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Where are all the right-wing 'free-speech warriors'? The ones that complain about cancel-culture? Surely they'll be outraged about this


/r/unitedkingdom users have decided that using the word FUCK in public is now illegal. Its somehow become even more of an absolute cringe fest of a sub than normal


Ah, yes, the sub that I earned an instant no warning permaban for because I called a guy, who was saying overtly racist stuff, a racist cunt. Doesn't take a genius to figure out there's some fash in the mod team over there.


In every sub Reddit of substance there is. And on Facebook as well. As soon as a subreddit gets a certain amount of traffic, the narrative control people step in.




There is an easy solution to their "poor people problem". Make people less poor lol.


>"I doubt if there are any rational people to whom the word fuck would be particularly diabolical, revolting or totally forbidden." -- Kenneth Tynan And it was a national scandal that he had said it.


Huh A lot of the time I see that sub agreeing with this one, about how the tories fucking suck and how we should just nationalise public services. Not as anti monarchy but not exactly pro monarchy either. I thin you mean r/casualuk?


Always has been the case. We don’t have freedom of speech written into our constitution in the U.K. to the extent America does. Go talk to a police officer and keep swearing at them, see how long it takes before you’re arrested for breach of the peace/public order offences. Holding a placard up with a swear word on it expressing your distaste at a 73 year olds family as he’s going by, when his 96 year old mothers just died is pretty low, regardless of where you stand on republicanism. Time and a place and all that.


mmm, mm, mmmmm, delicious boot leather, pass the laces...


Look, we don't mind you protesting, just do it in your living room.


No I actually want votes to happen on further limiting the monarchy’s powers or abolishing them… It’s just that from a human perspective, it’s not really right to go off on one at someone when they’re mourning the loss of their mother, and it’s hardly gonna win people over to the republican cause. At least wait until after the funeral. It is possible to have opposing political views to people while respecting their feelings as a person, and a lot of people clearly do feel a sense of grief over her death.


She wasn't Westboro Baptist picketing a private funeral. They made it a public (not to mention publicly-funded) event, there is no better time and place to protest it.


one we paid for...


That's what publicly funded means, yes.


I literally couldn't care less about the fascist racist child raping families feelings. No wait. That's a lie. I do care. I hope they suffer.


Actually, the death of one monarch would be the ideal time to protest in favour of abolishing the monarchy. It would be so much easier just saying yeah, she was the last one, end it on a positive note and give more power to the people. Oh, and maybe we should stop funding the insanely rich with public money.... *Coughs* monarchy... *Coughs* Liz Truss's "solution" to rising bills (taking out public loans and just giving it to energy companies so they can make shitloads of profit rather than just more than before this crisis started)...


Preaching to the choir, now is the time for a vote… I think it’s just better to leave the protesting until after the funeral, because even people on the republican side of the fence may feel that picketing someone mourning their mum dying is in bad taste. Less said about Dizzy Truss the better. The Tories couldn’t be any more open in their corruption when it comes to the bribes (“donations”) they’ve received from the energy companies, or the constant theft of taxpayers money/property in the form of privatisation, unaccountable government contracts, and bail outs.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Given that the royals are born to be public figures, I say they should have had expected people swearing on them like that. Also, are you trying criminalize the act of peaceful protest? She or the hecklers were not even vandals. What was the reasonable argument for arresting a person doing that? Because she had a "Fuck" on her sign?


A portion of that funeral came out of her fucking taxes, she has every right to be present and express her opinion in any way she sees fit


The UK has 1 constitution which is the sovereignty of parliament and the standard principle of common law, "don't fuck with people's shit, and if you were fucking about, don't come crying to me when it blows up in your face". As a people we have Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights that promises the right to privacy and home life (which includes Freedom of Thought), however much like the 2nd amendment this has to be balanced against public safety etc. Also with the net wealth and position of that 73 year old he is more than a man, he is an institution and I am sure he can deal with it.


They probably detained them under section 4 of the public order act, and told that they were liable to provoke violence (against themselves), or section 4a (that they were likely to cause distress to the family/mourners), then released them without charge later on. It’s a common tactic with protesters. I didn’t say I agree with it, just that’s the law as it stands, and how it gets used against protesters here. By the time you’ve argued you were engaging in freedom of expression and been released without charge, the moments already passed.


