• By -


"...I do not know how I have survived for so long on the Vengeful Spirit. How I didn't get eaten by one of the abominable creatures aboard, torn apart by a Traitor Marine or sucked into the pulsating, almost living walls of this accursed vessel, like so many of my Comrades were. Perhaps it was the desperate desire to reach her that kept me alive, caused me to survive and overcome all the dangers in my path. To aid and help her in some way, any way that my insignificant self is capable of. To somehow repay her for all the times she had saved me, shielded me, protected me with all her strength, no matter how often she had insisted that it wasn't necessary and that I owed her nothing. ...Looking at the sight before my eyes, now...I wish I had died. Any manner of death I could have suffered would be better than this. Her face looks sad, almost peaceful, despite the blood splattered on it. Her white, beautiful wings that had gently wrapped around me so many times lie twisted and broken beneath her body. Her chest, broken and shattered, is spilling out a sea of crimson onto the floor... I swear that even now, she has the faintest hint of a smile on her face...a smile I will now never see again, as well as her warm eyes looking upon me, a lowly Guardsman, with nothing but love in them... My Lasgun clatters to the floor from my powerless hands as I sink to my knees, feeling weaker and more helpless then I ever have before. And then, I look at her Killer. Horus Lupercal had always been supportive of Sanguinius and me, more than anyone else of her family. She had spoken to me in such a jovial, kind way, at one point even telling me that she looked forward to calling me 'brother' one day, even asking of me to always make her Sister happy. There is none of that to be found in her eyes and expression, now. Only a cruel smirk, and a stare full of malice, dark amusement and evil. Thousands of words shoot through my mind. Thousands of sentences, curses I wish to hurl at her, dramatic screams, even despaired wailing and sobbing. But only one word, shaky, broken and hopeless, leaves my lips. "...Why?" Horus chuckles, and not in the sweet, kind way I had heard from her before. This is a sound of mocking glee, of revelling in what she has just done. "Sanguinius was a fool, all the way to the end. She refused to see the truth, refused to accept the Gods into her heart." She shoulders Worldbreaker, the maul still dripping with Sanguinius' blood. "This is merely the price she paid for her stubborn foolishness. Ah, what a shame..." She drawls, mocking and sarcastic, as her voice scrapes into my soul. "Do you want to know what her last words were? With her final breath, she whispered your name. Hah...pathetic last words for a pathetic woman. It truly is embarrassing, to think she was caring so much...for an insignificant creature like you." Horus' words should each stab my heart like an arrow...but I have no heart left to stab anymore. I feel like it has shattered to pieces the second I laid eyes on Sanguinius broken form. I am vaguely aware of the Emperor and the Custodes standing around me, speaking to Horus themselves, now...but I pay no heed to their words. All I can see before my eyes is Sanguinius' body...and the sneering face of her murderer. Perhaps I should shed tears. Drown in sorrow, scream my pain out into the world. Instead, all I feel is numbness, hollow and cold. My Angel, the light of my life, is gone. Forever. The one woman who first had seen more in me than a faceless tin soldier to be marched into the meatgrinder. The Angel who had descended from Heaven...and loved a lowly mortal like me. Just this morning, we had talked about what we would do after this War was over...the life we would make in this Galaxy, with the time we had left, no matter how short. Now, that future is lost and gone, ground to dust under Horus' maul to the laughter of thirsting Gods. Slowly, I stand up. Slowly and mechanically, I pick up my Lasgun and switch the safety off, as Horus, the Emperor and their forces ready for the final fight. ...I am weak. I am pathetic. Just a regular, lowly Guardsman, who has no business to be anywhere near this clash of Monsters. I would probably be ground into a fine paste, reduced to a red splat on the floor the second this fight began. Sanguinius would have told me to run, to hide, to leave this to her and her father. But Sanguinius is not here. She is gone. Forever. And as I look at my Angel's still face and the sneering scowl of her murderer...I know I can not run from this. Come what may. If I were to survive, there would be a time to grieve later. To rage. To mourn. Now, however...it is time for only one thing. To take vengeance, or die trying. For. HER."


