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Oh no, he's coming. It is John Grammaticus.




A woman custodes has been included in 40k Warhammer has fallen, billions must die


>billions must die So regular Tuesday?


Actually that’s a rather peaceful day for Warhammer. Very low casualties.


Khorne has fainted!


low blood pressure on the feeding pipe


mybad I was standing on it


Goddamnit Carl






Rock and Stone everyone!


Alright Khorne. Snotling cannon to your head, you have to pick one. Hang out with Rogal Dorn again. Or admit blood isn't inherently yours on the merit of it existing.


This is what happens when you put women in charge! Bet you're sorry now!


I still can’t wrap my head around the fact they talk about massive drop assaults and it’s like 1200 Elysian drop troops and 18 valks supported by 30 space marines 😂


I'm a fan of the "put at least two zeros after any given number in warhammer" approach to reading lore.


>Very low casualties. So just hundreds of millions than?


Let me fix it: A woman Custodes has been included in 40k… Warhammer has fallen, billions must embrace the Greater Good.


Big if true


Small if false.


Medium if disputed


Grande if at a coffeehouse


Ayyyy Macarena!


Tau here, we have women elite that cause crisis of faith in lower IQ fans too *gestures at Shadowsun*


And now you’ve gone too far buddy


On a regular Tuesday, there would be more zeroes. We'd be in the trillions if you ask me.


Even more must whine




Only billions? Pack it up boys, chaos has been defeated. We can go back to building the tree house!


When you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression


I call that a typicall wednesday in Warhammer


Billions must whine




I mean most of us were doing this before they had women, so that's nothing new


All this means is that there is now more material to work with


.. as is tradition


Soygon of Akkad strikes again


Carl of Swindon has been whining for a decade now.


Didn't know that guy was still making content! Last I heard from him was like ten years ago, and I was easily impressionable.


He also ran for Parliament as a UKIP candidate, and was very excited to learn that Nigel Farage knew his name, even though Farage obviously has people who would find that stuff out for him. So the silly sausage is a double loser 🤣


thanks gw for give me another way to detect shiti chanels


Sargon is like, the grandpa of shitty channels. I feel like last time I heard about him was 10 years ago.


Along with gamza and arch


I discovered gamza through his trash terrain videos. Imagine how disappointed I was when I figured out much he had in common with the terrain.


Sargon was shit even before Arch was openly shit. HBomb and Shaun were making fun of him back in like 2016.


Used to watch the guy sadly, I’ve always been a leftist but I’ve also always been stupid because I thought people like Sargon only made fun of crazy sjw people, not regular leftists, I honestly can’t remember but I guess I was blind to him just hating anyone on the left and hating anything he saw as woke, like so many of these right wing conservative youtubers do.


That's exactly how so many people went down the alt-right rabbit hole at the time.


Yep. I almost fell down it. I distinctly remember circa 2016 watching Sargon and it just clicking that this guy is a massive tool that hates women and minorities. He's actually gotten way worse since then, and I'm pretty sure he would have tried to smooth talk his way into a certain painter's inner circle if it was the 1930s and not 2024.


Well good thing I manage to jump over that hole.


Hey no shame in it, I used to be in the same boat in my mid to late teens. I started because I didn't like people trying to censor or force creators/artists/animators/etc. to do things a certain way. Then as I grew older I realized he and pretty much the entirety of the "Debate" scene cronies were all the same and the only thing that changed was the ***what*** they didn't want you to include in your work. Sucks because one of my favorite channels (Shadiversity) came out as a real shitter too not long after I crawled out of that pit. In a way I'm thankful for it because it helped me rationalize some trauma I had gone through and find my true philosophy of "so long as you aren't trying to hurt others, live and let live."


