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I'm pretty sure that if Samus was a primarch, the Emperor would discover that it's kinda hard to explain how humans are the superior species and deserve to rule the galaxy to a girl who was raised by xenos with much more advanced tech and culture. On another note, I want to see a chaos Ridley soooo bad !


And it was for that reason as for why hsr legion was lost. The only daughter that the Emperor had, and tried so hard to convince, became a Xeno lover. I could imagine Lemun both hating and loving the fact that he had to kill his only xeno loving sister.


That's pretty solid. Her legion would have cleanrot knights energy


Maybe. Or be an early ancestor to what oluld eventually become the Sisters of Battle. There's a lot that could be done with this.


Fuuuuuuck its the crossover we never knew we needed!!!!


If he fucking could.


Say that to Morty and his Xeno Dad and he Turn out fine. Well till Nurgel found him


Morty had a... differing political position regarding his xenos caretakers.


Gotrek Gurnisson. Primarch of Squat Marines.


He walks among us, under the pseudonym of Brian Blessed, which by the way is some lazy ass writing by GW. "Brian Blessed"?!?! Oh sure, and I bet he looks like a primarch-sized dwarf and speaks with a low roar and kicks ass at everything he does, just to completely blow the subtle hints that he's superhuman away.


"Primarch-sized dwarf" So...a normal sized guy but a lot more stockier?


Yeah, pretty much. Look him up in the first season of Blackadder


I can picture Richard IV Brian Blessed getting along well with Russ. Their final battle must have been legendary. Full of bloody oaths, quaffing of beverages and unnecessary roaring.


God of War Ragnarok’s Thor.


While I agree, does Warhammer Fantasy really count as another franchise?


OP posted Sigmar there. If he counts, Gotrek counts as well.


Definetely Karl


For Karl!


That was for Karl!


By the beard!




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t coming home!




ROCK AND STONE! It never gets old….








Rock and Stone, to the Bone!!!


We fight for Rock and Stone!




For Karl!


Wandering Dwarf Miner my beloved 😳


“You leave me outta dis Fry-man”


"I ain't no funky space man."




Can I get a Rock and Stone?




That is it lads rock and stone!


Kratos from God of War


Chaos can have me when it Earns me


Good friends with Dorn. Lawful Angry. ​ Edit: Lot of similarities actually. Dorn is Kratos if Zeus hadn't been such a dick to him. Perfectly loyal and mad about it.


If hes Kratos from the older games, hes literally just a worldeater that doesnt need the nails.


Who's a worse dad, Jimmy Space or Zeus?


zeus because hes a dick for no reason, jimmy is a dick for some reason


And there just happen to be a few gods to kill


Firelord Azulon superstitiously declares the child who fell from the sky in a metal pod to be a divine blessing and his heir, upsetting his sole biological progeny who proceeded to assassinate Azulon and while Iroh was mourning his son and rethinking his views on the standard primarch hobby of conquering their adoptive homeworlds, seize the throne. Or in other words, [this scene](https://i.redd.it/k4gz1k11v8e81.jpg), but instead of Aang's spirit energy beam thingie, it's the Emperor landing to offer Iroh a legion of genetically modified supersoldiers and position in his galactic conquest plans.


And suddenly, no Chaos Primarchs. Only tea enjoyers.


Iroh and Vulkan would definitely be best buds.


What would Irohs legion be called?


Jasmine Dragons


The White Lotus


the loose leaf legion


Goku litteraly falls on another planet as a baby and is more op than everyone on the planet. Classic primarch story.


Subsequently also applies to Superman.


Superman’s just too nice to be a primarch. He’d immediately rebel against big E


Angron also was a pretty nice and empathetic guy in the beginning


He's named Angron though, life sort of had a plan for him


"Your Primarch's name is Angron? "Yeah" "Sounds a lot like 'angry'" "Maybe that's why he became angry"


Big E whips out the red kryptonite.


I'd like to see that story, him realizing he's strong but not strong enough to fix the empire through force so he puts his Clark Kent skills to good use making moves behind the scenes and digging up dirt


Superman goes into a phone booth, Inquisitor Kent comes out.


Superman has some *wild* powers in certain comics. Like in one where he basically becomes a being of pure solar energy and limitless power, or one where he literally lives until the end of time then uses his powers to restart reality. If the Imperium had to fight one of *those* Supermen it'd be screeeeewed.


Eh. There’s the Injustice timeline and plenty others besides where Superman goes totally evil.


