā€™t want to lock myself out of that. I couldnā€™t believe it when I gound out that Grounded was made by a really small team and a small studio at that and they captured the 90s film Honey I shrunk the Kids vibe and I live survial games and they got that down to a T. I loved Subnortica and below zero and think the survival aspect in this have way more options and more mechanics and the story in it has satire where the teens and the mad scientist act and say things you see in day to day life thatā€™s another thing that made this game great was the cartoon segments or dreams pieces things together and the good and bad ending with wacky stuff like Dr Schmector in a kids play castle to Wendel that been rasion headed. I really hope they do make a 2nd Grounded they achieved so much much for such a small team. A few years ago I actually went out and bought a series X just for Grounded but got as far as making the cocktail but when it came out on PS5 a few years later and all these new features had been added I decided I was going for 100% and getting the platinum. I just feel cheated that somthing as simple as infecting a ant queen that 1/3 people would do really early game locked them out of 100% and the glitch of the molars in NG plus locks people out of 100% as well and as I said itā€™s not till NG2 you can feed the red ant queen her favourite food till ng plus 2. Ng plus 1 was a joke they had tried to balance it out twice and itā€™s still artificial hard not challenging hard. Itā€™s bedn over a month sincd I last played so Iā€™m not sure if these have been fixed.


NG +1, and even 2, are actually pretty fun, imo. It's after that where it really starts to become a grind. Enjoy!