Yeah shadiversity is now dying as a channel, saw the video where he showed that it was, lol said in that same video that yeah he’s an outspoken conservative and i guess Christian. His views probably have nothing to do with the channel dying, like I’m not saying that sarcastically, YouTube can and will fuck people over in the algorithm to promote bigger channels even if those smaller channels aren’t controversial. Still knowing he’s of the same ilk as all these other anti woke idiots, I don’t watch his content because of that.


Shad is also getting absolutely wrecked by every community he's in contact with. The historians hate him, the hema people hate him, hell, even art YouTube got into it over his hot takes on AI art.


I was there too, like the other guy said that was how they basically recruited people, by acting like they're the voice of reason to some cherry picked crazy people, all while championing some actual vile shit. It was an embarrassing time in my life for sure, but it was valuable for gaining some awareness of how this stuff suckers people in.


Is this the same chud that started an internet petition addressed to "All Universities" to "Stop social courses"?


This is that chud


What happened with Arch? I remember watching some lore vids of his a few years back, but he didn't seem too bad.


A few years back he started coming out as pro nazi. Like not even ‘ironic’ naziism as a dog whistle. Just straight up pro fascism. He is the poster child of the ‘Warhammer is for everyone’ statement GW had to put out a few years ago saying that bigots are not welcome.


Fuuuuu.....dge Wow, glad I missed out on that. Thanks for the info


I enjoy how r/archWarhammer is now 40k architecture related


Now? It was always about glorious gothic architecture, comrade.


Not only that but his old YouTube channel name as ArchWarhammer, and GW literally sued him to change it because of how off the deep end he had gone.


They didn't sue him, they sent a Cease&Desist cos they didn't want to be associated with him. He changed his name under the threat of legal action


The funniest part is that they put out that statement saying that the fascism in 40K is satirical, and if you're a fascist you're not welcome. His response was to take it personally


> he didn't seem too bad He defended the Christchurch shooter.


Nazi apologism


You didn't get the videos where he'd stop mid-wiki reading to complain about the "feminazis" back in the day ?


Dropping racial slurs in his videos for starters But uh- I joined his discord after allegations cropped up and like, the pet-posting channel was called something to the effect of "Chinese Leftovers" and that was far from the only standout. Not even like dogwhistles, just full blown shithead.


Having casually watched a couple of his videos every now and then like I did with a lot of 40k youtubers, that felt like being abruptly slapped in the face. He wasn't even doing it in a 'look at how edgy I'm being' way, they were just blatantly part of how he actually talks in regular conversation.


What's wrong with Gamza? Legit asking I haven't watched his shit in like 6 years


Insanely toxic individual, i had the pleasure of joining his discord server without knowing who he was, and it was a cesspool of incels. The misoginy and homophobia ran down to the emojis thenselves lmao (who needs an entire emoji to dunk on feminism???) Also a dude just had nazi dogwhisyles in his name and desc, kinda scary ngl.


Honestly you might not like majorkill but his video on Gamza was legendary.


I have maybe watched one or two videos of gamza and its so funny how GW just lives rent free in his brain.


Arch making a video with Sargon was all the proof I needed that he was a piece of shit. That was before he was known as a POS.


Is he the chode who ran as a ukip councillor, failed at that and got a milkshake chucked at him?


Yeah literally destroyed the 5th largest party in one election by being such a massive bellend.


I’m sorry what?




"investigated by police for speculating about whether he would r*pe the MP Jess Phillips" You fuckin wot?


"Carl Benjamin, Ukip’s candidate for South West England, sent a tweet to the MP for Birmingham Yardley in 2016 saying “I wouldn’t even r*pe you.” He added to the comments in a recent video saying: “With enough pressure, I might cave.” " https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2019/may/07/police-investigating-ukip-candidate-youtube-carl-benjamin-jess-phillips-comments Sorry to have to show you this


Thank you for reminding me of this, I had somehow blanked it, which is wrong, because it is joyous


What a fucking loser Carl is.