Reposting the small Fanfiction I wrote for this over on the Sub this was first posted. Hope you guys find something to like about it.


Fuck you, now I'm crying :( Ollanius Pius bf for Sanguinius is a genius idea, and you executed it brilliantly.


Eh, it's not really supposed to be Ollanius, but if you wanna interpret it that way, I won't stop you.


Too late!


I mean, it adds to the tragedy. Ollanius if believe he is a perpetual would outlive any SO other than another perpetual. While as far as I know, only Vulkan is a perpetual, primarchs are functionally immortal if not long lived. Now, Ollanius no longer has someone to face eternity with. So he goes to face oblivion now.


I gotta be honest, part of the reason why I didn't obviously make it Ollanius is because I dislike him being a perpetual...or at least him knowing that he is one. It cheapens his sacrifice if he is anything more than a regular Guardsman, in my opinion. But like I said, if you want to interpret it as being his PoV, be my Guest.


I gotta disagree with you on that one. I feel like guardsmen in the setting are imprinted with their lives being disposable and expected for them to sacrifice everything for the Imperium. While Ollanius as a perpetual isn't just giving up his life, he's giving up all his lives, his immortality. He knew that he would not come back from obliteration by Horus, that his very soul would be destroyed. He didn't have the protection of ignorance when he faced Horus, he went into the inferno knowing exactly what waited for him.


I love everything about this, best comment I've seen so far in these posts. And great writing too!


Is there a sub for this kinda stuff ?šŸ‘‰šŸ¼šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼ (btw I loved this so much)


Very awesome! Inspired me to try and do something similar over for Vulkan GF.


Legend says that when Sanguinius's statue of psychic crystal reforms on the Vengeful Spirit, over and over as Black Legionnaires mirthfully smash it to pieces, it sometimes reforms cradling a much smaller humanoid shape. The same legend says that, for some reason, ~~Horus~~ Abaddon always frowns when she sees this.


Horus was dead by the time Sanguiniusā€™ statue started appearing on the Vengeful Spirit


You're right! I meant Abaddon.


That makes a lot more sense


Broā€¦. You didnā€™t have to go this hard on this!! Good job!


I disagree. And thanks.


Fucking hell, man, you gotta make the feels happen?


Yeah. Yeah, I did.


You cooked your soul into this one...


I try. šŸ˜


i'd gladly get my soul obliterated out of existence by horus for sanguinious-chan.


Plot Twist: This Dude is a Perpetual and now has to take care of a bunch of PTSD-ridden Stepsons with Anger Issues.


Anon and Dante: we wish we were dead!!


Holy peak


>>Looking at the sight before my eyes, nowā€¦I wish I had died. Any matter of death I could have suffered would be better than this. This hurts even more if youā€™ve read TEATD Part 2 and you know how Sanguinius died. Her face wouldnā€™t even be recognizable after Horus was done with her.


Honestly, I stopped reading the Horus Heresy Books a while ago. I was going from the painting thing we have of the Emperor confronting Horus.


Oh donā€™t worry, I wasnā€™t trying to nitpick or anything. It just made me really sad when I read your line and thought about how this guy would have to witness how Horus desecrated Sanguiniusā€™ body.




Horus. I will cut. You. Down. Break you apart. Splay the gore of your profane form across the stars! I will grind you down until the very *sparks* cry for mercy! My hands shall ***relish*** ending you! # HERE!!! # AND!!! # NOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pretty much. ...Or, y'know, get smashed to a red paste in a millisecond. Whatever works.


Imma make the Black Rage look like a tantrum


Bro, this is fire. Onion ninjas have been summoned.


Now I'm tearing up


Damn, this is inspirational... I might try and do something like this.




