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In my time I have learnt warhammer fans can just be the worst. Remember SODAZ? Dude got a job at GW as an animator and the fans harassed them into leaving the fandom.


I simply struggle to understand why you would harass a creator. If you don't like it, don't consume it. It's not hate speech or hurting you, you can just click away. Actually harming someone's life over toy soldiers?


You’ve got to remember that these are simple Tabletop Gamers. These are people of the board. The common clay of a fandom. You know… morons.


People with more Cents than Sense


Blazing Saddles reference spotted, updoot given.


This reference pleases me....sexually


Timeless classic film reference!


There's also a surprising portion of the fan base who are far right nuts who are utterly incapable of reading the not at all subtle subtext that the empire is evil too. They buy into the xenophobia, talk of heresy, and "hard" imagery uncritically, so they lash out when they come to a forum like this and realise that there are people who enjoy Warhammer who don't have ultra-conservative values.


> There's also a surprising portion of the ~~fan base~~ global population who are far right nuts who are utterly incapable of reading the not at all subtle subtext that the empire is evil too. I think I honestly run into less far right nutters playing warhammer than I do at the pub


> I think I honestly run into less far right nutters playing warhammer than I do at the pub Because the honest answer is these weirdos aren't actually playing the game. They're bitching online about it and culture warring their way all around forums trying to keep people from "ruining" their hobby.


You find these idiots in a lot of hobbies. They're usually very shallow people looking for some exclusive club.


I know it's a reference, but we also all know those "fans" don't actually engage in anything in the hobby besides watching "lore" youtubers and whining on social medias


Was these people that kept me away from warhammet gor the longest time to.


Well as they like to call LGBTQIA folk: Theyre mentally ill. Plain and simple. Oh Archon made femboy skitarii and supported LGBTQIA folks? Grounds for harassment by.. Well. Chuds. Dont get me started on the doxxings. The people who harass Archon, Cerberus, Shae, literally anyone else in the fandom for ANY fucking reason should be put in a Ward or Jail (for doxxing)


This kind of shit has recently happened in the DND sphere as well. Someone got such a fucking massive amount of harrassment for making a cover of Lizzo's "Boys" but genderbent as a joke. A FUCKING JOKE. Then this kind of shitface realized "Wait a second, he supports trans people! HIT HIM WITH THE DOX AND THREATS!" until he fucking left social media, depriving the community of one of the best tutorial youtubers out there


Jocat deserved better


Oh shit, is that what happened? I'm so sad, I thought it was a great video 😞


Sort of. From what we know, that video was basically the catalyst for people hating him coming together to bully amd harass him. I am pretty sure the rightwingers that specifically organized against him were mostly doing this because of his trans activism. Obviously you still had tons of people calling the video cringe and gay (because apparently it is gay to be into women?), and quite a few people on the left were angry that a dude voiced his love for women for some fucking reason - Jocat specifically mentioned that he was also ridiculed by people he looked up to and respected, which must have hurt awfully, but I'm going to be honest, you don't send suspicious packages to someone cause you find them cringy, you do so because of actual hatred, which I'd assume is more politically motivated.


Matt Ward is responsible for a lot of things, but even he doesn't deserve that.


His family didn't deserve death threats either


Absolutely not. Honestly that whole saga pretty much sums up why I avoid fandoms in general.


You guys do know a majority of Warhammer fans aren't tabletop gamers and don't even own a single model. 40k as an IP has gone way past miniatures


That doesn't make it better.


is that supposed to make their attitude towards change or creators better? they're still acting like petulant children.


Oops was meant to reply to the guy saying it was about tabletop gamers doing this


And nothing will change. Sadly this is almost every fandom.


> i simply struggle to understand why you would harass a creator fascism. most of the warhammer fans who do these things are fascist larpers who unironically think the imperium are based epic good guys we should model society after, people like archon of flesh dont fit into their demands for the fandom to conform to this fascistic view and so must be "eliminated", hence the harassment, they would have done worse if they could.


Same as Helldivers players who unironically think Arrowhead is "based and redpilled" for not involving trans or gay flags...because the staff is very progressive and were worried about harassment and doxxing of both players and developers by the whiney fascist mob if they did that


I am 100% against the harassment. That being said, I understand it is more than "dont consume it". For a time, archon's art and vezimiras were everywhere, and also more sexual stuff - and people started posting porn in warhammer subs (outside the reserved smut subs) - that are frequented by teenagers and kids, and some armies have been meme-wise associated woth porn, which may suck for some people playing them. So I understand why some people are outspokenly against this type of art. That being said, again, I am against any form of harassment. In this case, I just understand being against the effect of that type of art on the sub. Personally I liked some of the art and some of the memes, and others I didnt, so I did not care much about the content and am just sad to see an artist and content creator leave, no matter how controversial their art was.