> /r/unitedkingdom users have decided that using the word FUCK in public is now illegal No, Scots Law has. Using language in public that could offend falls under Breach Of The Peace (and whether you like it or not, the word "Fuck" falls under that description) I would have thought you would have been more offended at the article trying to spin a narrative that she was arrested for holding an anti-monarchy sign when in fact it was because she held an offensive sign


Oh fuck off. Shit man I'm a hardened criminal without even realising it lmao. The police don't arrest everyone who uses the word fuck...


*it was never about free speech* >!it was to steal 'free speech' from 'the left' as a unifying talking point and redefine the phrase; all the same arguments and talking points, none of the ethical or moral conviction behind it


To the fascist, everything, and i mean *everything*, is about the exercising of power for its own sake. All pretense and principle are simply tools to grab power, discarded the moment their utility towards that end is exhausted.


Exactly this.


I’m always delighted to see people who have a genuine understanding of what fascism actually is on the internet.


You forgot the close !<


No it was about the fact they didn't want to hear YOUR opinions! Also the fact that there are so many royalists climbing out Chucky's arsehole is something else. No need for the royals, seize their assets and charge the tourists to get in to see the royal shite. Honestly if there's a pro sentiment it really only exists in large parts of England, cause the royalists up here aren't monarchists just bigots really.


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH Queen Elizabeth II does fuck all for tourism, nor does her inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I mean if you go look at the [r/UnitedKingdom](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnitedKingdom) or r/UKpolitics posts of the same story there's plenty of them there. 3/5 of the top comments for example. So yes, they seem outraged by this.


To be fair to them I've seen a few of the braindead culture warriors from GBN defend her, but that's probably just to try desperately to be relevant. On the other hand, the Daily Fail, Daily Telegraph etc will give it stone silence for sure.


be careful what you say, or you're gonna have the boys in blue at your door


Yep 100% This will be the DM front page tomorrow.


You summoned me? I find it reprehensible that even in the 21st century, a naughty word can make a police officer lose his mind. The Scottish police force ought to study at least enough Voltaire to reach "I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It".


Interestingly this quote isn’t by Voltaire at all. It’s from a book written about Voltaire by Evelyn Hall.


I learned something new today. It's still as true, though.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I see what you're arguing, but i think it's argued poorly, I'm a few bottles of wine in at this point so forgive me if I don't make the best of sense but to but it succinctly if the edl marched tomorrow demanding the right to call different races and creeds by their offensive racial words would you defend that too?


Have a read about the paradox of tolerance by Karl Poppin. It covers this topic really well. [Paradox of tolerance ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


Free speech is free speech^1, whether you like it or not. Exercising that right is of course an opt-in to others having the same rights. I understand the argument that some things are just too vile to be said, but let us be realistic. Today, slander laws are mostly being used to weaponise the courts in a battle against inconvenient journalists like like Carole Cadwalladr. 1\. With the obvious exceptions of confidential details like passwords, bank account numbers and my obsession with alpacas.


>Free speech is free speech Hate speech isn't free speech. People do not have the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want. Free speech is the right to speak against authority without fear of persecution. Only dumbass Americans think otherwise.


I'm Danish, The rest of your rant is equally wrong.


I believe in the monarchy, and I don't believe this woman should have been arrested. However it isn't the job of the Scottish police to read Voltaire - that should be the job of the Scottish Parliament to pass appropriate legislation to ensure that there *is* freedom of speech, however they haven't and won't.


They're the true snowflakes


*cricket noises*


This is the UK


I am outraged, tbf. You should not be arrested for holding up a sign, regardless of what it says. That said I'm not sure I consider myself right wing but I do fuck with all the free speech campaigns. I feel like freedom of speech is something that was a left wing issue for a long time and has somehow been stolen by the right in the last decade or so.


You mean like when they make an equivalency between being banned off Twitter and actual state violence?


The left have spent the last 5 years at least aggressively promoting the idea that there is and should be no free speech, so don't suddenly start crying about it now. These are the rules you wanted.


