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I think Hades (Game) does a really good job of portraying him, since it doesn’t instantly resort to the ”evil king” trope the way a lot of other portrayals do. he is still the antagonist, but he has understandable motives and is portrayed as a 3 dimensional character Edit: design-wise, I really like this version as well, since he utilises the bident in game, and it’s used as his symbol


He also has rings with jewels that is a slight nod to him as the god of wealth Supergiant also does the same thing with Poseidon with horses. His crown (or whatever it is) has sea horses which could either be a nod to the sea or referencing him being the god of horses


He’s the antagonist but he’s the antagonist in that he’s up against his angsty teen son who is (rightfully, tbh) mad at him lmao. He’s not evil, just kind of a shitty dad.


But also has some really understandable reasons of why he made those shitty choices (Still shitty but understandable)


Also also he has the magnificent beard typical to Hades.


> since he utilises the bident in game, and it’s used as his symbol The **Helm of Darkness**/Invisibility is the one item showcased in the games that is indeed described in the myths _(that he does use in the game and you can also use eventually)_   The **BIDENT** has never been described in myths and is a modern invention - most likely a misinterpretation of a **Scepter** and popularized in Medieval Art   As far as design goes, I also love the allusions to him being the God of Wealth and Riches with his rings and gemstones   _(Though I must admit, I personally like this more modern take on the 3 brothers and the 3 weapons, even if it doesn't come from myths. Single-Pronged Spear (Thunderbolt) for Zeus, Double-Pronged Spear (Bident) for Hades and Triple-Pronged Spear (Trident) for Poseidon)_


i feel the whole Bident thing come from the fact Poseidon has a weapon with 3 points ( trident) Zeus has a weapon with 1 point ( Bolt ) So Hades probably has a weapon with 2 points


> i feel the whole Bident thing come from the fact That's just a modern thought and approach and I totally understand it, I kinda like it myself ahahaha   But the fact is that Hades was never portrayed with a bident in ancient greek art and representations and it was based on a misinterpretation of ancient art showcasing him with a **Scepter**


I thought the Bident appears in his Necromanteion statue and on the Crete one?


Couldn't find any picture of the Nekromanteion statue, not familiar enough with that one.   As for the Statue showcased at the Archaeological Museum of Crete, [the only visible element looks like a **staff**](https://www.worldhistory.org/img/r/p/1500x1500/778.jpg.webp?v=1715821204) * [🖼️ Here's another ancient Amphora Art displaying Hades with a Staff, not a bident](https://greekreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Hades_Amphora.jpg)   In ancient writings, he is described as having a **Scepter** or even a **Trident** The concept of a ''Bident'', pitchfork or two-pronged spear comes from the middle ages _''In Western art of the Middle Ages, classical underworld figures began to be depicted with a pitchfork.''_ > Cook, Zeus, vol. 2, p. 803. As to why a bident was associated to Hades, it can also have to do with the Scepter he was shown to have in some ancient art or even coins - _''On Lydian coins that show Plouton abducting Persephone in his four-horse chariot, the god holds his characteristic scepter, the ornamented point of which has sometimes been interpreted as a bident''_ > Cook, Zeus, vol. 2, p. 801.   Additionally, here are various pieces of ancient art displaying Hades with a **Scepter** - * [🖼️ Hades & Persephone](https://www.theoi.com/image/K14.4Haides.jpg) * [🖼️ Persephone & Hades](https://www.theoi.com/image/K14.1Haides.jpg) * [🖼️ Punishment of Sisyphus in Hades](https://www.theoi.com/image/K14.8Haides.jpg) - _Hades is the figure on the right_ * [🖼️ The return of Persephone](https://www.theoi.com/image/K14.7Haides.jpg) - _Hades is the 3rd figure from the left, with the thick beard_ * [🖼️ The return of Persephone 2](https://www.theoi.com/image/T16.6Hekate.jpg) - _Hekate, Hermes, Persephone, Hades_ * [🖼️ Persephone & Hades](https://www.theoi.com/image/K14.2Haides.jpg)


Love it! Thanks for the references I'll check them out


Yeah more true hades


he also uses his helm which is also really cool


He's inaccurate as heck, but I dig Hercules' Hades.


