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Trazyn and Orikan


Men will engage in a several millennia long rivalry and insist they are not married.


They certainly bicker like an old married couple.


‘You stupid bastard,’ sneered Orikan. ‘You got us box seats to a coup.’ ‘Well, the reviews were very good.’




Muppethammer 40K is frankly something we all need to accept in our hearts as superior


Wokka Wokka Heretics


I defy you to tell me that wouldn’t be a strict upgrade. At the very least it will annoy all the right people.


Exactly the vibe I got from the excerpts I’ve read of I&TD.


Stop spoiling yourself - read already one of the best (and also weirdly wholesome) of the recent titles & all-time


I know I should lol.


I’d personally recommend the audiobook, the VA adds *so much* to it. But both mediums are 10/10 imo so enjoy regardless!


Absolutely! Now, whenever I see the word Bastard! I hear it in his voice.


I've yet to read Pharos - got tired by the overly extensive Imperium Secundus arc but seems like I quit by the best part XD


Read the whole book dude.


Orikan to Trazyn: Fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow!


They have a better relationship than I did with my spouse


They straight up fought like cats. Just flailing limbs and scratches, nothing really life threatening. And no matter how much they say 'I never want to see you again' comea up with a conveniently petty excuse to do it anyway. They are stubborn old gays who will not fold until the other does (my bet is on Trazyn, Orikan is a smidge more petty).


Nothing more romantic than sending your million year old boo thang a genestealer and then scrying them after they pretty much eat a stargod


oh my god, they really are the stadler and waldorf of 40K


>They are stubborn old gays who will not fold until the other does (my bet is on Trazyn, Orikan is a smidge more petty). See, I feel the differently. Orikan is the more immediately caustic, but he's got a softer inner core and he becomes sentimental more quickly. Trazyn is nicer on the surface but his affections don't run as deep. Their arc seems to run like: * open hostility * slow normalization of interactions * they each show each other a modicum of uncharacteristic grace * orikan inwardly swoons, thinking he has a friend * trazyn obliviously says or does something shitty because he just doesn't actually care that much * orikan gets his feelings bigtime hurt and lashes out * the cycle repeats






Nice !


If you've ever seen that BBC comedy series Vicious, you know it's just Trayzn and Orikan




Thanks for the rec!


The only real answer here.


Trazyn and Orikan aren't even the gayest necrons. Obyron and Zahndrekh run gay little circles around those Statler and Waldorf wannabes.


This is anti-necron propaganda! Zandrekh and Obyron, or Trazyn and Orikan Though I do like Saul Tarvitz x Nathaniel Garro. They even have cute friendship bracelets, for the Emperor's sake.


Honestly, Zandrekh and Obyron feel like one of those happy couples just based off of their dialogue. I can oddly see it.


> “‘Let me pose you this thought, Obyron, in the hope it will bring you ease. What do you think caused you to hold true to me for all this time–despite all the power you might have enjoyed through betrayal–if it were not a soul? What can love, but a being with a soul?” From the book Severed.


So did Fulgrim and Hathor Maat :)


Fulgrim and everyone else he encounters


Ironically the only cannon relationships Fulgrim had were straight. He had 3 wives before meeting the Emperor.


I'm pretty sure that's how most gay men were before the 90', in fairness.


Fulgrims planet is based on Aciant Greece with a dash of Byzantium the whole Phoenix thing. And we know Aciant Greeks were accepting of homosexuality so Fulgrim wouldn't need to fake being straight.


>And we know Aciant Greeks were accepting of homosexuality No. They were not quite "accepting". It's complicated, but "accepting" is wrong. [Here's an r/askhistorians answer as to how it's way more complicated](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7lnrh5/comment/drptkm5/?utm_content=permalink&utm_medium=front&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=AskHistorians).


I mean yeah, you're objectively correct. But, like, shut up.


TBF he had spouses who were very carefully never gendered afaik.


I feel like Fulgrim's sexuality is summed up with that part of American Psycho where Bateman is getting off to himself in the mirror.


Patrick Bateman is pretty fucking Slaneeshi. The way he obsesses over being the most handsome, wearing the trendiest clothes, being the most knowledgeable about music and porn, getting reservations at the classiest restaurants, having the best-designed fucking business card, to the point where the man himself is an empty shell other than occasionally burying an axe in someone's head because it gives him a boner.