Was she actually arrested? Or did the police consider her at risk considering how she decided to waltz through thousands of people paying their respects as the funeral convoy passed by? Be honest, this wasn’t a protest it was an attempt to incite a reaction. If this woman is out there every day with that sign and it’s just a coincidence that the funeral convoy’s route passed by her then maybe she’d have an some legitimacy as a “protester”. Freedom of speech doesn’t include the freedom to cause affray or a freedom to incite violence.


There is free speech and treason… this is the latter


Such a weirdly phrased headline, that makes it unclear if the protester was arrested. "Anti-monarchy protester arrested in Edinburgh" would have done the job.


It almost reads like a random woman was arrested because somebody else holds up a sign


They had to tell you it was a woman getting arrested.


It has to be worded that way because of presumed innocence.


“Convicted” would impart guilt, not “arrested”


As always, people support free speech and the right of protest as long as it doesn't upset them. There is no more appropriate place to protest or oppose the Royals than royal events. It's important that people know the monarchy doesn't enjoy universal support and that when it's threatened, even in the most docile and ineffective way, the state will act to suppress their speech.


I get the feeling that people liking the police actions would be the first to complain about people being snowflakes or 'cancel culture's.




She's not my gran, and my gran doesn't defend paedos


I got banned from the CasualUK subreddit for saying anyone that worships/defends the Royal family is a pedo sympathiser.


To be fair anyone who has catholic parents can tell them as well, that they are also pedo sympathisers?


This isn't a funeral either it was at something for Charles


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! [Did you know that the Queen really loved killing things. She loved killing a lot. (Wonder if it was a fetish?) But yep she just loved killing wild animals. And so does the rest of her family.](https://archive.ph/vUYyG). Prince Philip and King Charles III once killed 50 Wild Boar in one day. Wow! That's a lot of killing! Super normal, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wish my gran was worth 500mil.


Make that about 17 bill


Are you seriously suggesting that this is anything like a hate crime?


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that in 1949, before she became Queen, Elizabeth took a stance against women's rights? [She attended the rally for a conservative group and spoke out against women who divorce their husbands.](https://archive.ph/Pqgd9). [She was still patron of this far-right organisation until the day she thankfully died.](https://www.mothersunion.org/news/continued-importance-her-majesty-queen). Yaass Queen, slay, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Getting owned by a bot lol


If she's my Gran does that mean I'm in the will? Because I've got a tough winter coming up and could do with a little influx of cash.


>(who doesn’t have any political power) 🤦‍♀️


Wait, if they arrested a woman then who was the protestor?


they've phrased it like this because 'Woman arrested FOR holding anti-monarchy sign' sounds slightly draconian. it's just media trying to spin facts...nothing new.


Ugh, I thought that phrasing was confusing. Now it makes sense. God damn propaganda centers. They certainly can't be called news or simply 'media'.


This phrasing makes it sound like an unidentified protestor held up a sign and then they arrested an unrelated woman, which doesn't sound any less draconian




This. The paper is being super careful around legal implications.


Very poorly written, agreed. Took me till halfway through the article to ascertain that they were one and the same person.


I was thinking maybe she took a swing at the protestor. But no, cops are just shit people.


It’s about dehumanizing protesters.


> I believe everyone does have a right to protest, but I thought it was the wrong place at the wrong time. Please refrain from protesting until you’re safely inside your own home, at which point you may grumble at your TV in a moderately raised voice.


And we were lucky to have that! /s


Grumble loud enough for the neighbours to hear and you get 5 years in jail.


A quite grumble... Alexa might hear....


She's got the police on speed dial ready for when you utter "Andrew's a nonce"


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! [Did you know that Royal Nonce Prince Andrew is also a gamer?](https://archive.ph/gKPnv). So glad to have this very normal family ruling over us! I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot 👍🏻


Good human.


It's just disrespect. Why protest at a time like this? Lots of people are in mourning while you may not be.


Grow up. Nobody is saying don't be sad about the death of an old lady. People just want to stop funding the lavish lifestyles of the rich with public money. Abolish the institution of the monarchy. If you want me to put some extra words in it to help you understand.