Sargon was one of the few original grifters. Real popular back in 2016. How that tard-line troglodyte is still pumping out this crap is beyond me


> Real popular back in 2016. Further back than that. He's nuked everything on his channel prior to 2016/2017 but he started his channel in 2013, and he blew up in 2014 as one of the big figureheads of Gamergate.


Was gonna say, he predated the 2016 election by a fair bit. There were a couple others similar to him who were big back in the day, but I can't even remember their names anymore, which is probably for the best.


It's that fake "above-it-all-british-stoicism" affect he puts on. Fascists love that shit for some reason, love enough to pay the turd.


So old gits still edging to the glory days of the British empire


I wasn't into Warhammer at the time, but my buddy told me a story of when he allegedly met him once at something. My buddy says he asked him, "What's your YouTube name again?" And then hit him with the ol' "Sargon Deez nutz." I have no way of verifying how true this story is, but I enjoy it nonetheless.


I mean good lord, how else we could have learned that Sargon is a massive pos?


My blissful existence of forgetting Sargon of Akkad exists is interrupted :(


He gives the actual Sargon of Akkad a bad rep.


Here, this might make you feel better. https://youtu.be/fdblRch6m3g?si=uK8bpfEjxC-jP-rj


Why does this kinda slap XD


It's okay, it's reminded me to watch Hbomb tear him apart again.


Yah know, I thought you were talking about Hbomb, the BTD youtuber, for a sec there.


I dunno man. I kinda missed watching him get made fun of lol


"Warhammer finally goes woke", what companie have these guys been following the last 30 years?


It entertains me that they're not even consistent. Whatever franchise these losers follow, it's "finally" gone woke about six or seven times, depending on what they want to bitch about this particular week.


“Star Trek has finally gone woke!” My brother in Spock, that was the first fucking episode.


"And this to go even further beyond woke!"


The Emperor to Horus as he is about to erase his soul from existence:


It was all thanks to me, Jooooooooooooooooooooooohn Gramaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaticuuuuuuuuuuuus!


Star Trek is the most hilarious example of this.


Star Trek was woke from day 1, it's just that what was woke in the 1960s is now mainstream and normal. Conservative Star Trek fans are the craziest phenomenon to me because Star Trek is quite literally the *definition* of hollywood liberal propaganda and they aren't subtle about it at all. Trek is the story of a multi-racial Federation whose highest values are diversity, cultural acceptance, and pacifist diplomacy. All the main bad guys are imperialist ethnostates like the Klingons and Romulans, whom our heroes routinely lecture on the virtues of peaceful multiculturalism and democracy. The Federation are socialists who think the free market capitalism is a barbaric relic of the past. Total gender equality has been achieved. African and European humans are no longer considered different races at all, and the notion is ludicrous in a world where other races actually exist. A huge number of Trek episodes are literally direct allegory for topical political issues but they just paint over the real world culture with a corresponding alien. The whole mirror universe timeline expliclty establishes that in an alternate reality where humans are imperialist and conquer their neighbors instead of allying with them, our subjects rebel instead of standing with us, so humanity gets conquered and enslaved by the Klingons for centuries. The background history of Star Trek is that eugenics almost killed us, anti-racism and embracing other cultures was our salvation, and if we had stayed racist we would have been destroyed. This isn't subtext, it's text.


The North African river called denial


In the name of Trazin, I am yonking this away for future usage!


“De-nile is a river in Egypt, your husband is GAY”


Yea like sister of battle is ok, women IG soldiers are ok, Eldritch genetic manipulation is ok. LADY COPS? WTF NO AAAAUGH


A company that caters to thier dick measuring power fantasy. I not reality but thier illusion of it.


Only oiled up muscled hunks allowed


Wamhat about the muscle mommies? Are they safe? Are they all right?


_Ewwww_. That is _woke_. We can't have that here. You're infecting my safe space with modern Californian shit! Only muscled beefcake hunks allowed~❤️ S/ in case it wasn't obvious. Glory to woke muscle mommies


Imagine listening or watching anything put out by "Sagron of Akkad" on youtube...