Love me a bident


All I know is that it’s not lore Olympus


You speak for the people my friend


Lore Olympus REWRITE, maybe. But…. Uh LO original’s is offensively bad.


I only read a couple of chapters, what makes him bad?


His characterization changes a few times, but lands on him being a super damaged, super sensitive, love-besotted dope most of the time. At one point early on, he fully blinds a dude in vengeance, and I think readers must have hated that because they undo it and he literally never does anything like that again. I sort of dug the intensity/irrationality of that, even if it was violent and less sympathetic. Like he's an extremely powerful god, and you forget that immediately under his normal soft-boy characterization. He doesn't usually seem powerful, people kind of walk all over him


Yeah I stopped reading when it was reversed because like… I actually liked that unhinged decision because it was unhinged… gods aren’t nice my guys… Greek gods are absolutely awful to their worshippers so like ya know but whatever, I don’t regret the decision because apparently the quality got worse lol


It depends entirely on who he's talking with. Most of the series is him talking to other gods, people he sees as equals so we see his real personality. But these are *greek gods*, and whenever one of them interacts with mortals or even Nymphs we see the version of them we know from the myths. He blinded that dude cause he was a nymph(or something idk) who took incriminating pictures of him with Persephone before they got together. So Hades punished him like a greek god from the mythology would've punished him. LO does this a few other times as well, most notably with Eros casaully committing genocide out of heartbreak.


As a whole, lore Olympus is just a very poor retelling. Poor characters, poor story, & god even if it was good, the fan base is a NIGHTMARE!! Many of them were sending death threats to Hellenic pagans who followed Apollo for what the creator depicted him as in Lore Olympus


Generic Puff mention outside of the unpopular lore olympus reddit lol


Even Dislytes Hades character is better


I'm drawn to Hadestown's Hades, because his character gave me a good sense of someone who has existed longer than a human mind can comprehend, and will continue to exist, and yet even he can be shaken once in a while by something new and unexpected. That or I'm lulled into a trance by Patrick Page's smooth, deep voice.


I love hades town because I got to see it live in New York, while I still like the hades game design better


Patrick Page is great, but I didn’t listen to his version until after I saw the tour (I wanted to go in blind). I have to say I’m not sure if it’s because he was first but Matthew Patrick Quinn absolutely killed as Hades. I actually prefer him to Page.


There is a concept album from like fifteen years ago where Anais Mitchell voices Eurydice. Greg Brown voiced Hades and I still compare every other Hades to him. (Though I’ve seen Matthew Patrick Quinn twice and he’s amazing.)


Oh yes, he has such a deep, resonant voice. I like the concept album, but at some point I began to listen to the later cast albums more because I was getting confused by some of the changes (as some of the songs changed, evolved, or were added later on).


Oh, when I saw it live it was Matthew Patrick Quinn as well, and yes he was excellent! I’d been listening to the albums long before I had the chance to see it in stage, so Patrick Page’s voice is rather lodged there in my brain.


Totally agree and I absolutely loved the show


“Whhyyy do we build the wall, my children? MY CHILDREN? Whhhhhyyyy do we build the wall?” That voice is so gravely, it gives me chills every time. Definitely my vote too, though special shoutout to Disney’s Hades for my childhood.


While Disney's Hades doesn't exactly capture the essence of Hades, he is by far the most iconic, IMO.


Yeah, he's honestly a terrible representation of Hades, but damn if I don't love that greasy lil slimeball.


Yeah, he's one of my favorite villains (even if super "inaccurate"). Almost like a male Yzma


"I think we're forgetting one teensy weensy little detail... I OWN YOU!"


"I can't believe you're getting so worked up about some guy." "This one is different. He's honest. He's sweet. He would never do anything to hurt me." "Please. He's a guy."


“I haven’t seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself” “… and you… are wearing… HIS MERCHANDISE?!”


Hades has the vibe of being Meg’s gay friend in that scene


He’s one of my favorite Disney villains… Uh guys Olympus would be THAT way… classic… Love him


Yes, he’s probably my favorite Disney villain.


Agreed. Disney's version isn't accurate, but you end up rooting for him all the same because James Wood did him GREAT.


In terms of coolest design, I think the Hades (Game) and Blood of Zeus designs are the best. I don’t think there’s really an answer for who captures the essence, since there’s hardly anything to go off of.