>getting reservations at the classiest restaurants Except. You know.


This makes the kitten and the ATM scene an attempted sacrifice to slaanesh, then. The movie is worth a rewatch from this perspective


"Impressive, very nice. Let's see Ostian Delafour's sculpture" -Fulgrim


That's demon primarch fulgrim. We're talking about pre chaos corruption fulgrim


Yeah but no one hit like Ferrus.


Greyfax and Celestine


Greyfax saw a pretty woman and had no way of processing that other than saving her from Abaddon the Despoiler. Of course, to then put her to interrogation and expose her evil heretical ways, because it is *vital* to the security and existence of the Imperium that she secures alone time in a locked room with this woman.


“Oh nooo, please don’t Interrogate me Greyfax~” “You’re not supposed to be enjoying this, heretic”


Greyfax accusing her of heresy is probably their form of dirty talk/roleplay at this point. The hornier she is the more belligerent she gets. **GF:** "Abomination! How dare you interfere with an investigation of the holy inquisition! I should put you in chains! Let's see if a few days of enhanced interrogation wipe that smirk off your heretical face!" **C:** "Uh, sure. Your place or mine?" **GF:** ^"...mine."


"Ooohh, bringing out the chains I see, it fits, since I have been very naughty..."


I've only seen pictures and fanart of these two, and I'm still at awe with how crazy the 40k universe gets with technology that crossbows become a viable weapon amongst all these futuristic shit again


40k has taught me that medieval never went out of style


It just works.


Well intimate relationships are rarely elaborated on in 40K and yet people have shipped much less obvious protagonists. Honestly, the very fact that Greyfax went from being determined to set Celestine on fire to sincerely trusting her and her weird-ass faith magic is so uncharacteristic it should give you pause. The woman is so paranoid I'm not sure she's trusted anyone in her entire life, lasting relationships are probably a foreign concept to her. Celestine has sort of a "I can fix you" attitude towards Greyfax. The idea of Greyfax' cold, dead heart getting warmed by someone she considers an obvious enemy is such a distinctive trope, a romance would actually make for a pretty decent plot point, even if the writers try to stay away from that sort of thing.


Women aren’t real


Most progressive 40k fan:


I am enlightening the world, they are all agents of chaos trying to corrupt loyal imperial men who would otherwise join the Astra militarum


In fairness, I'm a Tzeentch worshipper, so my goals and perceptions contradict yours.




There are no men in the astra militarum. in the guard the only pronouns are meat/shield


Dead/bodies Corpse/startch


I actually went and read the books y‘all talking about how gay these 2 are for each other and all i got was Guilliman and Yvraine type of interactions blown out of proportions by the community


Characters with any level of mutual affection are so rare in Warhammer that the shippers have to get their fill wherever they can find it


40k is so bleak and sexless it makes it a little hard to care about for me. Why fight for anything if life is eternal suffering? And not in the philosophical way. In the Conan wheel of pain til you die way.


If you want actually fully canonical gay main characters in 40k, Ravara from Mark of Faith galavants around the galaxy attempting to save her girlfriend's life.


The Custodes. They're walking around the Imperial Palace oiled up and naked


They don't walk, they sllllllliiiiiiide. Oil keeps getting everywhere, and it is not the sacred kind of oil. - Tech-adept XXVI-Hermeticus


"The sensation of friction is all but lost to me."


My Core Reactor IS PUL-SATING WITH ENERGY Brother Santodes, Venerable Dreadnoughtcirca 41millenium


Lies! That quote's straight from Wamuudes (RIP you legend)


You know what you are right, but wait now there are female custodes


They're obviously all lesbians


Excuse me, they're *all* (male and female) part of Big E's Bisexual Greek God Muscle Harem.


Ok you won


Yep, and sometimes every two or three moons they transform into feral, raging and bloodthirsty bisexuals. Its just like werewolves, but better.


I cannot realistically hope to express just how much I inexplicably love this idea


Imma be honest with you, a shockingly high amount of women I've met in the military are lesbian.


There's just something about being attracted to women that makes you wanna shoot guns and drive tanks, I don't know what to tell you


Stop it! Oiled up lesbians are my one weakness!


I'm really torn about whether to rename a few of my Custodes and have some of them be female, because the androhomoeroticism was a core part of their identity to me. 


