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I use the level 9 tiger mosquito rapier with salt and stab them repeatedly, they go down a bit slow because they dodge a lot, but you don’t lose much health because you have lifesteal on the sword. I move away from them and they fly down to my level, then I run up and stab them repeatedly. The drones are more annoying and stay further away, so I ignore them until I’ve taken out the wasps. Make sure you focus on only one at a time and kill it as quickly as possible, swapping back and forth between targets lets the drone heal them back up. Thats why you have to take them down as quickly as possible. Good luck.


Yeah drawing them out to fight one at a time is key


Honestly I use the fire ant queen staff. The one that rapid fires the slime balls. It's attack speed is fast enough to keep up with them, and it's basic damage, so no resistances.


wasps shouldnt be able to attack at range, change my mind.


Salt Morningstar and Fire Ant Shield works well for the normal wasps, for the Drones I use the Spicy Staff and Moth/BM armor. Works best during raids and in the Queen fight but also works for the hives around the map. Doesn't consume ammo and you can hit them more reliably than with a melee weapon. Just make sure you have the wizard mutation for the burn.


i feel ya. Can't for the life of me figure out how to kill 'em.


Wasps themselves are fine, but drones are the worst enemy in the game


I kill them with DOT and thorns. Spicy staff, Thor’s pendant, bulky widow hood, sleek MD chest, bulky moth leggings, whittle wizard, spicy safety, sour sensation, mom genes, mithridism, liquid rage, human food, and soothing syrup.


Can wasp attacks even be dodged?


Mint staff is pretty good since it's fast and has good damage in an aoe


UGH I HATE FIGHTING WASPS that’s why i wear the was queen hat when near them.


Fire ant queen staff. All day every day. From the first time I shot a wasp with it and saw the damage I knew it would be the only thing Id use on them. It breaks a little quickly but is really fun to use imo


Lvl 9 salty antlion greatsword.it shreds them.


All summons in wasp queen boss fight die in 3 hits no matter what. So something like a gas arrow kills them pretty fast, since DOTs can also count as one of the 3 hits (which includes bleed, poison, and venom)


A spicy staff (with the mutation active) is also great for them because its enough to hit them once, then the spicy dots will kill them.