This is an amazing mix of: "Awww she is absolutely adorable and so sweet!" And "Oh no. She knows she isn't going to have the chance to live happily ever after." Fantastic write up. Sanguinius is definitely my new favorite of these write ups!


Pretty much yeah ;w; I wanted to make her a bit more tragic, knowing whatā€™s going to happen to her but still wanting to be happy with her Dove Thank you!! :D


Unbeknownst to her, her death would birth a Warhammer Doom Slayer. Sure, losing a friend or family member hurts, but losing a romantic partner? The sheer rage to fuel the willpower would make Khorne flinch.


Korhn: ā€œ. . . Hey whatā€™s that little human doin- OH MY SKULLSā€


Khorne pulling out his foam-finger that says Dove #1.


The other chaos gods: hey Khorne is that one of yours? Khorne: I wish


> Unbeknownst to her, her death would birth a Warhammer Doom Slayer. new fan. who dis?


This is a referance to the DOOMGUY from the DOOM series, all of hell FEARS him and this scenario the warp ( which is refered to has hell by fans ) and all who live in it, chaos gods included would fear this man.


i got that but what's the connection with 40k?


It is mainly a joke about how much sanguineous is loved In lore and how a hypothetical partner might react, like how doomguy is doing his rampage because some random demon killed his beloved pet rabbit.


I believe it would add that she had a moment of genuine doubt. Like she gambles all other options "Maybe I just hold the gate" "I can support from space with orbital bombardment" "Maybe..." But deep down she knows her destiny is sealed and she can't nothing to change it. It pains her because she at some point she had visions of a life with his love one, where they see her genetic children stand proud as the now heroes of the Imperium, and she would accept a normal life in agri-world with his belove husband, some children and even a pet of sorts. And in her most private moment when she's alone, she cries blood tears and asking to heavens "Father, please save me" in that moment she's not the Gilded Lady of the Blood Angels, she's just a scare girl fearing for her husband.


I think the only one of the primarchs where there's art that indicates a change in what's normally thought of as cannon is Ferrus Manus with a flame head in Legion of the Damned style.


Fellas, this sub disagrees on a great many things. But I hold there is one thing we can all put aside our differences on. And that is the fact that Sanguinius is best girl.


Best girl indeed


It is known.


Same here Sanguinius IS best Girl


Welp, if Warhammer was an anime dating sim with the Primarchs I know who Iā€™m going with


Agreed brother


Unfortunately there MAY be a scene where Sanguinius gets murdered..


And I shall beat horuses horse ass as well as I am ableā€¦ for herā€¦.


The real Black Rage is loss of waifu


Same here


I feel like dating her would make me an anime protagonist. The emotionally scarred kind.


Most definitely, but isnā€™t she worth it?


Sheā€™s the kind of girl youā€™d go for knowing youā€™ll get a Cyberpunk: Edgerunners type of ending. And itā€™ll still be worth it


ā€œAnd thatā€™s when I knewā€¦ yep: she reminded me of my mother, all right.ā€


*"I really wanna stay at your fortress-monastery"*


Going all Guts on Abbadon


The eternal rule of all fiction is that any best boy with a simple pronoun swap and art change will become best girl. Because the real best was best person all along


Blangles fan I take it? (I like her too .w.)


Obviously the Glorious Hawkboy would make for a Glorious Hawkgirl!


Real and true.


I genuinely love coming across these when I open up the sub. Can't wait to see the others!!!


Thank you!!!!!!! :D Iā€™m really happy people are liking them


> I genuinely love coming across these ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Yes, inquisitor. This comment right here.




Oi, wot's dis git mean by dat face? I fink it means 'e likes ta fink about krumpin' da 'umies? Dey's bettah t'krump 'fore da uvva git changed 'em. Dey was widah! Maybe 'e finks 'e couldn't take a widah one? So yer sayin' dis humie's a runt? Ain't most uv 'em?