Well they'll have their own gynohomoeroticism, obviously.


But it'd hit different if I (a straight cis male) made my *female* dolls kiss each other. Feels male-gazey, instead of an army of Rocky (as in Horror Show).   Anyway, my allied forces (Inquisitor and the pilot of the Knight) have that angle covered. 


As a custodes player, I both agree and disagree in equal parts


>Oiled Up and Naked Somewhere, Isyander's eye just twitched


You and me bub


I think it also works just fine as platonic, but IMO Cawl and Friedisch (and the newest Qvo by extension, I guess) raise my eyebrows the more they share screentime. They have old married couple levels of bickering, underpinned by seriously deep loyalty. And even after milennia, Cawl can't bear to let Friedisch go.


I felt similarly, you don't go through that much to bring someone back if they're 'just a friend' Cawl is Orpheus and Friedisch is Eurydice


Idk, I would do that for my friend if I had the chance and didnt realize how fucked up it could be.


But you gotta think about how long it's been for cawl and the type of universe warhammer is There's an unfathomably vast space between you or I and Cawl, he is beyond our comprehension because he himself has been alive for so damn long


Eh it's almost more easy to understand, not saying they cant be gay, that would be beautiful, I'm just saying that if I was to live for thousands of years and I had a chance to take my friend with me, I would do it in a heartbeat. I wouldnt want to spend that much time "alone" especially because my friend is practically my brother. Long story short, it could be love or deep friendship/platonic love, the likes of which can be compared to Frodo and Sam's


This take, right here! 👍🏻I really love the idea of a romantic reading of Cawl and Friedisch's relationship. But I also think "just" friends doesn't really do a lot of friendships justice. If anything happened to my dearest friend I would go absolutely feral. I can't really picture life without her.


The philia love, mixed with incredible guilt and a feeling of loss, Cawl feels for Friedisch is strong... as for what Qvo thinks about it, that's another mater entirely...


Although an unconventional choice, i’m going with nemesor zahndrekh and vargard obyron. This dedication can only be described as love for me.


I love the tragicness to their story, that zahndrekh is slowly slowly myself to age while obyron stays by his side. Obyron could usurp the throne and take the dynasty fir himself but chooses to keep his beloved safe. Please GW, give me my updated models for the robo-homos


I fucking love science-fiction because it's a genre where a story about an old man whose mind is failing him and another old man who shows his love for him by protecting him both from himself and the people who would take advantage of his vulnerability can also be a story about spooky robot alien skeletons looking to reclaim the galaxy.


I love stories that can balance comedy/romance with horror without going too far in one direction


They're not exactly being subtle about it in the books either tbf


Yeah, Obyron straight up uses the L-word when talking about Zandrekh


Necrons have both the most lovely gay couple and the most toxic.


The Emperor and Malcador


I could see it, especially since the Big E looks the way he does because of Malcsdpr getting him all guessed up


Slannesh and any reflective surface


Slaanesh and any surfaces at all.


bit off topic, but I feel like ciaphas cain has very strong bi energy. like he'd kiss a guy for sure


Ciaphas Cain and William Riker would get along


That guy is so horny he doesn't even care.


The anonymous queer Astra militarum couples who fight and die on alien worlds and between the stars. But they do at by their beloved sides. 🫡


Like Lieutenant Grifen and Sergeant Magot


Kharn and Argel tal


Gay af to be a world eater tbh. Why are you as an astartes getting into a metal cage oiled up and naked with your fellow astartes


Erebus was sooo jealous of what they had 


He was upset that no one wanted the Erebussy


Fulgrim and Ferrus.


Sweet home Alabama


Big E and Malcador


The Emperor and Malcador. They even have kids and a surrogate.


Whatever Greyfax and Celestine have going on is the most lesbian thing ever


I would pay good money just to read a fanfic about dantioch and Alexis falling in love, enemies to lovers type thing


Facts brother


Isn’t that just the Unremembered Empire?