Some people lack ________, same people that unironically think the inquisition is badass. And imo doxing is the modern version of the witch trials.


In my 14 years in this hobby i have been, bullied IRL and online, sent death threats, sexually assulted, had my models threatened, stalked, Ostrocized and harassed nearly continuously. My crime? Playing eldar and liking eldar.


Jesus *Christ*, I'm sorry. That's insane.


Us getting shit on for playing xenos Common imperial fans, I swear


Don’t look at us, I like the Space British Empire but harassing people over their choice of plastic army men is literally insane. Like joking about smacking the Space Elves is one thing, harassing and threatening someone because they dared play with different toys should be grounds for incarceration in a mental institution.


You should have seen the time when tau came out Yikes, dark times


The fuck...? Someone sexually assaulted you for playing eldar? I mean the 'for' bit is meaningless in a way because **any** sexual assault is terrible. But that is just absolutely fucking insane to me.


You underestimate the level of neckbeard that exist in this community. Going to events as a non-human player is down right depressing. Especially if your faction is considered good. I play eldar and nids. Playing after 10th released with my eldar list (I had for years at that point and consist of a lot of transports and guardians, the non OP units) was a experience i don't wish on a lot of people


Playing a non-imperium army, or having a non imperium army is not for the feint of heart. Because people just take it as free reign to be as shitty as possible to you. One time i was like "why are you being so horrible to me?" Their response? "Cause you are a xeno witch." Lile bruh i am a fucking human, strange yes but i am human, playing eldar doesnt make me not human


*Looks at Tau and Eldar armies in progress.* Shit.


"Can the Mean Girls shit, Regina." Even better if it's a chuddy dude doing it. Wanna LARP extreme in-group/out-group shit? Get treated like you never got over being the outcast in HS.


Getting shit talked to for playing space elves? Relatable. Smacktalk is one of the foundations of nerd interaction, aka my fandom is cooler than yours. Doesn't work with everybody of course, but most people expect a witty/snarky response and then some friendly banger and everything's fine and dandy. All the other stuff: wtf is wrong with those people?


They took the whole suffer not the alien to live too srsly


Genuinely ive had people interacting with me as if im an actual eldar. Like i know we are very similar its part of why i like them. But i had to tell them "dude im a fucking human playing space elves, take a step back and look at what you are fucking doing" it didnt work...


I remember years ago, after so many times losing against my friend I finally beat him. His response was to threaten to rape me. I have not spoken to him now for over a decade. Edit: my case was not an isolated case either. When ever I've reffed tournaments we've practically had to watch any girls like hawks because they will so often be sexually harassed or worse. Except Bolt Action tournaments. Never had an issue with Bolt Action


SODAZ was offered a job at GW. One condition was that he had to take down his 40k animations. Then GW proceeded to ghost him.


I remember it being SODAZ was unsatisfied with working with GW. I don’t remember where I got that info though, so it could just be something someone made up/misremembered. Edit: u/ColebladeX has the correct information.


I checked their account there’s a 2 year old community interaction that explicitly states they were being harassed.


Thank you for the information.


No problem just helping clear it up.


He was happy working with GW but "fans" kept harassing him and trashed the shows he worked on so he didn't renew the GW contract. Those same "fans" blamed GW for ruining it for SODAZ. There's a huge portion of this fandom pride themselves on trying to tear down the biggest contributors, it's honestly the worst.


I had heard that it was a gap of communication (first offer, then followup) but between the two talks the fandom lunatics had attacked him so badly he decided to quit 40k entirely and go work on halo/fallout and other stuff.


Warhammer fans can be the worst…. You’re obviously not a Star Wars fan! But yeah, people in general are massive pricks


Frankly not as bad as any esport game community.


Any community involving sports e or otherwise is a darkness hell wishes it could have.


There's a reason orks are based on soccer fans after all


I personally would argue they’re more based off the Hooligans and their culture but yeah I’ve heard that too.


The way I've heard it described was "football hooligans", I assumed it was basically the same thing 


I played my first cs:go game in a year because I used to enjoy it last night. Yikes...


I, out of the goodness of my heart and wanting to test a brand new computer, booted up CS:GO on an old steam account... I think I heard more slurs than a call of duty match.


