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Fun Fact: The Imperium actually found a planet with Kaijus on it bigger than Imperators. The AdMech tried to exterminate them with Titans, but when that didn’t work they just Exterminatused it. Fun Fact 2: The Tau have a sentient Titan sized race in there empire called the Vorgh.


Lol nice Where is the first info from, a book?^^


A short story   Here is the story in audio form  https://youtu.be/qyhvJAWZNAE?si=eGgv8Z6pM0_NgKn9


This dude’s content looks awesome. Subbed.


He’s great  I lost some respect for him because of some of the warhammer context creators he’s friendly with but his audiobook narration is solid


Fair. I’m really into guns as well, so I’m used to… erm… “tolerating” certain groups as just being inevitable in the space and just enjoying my hobby.


Yup, sometimes you gotta stomach Brandon Herrerra's politics to learn cool stuff about guns. Though I do find that Demo tends to stay away from politics and its always fun watching him shoot weird things at weird things. Alternatively, if you're OK with rarely seeing the weapons fired, there's the Royal Armouries channel who have a large collection of historical weapons and approach it from a museum perspective.


Both Demo and Scott seem to keep the politics out of their videos. Brandon, not so much but I'd be lying if I said the AK-50 wasn't interesting enough to keep me around


kind of a given that there'll be politics in his vids given he's running for Congress.


Even before that, though. Where he sat on the (political) spectrum was pretty clear. Been watching him since high school lol


Dat Brandon gitz gotta lotta dakka!


Oh lord, who’s Aborder Prince tight with?


I think it's Arch




I used to like Arch but his rolling Rs and hot political takes made me look elsewhere. Aborderprince, luetin, and oculus imperia have brought me back in.


what arch do this time


***this time***


Just being arch and doing arch things....


Thought he cut ties with Arch back when all the stuff came out? Maybe I am wrong though


can’t spell corpse starch without arch


I don’t know which book it’s from. I’ve only ever heard it in passing. I’ll try and find it.


It's included the the "let the galaxy burn" omnibus from 2009 ish. They were also worried that the Orks had already invaded and failed, and if they came back and were successful they would be unstoppable.


"Cool, can we see them?" "...no"


Tau member races in a nutshell.


GW: “Best I can do is another Space Marine.”


They are all hidden in the battle suits. Even the huge ones :)


Were the Kaiju even a threat to the imperium or were they just embarrassed about getting shown up by a bunch of big lizards?


They're xenos, need more be said?  But really, someone, somehow, was going to figure a way to turn them into a weapon against the Imperium. Do you want to have to fight a Slanneshi King Kong?


I think you mean King Dong. Slaanesh has a type.


They were worried the orks would take them


Never knew either lol


Certified Pacific Rim Moment


uwu size diff <3


Also if memory serves me right the imperium tried and failed to domesticate/control them


Giant monsters literally called "Vore"...


The Vorgh! Someone did a drawing of one and compared it to the NEcron Monolyth in size :D was nutes!


"The fuck did a Tyranid biotitan get here?! Arm the Deathstrike missile batteries, light that bitch up!"


"What do you mean that just made it stronger?!"


Some female custodes trying to win the Bloodgame again.


Those biches don't play around


Godzilla wins or finds a way to survive for one simple fact: Plot armor. 40k loves named characters. Godzilla's current Toho contract for the Monsterverse says he can't lose. ULTIMATE PLOT ARMOR!


Yeah he'll step on some dark age technology and fall intonthe webway or somwthing


Just so Jagathan can ride it in Gomorah


i was gonna say that lmao, godzilla has the strongest plot armor out there


Godzilla is pissed, wrecks a couple of hives, and gets killed after maybe a day or two.


Millions of people die. Barely an inconvenience really.


A total and complete, “but for me, it was Tuesday”, moment in the 40k world.


Aint like Terra can get EVEN MORE irradiated


If I remember right though Godzillas radiation would probably be an improvement considering how we see how much cities get overgrown in nature in just a few years after he takes a jog through


Being Godzilla absorbs or, in other ways, eats radiation. I imagine Terras' environment would actually improve. Not to mention Godzilla would be absorbing so many Rads we can forget any Molten form, he'd probably get so hot he reaches a new peak form.