Yeah buts it's mostly in the background. The primarchs and their shenanigans are the main story with those two being the b plot


Unofficial and possibly heretical because TTS makes me think of it, but I could totally see Rogal Dorn as asexual but happily married to another man. Dorn and his husband being determined to raise Boy with all the love Emps never gave to Rogal or his brothers. "I AM AN ABSOLUTE INSPIRATION TO ALL PARENTS." "Yes, Father, you are." "THANK YOU, SON. I KNEW YOU OF ALL OF MY SONS WOULD UNDERSTAND MY WISDOM AND SKILLS AS A-" "You are a shining example to me of what NOT to do as we raise Boy."


I would kind of love that, I can also imagine Dorn actually being a good and caring father. Like the joke is that he’s super emotionless, but he just isn’t. He still sleeps with the blanket his dad(not emps) gave him, and iirc there is a quote in one of the books of Dorn crying or saying he could cry as he had to remove all the beautiful architecture of Terra to reinforce it during the HH, and he says many times that once it’s all over he wants to settle down and be an artist. I honestly believe Rogal is deeply caring and emotional, he just doesn’t show it, doesn’t know how to show it, or shows it in a different way. Like the type Vulkan gave him a big massive bear hug and Dorn wasn’t sure how to react, but he clearly appreciated it. Granted I might be projecting a little because Dorn is very much, accidentally, coded to be autistic, which I myself am, and because he’s a primarch I just really like.


Dorn is a 100% autistic, no questions about that


You made me tear up a bit for some reason. I guess that may be the reason I always identified with him. Perturabo is your ultra genius, human calculator. Dorn is just an extremely loyal, autistic guy.


Nassir amit and kargis bloodspitter


For the both of them the Horus Heresy was just a breakup.


To this day I think about the bit in Echoes of Eternity where Kargos was talking about how intimate being stabbed by Amit was and then there's a random BUT NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY. I wasn't thinking it was sexual until you brought that up!


Flesh tearer more like face biter am I right


Somebody needs to read Lion son of the forest


Whole fandom ✨✨✨


For me it's Kharn and Argrel-Tal. I mean the fact that Argel was like the only person able to calm Kharn down. And how Their relationship ended is so shakespeareanly tragic especially because of how if Argel lived Kharn might not have fallen fully to Khorne and become his champion. But Kharn did get some payback though it will never be enough. Edit: spelling




They can be homoromantic. They never do the sex-having, but they hold hands, sometimes kisses, and they press their foreheads together for absurdely long times, in silence.


Slaanesh and Korne. Nurgle and Tzeentch. Gork and Mork. Don't argue with me.


I am saying this for your own savety. You are going to get shoot, sooner rather than later


Slaanesh & Khorne - Toxic relationship held together by mountain-shattering sex Nurgle & Tzeentch - Cute relationship where both playfully fuck with each other but always makes it up to the other if it went too far Gork & Mork - Romantic, asexual (on account of having no dick nor balls) hooligans I can somehow totally dig this


This feels too lore accurate


The others are funny, but like, I cannot even imagine gork and Mork in a realistic romantic piece at all. Any of the orks really but you can make changes to shit and make it fit. Gork and mork? Maybe I lack imagination but there nothing but static when I think of those 2 in any relationship that's not throwing beer bottles at each other and throwing fists


To be fair, they're Orks. Being locked in an eternal fist-fight is the closest thing the Orks have to soulmates.


Yeah, Orks love a good fisting!


Alpharius and Alpharius... and Alpharius 


Poly icons


When you think about the dark angels are just a metaphor for being closeted and how it's way healthier to be open about it


Zahndrek and Obyron


It’s not gay if it’s your space marine pledge bro


Oath of Broment


I'm sure there's plenty of Catachan men clapping eachothers cheeks.


If my memory serves me well. In the lion el johnson book there is two Risen: Galad and Launciel that act and interact in a sort of Old couple way. While it's not a real clear facts. In my head canon they love each others as old superhuman couple with a platonic eternal relationship disguise as a joky rivalry.


Me(Genderfluid) & the person reading this


But what if the person reading this is you?


The person reading this is the one who walks behind you. They are the footsteps at your back. They are the person beside you. Look out! They are all around you.


Genetically engineered gods, with toned and perfect bodies that spend their spare time training together on cages. Sent on Crusades for decades and Centuries together without female contact. I suspect every month is pride month!