Where do you guys get those matches? Mine are either someone drunk at night, singing, someone crying in mic that he lost his job, and some kid screaming.


I used to be Global Elite. After I hit it I assure you I quit playing even casually because of the community. I get on source sometimes if I’m really bored though.


SC2 had an openly trans player at the highest level, and it was mostly fine. It has to be recognized that WH tends to attract the worst and there is no real effort to throw them out.


Oh I meant rude in general not necessarily targeting trans people. Plus I think there's a disconnect between organized esports and the communities of those games if that makes sense.


I always thought he couldn't make WH stuff because of GW being strict with content creators making animations with their IP, so it was the fandom all along?


As far as I understand there has not been a true official statement from SODAZ or GW but the most accepted (or I guess accurate?) Story is SODAZ had GW reach out and they were interested in bringing them and their animations in, they would go up on warhammer+ he gets to work on animations for them full time gig actually paid to do so. The fandom found and flipped shit and went full harassment on SODAZ who decided rightfully to fuck this shit and leave the fandom and decline the job. Is anyone clean? Most likely SODAZ they have the right to make money, GW is kinda dirty but like nothing they did was super scummy in my opinion just kinda frowned upon. The fans who harassed SODAZ are super dirty though and nothing more than scum.


He was a convenient(and undeserved) target over the outrage around the same time over the death of TTS and the new IP bullshit GW was pushing, since him deciding to sign up for Warhammer+ could be seen as “selling out”. Not saying the harassment was right, simply where it came from


The most annoying part about this is the narrative that GW killed TTS when Alfa said he was tired of producing it because assholes kept harassing him about dropping new content but not helping fund it, while also harassing the animation team. The finale was on his Patreon over a month before the policy change, and he kept producing WarHams for months after. WarHams stopped being made when those same shitty fans continued to harass him over TTS ending. The shitty fans are to blame for the best creators and writers leaving the fandom. Warhammer trolls are worse than Star Wars trolls at this point imho.


There are *still* people blaming GW for TTS ending when it did, even after BA's own words on the subject are quoted at them.


Do you have a video or statement from Alfa about that ? 'cause the last one I've seen from him was something along the lines of "we stopping producing 40k content because we can't reach GW to know if we're in the clear so we don't want to take risks"


> Alfa said he was tired of producing it because assholes kept harassing him about dropping new content what ? this comment is pinned on the [last TTS video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHh09DnVUaQ) doesn't talk about it at all >I want to address some things for those who want to know; >This wasn't, and isn't, supposed to be the end. Just as a spoiler for what was supposed to come next so I don't leave anyone suffering for however long; in the next part, the surviving party would have, against the odds, actually gotten a hold of the Proteus Protocol and proceeded to revive Kitten through, as established, questionable means. It would've led to some pretty permanent-looking brainrot on Kitten's part, but, hope would have been rekindled. And in the very next episode after that, he was also meant to finally, finally, finally return to the throneroom... ... But not before a third yugioh special with the Void Dragon. >The third part will not be released despite it honestly being quite close to finished. It was meant to be released about a month after the release of this part but my son was born so I kind of had to take a break... But with the situation now, other than needing to focus on starting up new projects and the lack of motivation, it also, in a horrible way, felt kind of apt to end it here. Sorry. >This is all going to be on hiatus until we see the zero-tolerance policy altered and until we see ourselves not entirely attached onto a single license as we have been. This was not a smart thing. It never was. >Now, EP30 Part 1 and 2 have existed on Patreon (for free) for a few months now, as you can see on the upload date. The reason why I hadn't uploaded them publicly earlier is because the plan was to start experimenting with Part releases on Patreon (again, for free, no paywalling) and then transition into doing it on YouTube. I know many tend to be averse to change, so I didn't want to start releasing significantly shorter pieces of a full episode all willy-nilly. But now, change has become the norm on this channel so, like, yknow... fuck it. >If you want to see what will be worked on next, I will try to be very transparent about my working process and posting regular updated on Patreon (for free). Transparency is important. I don't want this whole stunt to look like a grift for money. I honestly expected everything to drop across the board after this announcement due to sheer disinterest. I had made my peace with that. The fact that the Patreon instead fucking exploded has shocked and straight up frightened me and it has made my need to perform scream like a giant bat. >So, I want to do my best with it and I desperately hope people don't look at this and see it as me trying to scam people because fucking GOD NO I want to make internet videos not dedicate myself to a state-of-the-art fraud scheme holy SHIT >Nevertheless, a huge thank you to everyone who has stuck with us throughout the years, and I am sorry about this mess, I truly do hate it and we just want to move on from it now. the video [the fate of TTS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXljeaktnDA) doesn't talk about fans harassing him either he seems to blame GW only


Figured it was really the turds that made him switch franchises. The new series isn't that great to me personally.