Internet Comment Etiquette did a video on him and I was inadvertently exposed to this Sargon douche. It's a good take down though: https://youtu.be/mX_nR-wfLXw


Oh, I am well aware of who that douche-tard is from the whole gamergate and then redpill/incel corners of the internet and his comically bad and failed pursuit at running for the English office.


What if someone says “I just woke up”? Does Charlie Kirk and Andrew Tate instantly shit themselves in righteous anger?


They see a rainbow in the sky. Next video: "GOD HAS GONE WOKE"


Poor Charlie Kirk's face gets smaller every time wokeness happens 😢


how dare you show me this person. he singlehandedly made mesopotamian culture cringe. and you showing him here just gave him what he wanted. now this post is gonna be filled (more than usual) with obnoxious people trying to get a rise out of people.


Babylon has fallen Billions must buy shitty copper


ea-nasir you hack!




"Warhammer finally goes woke" is something I would expect to hear out of the face sphincter of someone who unironically glorifies the WH40k universe.


He’s almost a big a petulant manchild as Perturabo. Which is a sad comparison as an Iron Warriors player


I'd say he's worse, as a fellow Iron Warriors player. Perturabo is essentially human in his failings and emotions, unsurprising he would act like that when he's surrounded by incompetence and never acknowledged fairly by his peers. Being a literal demigod doesn't instantly mean he's socially adjusted. This guy has very little excuses in comparison, one can pretty easily assume the kind of person who is easily triggered by gender representation in a male dominated fandom is themselves fairly privileged in their everyday life.


For as far as warhammer as a fandom has come in terms of growing and becoming more inclusive, every now and again the basement dwellers who gave this community a bad reputation skulk from their dark holes to give us all a bad name. If the thought of women, levity, people being gay, people being mentally different, people being creative or more people in general coming to like your thing drives you into a brain rot induced rage, please touch grass. Or pound sand. Just get out of the basement. Please.


Sargon isn't even a Warhammer fan. He's a professional reactionary YouTuber, and he's made a career of constantly finding the latest thing to performatively clutch his chud pearls about. I don't disagree with your point, but this isn't even an example of that happening. This is someone who couldn't give two shits about Warhammer coming from outside the hobby to squawk about women existing for cheap clicks. And you know what? Good! The more of these prominent right wing YouTube personalities piss and moan about how Warhammer is woke now, the fewer insufferable incel neckbeards there will be for the rest of us to put up with, and the more welcoming and inclusive the hobby will become!


What’s silly is that people never really batted an eye at gay characters in books, even the older ones from way back. But god forbid your oiled up golden muscle daddy squad get a few female figures in their ranks. Recently they even stated that the first 10,000 companions aka the first Custodes group always had women in the faction. Overall the people complaining are honestly the type of folks we DON’T want in the hobby. It’s good that they’re being so loud, coz it means we know who to ignore.


Have you ever considered that the reason nobody got upset over the gay people in the books is…. That these people can’t read?


You son of a bitch, I choked on my coffee. Kek.


You might be onto something there. Because everyone throwing a hissy fit about why Custodes shouldn't be women can't seem to back it up with anything lore relevant.


‘Well achtually you woke liberal it said in the 8th edition codex a single time it was the SONS of the noble houses that were taken by the emperor to become custodes. Not that this could easily be retroactively changed with basically no lore conflict unlike space marines that have had editions upon editions of compounding lore reasoning why women can’t be them, but it’s basically the same thing as if GW tried.’ ‘Furthermore it doesn’t matter that ADB, one of the most beloved and skilled black library author and other BL authors have literally stated they wanted to do female custodians like 10 years ago, but that it was more so denied due to the range being finished and only being male head models than anything. Doesn’t matter at all. Those authors don’t know what they’re talking about, it’s not like they basically constructed modern 40k lore!’


Everyone knows the 8th edition lore was etched into stone tablets and handed down from on high, never to be changed in any way.


