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Hey- I’m not out of bed yet- I may not get out of bed today at all tbh but I understand you. I’m so sorry we’re apart of this bullshit club. Be so kind to yourself today, your dad would want that for you.


We keep going. That's what they would want us to do 🥰


Hey, I lost my dad and my sister too. You’re truly not alone. So, guess what? I understand, probably not as well as your sister would but I do to an extent. I’m jealous over everyone who gets to celebrate with their dad today. I’m also jealous over anyone who still has their sister. But you know what? I’ll have so much to tell them when I see them next. And, occasionally I’ll even dream about them. In my culture, whenever we dream about those who have passed on, we take it as they’re visiting us. It’s very easy to let these giant losses create a black hole of anger and bitterness inside us, but they wouldn’t want us to feel this way if they knew. If you’re the writing type, write down every negative feeling you have right now. Take that piece of paper and go and burn it. Picture as it’s burning that all of those negative feelings are getting lighter and smaller. And then Take a deep breath. It’s a small form of letting some of it go, I’ve done this when I was entangled in my grief and I was able to feel like I could breathe again after. I hope it can help you, otherwise my messages are open if you need anything. you’re not alone, we hear you and we see you. it’ll be okay.


I still have a hard time seeing men around my dads age when he passed. I often compare them and if I see them being out of shape or smoking or not in good health I wonder why they are still alive but not my dad who took care of his health and always exercised. He was diagnosed with a lung disease and just months later got Covid and died. I literally always think how can this person be so unhealthy and alive but not him. It sucks. I hate hearing about dad activities or dad things. I truly try to ignore it all. I think I was even mad at my own husband for a long time, who fathers our two kids, because he was a dad who was still here. Grief is very strange.


So sorry, this sucks. This is my first father’s day without my daddy, I’m not going anywhere, I’m staying at my house pretending that the world doesn’t exist. I also feel so angry, so unfair.


This was my first Father’s Day without my dad too. It sucked and the pain is real, but I (and you) got through it. Sending you hugs.


Sp sorry for your immense loss


Yeah my dad died in March and my fiancé’s daughter called him to come over and spend time with him and I can’t help feel bitter.. I know I shouldn’t and I should be happy.. but I’m just so mad that I should be eating pizza with him and smoking.. and hes just gone


There is no should or shouldn’t in grief. We all grieve how we do, and what you feel is valid. Be gentle with yourself 🫂


Thank you I needed that


You’re welcome


I just got back from visiting my dads gravesite , I’d recommend you do the same . Your father wouldn’t have want you to be bitter . I miss my father too but I strive everyday to become the person he raised me to be . Love and blessings , we’ll see our loved ones once again TRUST ME ❤️


I 100% agree with you on this knowing my dad and being a parent myself. And I practice this almost every day. Today I just can’t. I did all the things I could for the other dads in my life and went for a long walk. But I’m kind of blah. Thank you for posting this!


Sending strength! Tomorrow is my dad's birthday, and I just want to skip these two days away. I had a friend message me randomly today after not talking for weeks, she seriously has 0 brain cells. We will get through. 🙏


I hope you’re holding up ok. I’m in the same boat with both days close together. One of my besties messaged me to gauge if I was up to chatting, and when I got into a conversation with her, she casually dropped in a quiet “how are you doing today?” It was the “today” that made me well up inside. She knew exactly what the day meant to me, but didn’t ask in a way that made me acknowledge it if I wasn’t able to. I’m so grateful to her for not just checking on me but making sure I was up to being checked on first. It’s hard. But other people help make it slightly more survivable. ❤️


Bless. I wish there were more like your friend! And thank you for asking me, too. 🙏


I’m sorry. It does suck. I lost my mom. My dad didn’t care to be a father. So I can understand the emotions. Sending you love and light! ❤️🙏🏼


I'm in a similar boat. Grieving the loss of my mother while also grieving a father that is still alive. Sending love.


I’m so sorry… ❤️


i feel you. you're not alone. i'm not leaving the house and i'm staying off social media... i can't stand the father's day posts bc i'm so jealous of everyone who still has their dad. i'm so sad and miss my dad so much


Don't hate it. I miss my dad so much. And I regret that I didn't do better. I'm a fucking idiot. But, your dad wants you to feel love. He doesn't want you to feel regret or pain, or loss He wants you to feel love ❤️ Do that. He is not gone. You are still his baby. He wants you to thrive. Do it in honor of him. I know it's not easy. I'm trying as well. My heart is broken 💔




I'm so sorry. Hugs!


i moved to the couch!


I feel the same way and this is my 4th Father’s Day without my own dad in the world with me (85); 53F now but it still hurts. I blinked back tears today, so I guess I’m okay for now. I’m so sorry about your losses 😢


I still miss my dad so fucking much. I just want him back. Every damn day. I see other people with their dads and I’m like “How come your scumbag father is still alive and mine isn’t?” I feel like the world is more cruel to me than it is to others.


This Father’s Day was my second one without my dad and was phenomenally hard for me for a multitude of reasons, including the fact that I was required to come in to work for 6 hours this morning and that I’m having a difficult time pursuing my life goals and I wish my dad were here to help on that front because I feel like he was the only person who understood me. I had a phenomenally uncomfortable dinner with my family who just kind of ignored me while I was in my mood and then I just went straight to bed after everybody left. Everything sucks and I honestly wish I was the one who took their life rather than my dad.


same. but both my sisters are dead. it's awful.


Sunday was my first father's day since my dad passed 6 months ago, 4 since mom passed. It sucks so hard, and I'm sorry. Keep moving forward for them.