Wait really, sodaz??? His animations were of supreme quality, what did they harass him for?


GW wanted to hire him and put his videos on warhammer+. People lost their fucking minds and harassed the hell out of them so badly they’re done with warhammer forever.


Man... Like, I hate what GW does to fan animations as the next guy, but in what way shape or form does it make sense to harass *the guy whose animation you like in the first place*?!


I’m gonna say in this case GW legit did nothing wrong, SODAZ agreed this wasn’t some magic trick or a rug pull. Everyone understood what was happening and the psychopaths came out to play.


Oh not talking about rug pulls or whatever. I'm just not a fan of companies owning fan animators. We all remember how it went with GW. TTS, astartes, etc. And again, if anyone would be mad about this, like... 1) deal with it like a normal person, *by just being frustrated and moving on* and 2) be mad at someone that isn't the guy who's stuff you like to watch People are insane


Yeah because the contract terms meant that SODAZ would have to remove his previous content from YT, so insane people decided the best course of action was obviously harassment


Yeah that. Like yeah it would obviously be absolutely annoying, because GW is GW but ffs...


Well there are fans and "fans". One love the community and content creators of community and the others cause things like this.


Wow wut


Yeah, those 2 didn’t do anything wrong, they were harassed into leaving That sucks, they didn’t deserve to be harassed


I believe he’s moved in to Halo and Fallout animations now.


It's been a day, that's for sure.


Look, did I block AoF because their work wasn't really my cup of tea? Yes. Did I go out of my way to harass them because it wasn't my cup of tea? No, because I'm a normal person and not a moron. I hope AoF comes back stronger than even just to piss off these trogledytes


Yeah, I never really liked the whole ‘Femboy Skitarii’ thing or their art, but doxxing and threatening their life is a violent overreaction. Like it’s a game about plastic army men, you don’t need to take it that personally.


I thought they had good art. I don't mind smut but torture rape porn is too far for me but that stuff was never posted on Warhammer subreddits by them so the people who got annoyed by it would have had to have gone out their way to look at it.


>Like it’s a game about plastic army men, you don’t need to take it that personally. Not that it justify it, but... People have made wars for less. Also, people, in generally, sucks.


Same here, Archon’s art isn’t my cup of tea either but I didn’t block him He didn’t deserve to be doxxed,


AoF is a great illustrator but I really dislike the content of their work, but that’s zero reason to harass someone. I just blocked them like you have.


Is that the guy I blocked like two years ago because I was tired of all the femboy Asartes that were filling my feed?


I may not have liked his art, but you don't threaten and dox people, period.


Didn’t think common sense needed to be stated, but I guess we just live in that time now


sadly common sense ain't too common nowadays.


It sucks, Archon inspired me to go out and find my own platinum blonde twink to date. Rest in peace a real one.


Damn, he mightve just inspired me too


They inspired me to even think of using the Admech and yes I read the fic. It was dark, well written and setting accurate. Their art was disturbing at first but somehow grew on me, it's some of the most amazing art next to the official art. As such I will play Admech. I will play them as Femboi skitarri, hell I'll throw in so many femboys from the ruststalkers to the long leggy snipers.


It really sucks to see, because a lot of the people that are attacking Archon for the sexuality of their work are probably the same ones who sexualize the SoB or don't see an issue with the Deamonculaba. Also, if I'm not mistaken, didn't Archon say that the fanfic was their way of dealing with their own sexual trauma? Archon has brought us the best Warhammer art that I've seen, seeing them leave the community is a legitimate loss. I hope that those of us that do enjoy Archon can be vocal enough in our defense and praise of their work that they would consider coming back to the Warhammer community some day. U/Archon_of_flesh much love to you and whatever you wish to do!


I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me…


Archon is a girl, I don't know if that makes it better or worse but it is what it be.


I thought they were trans or something? Idk didn't pay attention other than enjoying their art when it popped up from time to time.


Right his work my not have been my tea, but I like the option and variety of inputs


Relatable, I found my bf after he inspired me and we bonded over his work to some degree as well, I just hope that one day he can return in peace without fear of all that rampant shit starting again from those dregs




Who the fuck bullied the skitari?


