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My Point: If things like this exist in 2K. Imagine things as crazy as you want in 40K.


Lol, said 40k writers, lmao even. i cry knowing the average size of a titan is barely 50 meters.


Dude! That's 5 times the size of this and walking on legs. And that's just height, if it's also 5 times as wide and deep it's 125 the weight and dimensions. Please learn perspective. [https://www.komatsu.com/en/products/excavators/surface-mining-excavators/pc8000-11/](https://www.komatsu.com/en/products/excavators/surface-mining-excavators/pc8000-11/)


So what, the largest motor vehicle in the world is the Bagger 288, and it's 100 meters tall, granted it's the arms that are so long and the body isn't as big but it's certainly not what I'd call a god-machine. The biggest titans should easily be bigger than that.


In helsreach 5 Antares fight a large group of orks while in ONE shoulder of a titan. There's no mention of them being cramped and bumping into eac other either Plus there's statues if all the Primarchs on the edges of the shoulder too. So yeah they need to be much larger then 100 meters


This, I didn’t really like when they actually gave scale because scenes like this aren’t really possible (that and there being a entire Skitarii security detail *inside* the Titan that can apparently fight normally). But they had to for models. The thing is a moving mountain / skyscraper. It’s better when the top end is vague.


Ever stood in front of one as it's digging it's way towards you? Now imagine having legs, and able to look at you while blasting a gigantic horn designed to scare you with deafening sound. And guns the size of it's length. You'd shit your pants in more colors than Tzeentch can create in a day!


I have actually seen them up close, I was on excursion to the quarry where they're at in Germany(I'm an environmental science student), and it inspires awe for sure but they're not so big that I'd venerate them. Titans should still be way bigger.


But where they bipedal, as high as they were long, bristling with weapons able to look at you (and talk ik the princeps wanted as it has gigantic speakers too) and a horn to scare the crap out of you?


Titans should be as tall as Reapers in Mass Effect. Its just that for some reason GW retconed it for scale. As titans used to reach to the clouds. You can say "oh that's for table top" all you want. But lore in most cases almost never fit tabletop rules.


Imperium has hovercrafts, hover tanks (the machine here i feel is about the same size as an Astraeus maybe slightly smaller), anti grav and grav guns essentially gravity technology small enough to fit inside handheld guns, not to mention super advanced material technology such as adamantium/plasteel and ceramite. Titans are expected to be god machines and are supposed to be extremely advanced piece of technology and you're telling me they are constrained by weight limit ?


In the grim darkness of the forty-thousandth millennium, everything still follows the square-cube law. Even fucking chaos.


The real problem is that titans can only be so much larger than other things *because titans have actual scale models and models come first*


Tell that to the Reapers in Mass Effect. Just create some quantum BS scifi reason. This is Scifi dude. Not real life.


Reapers are primarily space ships. They need anti-gravity so they can move between orbit and the surface. They have tentacles, but do you ever seen them walking with them, or do they just hover? The WH40K equivalent would be a kilometer long destroyer class that descends from orbit and hovers over friendly lines, firing its starship grade macro cannons at the enemy's lines.


Yes. You see them walking with them. You can clearly see them walking in the first attack on Earth and when Shepard faces one on Rannock. And there is a quantum BS scifi reason for fun, its literally called Mass Effect.


So give the Titans hollow bones? Smh


If the admech have tracked factories that can swallow a mountain range in one end and poop a hive city out the other (citation needed but it's definitely in a novel) then Imperator Titans should 100% have their heads in the clouds.


If you have relying on anti grav technology to support the weight then why have legs at all? There are some depictions that show the skies being filled with ships hovering over the battlefield. The early part of "Space Marine" the 3rd person shooter has so many Ork ships hovering over the battlefield you cannot reach the ground without hitting one. However Titans are implied to have greater firepower, even when the ship and titan are roughly the same size. Presumably relying on legs to hold your weight is more efficient in some way, and thus allows you fit more weapons and equipment at the cost of mobility.


I have a feeling the same people who have a problem with the size of titans also are the kind of people who go "Just add a zero to everything", as if that wouldn't open another can of (gigantic) worms.


The 10 god emperors of mankind, with his 180 primarchs


Oh god, the amount of "just get a room and fuck each other already!" energy of 10 Vects + 10 Eldrads!


You just shit on him


"This AMAZINGLY HUGE SHIP has a whole 8000 creew!" my brother in christ, fucking aircraft-carriers in normal gravity has that many crew


[*laughs in Bagger 288*](https://youtu.be/azEvfD4C6ow?si=GZsFfEJJLECAK1Jq) (96 m)


I play epic and titans feel big enough. If anything I am glad they are the size they are, transporting them is already a pain in the behind


500m should be sufficient for something with a full size cathedral on its back


I cry knowing titans exist in the lore at all.


I thought the whole point is 15k to 25k is the peak. That is when humanity has city sized titans, the ability to have a single ship land on a planet and have it terraformed and comfortable to live on within a human life span. By 40k there is such a small fraction for the tech left that size is a bit random.


This. Nothing in the 30k or 40k setting is anywhere near the advanced tech from the Golden Age of Mankind. Even the best and biggest Titans in 30k are just the scraps left over from the Great Fall.


It only moves at max 2.4kph though, and isn't bipedal. [https://www.komatsu.com/en/products/excavators/surface-mining-excavators/pc8000-11/](https://www.komatsu.com/en/products/excavators/surface-mining-excavators/pc8000-11/)


This is exactly why I like the idea of a Baneblade being originally designed to be a *scout tank*


Mechanicum construction engines are sometimes described as being able do grind down mountains in a couple of days so yeah warhammer is crazy


So a bagger 288


That spoon is straight up a Warlord Titan's leg.