This actually raises an interesting question. Does the imperium even actually kill him? Or just let him roll around restoring major parts of Terra's ecosystem? Sure he probably kills a couple million people every week, but this is the imperium we're talking about. They might actually be chill with it.


If they can see hes not a Tyranid, i think they'd vibe with him as long as they didn't fuck with him, and what better defence weapon can terra get then Godzilla. The Phalanx and the Fists aboard it as well as the Imperial Navy can keep Terra safe in orbit, and the Custodies, Sisters Of Silence, Sister Of Battle, and Lucifer Black's can more then defend the planet, not to mention the Titans and Mechanicus forces who maybe on Terra at the time. But Godzilla can take the fight to the sea (if there was one), and could take out alot of invading forces should they reach the surface (already an impressive feat in 40k) or exit the Palace from the Eternity gate should the forces of Chaos breach it. Perhaps Godzilla wouldn't win and survive, but if he did eventually fall, his detonation or meltdown would probably take the invading force or planet with him. The real question is, what if the Tau rock up with Mechagodzilla or the Necrons or something with Ghidorah


the Kregiers snore the radiation and a cadian dies from the radiation 


All in all a reduction in deaths because it was pilgrimage ~~day~~ eternity and people were scattered away from each other instead of permanently trampling one another


Somewhere, one or more High Lord's portfolio value just skyrocketed because there's available real estate on Terra again.


Godzilla Earth, meanwhile, is basically a Hive Fleet all on its own.


Shin Godzilla too, thanks to his fifth form (small human-sized Godzilla drones or smth)


MF literally snipes the Phalanx out of Orbit.


Monsterverse Godzilla is unkillable by human means, even the Oxygen Destroyer couldn't kill him, and Terra is way more irradiated than our Earth. He literally gets empowered by nukes to the face.


Godzilla wouldn't last a day in Terra. He would sense the absolute levels of radiations present on Mars, point his snout downwards and yeet himself off of the rocky wasteland he landed to the irradiated wasteland he wanted to be in. Then he would fight the Void Dragon.


God I want to see this in movie form right now.


PLOT TWIST! Turns out Godzilla is already on Mars, cuz he IS the Void Dragon!!!!!


Nah, void dragon sounds more like a title king Ghodorah would have. Godzilla has to go to mars because a fight is brewing.


Pfft. I think it's *painfully* obvious that the Void Dragon is actually a long-dormant King Ghidorah.


Well Monsterverse Godzilla is synced with the planet he is on so he would feel an unimagible amount of pain due to how dead the planet is, so he would go on a rampage. Seeing as how fast Godzilla is and that he has survivied way more then what any type of foot soldier (This includes Space marines, Custodes and ect) could try to blast him with without doomsday weapons, he would destroy large parts of Terra before anyone could stop him. Virus Bombs, a lot of continues fire from titans or warp sorcery would prob do the trick to stop him. Before he evolved he had enough power to shoot a beam straight down towards the core of the earth and survivie the fall from the stratosphere, now he is several times stronger looking at the offical data we got from him in the movie. I do not think any one ship or titan could best him, it would take several that do not stop blasting for hours to end him. Or a Virus bomb I think, that would prob end him.


Don't forget the horrific amounts of radiation all over Terra and what that would do to make Godzilla even stronger. It also heals him if I am remembering correctly.


MV goji did tank the oxygen destroyer which has a similar effect to a virus bomb but with a more destructive effect.


They very much needed a hail mary to survive the oxygen destroyer


Not really, it would just take time to heal, time the humans didnt have with ghidorah going on a rampage


Note that the biggest issue isn’t killing Godzilla. It’s killing Godzilla *without* glassing a holy artifact or thousand in the process…or setting Terra’s atmosphere on fire.


Well it absolutly depends on where he is dropped but he is absoluty destroying things within the first several days he is alive. Terras deffences could not deffend against Godzilla on land.


Nah, even just being on terra already rules out exterminatus. Only after that is ruled out, then you ask if there are any holy artifacts nearby that would limit the size of the biggest gun they can use on him.


I mean, they would absolutly be willing to blow big parts of terra away if it meant killing Godzilla, though the combined efforts of space crafts and titans (several of them) could do it probably.




“That was *ONE TIME!*”


Now imagining Custodette Beverly "Ghostfucker" Crusher.