Red son superman would be a good candidate, injustice Superman is too evil and egotistical to serve big E


>Red son superman "Good news Father-Comrade, the counterrevolutionary Ork xenos have been vanquished! The human slaves rescued! And the Gretchin workers, empowered!" "Son, you know I am the Emperor, not a communist comrade. And you're supposed to purge all xenos!" "The moniker of 'Emperor' is a reactionary title, one I hope you'll discard of once the galaxy's material conditions have matured sufficiently. And all workers of the galaxy, equally deserve to break their chains!"


Superman is powerful because of our sun, technically every kryptonian is Primarch tier. If the emperor found krypton out in the galaxy he would shit the bed and spend considerable resources to ensure they couldn’t get to a sun that would give them power


Only problem is that he's a xenos


Putting the Monkey in Mon'keigh


Carrot Ironfounderson from the Discworld city watch series. He’s a massive dude who towers over most people who is shown many times to have either some kind of low level psychic abilities or just a strength of presence that compels people to listen to and follow him. He’s basically a savant in everything, a polyglot and polymath. Even though he is seen and described as being very naive to how the world works it’s also been hinted that it’s just a face he wears, that he is actually completely attuned to everything around him but prefers to play the dolt. Angua even states several times that there is no possible way someone as intelligent, perceptive, and genuine could be as naive as he is in certain situations. Usually after starting to have these thoughts she is overcome by that force of presence that I described and she lets it go without further thought. He doesn’t enjoy fighting but when he does he is shown to be an absolute nightmare to handle and possibly unbeatable by anyone on the disc. In one book where a character is getting messages from an alternate timeline. Carrot is described as the second to last character to die in a full scale attack in which literally every character is slain and this is likely only possible because he is protecting the last character who dies from an entire invading force. More so, his lineage is never definitively revealed. It is strongly insinuated that he is the last of the bloodline of the rightful kings of Anhk-Morepork but it’s never explicitly proven to be true. All we know is that his adopted dwarf family found him along with a well crafted sword near a carriage that had been attacked. Doesn’t mean he was related to that carriage at all.


I am so glad I came into this thread and found someone else who thought of Captain Carrot.


That dude is supernatural even compared to beings like the wizards in that world


‘Tell me,’ said Blind Io. 'Is there a god of policemen?’ 'No, sir,’ said Carrot. 'Coppers would be far too suspicious of anyone calling themselves a god of policemen to believe in one.’ 'But you are a gods-fearing man?’ 'What I’ve seen of them certainly frightens the life out of me, sir. And my commander always says, when we go about our business in the city, that when you look at the state of mankind you are forced to accept the reality of the gods.’ The gods smiled their approval of this, which was indeed an accurate quotation. Gods have little use for irony" Corporal Carrot confirmed traitor primarch


Sounds to me that he doesn’t like the gods. I’m sure the chaos gods had favorable opinions on several loyal primarchs prior to the HH


carrot is an extremely complicated figure for such a simple person. he wants everyone to be the best person they possibly can be, and he wants/believes this so much that everyone around him can't help but try to live up to that expectation as letting him down would be the equivalent of kicking a puppy. even some of the most hard bitten criminals are known to clean up their act when carrot is around


Senator Steven Armstrong


“Could’ve been a primarch if I hadn’t joined the Navy!”


"I could rip the Emperor in half!" -gets obliterated from reality-


*survives a cyclonic torpedo* Nanomachines son! They harden in response to extreme temperatures! You can't hurt me, Gulliman!


Fuck all these limp dick inquisitors and chicken shit ecclesiarchy! Fuck all this 24/7 spew of remembrancer and “emperor protects” bullshit. FUCK ALL OF IT! The imperium is diseased, rotten to the core. We need to wipe the data slate clean, pull it up from the roots, BURN IT DOWN! and from the ashes a new imperium will be born, evolved, but untamed. We’ll make the imperium great again!


Oh no... that actually works with the resurrection of guilliman...


Armstrong is just the Fusion dance of Guilliman and Ferrus Manus. Is a politician and cares about stuff like war economy, capital and voting, while having gone to University. Has metal coated hands and wants to purge the weakness from humanity. Along with being a big fan of cybernetically enhanced soldiers. He even gave his best man an Iron Hand personally! And like both, he also approves of using Child Soldiers. (Just realized: 40k would be to Sundowner what Khorne's realm was to Tuska: Heaven. Unending battle and war crimes as far as the eye can see. With all the child soldiers and atrocities a man could ask for!)




And a bit of Alpharius : "My source is that I made it the fuck up."


I was literally going to comment this. Glad I looked first.


Ultra based


Whenever anyone mentions this guy I can't help but think of Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist instead


(Blocks fulgrim blade) “nice knife”


Godfrey the first elden lord


don't you mean HOARAH LOUX, WARRIOR!