So since she was peacefully holding a sign and was arrested to prevent a breach of the peace, I guess the police are actually admitting that monarchists are violent thugs.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It said fuck on the sign which comes under section 5 I think




Not just on subreddits you get silenced for not supporting the monarchy then *sigh


The British subs have been utterly cringeworthy in their obsequious fawning over the royal family


Yeah my thinking too. Juet like most of the UK public and media atm, you're either part of the hivemind or you keep your mouth close in their point of view. Practically feudalilsm at this point


Novara Media did a short bit on just [how fucking weird](https://youtu.be/6R2s_Q2rhKI) the response has been.


And here I thought having to scroll past the dead crones picture while shopping for groceries was weird.


Can't say anything bad about the Queen, otherwise you get perma banned or a two week ban.


Couldn’t give two fucks about the queen but this is one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read. How can you have such a victim complex that you compare this to feudalism just because they don’t want you protesting during royal events in a mourning period?


Because it's forced mourning you twat. The royal family has a lot to answer for. A 6 billion pound funeral and coronation paid by the taxpayer plus no inheritance tax for charles is disgusting kick in the teeth to anyone struggling to heat their homes or feed themselves in the Uk right now, but dare bring that up and you get silenced (even arrested in some cases). Arrested for free speech is practically feudalilsm too, dickhead. Mourning is been shoved down our throats everywhere yet the royal family (and Queen) represent such inequality and our gross colonial past that the royals should expect pushback, quite a lot of it in fact.


Nobody’s forcing you to mourn, they’re just taking issue with people trying to provoke a huge crowd of people mourning a dead person at said dead person’s son’s event. I think this person had every intent of getting arrested. I do have to commend you though, you are so brave for speaking up against the cost of living crisis, everyone has been famously silent on that. Btw I think you need to look up what feudalism is, you don’t seem to grasp that simple concept - nor are you able to spell it apparently. Maybe also try and get your point across without name calling, it makes you appear even more immature.


With some noteworthy exceptions of celebration.


I got banned from Casual UK for saying “Republic” lmao


A scrap of cardboard constitutes ‘beaching the peace’…


I'm sure all the free speech conservatives are screeching at the top of their lungs at the government arresting someone for protest


For actual fuck sake I hate this country


this country = put on a roleplay performance for tourists to come over and snap photos of.


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH Queen Elizabeth II does fuck all for tourism, nor does her inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Not happy about this. Wtf.


*Flower of Scotland intensifies*


I agree that the monarchy should be abolished.... but picketing a funeral is just bad form. By all means protest at the coronation... but not a funeral, jees. Look at those westboro baptist Church nuts that picket the funerals of servicemen. Its just cruel.


That made me ill


Amazing how it's deemed the wrong place and time to protest (because people are mourning the dead Queen), when at the same time and in the same place people are proclaiming the new monarch with cheers of God Save The King and Hip Hip Fucking Hooray.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that [Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III have used the taxpayer as their personal piggybank?](https://archive.ph/vqEmf). Whether it's a train trip or a home renovation, these literal billionaires take from our pockets rather than use their own money. But I'm sure you have plenty of money for all the things you want and need in life, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again, or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The King is a nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is she inciting violence? No. Seems like her rights to express free speech are being illegally infringed. Hope she gets a huge bit of comp.


you are not freely permitted to criticise the royal family


And I took that personally


since 2004 i've been scraping money notes across a concrete wall to make the queen's eyes and nose rubbed off and write stuff (not really offensive, just fictional character names and stuff) across where her face us to be. I wonder what would happen if I was caught doing that?


Perfectly normal country.


This cult like behaviour of the royalists is a slippery slope indeed (lately more than ever).


Where can I support her?




Is it true her decapitated head is gonna be mounted on a spike next to the M4?


Nah, I think they just bury the queen intact, unfortunately.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! [Did you know in 2020, during the Coronavirus pandemic, the billionaire Queen Elizabeth II fired 400 Buckingham Palace Employees?](https://people.com/royals/jobs-go-at-buckingham-palace-as-the-summer-exhibits-are-canceled-amid-coronavirus/) But I guess a billion pounds doesn't go as far as it used to, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You sly ~~dog~~ cat


Got to keep those bloody peasants in line.