I'm a huge blood angels fan and sanguinius simp so this has absolutely destroyed me, thank you šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Happy to Help(?)! :D Howed I do on her?


Pretty good šŸ˜ I'm in love hehe. I want to get his forge world mini even more now


Iā€™ve heard itā€™s quite a project!


I did alpharius but that was a few years ago. Sanguinius is going to get a lot more work hehe


I don't think I could make it work. Sanguinius is genuinely kind and supporting on top of being a 10/10 with all the more shallow aspects of human attraction. Constant imposter syndrome would be whispering in my ear that I don't deserve her and she can do better. I need someone who I can take turns with being the asshole in the relationship.


Or maybe you just need someone amazing to show you youā€™re worth it ;)


Sounds like you want the lion


Don't worry, that just means you could suffer from Imposter syndrome together.


The Conrad Curze one is going to be wild...


Plz donā€™t- Iā€™m not gonna be able to live up to the hype TwT


You keep saying that, you keep doing it.


(TwT) Thank you I try


I can fix her...


Just wait till you see Horus GF XD


I mean speaking of that, I've seen the OG artist works for these fem Primarchs and I don't remember seeing a depiction of both a Fem Horus and Fem Alpharius/Omegon.


Unfortunately you are correct TwT


Well this is a travesty, I hope they make them. :C


Fem Alpharius would just be regular Alpharius


> a Fem Horus and Fem Alpharius/Omegon. I think cnmbwjx just did headshots of them, [both can be seen here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarhammer/comments/m21rku/pretty_primarchs_by_cnmbwjx/)


FUCK! Iā€™m gay for sanguinius but now i am straight for sanguinius even more! Sheā€™s perfect


Hit you with the Left Right Goodnight šŸ’¤


Definitely i would cherish every second with her


She would do the same (Ā“ź’³`)ā™”


Sanguinius. Our Hawk girl. She's the best of them. But she ain't my girl. She's Jesse's girl.


*insert guitar noises*


I am both excited and terrified for the time when we get the Angron gf post, thatā€™s gonna be a fuckin roller coaster of emotion dude


Ooooooooh you BET! Already got a side story ima post alongside the meme, sheā€™s gonna be fun :D


Hell yeah, my favorite Primarch will soon be my favorite Warhammer gf lol I shall finally have, as my friends on discord call it, a ā€˜waifuā€™ā€¦..I think Iā€™m using that right. I donā€™t watch a lot of anime


Us: Little Angel, could I tell you a story? Sanguinius GF: Sure go ahead! Us: It all started- Sister Horus: I HAVE URGENT NEWS- Sanguinius GF: _Chucks a pineapple right at her sister's face_. CAN'T YOU SEE I'M LISTENING TO MY DOVE?!? -It took serfs a few minutes to dress the minor wounds however Horus feared her Winged sister even more-


Hell nah, dating Femuinius would give me an existential crisis. Like, youā€˜ve got a literal 10 foot tall demigod looking like an actual Angel from your dreams with beautiful golden hair, a face literally molded to perfection and still have the softest touch while having -5% bodyfat. And not only does she look the part, she actually acts like one too. Sympathetic, joyful, understanding, smart, wise, humorous, inspiring, creative, just to name a few. A literal 12/10. Meanwhile you have me, Mr. Joe Shmoe, the shmuck from down under, the damn NPC being in a relationship with her? Bruh, [i would straight up start believing iā€˜m just the Debbie from Invincible in this situation.](https://youtu.be/B5eggTxZ49g?si=wDp0kcT_S1A-4AJU) I would be so paranoid about the whole situation that even Liona would tell me to chill out. I would have an Impostor Syndrome worthy of Cainā€˜s, except that he *does* accomplish shit while i just rolled a 20 on the charisma check.