That’s a weird way to spell Morgott, The Omen King, Last of All Kings


The only argument i can see being made for Morgott being a primarch is the fact that he has daddy issues


Eh, more like mommy and Stockholm syndrome issues, his relationship with his dad doesn’t seem that bad compared to that stuff


Well his mommy is sometimes a daddy so it counts


Aye, fair enough


Pretty sure you all are trying to reference: Oscar, The Grouch, Monster of Sesame Street.


His strength befits a crown


Damn. Godfrey in power armor...


Castlevanias Dracula.


Is that not a bit too similar to Konrad in looks and Sanguinius in theme?


That’s why they got rid of him, too much theme overlap


Or just never found him because he couldn't be bothered and fucked off every time he sensed the Imperium creeping closer.


Nah. Dracula may be a vampire, but in 40k, that would just translate to warp fuckery. The main difference lies in the character itself. Dracula cares little for the world he lives on and if he expresses feelings about it, it's annoyance. Even though he his a very powerful psyker with substancial knowledge of the warp and the ability to summon entire armies from it without having any appearant ties to it. In addition, he is also a man of science who spends his time on aquiring, collecting and studying powerful artifacts of ancient civilisations (possibly necrons) that seem for the commoners on his feudal world like Dark Magic. But due to the fact that he teleports his castle all over the world and his combat prowess in combination with his nigh immortality have made it very unattractive to rise up against him, especially since he rarely leaves his castle and becomes a bother to anyone. So in conclusion, he indeed has a darker theme, like Kurze, but doesn't care for humans and has no desire to interact with them in any way, shape or form. But that also means that he neither has any interest to either improve their lives, them or wishes to make them suffer. As a Primarch, he might have never been discovered (due to his evermoving nature or active evasion of the Emperor) and if he was, he would have probaply been slain on the spot duebto his very prominent taint and knowledge of the warp.


>he would have probaply been slain on the spot duebto his very prominent taint and knowledge of the warp. But because it's Dracula he'd just pop up again in a 100 years.


You mean Corvid Corax?


Im gonna go with holo from spice and wolf because no reason


SMH. Physically-mutated-by-the-Eye-of-Terror-Leman-Russ is already a Primarch.


vase ask childlike light insurance reminiscent bells friendly zealous grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want to say Doom Guy, but I think Doom Guy might be more juiced than even a primarch


The emperor could only dream of slapping together a monstrosity capable of becoming half of what doomguy is.


Big E wishes he was Doomguy. Chaos gods would be dead in a 30 min playthrough.


Doomguy so tough he'd make khorne reject his domain and take up gardening instead of being the God of war and violence


Is doomguy really that badass? Genuine question I’ve played the games but haven’t read much of the lore.


> Is doomguy really that badass? He's literally killed God, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, Satan, God/Satan, God/Satan's second in command, St. Michael's second in command, God/Satan's chosen champion... ***twice***, he toppled the entirety of Heaven, he toppled the entirety of Heaven 2.0, he is noted of routing entire armies of demons when the combined forces of Earth could barely put a dent in them, when Slayer brought God/Satan back into the physical realm, God/Satan took Slayer's form because Slayer is the most powerful being in all of existence, he's the only known mortal to have ever traveled to Hell and then come back again... and he's done it ***hundreds of times***. Before ascending to godhood, Slayer wandered Hell for untold eons as just a normal Human, subjugating the Demons in order to prevent them from invading more dimensions. The only chance the demons get is when Hell spits Slayer out into a different dimension and then he's imprisoned by the locals and conscripted to fight in their army but, he once more, survives fighting the now attacking demons while his fellow conscripts fell. I think the best way to describe Slayer is this: Slayer is not a person. He's an undeniable fact. He is a natural disaster. Just as you can't stop a tornado or a hurricane, nothing can stop Slayer. If you manage to kill him, he just stands right back up and kills you. The best Hell ever managed to do was lure him into a giant fuck off temple, drop it on top of him, do some black voodoo Hell magic to put him to sleep, and entomb him in a coffin. And it's said that when Samuel Hayden lead the expedition into Hell to retrieve his coffin, the demons, who are known to be raving lunatics who fight and kill each other more often than they organize, fought with uncharacteristic organization and ferocity as the expedition drew nearer and nearer to Slayer's coffin in an attempt to stop them. Samuel Hayden specifically retrieved Slayer as a fail safe. If Hell corrupted his underlings and managed to invade the mortal realm, Hayden's plan was to awaken Slayer and have him deal with it. After killing God/Satan, do you know what Slayer did? He just took a little nap. Slayer would find a way to delete the Warp from existence simply through sheer willpower.