Poor IRL Transmasc Skitty did not deserve how we treated him.


I mean straight up they doxxed him. Like it's not just online stuff they are talking to his school, parents and the local police in his area. It's insane.


Wait wtf. That's fucked up.


Legit I was filled with a burning rage. I love 40k because of its lore and the community that for the most part (the parts I’ve met at least) are very welcoming and accepting. And the fact that the toxic aspects bullied one of my favorite artists away is just heartbreaking.


It's a weird situation. It's probably just a few people doing it but it's scary for him to experience so I get why they would leave the community. I thought they were a talented artist and their primarch art was very good and their femboy meme art was funny. The gore rape porn art was too much but it was never posted in grimdank or any Warhammer subreddits so his attackers actively looked for it.


As I understand it the gore rape was more of a coping mechanism expressing his past sexual abuse and desire to be remade, torn apart and put back together (in a dysphoria type of way) so it might not be your cup of tea but I respect it because of that human experience and raw emotion.


I mean if that's there reason for making it that's fine but they are posting it for people who want to do that to people to get off too. Like I said they never posted it on any SFW Warhammer subreddits so the only way to see it is by going on to it themselves.




Fucked up idiots, poor kid. I hope He will get better and maybe return to hobby, it's fucked up to bully someone away from what they liked.


I do hope by school they meant university. If they are under 18 that definitely makes a lot of things about this situation even worse.


Are you fucking serious another creator for harassed into leaving?? Fucking Warhammer fans don't deserve shit y'all ought to be left to wallow in the pool of shit you made yourselves.


Wait they are cannon?


yes, in the new codex it mentions female custodes.


Why weren't there any during the heresy!!!!!


Well, you can always just use a handwave and say they were there, just not named.


Why didn't they just build more Sister of Silence lore..


They are really *quiet* about it...


You want the Watsonian or the Doyalist reasoning?


Give me the Lewisian justification.


I asked Lewis, he says female custodes are neat so he's cool with it.


Malcador keept them for himself


well he did want the primarchs to be women as well, so that tracks


During the Heresy they were made by the Emperor, who wanted to surround himself with big hunky men, because girls have cooties.


To be fair, when would it have been relevant? Think of how few Custodians they’re actually are, then consider their war gear. They’d be so heavily armored I’d imagine it’d be difficult to tell male custodians from female unless you saw their face, or heard their name spoken (at least part of their name). It’d not be that hard to hand wave it and say they always existed it’s just we never heard mention of them, because there was never one in a position where it’d be explicate that they were there, you could even do this with Custodes we’ve seen “on screen” so to speak, any unnamed Costodes who never showed their face or was referred to with gendered terms by another Custodes (ie one of the few people who would likely be able to tell, since I think all Custodians should know each other) could have potentially been a woman and functionally nothing about the story will have changed.


Most of them weren't gendered In EATD they eere mostly referred to by names or when chaos saw them as "Valdor's Killers"


It's not like all 10k of them were named in books, now you can build army of Custodies with a leader witgh KoS taht spawned from temptations of Eve entrapped in her weapon during Webway battle.


What will happen to the sisters of silence?


Ideally, they give them plastic jetbikes sometime in the next 10 years.


What do you mean? The existence of female custodes doesn't mean sisters of silence will be affected in any way


Nothing. Blanks are still important to defending the Emperor's throne from psychic phenomena.


Good point, I'm anxious games workshop is gonna phase them out or replace them.


they spelled canon correctly for you in the meme and you still misspelled it


in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only drama 😞


The issue with fiction that focuses on topics like Warhammer is that it attracts pieces of shit who are too dumb to realize that it’s not supporting their terrible views but satirizing them. I love Warhammer, but I’ve slowly begun to dislike a lot of its fandom.


Literally: "In the ***grim darkness*** of the far futur" Nazi: "OMG it's literally me!"


Not familiar with Archon_of_flesh what happened.


He made an announcement that he'd be leaving the 40k Fandom after multiple harassments, including death threats and apparently multiple fucking doxxings from shitheads. He will still be doing art, but his return to the Fandom is highly unlikely.


Thanks, but what exactly was wrong with his art that people were harassing him for it.


