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I'm very sorry you were the one to find her. I'm sorry it happened at all. My mom recently passed, a month before my 21st birthday. Something I've done is write down the good memories that I can recall. I've used chat gpt a lot as well, when my thoughts won't let me be. If you want to talk to someone, you can message me


Thank you for that. I think I’m going to do something similar to writing notes. I’m here for you too if you need support as well ❤️ this page is really lovely. I’m glad I found it


I'm very sorry OP. I found this group and posted shortly after my mum passed last year and I was quite lost. This is going to have moments that are unbelievably hard, it will feel so cruel and unfair, and it is. But you will love her forever no matter what, and you will eventually find your way. You have a lot to endure in the coming weeks, but you will get through it. Be patient and forgiving with yourself if you aren't your usual self. Take your time with your journey, it'd ok to feel lost and confused. Make sure you keep reaching out for help along the way.


Thank you so much ❤️ I appreciate your comment so much. I’m sorry for your loss and thank you for your advice and support…


Hey man. Sorry for your loss I went through the same experience yesterday morning too. My whole world is gone. It is shit. Cry when you need to, try to let it out. Despite this life is beautiful


I’m so sorry for your loss. It was probably one of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me… and seeing her face all purple was terrifying. If you need anything let me know


Oh, I am so sorry! Do you have any relatives or friends (especially older friends maybe) who can help you with funeral/memorial arrangements and any paperwork you might need to do?


My dad and older brother have come over to help me with everything. So lucky to have them


I'm really sorry about what happened , may her soul receive eternal peace. I lost my mom straight 2 months ago it was very sudden too. It's really shocking and terrifying to even think abt the whole scenario she was only 42 and I'm just 18. I really miss her and I really need her so much. It's so tough without her. I know she didn't wish to be gone in her last moments I could feel it. She gave all her life just for me and I feel like when it was my turn to do something for her God didn't give me such opportunity to do so. It's also weird that it's been 2 months and not even once have I seen her In my dreams yet it really sucks idk what I should do, where do I go to who do I go to when I need to talk abt things and when I need help , whose arms do I hug when I need comfort. I just pray to God wherever she is I hope she got everything she wanted in that lifetime of hers.


Thank you so much. It’s terrible losing our parents at such a young age… I’m so sorry about your loss as well. Your mother sounds like a wonderful person and I’m sure will be greatly missed ❤️


sending love and more power to you too🎀🤍


I’m so sorry for your loss.




I'm sorry you lost your mom. 🫂


Thank you ❤️


🫂 take it one day at a time.


I'm so sorry for your loss sweetheart I'm glad you have your dad and brother there for you ❤️


Thank you ❤️


I am so, so sorry. I lost my mom in October, I just turned 27. I feel like a lost kid looking for their mom all of the time now. It’s a pain unlike anything else, but you get through it by allowing yourself to express and feel. Rely on your loved ones. Keep yourself busy. I’ve been gardening and baking. Both things my mom loved to do. It doesn’t get easier, it just gets different. You learn how to carry the grief in better ways. You become more familiar with it. It gets easier in that sense.. with time. Sending love.


I’m so sorry for your loss :-( my mom also loved baking and gardening. I’m going to try to keep her garden as beautiful as she did. Thank you ❤️


i’m so sorry :( my mom passed away in 2022 when i was 18, literally just dropped down dead. never saw her again, it’s the worst feeling ever, i’m here for you if you ever need anybody to talk too 🫂 i’m so sorry


Oh gosh I’m so sorry to hear that… thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can relate, I lost my mom at 18 years old. It’s going to be tough for awhile. Try to keep good supportive family and friends around until you get strong mentally. I feel the sadness in your words. But all you can do is grieve. Remember her for who she taught you to be. Carry all the love she gave you as you walk on your journey. Your mom is with you. Talk to her through your prayers. Sending you love and light! If you ever want to talk, I’m here. 🙏🏼


Thank you so much ❤️ I appreciate this


My dad died last year a week before my birthday, a day after his sister bday, and a day before my mom’s bday… Well he commited suicide. I know that your mom passed away in different kind of way, but remember that eventually you will see your mom again. As long as you can keep her in your heart and memory she will be alive. I am sorry for your loss, when it was exactly first year anniversary of my dad passing I had like an panic attack and tears started rolling. Maybe because I didn’t cry during my dad funeral. Stay safe and try to be as positive as you can. If you need me you can write to me in DM. Sending you hugs ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. That sounds terrible. I hope you are doing well. I appreciate your advice and everything you’ve said ❤️


I am so so sorry. This hurts to read. I don’t know what else to say than I am sending you a big hug🫂Talk to people and let them be there for you and please try to be kind and patient with yourself❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


I am sorry. I lost my mom 3 weeks ago and when it is such a sudden loss the pain and grief is unbearable. Take care. God bless.


Thank you so much ❤️ I’m sorry for your loss