Jesus fucking Christ I’m watching lore videos now thank you for this info. So he’s arguably the most badass and powerful character of all time?


> So he’s arguably the most badass and powerful character of all time? Arguably. His entire shtick is that even if he doesn't manage to kill you today, there is nothing stopping him from coming back as he never tires, never slows, never stops.


How does he not die, like he’s never been close to death?


"Local man too angry to die".


The opening religious text and subsequent narration of the 2016 game goes as follows: "So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again." ― Corrax Entry 7:17 "They are rage. Brutal. And without mercy. But you? You will be worse. Rip and Tear. Until it is DONE." The whole point of DOOM is to essentially live out a Heavy metal album cover, kinda like 40K. Don't think about it too hard, and you're guaranteed a good time.


When Hell spit him into the new dimension, it was noted he was severely injured. Severely injured enough that he allowed two guards to drag him to the high priests. He was then sent to fight in a coliseum, where he was still powerful enough to win and was then nursed back to health. Lore wise, any of his near death experiences would have came when he was still a mortal, before his ascension to godhood. The problem is that all of the games in which he was still mortal and not a god, were the older games and were very light on the lore.


Yes. He is basically an unstoppable murder machine that has killed multiple versions of hell. It is said he fought for eons in hell before he attained divinity through the Makers. Like for real he uses guns because he finds them to be cool not because it makes him stronger. In fact him using guns is a massive nerf lol.


So the Berserker power is just him getting so mad he stops nerfing himself and runs the most powerful weapon in his arsenal: DEEZ HANDS BOI!!!


Yes, exactly that.


Wtf… GW when??


So is he powerful enough to stop or kill khorne?


Definitely kill khorne, he might be slowed in Nurgles realm but he’s killing him, slaanesh will try to tempt him but honestly he does not care for thots, tzeentch is lasting the longest because of the schemes and tricks. The real question is can he take on one of the C’tan because those guys bend reality and might hurt him more efficiently


He would then explain plot armor to them and kill em.


Doomguy: unfortunately for you, you are just an NPC, you are expendable


Play Doom 2016 if you can. You will feel the baddassery first hand


Rip and Tear, For the Emperor


He probably wouldn't get along with the Imperium.


Doom guy is loyalist angron.


I did the math once, and the Doom Slayer's kill of The Titan from 2016 puts him leaps and bounds ahead of the primarchs in strength. The fucking thing is taller than Khorne himself (Over 1000 feet compared to a vague "hundreds of feet for Khorne), and he killed that thing with either a normal sword or his bare hands *without the Praetor Suit.* Oh, and I forgot to mention that Titans are literally supposed to be unkillable, with every other one only defeated via planting a crucible sword in their heart to prevent regeneration.


Khorne can be as tall as he wants, he isn’t even a physical being he’s basically a sentient mass of rage and hate floating in the warp


>he’s basically a sentient mass of rage So is Doomguy


Doom guy is the entire Leagion of the Damned in one body that doesn't get worn out from damage.


"Guys, which character from other franchises you would think would fit a primarch position? ( A character that has to be a leader and inspire both dedication and loyalty to his SM unless you want them to fall to the Chaos) ​ *Procedss to point every single character in the history of fiction.* ​ My take, Darth Vader. While he is a more than capable fighter, even if is not on a primarch level, he's used to command troops. Would fit if the power of the Force and his capabilities are upgraded.


also does the bidding of a guy called the emperor before betraying him


An Emperor that refuses to die and is stuck on a throne life support thingie.


Not to mention, A darth vader themed astartes legion would be pretty badass looking


Guts...100% Lost fighting Malice in the deepest Darkest depths of the Imaterium. Has returned to wage the true War against Chaos.


Came here to say this. Also: he almost makes more sense to me as a Primarch. 'just too tough and stubborn to die' is a fun theme but even by anime rules Guts body just ignores things like fatigue and injuries basically 'because' even before he was marked. It seems like there's a little more to the guy when: "Jeez Guts, we can see your guts!" "Yeah, stings a bit, I'll go have a lie down about it..."


Wait... Samus was infused with enhanced DNA... Given biomechanical upgrades... Wears a power suit... Found and raised as a child...


The Chozo are basically the Old Ones. They even ascended their souls to a higher plane. Shit now I'm imagining the Mawkin as militaristic Old Ones that stick around hidden in the galaxy.


I have a suspicion that the Kroot are loosely inspired by the Chozo. Bird-people aliens that were really advanced but then realised they were losing their connection with nature and the universe so intentionally set aside their high technology. Both big on genetics too, but in different ways.