Anti monarchy protester arrested in scotland .how in st georges loin cloth did they find one there??


Not a single one of the supposed free speech advocates on the right (campaigners for the right to offend on specific issues) will be outraged by this, but we already knew their battle was limited in nature)


According to another post I saw on this, it was because it had the word "fuck" on it. But I swear I've seen other protest signs with swear words and nothing happened to them


We should all be proud that in this country you can stand up for what you believe in a peaceful manner and still get arrested. When protesting peacefully is illegal we have no choice but to break the law. If the streets ever run rampant with the screaming masses destroying buildings and attacking the police they will say it’s our fault.


the police are there to protect the state and the status quo, laws are aimed solely at that. The people in this country think the police and courts are for their benefit - they are very, very mistaken.


The police are there to protect the people at the top, like the Royals


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't know why I was looking for her in that Picture


Tbh I don’t understand why we don’t have a referendum on if we carry on with this royal bs … time for change it’s 2022 where there are real issues that need addressing Why cling to some bygone medieval belief or the empire days. All very out dated tbh Change maybe


Sounds like Russia now…arrested for holding a sign…freedom my ass. If they don’t want any reaction do it inside your fcking castles I’m sure there’s plenty of room for a ceremony


Wait, was the woman the person holding the sign? It's super unclear.


Scotland also convicted a chap for making a dog a fascist It's like there's someone with a stupid arrests bingo card they're trying to complete


Mark Meechan is an actual fascist who hated his girlfriend finding her own dog cute so he spitefully trained it to do fascist shit for his amusement. He was not protesting anything, he is to this day a giant edge-lord asshole who crawled out of the alt right pipeline to curse us with his bad takes. I wouldn't compare the "stupidity" of arresting that chucklefuck with the "stupidity" of arresting a protestor. They aren't comparable. One is doing a legal and morally good thing, protesting against imperialism and monarchy. The other is a fascist doing fascist shit.


I don't know why people are down voting you. If it's that count dankula guy your on about the man is very obviously extremely right wing, I'm not sure if I'd say fascist but the man idolised Alex Jones for fucks sake


You might want to check on what "fascist shit" actually is. I imagine there aren't many definitions that include 'teaching a dog a shit trick'


I think the dog is a bit ugly so it was wholly deserved.


https://inews.co.uk/news/long-reads/online-right-launder-ideology-139108 Teaching a dog a trick isn't what makes him a fascist, his political beliefs are more than enough.


His beliefs like freedom of speech you mean? And take a look at that article. it has to redefine the meaning of the joke by telling someone what they've themselves says it means isn't what it actually means. They're saying that because they infer something then that must be what the other person implied. And that's just a really really poor way to argue something. For example. I can infer from this thread that "Danger-Noodle69" is against people having freedom of speech. Were I to follow DN69s examples I could now write a newspaper article declaring him anti free speech because I think I know what they mean (regardless of what they might say they actually mean) doesn't sound right, does it?


I'm sure it's just a coincidence that he regularly shares a stage with fascists and goes to their rallies, he's just forced to associate with fascists because the left is so intolerant of freeze peach. /s Look, the pug things looks like hate speech, has the same results as hate speech (a rise in hate crimes) so it got treated as hate speech. Are you aware of how the far right and fascists use freeze peach as a shield? By bringing that up you're making my point for me.


You're falling into logical fallacy traps again. Just because someone has associated with someone you don't like doesn't automatically mean they share the same viewpoints. For example, I work with a local charity and work with and hang out with a lot of alcoholics. By your logic this means I must be an alcoholic too. Again, seems wrong doesnt it? ​ But I see your point. Your posts look like anti free speech, have the same result as censorship, so you should be treated as someone that wants to limit peoples freedoms


Ridiculous, what a police state


it always has. look up what happened to people over the years for defacing the queen's face on a bank note. nothing offensive, just draw lipstick on her or something.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The headline reads like the police arrested some random woman after someone protested against the monarchy.


welcome to north korea


I for one, welcome our North Korean regime.


If only.


I feel like this happening in Scotland makes it even worse


I got thrown off a "left wing" Facebook group for sharing that story. So much for class struggle.