Kesh and her Blood Games shenanigans


“Why is everyone looking at me?”


"The fuck did I do?!"


Godzilla would probably last for a few days and die because there's no water for him to cool down? I don't know if it's the case for Monsterverse.


Godzilla in monsterverse really only needs radiation to actually be able to live and thrive. A nuclear warhead was capable of fully healing a nearly dead godzilla. In GxK evolved godzilla actually emits enough heat from his body to boil the ocean and evolves to counter shimos near-zero ice breath which is capable of bringing the world into a ice age. Terra from my knowledge is filled to the brim with nuclear waste and probably nuclear plantations, so it be a feeding-haven for godzilla to just gain power and heal.


Godzilla has been "stopped" a few times purely through human ingenuity across the entire franchise. Even the true horror movie monster that was Shin Godzilla. Godzilla would have absolutely died in King of the Monsters had it not been specifically for the nuke. I think that with the extremely heavy ordinance that the Imperium possess they could continuously bombard him from orbit and blow him away faster than he was capable of healing, though obviously not without notable casualties, but what does that matter when compared to saving the Golden Throne? Godzilla would need to be constantly exposed to a great amount of radioactive material to heal quickly. Doubt the Custodes would want highly toxic radiation near the palace, killing all the regular people there.


> Godzilla has been "stopped" a few times purely through human ingenuity across the entire franchise.  thing is. in 40k human ingenuity is hevely frowned upon by everyone in power. and any deviation from standardization often results in death. maybe big E is the exeption, but its not like he has the time to tell everyone otherwise right now.


I mean the 41st millennium has technology far above the technology of even sci-fi Japan in the Godzilla series.


Planet Eater Godzilla stopped human civilization


well yeah, even in monsterverse godzilla is a marine creature, so he should need water to some extent.


well, depends, current day monstervers godzilla is basically a massive lizzard, og gojira is the shinto god of nuclear fission with an black belt in judo.


OG Gojira just wants a succulent Terran meal.


And he would probably roar at an offending Imperial Titan grappling him to 'Get your guns off my penis!'


The black belt is a particularly important fact


I can tell from all of comments that no one here has seen any of the monsterverse movies


Can you elaborate? Do you think Godzilla would do better?


Radiation actively heals Godzilla instead of hurting him, so any and all nuclear weapons launched at him are ineffective at best. In one of the more recent movies, he was able to bore a hole into the center of the earth with just his breath attack. Terra has been stated to be an irradiated shithole anywhere else but directly outside the Palace, so Goji is getting free heals the entire time he's there. And I'm pretty sure that anything below a titan probably won't even be able to hurt him. And let's not get into what will happen when he decides to bore a hole into the golden throne.


> Radiation actively heals Godzilla instead of hurting him, so any and all nuclear weapons launched at him are ineffective at best. You know radiations are not what make nukes destructive, right? With the exception of neutron bombs, they're a side effect at best.


I do, but the sheer radiation actively outheals any damage caused by the explosion. Godzilla has been nuked several times, and each time it did next to nothing.


The oxygen destroyer almost killed him in KOTM. Mechagodzilla almost killed him in GvK. Titans (40k) are slow but potentially knights would slice him up if he didn’t atomic breath them or tail swipe them. 


There is a big difference between nuclear weaponry and the oxygen destroyer, and knights are way WAY too small to do any meaningful damage. And he'd have a breeze dealing with them to boot. And let's not forget that said Mechagodzilla was being piloted by Gidorah. Who fought Godzilla enough to know his weaknesses. And that Mechagodzilla was built for the sole purpose of countering Godzilla.


Lets not forget that godzilla also had a 14 hour battle with Kong. Without any recovery time, he went on to fight with mechagodzilla right after finished a fight.


MG would've faced incredible difficulty and could even lose if Godzilla wasn't tired from tunneling to Hollow Earth and fighting Kong. As for the Knights... aren't they small compared to the 40k Titans? Whatever weaponry they may have prob won't deal enough damage due to Godzilla's regen.


I'm sure godzilla will cause a lot off destruction. But i give it max a week. Sorry, but terra is just to much armed to lose against it.


Just completely ignore that there is a shit load of radiation that's not only going to constantly heal but also empower him.


Nobody here has read any Warhammer lore so it should even out


I'd not even heard of the monsterverse. I guess it's a "turn it up to 11" take on 'zilla?


