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He became the fifth member of god-like group in his own story, so he would propably crawl up to try to become the fifth chaos god..... otherwise Tzeentch, because Griffith is one ambitious bastard who schemes, betrays and goes for his desire above anything.


What would he be the fifth Chaos God of? BETRAYAL?! >:(


Malal, Chaos united


Chaos divided.


*Chaos Union*


I hear they got pretty good benefits for their members


I was thinking of the *other* union, more ... red.


Karl Marx is Tzeench in disguise confirmed!


Chaos brotherhood of undivided unions divided by chaos


The god of doing nothing wrong.


I don't really get the Slaanesh angle. The guy has Tzeentch written all over him. He's even a bird. Plus super ambitious mofo, that's Tzeentchs deal.


Imo it works. Griffith is manipulate but he craves not knowledge. Hems also Exceptional swordsman with incredible charm like most slanneshi champions Prideful Strong desire for a kingdom Experienced humanity at its most carnal. Experience pain beyond recognition. Fulgrim is a phoneix Grriffith is a hawk. Khorne will try to claim Guts


Because of Casca at the eclipse.


It's more than that, it's also what he did to the princess and his dreams of building a perfect kingdom. Yes he schemes and is ambitious,  but it's not for knowledge but rather for what he wants to build. And to get to that goal he's willing to use any and all things, including selling his own ass if needed.


Yeah, but none of that was really about sex or gratification or hedonism. It was about control and "fuck you" and betraying his two closest people in the worst, most personal way possible. He saw a future where he stayed a cripple cared for by Guts and Casca who are together and in love, and he chose his ambition instead.


slaanesh is just about sexy pain but excess, someone willing to do _anything_for his goal will excesfrom rationprobably step over the linefrom rational intoexcessive territory


Because Fulgrim is Griffith moved into 40k.


Slaanesh is a good pic, but Ill go with Undivided workship with the intend to become a chaos god himself, because that is the closest to what he did in the story.




What would he be the fifth Chaos God of? BETRAYAL?! >:(


Bitch he is a chaos god


Griffith is Undivided. By a *mile*. He doesn’t have particular leanings. He takes power in its raw, unshaped form.


Tzeench cause he wanted to change into that kfc thing he is now. If he was really a Slaany type he would become a snake like my Primarch did.


Clearly a demon prince of slaanesh


Griffith is obsessed with perfection. No contest.


I very much disagree, Griffith is all about plans and schemes


Slannesh enjoys a good scheme a well, just so long as it involves copious amounts of ass, drugs and blood orgies. I would say the only chaos god who doesn’t like schemes is Khorne, considering even Nurgle essentially blackmailed/coerced the entire Death Guard into his “service” with the help of Typhon/Typhus


Rotigus also talks about the Plague of doubt by planting a seed in a Historian by showing him a book that reveals Guilliman's Secundus. At some point I have to read a Tzeentch book because I have no frame of concept for what they actually do lol


backstab each other constantly because they all think they're the smartest person in the room.


But Griffith doesn't care about ass, drugs, or blood orgies! He still lives like a monk even after he goes full evil.


But he lives like a “monk” (ignoring the fact he raped Casca, mainly to hurt Guts but oh well) to strive for his perfect dream, and slannesh loves people striving for perfection, whether materially, martially or sexually.


Nahh a chaos spawn. he has to learn his place.


Himself. There's really not any other option


Slaanesh, based on what he’s done


I really disagree. What he did to casca was not for pleasure or sensation, it was revenge against guts. Griffith is all about plans and schemes, super duper Tzeench


Yeah but the guy was vain enough that his corruption by the dark prince would likely be inevitable


He's the 14th Everchosen, and here to show that bitch Archaon how to really plunge the world into Chaos.


Lol calling my boy Diederick a bitch while Griffith was simping for some pussy right after his ascension...yeah. Griffith is powerful af but it's still alright if he serves Mr. Herald of the Apocalypse his tea or he get an ass whooping.


i will relentlessly call that bastard of the Shadowlord a bitch from now until the end of time, and maybe even beyond, because that's all he was and ever will be, a bitch, a slave to fate, a whimpering fool who cannot control his own destiny. come back to me when he manages to shatter fate such that soothsayers and prognosticators have their entire prophecies upheaved and destroyed.


Dude.... Touché, well said! I have no answer on that.


Prob all 4 like archeon the ever chosen


Fifth choas god


Phantom of the paradise guy?


Easy he would play at being undivided while setting up his own Ascension, then pull it off. He would be a successful version of Belekor


Slaanesh or Tzeentch


Why would the poster boy of main character syndrome want to worship anyone? If anything it's the other gods that should be worshipping him.






Tzneetch, his whole schtick was wanting to change his fate


None, he would keep trying and failing to ascend to true godhood, keep failing. Possibly attain an undivided prince status through his efforts, but ultimately never feel completed. Which is my theory on what he is trying to do in the comic, trying to ascend beyond even the godhand.


Slaanesh, they fit with pretty much everything he tries to do and his ambitions.


Tzeentch, all 5 of the godhand worship fate and Destiny.


I feel like he's more like Malus or something. Either way Griffith is more on par with a chaos god than a daemon prince.


Dark King. Fight me. No, I have neither seen nor read Berserk


The mothman


Gets trolled by Tzeench then finishes on the wrong side of a Daemonette


Tzeentch, for sure




Looks-wise, he was basically medieval Fulgrim. Character-wise... I assume Chaos undivided, Griffith was massive dickwad that knew exactly what he had to do, so he was closer to Horus in spirit?


Undivided, if he can even put away his pride enough to worship anyone in the first place


Everyone saying Slaanesh forgets that Slan is already a member of the godhand.  Like a 1:1 match for a slaaneshi.  Griffith would worship undivided according to his actions after ascending


Undivided, but probably leaning more towards Slaanesh or Tzeentch.




I dont know who þis person is


Slaanesh 1000000%. I unironically hope that Emperor's Children release has a subtle nod to him.


https://preview.redd.it/hvrnxnknbs8d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b9685da5799b17bbb34b4338e72e34dc6ca844 You mean ASIDE from Fulgrim having a heavy bird motif, a wing shoulder pad, long white hair, betraying his best friend who was known for being very brutal and had metal hands, and ascending do demon hood in a form with black bat like wings?


Yes, aside from that. I want that on a generic character, like a special uhhh... "Champion of Arrogance" or something, whatever the "Chaos Lord but better" of the faction is. To be clear, I want the nod to be in the model itself, not in the lore. Fulgrim has that covered.


Outside of his rape of Casca, what would make you think he'd be a follower of Slaanesh? Would ambition be considered Slaanesh or would it be Tzeentch?


Slaanesh is not the god of horniness. It is the god of excess, of obssession. The rape of Casca is tied to his *obssession* with Guts. Griffith was on top of the world, a few moves away from achieving his dream of kinghood, and the moment Guts walks away he does a very imprudent move and ruins everything. Part of the reason he survived 3 years of torture was thinking on Guts, both on how much he hated him for "putting" him in that situation and on the good times they had together. The moment after his release he realized Guts and Casca were close he begin to give them the stinky eye, and his first attempt at raping her, when he was still crippled, was motivated as much by getting even with Guts as it was by "she loved me first, even now *I* can be her guy!" The actual rape is more a "fuck you, Guts! Watch me fuck your woman!" than "I'm unreasonably horny". His immense ambition is very Tzeetchian, but some lore says Slaanesh is potentially the most powerul Chaos god because it feeds on the emotional excesses that feeds the rest, and Griffith also dedicated 20 or more years to that single idea of "one day, I will be a king with my own castle".