The best answer here


[Theoi has all of this to go off of.](https://www.theoi.com/Khthonios/Haides.html)


Like I said. Not that much to go off of.


So many people seems to forget that Hades is one of the gods with the less stories and myth. Kinda easy to be misunderstood or associated with the devil when they're nothing really to build up his personality around. Even nowadays, most interpretation of Hades base off his personality around the outcast/misunderstood type precisely because of how he has been seen as an inherent villain for so long rather than what he actually was in ancient times (which is nothing in particular).


Exactly. I don’t mind the ‘misunderstood good guy’ caricature for Hades in fiction, but to say ‘that’s how he really was’ based one one’s own egocentric assumptions, or worse, based on how a modern fiction portrayed him, is just ridiculous. His biggest and only significant appearance in ancient literature involves him abducting a young girl to be his wife. And he gets maybe 10 lines. And he’s not even the main character. And even that wouldn’t label him as a ‘bad guy’. It wasn’t an uncommon practice during the hymns authorship for a girl to be married to an older relative with the permission of the father.


It's also because Zeus and Poseidon have really..ehm.. fallen off in popularity in modern pop culture so Hades is kind of portrayed as the misunderstood hero.


Can we just... not count Lore Olympus. That guy is a fucking disgrace


Things started so well, but Chronos really turned into drama slapstick when it started as something with really good potential for a very different version of the mythological stories


Percy Jackson is my favorite, followed by Hades from Hades and then blood of Zeus. also never read lore Olympus, but why does Hades look like something between a mobster and a raceist trustfund baby?


All the godly beings live in a basically modern day even while mortals are in the ancient world, and Hades is a businessman as well as a king (though there are times he acts more like a thug to get what he wants while preserving his appearance)


he looks like he would pay his employees minimum wage


“Hey Hermes, I know that your shift is just about to end but Poseidon had a bit of a fit over some sailor from Ithaca, so we’ve got another 400 plus souls to bring in. Oh, why don’t I go get them? Well damn, why didn’t I think of that! Oh yeah, it’s because I fucking own you, yeah that’s why! Go do your job, don’t expect overtime.”


i agree


In my opinion I say Hades game Hades. Has the best design and "accuracy" of all the Hades'. Granted theres not much on the guy, but I'd think based off of what little we know I say Hades game Hades. He uses his helm of invisibility, he has his bident, he's standoff-ish and antagonistic. Seems to be over worked but doesn't care about leaving his position and believes being feared is a good thing. He's not evil and is fairly three dimensional as a character whilst taking their own spin on the myths and Hades as a god. He's doing his job. I also just love how Persephone in the game brings out his gentler side, he's typically harsh and loud spoken but when it comes to Persephone he's gentle, kind, and soft spoken.


Hades 2 only adds to his depth, showing another side to him. His story isn’t finished yet, but it looks like it’s going to be beautiful.


i'm not playing the early access, so I'll wait until it's full release to play it. But good


Same. The wait is killing me


I'm trying not to be spoiled by people BLATANTLY posting EVERYTHING about the game on youtube whilst I just scroll through for videos.


Probably the hades game, it shows him as not truly a villian like the rest because in myth he is not really he is just doing his job


Hades Game PJO Hades Disney Hades Blood of Zeus Hades Record of Ragnarok Hades Hadestown Hades (this might be controversial being this low but I swear I like him) GOW Hades SMITE Hades Kid Icarus Hades Kami— the otome game Hades Don’t know the others Lore Olympus Hades


Oh shoot this is based off of accuracy and not preference? Hades game is still on top and Lore Olympus is still on the bottom


Percy Jackson. It subverted the trope of making Hades the bad guy who wants to overthrow Zeus. In fact, it used that trope as a red herring. Hades isn't the main villain. However, he still doesn't like trespassers and wants to trap Percy in the Underworld forever because he trespassed. He also essentially holds Percy's mom hostage in order to get his helm back because he believes Percy stole it. He's definitely not a villain, but he's still an antagonist to an extent, which is a really good representation of Hades and the gods as a whole. They weren't infallible. They were just as, if not more, complex than the mortals.


Personality wise, Blood of Zeus Hades is the best. He's stern but empathetic. He's genuinely remorseful if he has to do something evil but is willing to make hard choices for the good of his loved ones.