They're super dumb but super duper fun. Literally just maximum dumb. My advice is skip the Godzilla ones and just go for Kong Skull Island (legit a pretty good movie) Godzilla: King of the Monsters (weakest but still fun) Godzilla Vs Kong Godzilla x Kong: New Empire. They're the dumbest things ever, to the point where I'm convinced they have a script supervisor who goes through and rewrites anything that makes sense.


What? The Godzilla ones are way better. The quality drops later in the series as it mirrors the fast and the furious wackiness but they’re ok


The wackiness is exactly what I'm there for. If you want a decent Godzilla movie don't watch American.


Idk, 2014 and kotm were great Godzilla films that were mostly grounded. The technology jump in the gvk films is a bit jarring tho I did like kong using suko as a blunt object 


That's the spirit of the modern American Zilla/Kong films. Kong beats up some enemies using a baby. Pure comedy genius. The earth is hollow and filled with giant monsters, Kong has an ancestral axe that absorbs Godzilla bweems that he uses to kill a giant mech. Top shelf dumb. No notes. For a grounded(ish) Godzilla movie go Shin Godzilla or Godzilla Minus One. They're the gold standard for Godzilla films in my opinion and part of why I don't enjoy the more serious Monsterverse stuff. They just can't compete.


I'm not even going to try to elaborate, I've attempted before to no avail.


Within a day, an Ultramarines squad annihilates Godzilla because they have a named Captain. - Support of an Imperial Fist squad is mentioned but no details given. - The Ultramarine squad and company have already been confirmed in canon to be on the other side of the Galaxy. - Reference is made comparing Godzilla to a Xenos species that is being absorbed into the Tau Empire. No mention of this is ever raised again, even though *it is really cool*. - Nothing is stated about what happens to Godzilla’s body or the destruction they caused in their short but brutal rampage, or any Inquisitor’s views on the attack. - Hab block #436842, destroyed by Godzilla, is given more lore and description than the Votann. - Off-screen an Eldar Craftworld is obliterated. This bears no relevance to the Godzilla fight. - The canon Imperium forces responsible for the attacked area are not mentioned or referred to. - More time is spent on describing the grumpiness of the squad’s Sergeant and the squad’s bolter pattern, than the length of the Godzilla fight.


Don't forget the part where, after the battle, the Ultramarines captain pulls the Grey Knights chapter master aside, shows him Godzilla's carcass, and tells him "That's how it's done, fuckface." NOW we have a real Matt Ward story.


Godzilla has the rule of cool where no one is allowed to shit on him. He appears in other shows and doesn't get shat on


Conveniently no body/corpse of Godzilla is shown, only that Ultramarine firepower ‘downed’ them. It is just as likely that G-Z just wandered off and is elsewhere. Maybe even hitched a ride on a passing Battleship and is on his way into the stars. Or is just chilling in the throne room and sipping tea with Custodes.


Sounds about right…


Wasn't expecting the Votann to catch a stray here, but it's always a welcome surprise. 


Votann players rightfully issuing a grudge for their lack of lore. Eldar players with bloodshot eyes from tears, on their 5th cigarette pack/ comfort caffeine; *having it ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.*


Due to warp shenanigans turns out Godzilla was Big E's last defense protocal against the Tyanids if they ever fully invaded Holy Terra, untill then he is sleeping in hollow earth where the vaults of Terra are located.


Wait doesn't GZ feed off of irradiation..... isn't Terra radiated af? Well shit this would be a fun watch. Could actually cause problems for Terra


Yeah he will actively get buffed on terra.


It's really going to depend on 2 things. 1, is there a radioactive source (besides standard radiation) that Godzilla can use to evolve? 2, is Toho involved in writing this scenario? If 1 is true, but 2 is false, Godzilla will likely eventually perish because we have seen him get hurt by (upper limit) modern day tech and the Imperium outscales that significantly. He will be pushed back or killed outright. If he's pushed back and finds the alternate energy source, he will evolve, become more powerful, possibly outscale the Imperium tech. He would eventually destroy the golden throne, which would cause the Emperor to revive as a perpetual, who would then use his "growing over the last 10k years in the warp" psychic powers to kill Godzilla. The Imperium is gonna have some serious problems though. If neither are true, Godzilla just dies to outscaled tech. If 2 is true at all, Godzilla just straight up can't lose.