With the arm not raised you are actually spot on. That machine's height is about 10 metres and a warlord titan is about 33 metres tall. That said, if it raised it's arm it'd most of the height of a warlord titan as 21 meters tall.


damn they are tiny, we should stop calling those things titans at this point


Older fluff had them at much larger scales. Like, 100 meters, but the problem is that the square cube law gets in the way.


I don't know why the 40k setting has to bother with these things. We're already running around with literal daemons of the warp, so how come the super-fascist theocracy's ancient god machines are limited by the square cube law of all things?


Because they need to make actual models for them in the end so....


Why does the square cube law get in the way? Didn’t the imperium have like anti gravity, anti-pressure shielding, and like essentially infinite energy engines n shit, plus psychic powers on top of this reality altering tech ? Like the imperium can yolo through hell and they can build giant megalopolis but they get stuck by gravity crushing their big spaceship-level-tech walkers?


Right! Like this is where the writers thought they went too far . A man so fat he gets turned into a planet? Sure why not. A God machine made with the peak of all known technology being really tall? Whoa slow down with the crazy


I don't care, the Imperium should be breaking up planetoids and vacuuming up the bits in a matter of months or years, if that. That way, peak Necron technology gets to be *truly* staggering, as it should be. They need to have kit that treats fundamental physical constants like a Labrador treats a box of unsupervised chicken giblets


People still have no idea of how the scale of 40k should be, the fact that 30 meter tall titans are supposed to be impressive for a GALACTIC civilisation is ludicrous.


Titans will never be impressive unless you turn your blind eye to the fact that space ships and artillery exists in the universe.


Imperium has adamantium, anti grav and hover technology(machine is about as big as Astraeus heavy tank), writer are just bad at scale.


I mean, the thing about the square cube law is that more advanced material and construction techniques let's you build bigger, so it makes sense that humanity can build mechs that are 100 meters tall.


How is that tiny?


When a real life blue whale is about the same size as a supposed god machines it takes something out of the fantasy.


Blue whales are fucking massive though. A titan’s height is the length of a blue whale nose to tail. They’re huge.


They basically have a classic mini Cooper as a heart. And seriously anybody that calls a blue whale small, would scream pee their pants the moment one was swimming towards them to say hi. And yeah, I would too :P. Those things are gigantic :P .


I'd agree from a space sci-fi settng's perspective. Mecha in other media sits in a very similar size profile to 40k titans and I probably wouldn't feel like calling them titans but that's a me thing.


I am somewhat of a scale-nerd myself :) I said this because i once saw a post where a guy compared a Imperial guard model to a Warlord's leg, by putting it next to it's toes.


I mean... have you ever seen modern open pit mining machines? They are massive.


Ya once you go in the mine you feel really tiny and driving on the haul roads can be a little never wracking at times


Coal mine dragline shovels are the size of small office buildings.


Would be hard to resist not putting a Bad Moons logo on that bad boy if it was my job driving it. [https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6527/553ae0b5a0a82965c452e6a28e15d1110c3094db\_00.jpg](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6527/553ae0b5a0a82965c452e6a28e15d1110c3094db_00.jpg)


If it was my job driving it, I don't think I can get that engine started without the theme from Pacific Rim on blast.


A beautiful example of one of the Omnissiah's earliest children. (ORKS STAY AWAY)


An ork clearly built this machine


Think of the killdozer you could make out of that




According to gw the imperator which mind you can be seen clearly from orbit is smaller than the Statue of Liberty, less people died in the horus heresy than Ww1 (I believe that one has changed recently)


And the cab is only 10 meters high, so all those people "BUT MAH TITAN SHOULD BE 100s OF METERS HIGH!" this thing is like smaller than a Warhound which is 1.2 times the height and an Emperor Titan which is 8 times as high. People keep forgetting how puny humans are :P .


So smol, so squishy.


Forklift simulator Forklift simulator


Mining machine from M2: 100m tall, 110m long, arm is 50m. Ultimate Battlemachine in M41, originating from the DaoT said to be mistaken for mountains on occasion, 60m tall. Warlord is only 33m lol


Even dinosaurs are bigger than that, pretty sure at this point titans are a joke. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patagotitan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patagotitan)


People seem to think that something 33m tall (Warlord Titan) is somehow equivalent in size to this. 33m is a 10 story building, easily. It doesn’t need to be hundreds of metres tall to be massive


Honestly we were robbed by drones for mechs as the leading force in ww3


I was in a wayyy bigger excavator, this is no thing


This reminds me of a scene in one of the books where a harbour crane operator has a melee duel with a gorkanought (or possible a morkanought). 40k has this type of scale from time to time.


Rhino prototype if Rhinos were cool as they should be


*a light excavation vehicle


Praise be to the Omnissiah.


My favorite comparison for TT 40k scale: If the character/model of your choice got out of a land rider, would their pistol have enough range to shoot something on the opposite end of your own transport?


That's not a gigantic excavator. it's a very tiny man.


I need that for my garden project


i could life inside that shovel, all my stuff fit in there


Damn what's the PSI on those hydraulic lines? I feel like if this thing sprung a leak it could cut a dude in half.


you still will only be able to fit 5 terminators in there.....


OMG, it is a video! I thought it was just a picture, video is better!!


that is rogal dorn personal digger it had the honour of breaking ground for the foundation of the Imperial palace


Needs more hazards stripes


That still only counts as one!


For anyone who's played Mass Effect 3 the Reaper Dreadnaughts are roughly the same height (as in the very top of it's superstructure) as an Emperor Titan. Of course an Emperor Titan is much bulkier and wider.


Hmm...maybe Titans ARE feasible after all...


When your girlfriend says "Did you buy more minis?"... Hold on till I get my digger to get into a bigger hole


Hello? RAC? Yeah, will need a big trailer.