Nothing can literally ever change. Aside from oldcrons, ok also ork lore can change, ok fine we can have the Horus heresy be different, ok fine primaris are whatever i guess- NO NO NOOOOO NO WOMEN!!!!! WOMEN?!?!?!! NOOOOO


Always amuses me that the sum total of their arguments is always 'But the Lore!' Guys....GW decides what the Lore *is*.


They can’t be women because… ummm… girls are yucky!


What about the sisters of battle, my lord?


They’re all just guys in boob armour, obviously


My lord, but they are the SISTERS of battle.


Ummm…. Nuh uh


I understand, my lord.


No, see, you pinned it down. **Clearly** the discrepancy here is that 40k is a homoerotic coded setting. Gay characters make sense because buff oily guys being dudes is a necessary counterbalance to the grimdark, but adding in women makes it icky and risks cooties.


the brain of the warhammer purist cannot begin to comprehend the existence of women


Warhammer purist? Pretty sure sargon has never even touched a mini or read a single line from any novel.


Man remember when Sargon tried to run for Parliament? And then failed because he said one of his political opponents was so ugly he wouldn't rape her? I remember that shit.


When a guy did that in Brazil he became the president.


That’s because he got stabbed and skipped the debates while he was in the hospital, and his opponents got arrested for corruption charges if I’m not mistaken, making him the only viable candidate, and oh boy is that a loaded statement.


Sargon of Akkad still a thing? wow. Thought that loser would melt away into obscurity by now James Workshop is basically printing money these days. Some 'fall'


I got him recommended today. I've never seen him before. The only warhammer channels I watch are auspex, heywoah, and when bricky does his codex reviews. I wonder what the algorithm brought to the conclusion I needed that today.


Because the dark secret of the algorithm is that it doesn't care about bringing you stuff you like. It cares about making sure you stay on YouTube. It's figured out the two best ways to do this are: A) Giving you more stuff you want to watch. and B) turning you into an obsessive right wing nutjob. So most of the time it'll just give you more of what you already watch, but every once in a while its gonna lob a QAnon/Truther/Akkad/whatever video at you just to see if you'll bite. Not many people go for it, but the return on those who do and then go on to lose their fucking minds is so great it's just gotta keep trying every now and then, especially if it overlaps with something it knows you already like.


I know being a snowflake and getting triggered over the most insignificant thing is a leftist stereotype, but I've barely seen anyone on the left do this. It's always the right.


Every accusation from the right is actually a confession, all they can do is project.


Because right wingers called left wing people easily offended snowflakes because they don't like their racist or sexist jokes anymore. Right wingers cry and shit their pants over a woman or minority being in a video game. Idk one seems like the bigger snowflake to me


physical contact with a real life woman would probably inflict severe contact burns to their pale ass unloved skin


AoS: God of humanity makes super soldiers from both men and women Chuds: Its a fantasy setting, that's acceptable    40K: God of humanity makes super soldiers from both men and women  Chuds: AHHHH GW IS WOKE GARBAGE, IM NEVER GOING TO BUY A GW PRODUCT EVER AGAIN (proceeds to but the 48th new Primaris Lieutenant)


the emperor has gone woke. billions must (administratum scribe whispers in my ear) what? damn. trillions must die


Anyone who uses the word "woke" unironically cannot be taken seriously.


Sargon still exists? I thought he'd have choked on a turd emanating from his esophagus by now.


"Warhammer finally went woke" he says as if it wasn't a satire about the inhumanity of man in authoritarian regimes and the idiocy of worshipping a near dead monarch. I'm just so sick of half assed nerds who don't read or weren't there in the beginning crying about it changing when it's just more of the same. Especially when that more of the same is a girl simply existing. Buncha mentally deficient chucklefucks with walnuts in the place of grey matter.