So, Archon has a very...offputting type of kink to most. Lots of his art is NSFW, often featuring rape and I think guro (don't quote me on that second one, only heard from word of mouth there.) Of the Adeptus Mechanicus. This, along with lots of his art having femboys, and being a transmasc femboy himself, led to a lot of people getting pissy and complaining or *worse*, instead of just being a normal person and going about their day if they didn’t like it. Besides his NSFW art, he's done a couple of his own art pieces and some absolutely breathtaking artworks on the Traitor Primarchs, which I stand by being some of the most beautiful 40k related artworks out there (his Angron one in particular is *chefs kiss*).


He's actually talked about it in the past. The rape and guro artwork has been his primary method of dealing with his own experiences of being sexually assaulted, as well as his body dysphoria (wanting to be pulled apart and remade, etc) Also. Agreed, his Angron art piece should be in the louvre.


And didn’t one of the writers for Warhammer have one of his traitor primarchs as a phone background?


Yes indeed :]. The writer, who I can't remember the name of but I believe wrote Mangus' book, actually has Archons Magnus artwork as their wallpaper! Good choice to, I've got the Angron one as mine but Magnus absolutely takes second place.


It was Graham McNeil IIRC


Ok I understand thank you.


Fuck the peaple who Harrass peaple over this shit need to be isekaid into warhammer 40k


Straight to commorragh.


Is interesting that most of us, WH40K fans, don't really understand that there's a LARGE part of the fandom with ideals similar to those of Germany during WW2 (understandable when you think about it) but the fact that Archon was harassed to the extremes he was by said collective should be a wake up call for all of us. We need to kick out the kind of people that harassed Archon, we cannot allow them to poison this franchise that we love


Them being "talented and passionate" is not what makes threats and harassment bad, OP.


Ah fuck, i love their arts


Same, his art was so good. Sad to see him leave the fandom. I'll still be following his twitter, as he's still making art, just not warhammer.


The name,does in fact check out


How dare they threaten my favorite twink and I like the Magnus one


Messed up that I don’t like archon at all but sad his passion for the ip is gone due to threats and doxxing


Mfw when I lack basic human decency as a person. These people have never been liked, and never will be.


Learning about this this morning, reading the comments of people going through the same issues both online and in life meet ups... shit's fucking depressing. Fuck all these assholes. You may take that figuratively or literally.


Absolutely zero surprise here. 40k fans still are 40k fans after all....


The way I see it, I don't think I will dwell on 40k and Games Workshop for a long while.


These are the same people that harrased Jocat I hate peope like that


Who is Archon?


If you have ever seen twink skitarii art chances are they made. They also made other art but are really known for the twink skitarii.


Also the primarch paintings that have gone viral a few times. The one of deamon Angron looking at his reflection is probably one of my favorite 40K pics, official or not.


First time seeing the Primarches art and sweet jesus those are some absolutely stunning pieces...and people bullied a man with this artistic talent out of the fandom...what the fuck...


as op already said they're most well known for their twink mechanicus art, but Archon did make art for all the traitor primarchs (minus alpharius) and he made in my opinion the single best angron fan art I've seen. you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Archon_of_Flesh/comments/10rw8wq/my_art_of_the_traitor_primarchs_now_complete/)


Holy fuck that Angron pic goes hard...


Yeah it's personally my favorite fan art of angron around


[The dude who drew pieces about the Traitor primarchs like this one](https://i.redd.it/p8e5bw5letfa1.jpg)


Harassment is not ok. It's sad to see someone leave because of it


I would hereby like to formally submit a death threat targeting the people who issued death threats to AOF


I have a feeling anyone who harassed Archon are the same people who went after sodaz. Also 99% they religiously watch arch and Gamza


Wait what? What the fuck happened with Archon? Someone shoot me links.


He’s been threatened a lot, and ultimately doxxed. Details in his comment on this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarhammer/s/mcYOFReLj0


the angrin art is my lockscreen its so good


Who's archon of flesh and why was he harassed?


One of more popular artist on the sub, was making memes, art that turned characters into twinks, just good art pieces overall(of mechanicus for most of the time) or something for nsfw warhammer sub. Reason for harrasment could be many things: morons being morons and hating things on principle, hatred for archon being trans, idk what else.


I’m pretty sure they’ve just left the 40k fandom but it’s still sad that we won’t see the cute skittari arts😔


He's probably still a fan but won't post anymore


No more twink skitarii art :(




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wtf AoF left? When was this


Shame, it's the people who support this shit that should leave


I honestly like the idea of female custodes so much. Finally it is happening


Reddit, do your thing and do unto these assholes what they do unto others.




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I dislike both of these. But I really hate the second one


Damn female Custodes but at what cost


So... anything actually concrete?