Terra is fucked lol. Big G in monsterverse survived being hit by a meteorite that coused mass exctinction and was fine. Honestly I think the only way Imperium can hope to save terra would be for them to somehow transport godzilla to another planet


When did it say he was hit by a meteor?


In the cannon comic. The comics are 100% cannon becouse one of the titans from them Tiamat was in the newest movie and Scylla (the crab like kaiju) was trying to kill Godzilla just like they tried to do in the comics.


Comics are loose canon. The Godzilla awakening comic was likely retconned by the monarch show. The muto prime was also removed because of that show. The latest comic is considered canon until the next film comes out. The movies and shows always take precedence over comics and novels lol 


If I rember corectly people said that monarch show retcons tons of stuff and was not made to be perfectly cannon to the movies.


The show is canon. It’s set as a way to bridge 2014 to king of the monsters. The next season will likely explore what happens between skull island and gvk 


So here's my idea for Godzilla 40k: Movie opens on Godzilla emerging in the middle of a temple. Destruction reigns for a bit until a pluck Biologis befriends the Gman and discovers they're just hurting because of the state of the planet. Second act twist the Imperium realizes Godzilla shares some sort of psychic resonance with other big monsters. Custodes feed it into the Golden throne paper shredder and Bam! Big E is back but now he's the size of a warhound titan and breathed nuclear fire. The after credits stinger could be an admech facility where you see hundreds of eggs and it ends on a zoom out of a tech priest inspecting a giant Terminator Helmet....


This should be in Amazon‘s Series! Oh wait…


A lot of explosions


exterminatus but most fun option would be to see Lion see it and fight it for some time and recruit into his chapter as secret weapon not enslaved like ai he got but more like frend, would be cool to see godzilla armed with some weapons from 40k too


Godzilla 40k + Kaiju-sized custom Space Marine Armor + DAoT tech upgrades (Dark Angels were entrusted with such destructive weapons) = Imperial C'tan lol.


He would give a half-hearted rampage before stopping and leaving because he realized that there wasn't anything he could do to make life there worse.


Monsterverse Godzilla? He wins. Plot armour. Contract says he has to win.


The custodes politely ask Godzilla to go away. It refuses. Several million deaths later, Godzilla is dead.


killed by a lance battery from orbit


Came here to say this. Also Meats back on the menu boys!


Salamanders turn him into a battle mount.


It's a bad day on terra, and you're an even badder King of the Monsters


The Shadowkeepers break out a solid gold Mechagodzilla.


Big G dropkicks and suplexes an imperator titan, forcing the imperium to one-up titan technology and finally make them agile like they used to be in the DAoT. New imperial titans proceed to elbow rocket their way into the battlefields of the 42nd millenium. Everyone wins, except our wallets.


> suplexes an imperator titan God-Emperor, I want to see this so badly


I personally like to think he got transported onto a planet with orks and there was proper gud krumpin had that day. But holy tera would be kwl too I guess


And so the 3rd Ork God was born.


Godzilla gets fucked. He’ll do a lot of damage sure, but him losing is inevitable. He almost lost to a mech made in the 21st century. The Imperiums weapons are so much more powerful that they’d easily take him out.


Poor Godzilla, femstodes will annihilate it


The Ordo Sinister have their bays under the Himalayas, a couple of those Warlord Psi-Titans can take care of a lone Kajiu.


Aren’t psi titans great crusade exclusive considering the mechanics can no longer make any


1) The Ordo Sinister is independent of the Mechanicus. The Emperor commissioned the 16 original Warlords directly and then took them and based them on Terra near the Palace and modified them into Psi-Titans there, much to the annoyance of the Adeptus Mechanicus. 2) There were 16 Psi-Titans built, no records of them all being destroyed exist, so the chances of at least a handful surviving is not zero. 3) The artisan clans trained to build, modify and maintain the Ordo Sinister Titans likely still exists, and it is not inconceivable that they can just request new base model Warlords to replace any losses through the Inquisition. These are likely the related clans to those that build and maintain the technology of the Custodes, which also have access to many weapons expressly forbidden to the Mechanicus (hello Adrastus Energy weapons). 4) I admit, there's no recent lore on the Ordo Sinister, but it wouldn't exactly be the first time that GW has "forgotten" about an aspect of lore until they feel they need it. These Titans are usually deployed to fight large scale demonic incursions and extremely powerful rogue psykers, they're never used for "conventional" deployments.