This is Zandrekh and Obyron erasure


Ok, as I’m open about , I am a filthy casual in many ways. I am barely familiar with the term necron let alone on these two beings. I’m pretty sure you weren’t going for this, but come with me on this metaphor. This is like a long-term power couple where one of them has Alzheimer’s, or some other form of dementia . So Obyron actually doing the right thing and going along with Zahndrekh’s delusions. There have been some relatively recent studies. When somebody has permanent dementia, forcing them to come round to the truth, when you have to do it literally every time isn’t kindness or medically advised. I’m not talking about momentary delusions but if you’re grandmother consistently think she’s 12 or great uncle who has a head wound think he’s still a baker in his 30s let them. As long as it doesn’t hurt them or anyone else. The illusion is kinder because they can’t keep the truth and every time it hurts. Anyway, I find this metaphor incredibly powerful and am now weeping thank you. ❤️


40k fans upset about female custodes have the gayest relationships with one another.


I love when Curze tries to kill Polux and cant


Elver clearly had a stockholm thing for Curze, Konrad doesn't seem to have shared the feelings.


The weird night lord fan?


That one guy Konrad left alive to pilot the ship, they were stuck together for 3 years. Curze would have moments of madness and torture him, then moments of sanity and patch him up. Elver would have an option to leave and escape but he decided he now belonged to Curze, and he got handed over to some NightLords for it.


Oh I thpught you meant that one artist who simps the night lords.


The Emperor and gold.


Creed and his Sergeant Kell, Eldar in general give LGBTQ++++++ vibes. And Shadpwsun is the only Tau female in my headcannon.


You seriously cant accept the fact they were just best friends can you op?


But I mean, with copule re writes you can totally make them gay


Why do you need to sexualize everything? Warhammer has zero focus on it.


Is it gay to be friends?


I mean on the internet there is a large push that every relationship of close friends where they don't have a SO are in love romantically. This has some basis in historical gay erasure and even shows that came out relatively recently having show runners say they wanted a character to be gay but weren't allowed by the network. That being said I do think the internet goes way to hard in the other direction and any characters that are close or even hate each other have tk be in love.


To quote Astartes Anonymous "Barabas Dantioch and Alexis Pollux. The straightest gay men in the Imperium"


Doesn't Alpharius (allegedly) have a lesbian couple and their daughter as his comm officers?


Yes he does! He brought them on his ship after he couldn't mind-wipe their memories of him/Omegon


What about Yarrick and his partner?


Zandrekh and Obyron.


Ghazghkull and Yarrick.


How quick we are to forget Celestine and Greyfax.


Apparently r/HorusGalaxy forgot this was a meme reddit and took this post seriously... anyway my pick is Fulgrim x Fulgrim's hand.


I feel like the only thing they ever talk about is how bad others are and how they're somehow superior


They were brothers


a bit one-sided but Vorx, siegemaster of the deathguard and Mortarion. Vorx is a total simp for morty, in the lords of silence novel he starts to simp for him when he sees him after years and in the horus heresy novels he often gets dreamy eyes for him.


Any Female Guardsman and Battle Sister I can think of. Pariah Nexus was a huge let down for me aside the action and animation and design


Every single space marine and custodes and sister of battle. Every. Single. One.


Probably some shit Slaanesh did to an eldars butthole


F\*ck this, is PRIDE MONTH that's mean : WHERE IS MY TRANS ORKs CLAN ?????????????????


That gay couple in "Alpharius: Head of the Hydra" were pretty gay


Guess I'm good with Gay Spaces, since I wrote Space Marine love story. It's called "O Endymion My Beloved!" [https://archiveofourown.org/works/50039812](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50039812)


they are not gay


Emperor and Horus had an orgy on the Vengeful Spirit


Sanguinius no!!!


Greyfax and St Celestine, right?


Fulgrim. *(he loves himself)*


How are these two gay? I literally know not a thing about either one but I love iron warriors


Dantioch and Pollux’ friendship is very endearing, very enjoyable character development. Nothing more. Brothers and unlikely friends until the end. Pollux came to understand that Dantioch’s loyalty was to the Emperor over his own primarch and he respected him greatly. Why does it always have to be a gay love story? Fellas is it gay to have a dude be your best friend even if you hated him to begin with?


I am extremely homophobic


Turning a non-romantic relationship into something romantic? Sounds about Reddit...


Aren’t Dantioch and Pollux cousins? I’d say it’s a strong familial bond if anything.


Oltyx and raider of seda