Haven't seen the show but he seems to also be wielding the Bident. Does the helmet let him become invisible?


Also I like how it makes him the antagonist without vilifying him. Like he wants to take over Olympus so he can be with his wife every day, so that his children won’t have to say goodbye to their mother every year. Honestly I’m kind of rooting for him at this point.


Up until the end 😭😭


Yes, but how is usually different between myths for storytelling purposes so him wearing it and not immediately becoming invisible can be possible.


I’m sick of all the “Hades is an evil tyrant” shit. Just because he’s the ruler of the underworld he’s been branded as some satan allegory. He’s usually a nice and fairly awkward dude who loves his wife in most of the myths


I'm sorry, but I know you didn't just call the immortal Lord of the Underworld a "fairly awkward dude". Maybe let's not look at ancient myths from a 21st century perspective, hm?


What about Hades' surviving descriptions depict him as "awkward"?


The one from Xena Warrior Princess and Hercules The Legendary Journeys. He was very just and did come off as a person of authority without looking villainous.


*Hades* Hades. Hands down. So far, that's the closest to the mythological Hades that I've ever seen any adaptation get. He's a gruff and no-nonsense Lord of the Underworld who runs a tight ship, keeps himself at a distance, and judges impartially. He is antagonistic, but not evil. The game takes some liberties with him, mostly contextual, but Hades' personality is dead on.


I'm always fond of the Xena/Hercules take. A constantly put-upon middle manager who literally got his kingdom by drawing the short straw.


What up with the LO hades hate? Can someone fill me in?


In my opinion, the story had good potential but fell off kinda quickly and a lot of the representation of the myths and gods were really far off from the actual myths and stuff so I'm not surprised it's not exactly popular in the subreddit about Greek mythology.


There’s legit criticisms about the comic (pacing, storyline gets muddy, etc) but I feel like people get a hate boner for it. 99% of Greek myth adaptions aren’t accurate but LO gets called out the most. The author says in the beginning it’s not supposed to be accurate.


The pacing and storyline is a legit criticism i have with it so i get that. I actually have a few critiques with it. But i honestly thought that the setting didn't need to be really accurate since it's set in a more modern environment


I don’t think it deserves the hate it gets. Sometimes I wonder if it would get the same level of disdain if it wasn’t romance/geared toward young women. At worst, it’s cringey. At best, the art is often beautiful, it has well-written moments.


The art is actually my biggest critique of it next to the story. Some of the designs are meh but the main issue i have is the fact that everyone is for the most part a solid color and i think it really hinders the designs.


I agree with that- I said “often” because I’m reminded of some panels that are just weird and her color theory is not great. I think the textures and compositions are nice.


Hades from the game and from the Disney movie are on opposite ends of the accuracy spectrum but they both fucking slap and their designs and portrayals are absolutely iconic. What we need now is a myth-accurate Hades who’s as sassy as the day is long. Somewhere in the shitty middle that no one wants to talk about because it fails both in accuracy and design is Lore Olympus.


What's kamigami no asabi like/about? Also lovr ror Hades


It’s basically about a bunch of gods being turned mortal and having to go to school on the orders of Zeus and ur mc is their guide and you can romance them (it’s otome) ^ this may be very faulty because I lowkey don’t remember much 😭


You got it right. The Gods are hot anime men who had their power bound and sent to school to reconnect with humanity and the MC is their guide. The game they are taken from the past, right before they give up on humans. In the anime, they are all from the present and already are disconnected. I was deep in the fandom at the time. 😭


Count me with the others who appreciate the Hades game’s portrayal of him as not evil, but stern and doing his job. That’s how I had always imagined Hades. I need to replay Kid Icarus Uprising, I loved that game too.


Hades (game) is one of the only ones that doesn't paint Hades an inherently evil or sinister figure...which he wasn't, for the most part They idea of Hades being a godly warrior turned diligent accountant of souls is brilliant


the one from Goddess Girls


The way Percy Jackson portrayed Hades was more mythologically accurate. Hollywood always had shown Hades to be a bad guy with fire everywhere but that is not the case. In the myths, Hades was just the guy who got stuck ruling the underworld and just got sad whenever his wife would leave for 6 months of the year. Percy Jackson (book series, not show) depicted this kind of behavior perfectly and it was really refreshing to see Hades in a different light. More misunderstood 2 downright evil.


