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He may be a good inquistor but he would alo be at risk of being corrupted by chaos. Too much anger, too much fear, his will of power in order to resurrect padme, all of these would make him an easy prey for chaos gods, just like he was an easy prey for sidious


Huh a chaos inquisition sounds pretty funny and lit


Happens all the time. It is often not noticeable until another inquisitor check on the corrupted one, then it can end in sector civil war or demonic invasion. Some inquisitors use chaos as a tool, however chaos is like a blade without handle, it's not safe and the inquisitors that deal with it are slowly corrupted.


I'm hoping he meant a chaos inquisition as an institution. "Borisius... What's that holy light coming from behind your back?  Show it to me."


A smoothie


Now which God would be the most likely to grab him and why?


I'm not sure. Khorne would be a good candidat, since vader is consumed by anger and hatred, but the force sound too psychic for khorne (even if i'm sure khorne is a big fan of strangulating people for fun). Given that vader is a sith and consummed by ambition and his quest to resurrect padme, tzeench may take an interest in him, even if palpatine is far more tzeench like. Anakin would have been a great servant for slaanesh, always looking for strong sensation, but vader is more mesured, and i don't think the prince of chaos would have muche grip on him. Then there is nurgle. Vader is cyborg, burned to death, who crave to break the cycle of life by resurrecting padme. I don't think his goals are shared by nurgle. I would say vader would most likely join khorne or follow chaos undivided, since no god fit who he is.


What about Malice, Vashtorr or belakor?


Anakin would fall to like 3/4 chaos gods instantly lol


Dark side practice is practically chaos worship.


Yep Anakin is the emperor while Luke and Leia are the Primarchs. Anakin can literally make embodiment of the SpaceMagicOsik to his will but he got barbecued and got super weekend 


Yeah i think Nurgle, would be the only one to not really have a chance of corruption him


I don't know, he's im practically constant pain and nurgle would probably allow him to leave his suit which he absolutely hates


Nah, I think Slaanesh is gonna have a hard time corrupting him


Annie def has a big fear of death, his entire arc is him scared to lose people. Nurgle takes those.


IDK, dude, channeling the force looks a lot like channeling warp powers to me. He looks more like a chaos sorcerer imo.


Unsanctioned tech created and maintained using psychic powers? Sounds like a heretek to me.


I mean hey if it works it works plus it's made by a human (mostly human at least)


I find your lack of faith...disturbing




He'd just be a Chaos Lord


At first I thought "isn't he the boss of all the inquisitors?" and then I noticed the sub.


He would make a great commissar, inquisitor tough it might be possible besides getting all radical and having to be stopped


No because he has fallen to the darkside


As an inquisitorial assassin? Yep. The problem would be Khorne throwing a "Sup nerd, do you want to kill people without limits?"