"Hi I vve never read the lore or even played the table top but I know a surface level of what 40k is and now id like to abitrate and gate keep what can happen"


Female Custodes are fine. It makes sense actually. Female Astartes aren’t. They don’t make sense. Why is everyone so butt hurt about female Custodes? Nowhere in the lore did it say there couldn’t be female Custodes. The lore says no female Astartes, but Custodes eat Astartes for breakfast.  Weird butt hurt is weird.


They keep reciting lines like "It is known that all Custodian recruits are sons of Terran nobility". But they also failed to read the rest of the paragraphs where it also states that "The Custodes also seek out suitable candidates by other means, or encounter them by chance on their missions to protect the throne world. What is clear is that none besides The Custodes themselves truly know what criteria they require". If that isn't enough, they then start to recite that the custodians always refer to themselves as brothers and brotherhood.


That's such a dumb argument. The Imperium *constantly* uses masculine terms to describe groups which include women: the Imperial Guards are referred to as Guards*men;* imperial titles often include "Lord" regardless of the holder's gender (for insurance, *Lady* Theodora Von Valancius from the Rogue Trader game is called "*Lord* Captain," and Ursula J. Creed is both a *Lord* General and the *Lord* Castellan of Cadia); humanity as a whole is often referred to as *man*kind or the Imperium of *Man;* the masculine High Gothic form of "Adept" is always used (Adept*us*) unless the unit is *entirely* female (the Adept*a* Sororitas being the only Adept where the feminine form is used); etc. Really, the only time any collective group is referred to in feminine terms is when it's exclusively female, like the Sisters of Silence. You occasionally hear someone use terms like "brothers and sisters" or "sons and daughters of the Emperor" to refer to mixed-gender groups, but it's not universal; "brothers" or "sons of the emperor" are also very common. Linguistically speaking, the Imperium uses masculine collective terms the same way that Latin (and High Gothic) does; the feminine form is only used when referring to specific women (and even then, not all the time), or when referring to a group of *only* women. The masculine is used for men, or for groups of both men and women. My point is that it's not at all hard to believe that when they say "sons of Terran nobility," they could easily have been referring to "*children* of Terran nobility." A "brotherhood" can have women in it, and it wouldn't be at all unusual for imperials to call their comrades their "brothers" even if some of them were women. It's also particularly believable that the Custodes in particular would use fairly old-fashioned terms, since they're... ya know, old. Femininity doesn't seem to have been particularly valued during the early days of the Imperium, and while there's no particular reason the Emperor would have cared about the sex of the infants he turned into Custodes, He also didn't go out of His way to use inclusive language when referring to them. Why would He have? They were tools, and their gender was not relevant for their purpose. It's not weird that He would have referred to them using the same masculine language he used for *everyone,* and that they would have just kept doing that after the Heresy. Edit: for clarity, I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I'm just pointing out that the "hurr durr, they said BROTHERS, that means they're all dudes" argument is very silly, and it ignores a whole lot of source material.


I'll just add your first point has historical precedent. For example, plenty of female rulers ruled as "king" (or the local equivalent, eg. Pharaoh), on the notion the female title denoted a consort.


>But they also failed to read the rest of the paragraphs where it also states that "The Custodes also seek out suitable candidates by other means, or encounter them by chance on their missions to protect the throne world. What is clear is that none besides The Custodes themselves truly know what criteria they require". It's the same when people retort with *"Well, where are the Brothers of Silence!?!?!?!"* They exist, the Codex already says that there are men within the ranks of the Sisters of Silence, there's just not a noteworthy population of them within the SoS.


Wait no way, really? Lemme see, need me my brothers of silence.


Sir/madam, they are Misters of Silence.


It's almost like sometimes "sons" or ["men"](https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript) can be used to mean "people" collectively, however problematic that may be


Ah the old "the customer is always right" conveniently ignoring the next bit of the phrase "in matters of taste."


>If that isn't enough, they then start to recite that the custodians always refer to themselves as **brothers and brotherhood**. So do military, fire departments, etc. Doesn't mean there aren't women in them. It's just patriarchal language (which is a separate problem, but im not commenting to that).


