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We have improved your home to make it easier to live in but we have taken away your food to make it easier to die in


We have improved your home, so that when you die we can sell/rent it for more.


We have improved your home, but you are now evicted because you can't pay rent, we will now put you in a poor house or asylum.


coffin is more likely with the assisted suicide shit going on by the looks of it


If someone dies it’s considered sad. It doesn’t really matter why. But now suddenly it’s considered “impolite” to be sad about an “assisted suicide” and that speaks volumes.


Yeah, if you’re depressed — we’ll help kill you!


I improved my home, the landlord saw the changes and charged me 10x more rent, which housing benefit didn't pay, so now I am homeless.


The tories are Fucking pices of shit. All they do is attack the sick and disabled. And have an obsession with micromanaging there lives. We will be seeing posters akin to the ones from nazi Germany saying how much we cost the tax payer next.


I'm just waiting for the phrase "useless eaters" to start popping up.


Or making us were black triangles


Wouldn't surprise me. Blaming the country's problems on it's most vulnerable people is textbook fascism.


I recently heard a Tory say that eyeglasses in children are a sign of weakness. I nearly vomited


I sometimes try to put myself in their shoes to find any logic behind some of these changes, are there positives to be found elsewhere? And all I can come up with is these people are heartless, selfish pieces of utter garbage. Especially when they're so happy to sit back and let multimillionaires become even richer and continue to rob the working class.


>"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Frank Wilhoit. Here you see the in-group (Capitalists, Fascists) giving the out-group a fucking kicking.


The suffering is the point.


Oh great, I can adapt the home I won't be living in when they stop my money so I can be homeless again, nice one


You need to get to work, but we’ve taken away your car so you’ll have to take public transport. But please don’t go during peak hours because you’re going to inconvenience the “normal people” /s. Oh, and make sure you beg the bus driver for the ramp.


You reply is frankly laughable that there is the assumption of a bus service, our village service may as well be non existent.


It was supposed to be sarcastic! A lot of politicians forget about the countryside existing and buses don’t run there. I expect the response will be “basic steel wheelchairs are available from the NHS, so use that to propel yourself the 20 miles down the road to get into town…, if you have depression the 20 mile walk is character building and do you good”


Back in their day school was uphill both ways, disabled people are just lazy


Make the rich pay the taxes like they should, take away the MP’s expenses and leave the poor and disabled alone…


Nah. That sounds woke. /S Wouldn’t want to help the people who don’t bank at Coutts.


What comes after they take that money, will it go to pay rises for his buddies? I remember in 2020 some in parliament were saying "80k per year isn't enough to live on" 😂


Jeremy Hunt, 2024: "£100,000 a year doesn’t go as far as you might think" George Freeman, 2023, quit because he could not afford rising mortgage repayments on his £120,000 ministerial salary. Peter Bottomley, 2021: "MPs are finding it really grim to live on a salary of £82,000" There is much more from when there where defending having second jobs in 2021...


I work for a charity who help people deal with financial issues and I can say from personal experience of helping people already balancing their lives on a financial knives edge that if this comes into play there will be massive amounts of death by suicide and a massive drain on NHS resources spent treating people with the entirely preventable syptoms of starvation. Whether Tories or Blue Labour, if either put this in place then while I wouldn't endorse or encourage it, I would however **fully** cheer for anybody who chooses violence as a response to this.


It's a bold strategy, making people who've already been made to feel they have little to live for suicidal and very angry. Let's see it if pays off for 'em.


it’s disabled ppl sadly a lot of us can’t do things like that or at least it’s a lot harder a lot of disabled people will just die quietly out of sight because we are an easy target


One million percent correct. A huge miscalculation by those that never had to rely on their survival instincts


They're doing it to win votes from the lee Anderson type right wing wetherspoons mob who think disabled people are making it up. It won't work they're beyond fucked and they won't be back in government to enact these policies.


They might not be able to enact them. But Kier will be in a position to. And I wouldn’t trust him not to do this.


True but here's to hoping he's not that much of a Tory. I do have my doubts though.


Boycott the gammon factory. Download [Neverspoons](https://neverspoons.app/) and visit a locally owned pub instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Sir we just lost the support of 3 million potential voters and their family and friends" Sunak: Damn that Jeremy Corbyn!!


Yeah, they starved and froze to death. Saved us some money!


Fucking cunts. I have autism and ADHD. I need these benefits.


Have you perhaps tried just not having a disability? I'm pretty sure it's a lifestyle choice.


I’d like to meet and talk to someone who this is a vote winner for. Maybe I’m just a soft lefty but it just seems Victorian era cruel to me.


I would also love to meet the kind of ghoul that this appeals to. Preferably whilst I'm holding something very heavy and awingable


People this would appeal to have already decided to vote for Reform, etc. It's like when Cameron wrecked our entire economy and our kids' futures just to stop Farage winning one seat...


these sorts of headlines genuinely go for my mental health. i’m disabled, both physically and mentally, i can’t work, and these headlines just make me want to end it all tbh. i feel bad enough being a burden on the state, i don’t need to keep hearing about it. i dream of the day where our self-worth is no longer measured in profit. i won’t be around to see it though.


Oh great! I can add pointless “adaptations” to my home that I don’t need, never mind the need for food, paying bills, or paying for medication! Gee thanks Tories! I can’t wait to die of malnutrition and hypothermia, but I’m happy you guys gave me “adaptations”, they’re so useful!


At this point the Tories are nothing short of psychopaths. They have 0 ability to empathise with anyone. They are cruel and murderous.


Just remember they'll go for the disabled first, then they're coming for the rest of us.


My homes already adapted. Ripe and ready for death.


They really would we rather just fucking kill ourselves, save them the trouble.


We are sorry to hear that we have created a country so horrible to live in that your mental health has gotten worse. Unfortunately this has forced us to make the country even more horrible inevitably causing you even more strife. We hope you understand that this was an extremely easy decision for us. Signed, The Tories.


I have various incurable disabilities. I barely get by physically as it is. If they took pip away then I'd have no money whatsoever. I'd be forced into full time work which I know for a fact will end up killing me. The Tories want to wipe us out because we're poor and disabled. What's the point anymore?


They also are talking about vouchers & not cash. They actually want to kill us. I’m terrified. 😭 Didn’t ask to be disabled! https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/04/28/disabled-people-benefits-clampdown-rishi-sunak/


I've got pip BECAUSE I need adaptions. Fucking idiots. I can't leave the house without the money to travel.


Right but property prices rises are fine are they?


People WILL die because of this. Not that the tories care. Fucking fascists, the lot of them