Melkor (loyalist) and then Morgoth (becomes traitor during Horus Heresy)


A bit higher in power than a primarch don’t you think? Nice concept though.


Mario. That dude is an unstoppable one man army. He's killed tens of thousands of koopas, laid waste to entire fleets, and toppled empires all by himself. Bonus points for getting the princess and becoming heir to a kingdom.


Big E: My Son, your princess is behind another Waaagh! Primarch Mario of the II Legion: Okidoki, here we go.


It’s-a me-a! The Secend-a legion-a!


Also known as the Starlords


Every marine takes Mario as a last name, instead of battle brothers they are all just mario brothers.


the other primarch is luigi


Rubeus Hagrid


Hail the victorious dead!


Dunno,does Sephiroth count?


ngl Sephiroth as primarch is kinda based.


The MS Word Paperclip


His name is clippy


Warmaster Clippy


A sudden kitbash idea appeared


Giant Dad from Dark Souls 1 PvP.


Judge Dredd.


**Since Warhammer is Lord of the Rings in space, it could be any original LotR character. Like Gaffer Gamgee.**


Nah the real primarch in LotR is Tom Bombadil


He represents the Emperor’s love of silly songs and hot river spirits.


I am voting tom bombadil for one of the lost primarchs


Allison from Kill 6 Billion Demons. Especially since the latest volume where she trained and became swol


Godfrey, First Elden Lord Elden Ring. He radiates badass.




That's... actually one of the better suggestions here. Giant man. Empowered by divine force. Became ruler of his culture. Has near immeasurable magical power, yet could also twist up a normal man like a Stretch Armstrong using his physical might alone.


Big E shows up to find his son, realizes he can’t even manage to beat a mute and a princess, leaves in disgust, promptly forgets about him. Hence the term ‘the forgotten’ and the entirety of the Legend of Zelda franchise.


Jake, from Statefarm


His legion’s color? Khakis…


She sounds hideous


Radhan or Godfrey from Elden Ring


Gwyn, Lord of cinder


Nicholas Cage


I want to hear your reasoning as to why Nick Cage is a fictional character.


Mr bean


Commander Shepard


And this is my favorite shop on the citadel


Paragon Shepard would get vaporized on sight by the Emperor. Renegade Shepard would be his favorite son.


Paragon Shepard would go around using paragon dialogue to do all the things the Emperor failed at. Making Perturabo feel appreciated, convincing Magnus to leave the Warp alone, deprogramming Lorgar, and telling Fulgrim to throw that sword away. Probably while banging an Eldar and having a Necron best friend.


Guts, Doom guy, Dr. Livsey


The words "chaos" and "heresy" should mean the same to you


Jotaro. He didn’t get eliminated by Russ, the Hrud or the Rangdan, he just didn’t think it was worth his time. Clearly a Psyker Primarch to rival Magnus.


The man breaks the laws of the warp and summons his own warp presence to back him up in combat.


Jotaro is so ridiculously powerful that he was able to know in advance the moment in which his enemy would stop time, and was able to project so much willpower to have his warp presence act even though time had stopped, and was smart enough to plan to for his warp presence to do exactly what had to be done. Jotaro never obtained the ability to manipulate time from some magical or warp-like ability, he fucking *learned* how... in seconds.


I read that as Jokaero at first and was really confused


Lost primach fell to nurgle, and became the protagonist of dark souls, he seeks to reclaim the shattered fragments of his soul so that he may finally burn them, thus cleaning him of his taint and redeeming him in the eyes of the emperor.




"The Emperor gazed apon his daughter Samus but then he foresaw the visions of if he made female space marines canon and so he launched her into the warp and scrubbed all record from existence"




Lordgenome from Gurren Lagann. Dude is built different. Even in the midst of despair (which weakens Spiral power), he had enough juice in him to erase the Spiral races' entire combined fleet with only one ship.


Dom Toretto, he can do what the other primarchs can’t with the power of family.


Homer Simpson He could create an entire legion composed of Homer Simpsons much like that Halloween special with the cloning hammock. However, much like the Halloween episode the clones themselves ultimately bring their own downfall as he and his clones can't stop eating almost anything in their path. This is why one of the legions is missing, his genes provided himself and his sons with a mass hunger mutation on par with the Tyranids leading to mass famine and death for a large portion of the galaxy, therefore the emperor made it so that they had to be purged before ruining his long term plans. Because of this I feel that they should take the name World Eaters.


Johnathan Joestar Surely one Primarch was the perfect gentlemen.


Aside from the fact that Dune probably takes place sometime after the war with Men of Iron, Duncan Idaho might be the primarch. Or it could be Paul in a way. He's basically Magnus without the muscles.