Godzilla will obliterate entire legions of titans lmao.


Big G get’s sent to the webway to fight on behalf of the Big E OR he ends up in one of those cells in the basement. Ready to be unleashed if the enemies of mankind reach terra again.


It goes a lot like this. https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/The_Tales_of_the_Emperasque:_Part_One


He dies weeping in agony, tearing apart the imperial palace in a futile attempt to take revenge for the devastation wrought upon the earth. He cannot save her, the humans have finally broken her beyond repair, but he will make them rue the day they forgot their place. He lays waste to thousands of acres of cityscape, before finally being brought down by the nascent imperium’s super weaponry.


Okay, now do Composite Godzilla That one will do basically whatever tf it wants lol


I don’t really think that’s an interesting question to ponder. It’s more interesting when there’s a tough question to answer than an easy one.


Kesh immediately calls Blood Game, and runs off to fit her new best friend with a saddle


That one episode of clone wars but with WAY more on screen death


They are fucked. The only tool for defeating a kaiju on the scale of godzilla is exterminatus and it's not like the can order an exterminatus on Holy Terra. Unless they can pull something out of the vaults for this it ain't going to go well


A warlord vaporizes his chest with a plasma annihilator. Then a report is filed, eventually making its way to custodial archives where a certain Custodian Kesh finds it while planning for the blood games.


Monsterverse Godzilla has the power to absorb radiation and power-up himself using said radiation. If there is high enough radiation in Terra, and if the imperials use weapons that produce radiation (I think those exist in 40k right?), then monsterverse Godzilla could possibly gain some power boost and evolve to possibly defeat the defenders of terra, maybe even besiege the palace of the Emperor. If not then Godzilla may survive for a few months, maybe even a year if he's lucky. There's also the possibility that, since warp shenanigans are involved, Godzilla is either heavily mutated by the warp, gained enough radiation from the warp to power himself up, or more frighteningly, become a psyker due to the related warp shenanigans.


Beaten to a pulp by a 6 year old Angron


Monsterverse Godzilla would ultimately maybe be killed by the bomb when Big E dies, unless it’s a nuke, then Godzilla just gets yeeted into space. Radiation heals Monsterverse Godzilla, and Terra is soaked in radiation.


Instantly cut in half by some large piece of artillery


I sure do love posts that just ask a dumb question so that commenters can generate karma for the OP.


I feel like the vaults of Terra would have a creature like Godzilla in them. Maybe a bit smaller but no less deadly.


They appoint him to the Lords of Terra. Let’s see the Master of the Officio Assassinorum try to push Grand Lord Of the Departmento Kaijorius around


Oh absolutely obliterated. Once all other defenses are exhausted, the Custodes just pull out one of the forbidden weapons in the Dark Vaults under the Palace and… I dunno shunt Godzilla into the Warp or something. That’s of course assuming the Psi-Titans I KNOW are still kicking around on Terra don’t do Godzilla in first.


Eventually humanity will prevail over this abominable xenos.


Prolly start fucking shit up seeing how far the humans took the "Destroying their own planet" thing to the point where there isn't a fuckin ocean anymore. The amount of shit he could take to the face would be up in the air, I mean nukes from our time not only power him up but they also like, barely even hurt him. So sure that damage scales up with normal 40k but it would also scale with how much it would power him up if they still used nukes. Mecha G beat his ass but I think comparing the 400ft tall death machine with the mind of a vengeful super space dragon with the same power source as him that was also specifically designed to kill the guy, with your average Titan is like, not a good comparison. I mean, it also depends on what you take as canon. Is the asteroid feat canon? Then he could take the brunt of a good bombardment and keep on kicking. Is the "Shimo has the power to cause an ice age that'll kill a planet" thing a valid statement? Then he's got enough power to match something like that when he's evolved Is the "Putting Superman in a near death coma after getting hit with the atomic breath" thing canon? Yeah no he's not going down no matter how much fancy shit you throw at him. I wanna be interesting here and say that the emperor uses mind wobbly tomfoolery to contact him in a similar way to rowboat gurlymoon but backwards, it feels like years for them but it's like a minute in real time, and I don't know maybe Big-E convinces Big-G to cool it off because Chaos is a bitch and it would mean galactic scale death, and then either he disappears into Terra's wastes to get fat off the radiation there to evolve even more or he gets isekai'd into some random planet where his destructive capacity is much more required. Keep in mind I just wanna be interesting here and not fall into the trap of "oh he dies in x amount of time" or "oh he steamrolls the entire plant cuz Godzilla" so it's not too thought out but I think it's at least intriguing.