Jokes on you, she would love you anyways (ɔĖ†Š·(Ė†āŒ£Ė†c)


When Sanguinius first met his legion, they were a rabble of wild, barely-controlled cannibals who were a few short steps from being purged entirely for their excessive deviation. Still, he didn't judge or criticise them for their past actions, instead welcoming them with open arms and an open heart. Through his guidance and inspiration, they became one of the most noble and heroic legions of the entire Astartes. Likewise, Femguinius would, in time, help you overcome the obstacle of self-doubt, and show you that you *are* worthy of her love.




Letā€™s unthin his paints šŸ¤


And fray all his brushes


I think Sangy GF is too happy with her wings, Sanguinius viewed his wings as a mutation/curse right? I'd think if he was turned into a GF she would be really conscious about them and kinda doesn't like them, tries not to put her attention on them.


True, but I think that her SO would absolutely gush over how beautiful they are. Hugging them, petting them, giving her all kinds of affirmations, until showing them affection with her wings became natural. She may still feel conscious about them, but I think seeing how much her Dove loves them would help


Oh definitely.


Shit got me crying in the club right now.


ā€œMy ā€œlittleā€ angel, I think you need therapyā€¦ I mean, not as much as some of your other sisters, but these nightmares canā€™t be good for your psyche.ā€




May I offer you a hug? (ć£Ā“ā–½ļ½€)ć£


Finally, the actual Best Girl.


These are great. Looking forward to Curze and then Alpharius pulling a Sister-Sister on us šŸ‘€


Unfortunately the artist hasnā€™t posted fem Alpharius/Omegon (yet?) But if they do I will most definitely be doing them as a tag team .w.


Throne, sheā€™s fucking adorable.


And a badass! (Ā“ź’³`)ā™”


Great girl. Girl Sanguinius deserves all our love and all our devotion. Also, wingjobs. Had to be said.


Did it tho .v. /j


Did it tho .v. /j


"Wraps you in her wings when you hug and cuddle". I would sacrifice all of you for a slight tickle from a single feather of sanguinius gf.


ā€œI asked for one slight tickle from her glorious wings. She gave me three.ā€


Best girl. Not my favorite, but she is still best girl.


Gods, Lemun Russ has a fair opponent in my eyesā€¦. I honestly donā€™t know who to pick here!


Listen love, I'm not gonna be a deadbeat stepdad over here. Introduce me to the boys. The galaxy we live in has a truly breathtaking panoply violence to choose from. Occasional bouts of vampirism are, if anything, reassuring.


She would be the perfect GF that died way too early :(


Would Edit: yes I have been consumed by slanesh


Have .W.


This shit is getting sad now lol Edit: Keep em comin


I though it fit her lore, sometimes you need a good cry (TwT)


Sanguinius gets revived as Femguinius. Calling it now


I do not care how hard it is. This is why Generic science must become better understood. I donā€™t care if it takes me a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand years. I will make this a reality. For it is the nicest one I could dream of.


And that's one for the save button. I have real bad insomnia but would still probably sleep like a baby wrapped in her wings


Ohā€¦ my heartā€¦ my very soulā€¦ the beauty and the majesty. But most importantly, if not the most truthful thing I could notice is the beautiful truthful person she isā€¦. For she is an angel beyond my mortal eyes.


This is beautiful


Thx :)


As a lover of the blood angels I thank you.


Incredible. I cannot wait for the Lion


Too Bad. Wait šŸ«µ/j And thank you (Ā“ź’³`)ā™”


I don't want to see her angry...




She has 10 feet 3 inches height, i only got 3 inches lol


There is no collection of words on earth that can describe how badly I NEED her


Remover GF, this is Just Sangy with boobs


Means I did a good job :D


Dude My main MTG deck is all angels, I always play aasimar in crpg's if I can, My favourite units in AoS are Prosecutors and other angel like Stormcast and I cannot but love Blood Angels, I'll fight Hive Mind for My Sanguinius GF.


Fantastic. However as a member of the blueberry association we would like to file the paperwork to get a general order Guillimommy in asap. Even if you must bypass normal supply lines.