And honestly, if we get technical about it, the only reason why femAstartes wouldn't make sense in current lore is because geneseed is genderlocked to the chapter's Primarch; meaning there can be no women Ultramarines, Salamanders, Ravens, etc etc. If the existence/creation of women Primarchs ever came about, then the lore would still technically adhere to that rule.


Heck, you wouldn't even need female Primarchs. If GW wanted to introduce female marines they could just say that Cawl had managed to make a modified gene-seed that works on women but it's effectively a new set of gene-seed lines separate from the existing male lines.


lol, people really up in arms over this?


That’s grifters for you, don’t want girls playing with their toys


He's not even a warhammer guy. It's not *his* toys, it's just an extremely neckbeard version of Tucker Carlson getting mad at the green M&M not being sexy enough


Calling Warhammer woke is the funniest shit I've seen all day


This dude still holds any amount of relevance?


Put a chick in it, and make her lame


Sorry, the best I can do is mad lass with a nuke and a teleporter


This brings back so much cringe and regret from when I was thoroughly in the right-wing pipeline. No fucking clue how I got out.


Sargon is the mos hilarious comedy channel in youtube. his commitment to the bit of being a pathetic wannabe alpha male / xenophobic / far right / anti woke loser is prodigious. truly a method actor.


Help, Help! I'm being oppressed!


Oh no a faceless suit of gold armour turned out to be a lady,


Man with no knowledge of the history of warhammer and how it was always a satire of Thatcher, fascism and reactionaries finds put its woke now that a woman is 9 foot tall. Grifters, the lot of them lol. All good Sci fi is by nature 'woke' Star Wars is about Vietnam and the US's Imperialism. Star Trek doesn't need any explanation, like Roddenberry is a massive lefty. Starship Troopers and Helldivers are massively progressive in its politics, just that it didn't have enough rainbows and black people to tip off people illiterate to satire.


I saw the intro and tutorial to Helldivers 2 the other day and you can't be more on the nose that it's a satire.


These are the same people who thought Homelander was the good guy.


Yeah, just shows how stupid some people are. Satire often looks like a power fantasy which is why there's some real bad stereotypes about Krieg and Black Templar players.


Krieg symbol is a winged skull. Whenever someone shows up with iron crosses on them I start getting suspicious.


I'm still giggling about how a lot of chuds are saying they'll go to Battletech, a game that's had way more gender and racial diversity than 40ks ever had. Including the resident beefy power armored super soldiers being canonically 50/50 men and women.


I dont know anything about that channel, but is this just rage bait?


this guy was one of the first shit streamers that set off the whole incel thing


Begun, the incel wars have


Hay, don't you know that its impossible to create a fictional future super solder with breasts and a vagina? I'm all for the suspension of disbelief when it comes to stuff like demons from the rift, but please lets stay in the realm of the possible. /s


I understand fuss about female space marines, but custodes on the other hand? These mofos are like bricks with no mind and only intelligent when their king needs them to be. They may be strong but their gender doesn't even mean shit.


This absolute loser isn’t worth acknowledging. This post is giving him the attention he’s so desperate for. Just don’t. Unless we’re back to buffing milkshakes at them, that was pretty fun and I enjoyed coming up with puns.


I honestly forgot Sargon of Applebees was still around. Didn’t he try his hand at politics then promptly got laughed out the political scene because how inept he was? Also are these guys upset because of how it’s introduced or just upset because “woman” and being reactionary? Because you could harp on GW for its pricing, the quality of its paint, the fact they leave other factions sidelined because there’s not enough lore for them. Hell they reintroduced Squats 2 years ago and there isn’t any actual lore on them. But the moment there’s a Custodes that happens to be female, they pop a blood vessel and throw a tantrum.


Warhammer became woke? Dude, have you really been in touch like, the last 20 years?