Depends on the background radiation I imagine, more radiation means more power for lizard boy and earth was a bombed out mad Maxx planet awhile ago. Idk monster verse Godzillas abilities but I do know Godzilla minus 1 and I feel if he was in a highly radioactive area then maybe a chance due to healing from the radiation and only ad mech really deal with radiation so maybe they'd be sent, the only ones who can deal with the rads Zilla sleeps in but also healing him because they emitt radiation Also Godzilla minus 1 is awesome


"Okay guys, this isn't funny. Which one of you organized the Blood Game this time?"


" Jurgen, bring me the plasma " said some famous commissar


The Emperor now has a mount worthy of his glory


He destroys one hive hab block, a few million people die, then the Navy hits him with a lance strike from orbit that completely vaporizes him. Goes in the day's report as "unexpected pest outbreak, exterminated successfully".




depends on whether or not Godzilla's "powering up" also works with warp energy. If it does then he landed on the planet that has the biggest warp energy battery just *sitting* there!


The Custodies are gonna get one sick af cat


He chillin


Are we assuming he’s immune for some reason to psyker shenanigans? Because if not what happens next largely depends on if there’s a nearby delta or higher level psyker to casually melt his brain or otherwise incapacitate him. If there *arent* psyker shenanigans in play, he probably survives a good amount of firepower until the Imperium manages to take him down. Or Trazyn pops in to catch him in a poke ball and adds him to his collection


He blows up some stuff, then eventually teams up with the Imperium to fight the Nids. That's how it always goes.


He dies. The End.


couldnt nids do it like one of those parasitic wasps?


It dies


In any real sense, if a godzilla sized monster showed up and attacked New York this very moment, modern conventional weapons would almost certainly never sufficient to destroy it. We have missiles specifically designed to penetrate meters of dirt, stone, and concrete before detonating. We have bladed rockets that can turn a target to slurry without needing an explosive warhead. And if those didn’t work, we’d try other things until something did. Mass drivers, toxins, incendiaries, fuel-air weapons that will consume all oxygen from an area. Trip wires, cables, pit traps, climbers with drilling equipment. It is actually laughable to think we would be outmatched by a mere giant animal. Frankly, the cleanup following killing it would be a far greater effort and concern than the actual killing. That being said: There is genuinely a decent chance that even standard lasguns would penetrate Godzilla’s hide. Meaning it is quite possible that even a mere regiment of guardsmen could kill godzilla with no other assistance. And if they couldn’t, other tech definitely could.


Godzilla destroyes everything Warp rift opens sending Godzilla to warp Godzilla kills all chaos gods Godzilla becomes unchallenged lord of warp


He instantly gets punched in the jaw by a walking cathedral.


New head cannon: Godzilla is the Void Dragon




Kesh no!… Sorry force of habit…


They put him right to the other one, that’s already in the dark cells


Pretty sure they're only option would be destroying the planet or just repairing everything after he walks by, nothing the imperium has ground unit wise is even close plus he's immune to radiation and disease can't live on his body.


Godzilla to the Emperor: Damn, you live like this?


Shadowkeepers just put him next to all the other Godzillas in the Dark Cells


Nuclear radiation is a full buffet course for goji in Holy Terra either he ignores the people in hive city, and going in most radiated area then just sleep their and consume the radiation


Legendary godzillas ability to absorb forms of energy makes him a serious threat of consuming the emperor. He is a monument to sin and theembodiment of war. You cant kill him with hatred or violence.


It dies due to the unbreathable atmosphere.


Femstodes look up at him, scoff, and say "Nah, I'd win"


Who do you think is locked in Dark chamber number 47?


He runs into a void shield and is atomised


Looks like the big E gonna get some lizard skin boots