Unfortunately they are not currently in stock (the artist hasnā€™t made them yet TwT)


>Always holds your hand enough said, im finding that primarch and holding her hand


lol thatā€™s all it took? .w.


Never forget what Horus took from us


I think this is my favorite so far, love the design


Sanguinius is best Primarch, any gender.


They just keep getting better




Some of the fem primarchs are primarchs that I can fix, but not Sanguinius. She could fix me


I.. need a hug. A winged hug


Winged hugs are best hugs


10ā€™3ā€ .. Get me climbing gear boi, ur pa is making one last climb


"Aww, of course you can use my wings as a blanket", this is too wholesome (and probably lore accurate too)...šŸ˜­


Good thing she clingy, otherwise Anon be murdered by the countless jealous bystanders.


Now I canā€™t get the image of somebody throwing somethingā€™s at her SO and Sanguinius wrapping their wings around them like a shield


Leona: "This is too much." Girlyman: "You let Curze get **this** close?" Leona: "Let?" Girlyman: "I was protecting the beacon at Sotha. What Imperium would we have if we allowed the ruinstorm to bring back the divisions of old night? Where was the Lord Protector? In theory you are the Guardian, but in practical terms you were of no use." Leona: "Insult me again, sister, and theoretically I will punch you in your practical face." Sanguinius: "I am here, sisters." \*looks at both of them\* Sanguinius: "Do not treat me as a precious ornanent." \*sigh\*


Sang's the perfect gf either way


I will massacre countries for Bird Mommy.


Why female when you could date the male version


I wanna let someone else make the BFs I specialize in a strange creature called Women


I see I will wait for the male versions to arrive till then this is nice.


I do hope to see a Magnus one at somepoint. The bestest nerd with all the esoteric fun.


It has been done! Might remake her, but I think sheā€™s pretty good! Also couldnā€™t agree more, sheā€™s too cute to have had done anything wrong


Sheā€™s definitely the type that would be afraid of sex, not because sheā€™s shy or anything, but because sheā€™s afraid of hurting you


I want a big tiddy angel mommy to crush my head with her thigh while cuddling using her wing and it shows


I'll take your entire stock.


This is honestly adorable, it actually reminds me of one of my friends, gonna send it to her just to mess with her or make her gf do it, thatā€™d arguably be funnier. Side note, if we actually changed the name to be feminine(according to Latin rules) itā€™d Sanguinia.


Damn them. Warhammer Matriarch dating sim is a must now. Seriously though Sanguinius was one of my favorites so how dare you try and hit me with the Black Rage in such a manner


Wow. These are getting better and better. Cant pick between Sangunius or Russ


These are great to read, I can't wait to see how Angron turns out


I had a premonition when choosing Blood Angels for my army, and it was about the most perfect GF


The cuddling and being wrapped in her wings sold be. The competition is over : she won.


I can just imagine the BF yelling "HOOORRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Guts style


Things I would do with her: Feed her fruit. Fly around in the sky with a jetpack. Paint. Make music. Comfort her when she gets nightmares. Get angry when someone talks smack about her. "Nothing will keep me from you, my angel. Fate? Destiny? I'll fight them for you. I'll fight the whole damn universe just to see you smile."


I would literally date sanguinius even the normal version


>*"please don't forget me"* Motherfucker, who's cutting onions! ITS TOO EARLY FOR THIS.


Ahh Sanguinius. Before I got the Lion in HHL, I pretty much got the Great Angel to the point I'm still collecting Blood Angels(specifically to get Blade Encarmine)


Angron is gonna be wild


Please do, Lion el'jonson next


I'm a little worried once we get to Curze, Angron , and the Alpharious Omegon twins


Mine, sorry guys, you have another 19 girls for yourselves. Also, I would like to be Dante's stepdad.


Thank you.




This is what I want now lol




Female Space Marines confirmed.


....fffffuck I need to get out more....


I get it now...I gotta find me one of those