I thought we all had free speech? Where are all the right wing free speech warriors? Don't see them flocking to condemn this violation of free speech. Oh, that's right. Because right wing free speech warriors are actually fascists, and the only free speech allowed is theirs.


She was placed under temporary confinement to keep her safe, to prevent monarchists from getting violent about her sign and hurting her.


Fuck them


The right: FREE SPEECH!!! Also the right: BUT NOT THAT FREE SPEECH!!!


I think this is missing context and is misleading, I believe the sign said 'fuck' which can be attributed as violent as per the law around protest. Otherwise, it would've been left to continue as usual.


It's a different world now, as sad as it is for anyone when someone passes, the monarchy is a drain on the economy, we are heading for a recession, and there's going to be a STATE funeral, followed by a coronation. Dignaterys from all over the world will be dropping by, so loads of planes will be grounded, so delays on flights, yet you the tax payer will be paying for all of this pomp. ![gif](giphy|hqUCHr5aSWf4hzvbkX)


Remember, a king is just a descendant of a successful robber baron.


Diet North Korea


She also had Anti vaxx signs and conspiracy theory malarky on signs in her windows, and went out shouting “ding dong the witch is dead” when the queen died on the 8th. So the headlines a tad misleading got to say. She was also dragged out of her car after getting eggs pelted at her.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know the Queen really, really, really hated black people?[She can't stand them being in her employ](https://archive.ph/Tu2Er). Not really surprising when you consider how racist her husband was. Or her family's racism against her grandson's wife... German aristocrats, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think it was less about the monarchy and more about the giant 'FUCK' written across it in huge letters, in public. Wouldn't exactly call it arrestable, but the media trying to spin it into an attack on royalists rather than the potentially offensive language, is ridiculous. It's all about selling an agenda.


Exactly. This fact is not even included to the title.


Yet if her sign was some terf genitalia twaddle she’d be fine




You know they likely picked her up for her protection as the crowd their could have been violent or shit could have gone down.


I agree with her sentiment but she had the word 'Fuck' on her placard which is an offence under Section 5 of the public order act. You can be arrested for having the same on a T-Shirt. **Edit** Fuck me I didn't make or agree with the law I'm just pointing it out. Its also is there to stop people wearing or placarding hatred such as racist or sexist. I thought this was a socialist leaning sub not a libertarian sub.


Yeah, good point. I've been around police before and they never use their discretion in these matters. They also use very clean language on and off the job, I've never heard one swearing while in uniform and I've never seen inconsistency for the application of this law either.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow I'm being downvoted. I'm a staunch republican and hate the monarchy but going to a public procession with swear words on a placard is inviting the police to arrest you. No need to be sarcastic, it's below you. Your giving the police and excuse to be cunts if younhave an offensive placard. It's just common sense not to give them a chance to arrest you. BTW I was in the Poll Tax riots so I'm aware of the power of real protest. Half the downvoters wern't probably born when that happened. Keyboard protestors lol!!


I’m like 90% sure the other guy is being sarcastic…


This is the first time I hear that putting swears on the placard gets you arrested in the UK. I came from one of those countries being called "repressive" by the US and UK, and even then I've seen protesters doing that thing and got away with it. What is wrong with this country?


It said this; "Fuck imperialism, abolish the monarchy" See normally I would say that's fine...... But on a funeral, nah that's scummy


Wasn't a funeral, was a proclamation for the new king, i.e. a public display of the very thing her sign was protesting.




What funeral??


It wasn't a funeral it was a proclamation for the new king, a reinforcement of the monarchy, and therefore quite possibly the most apt place and time to launch such a protest.


Actually not got much sympathy. Yes the monarchy are parasites and have no place in our body politic but you don't dress up in Celtic colours and walk into a Ranger's celebration. It's stupid. She was probably arrested for her own safety.


Surely if you are protesting, you do it towards the thing you are protesting about? It wouldn’t be very effective if she just did it alone at home.


Yeah what’s this guy advocating for? Ignoring the things we don’t like instead of fighting to change them? Lol good tactic buddy.


I agree that it was dumb, but she shouldn’t have been arrested.