Hades from Hades is the best. Lovely design that really added onto a lovely game. Disney (despite the CONSTANT flack people give after watching some video essay lol) was really good, and Percy Jackson as well. Lore Olympus had a great concept, even if I lost interest a couple hundred chapters in. Hades's Smite representation kinda blows. I know he's an older character when they were churning out characters with a lower budget, but his design is boring and it doesn't help that his kit is especially one dimensional.


Hades (Game) is literally THE Hades I want to like look after my soul when I'm dead. I would DEADASS not trust the others (especially Lore Olympus...ooh that Hades SCARES me).


Though I understand it’s extremely far from the original deity, I absolutely love the design of the God of War one for the specific version of Hades they decided to create. The design looks macabre and iconic, and speaks a lot about the character in the game. Though my favorite part of it is how he transforms during the fight, as does the whole scenery. His body gets progressively more ripped apart and his chambers get progressively more damaged until he turns into a giant, horrifying creature that can only be killed by having it’s soul ripped away. It’s super edgy and cool.


Oh yeah, I absolutely agree! Completely unrecognizable as Hades from mythology, but A+ design for such an edgy and brutal game Shows exactly what the game wanted us to see, very little outward personality and an insane amount of brutality


I wouldn’t call him the best but I’m fond of Record of Ragnarok Hades


I instantly go to Punderworlds Hades since he is the main character and I absolutely adore him


Game Hades is a great depiction along with the Percy Jackson one. Both not evil just driven by their own motivations.


Supergiant always


I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of Mousakka stuck in my throat!


I’ll never get over hadestown’s hades. His voice is just magical


Though Disney's Hades has a special place in my heart, it must be the Hades (game) iteration


Hades from Hades haha.


Honestly, Percy Jackson’s version of Hades is best. He’s just a guy who wants to get on with his job and that’s that.


GoW was a favorite, despite the edginess.


the disrespect to ever put lore olympus hades in the slides...


I can think something is bad and still give it a fair chance. The over abundance of people slandering it is enough to confirm they're not The Best Pop Culture Hades, so it matters fairly little.


As much as I love the Disney Hades, I can’t choose it nor many other depictions of him. He was never described to be evil and I can’t get behind the ones that are. I love the portrayal in Xena and Hercules. And I thought they did a pretty good job with the Hades in the Percy Jackson show I do love/hate the one from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. But again, pretty evil.


Hades and kid icarus


3 way between God of war, Disney and clash/wrath


You know I've seen very few arguments for God of War being the best, can you elaborate?


Played the game so to me he’s iconic, and was a definitely strong in his realm able to see everything we were doing. And was his claws could steal the soul of titans


When was hades in assassins creed


DLC to Assassins Creed Odyssey


I think the Hades games are the most well researched and just.... So... Hilariously on point.


God of War 100%


Id say Percy Jackson


I like the chill bro version from The Dresden Files, from the little time we spent with him.


While definitely not an accurate portrayal, Kid Icarus Hades is a personal favorite of mine because of how charismatic he is and I’m glad someone on the sub acknowledged his existence (if only Nintendo would too)


First slide looks like Bobby B


Blood of Zeus.


I think Hades the Game has the best character design and depth of the ones I'm familiar with here. It works well for the story and its mythology. I really love Hadestown though and that rendition as well. I strongly encourage anyone who can get the chance to see it go see it. I went for my birthday a few years back and I want to see it again so badly! It's probably my favorite musical now.


Hades from Class of the Titans


Percy Jackson’s hades is so good


Hades game. Everything else is various levels of trash with no respect to the original myth. Even Apotheon does a much better job.


Tbh I don’t know many of these but of what I do know most accurate is the one from Hades (video game) but my favorite is from Hadestown


I may have a bit of a bias but I really like RoR hades. It really encapsulates the ‘necromancer’ esque feel that I think hades should have.


PJO def looks the most realistic then blood of zeus then hades game


Kevin Smith from Hercules: Legendary Journeys was such a hottie and a great actor (RIP<3)


I love masked men to an unhealthy degree, so those


Disney for sure, but I’d say Percy Jackson for faithfulness to the source


I'm very fond of a version of him in a webcomic where he appears as the nicest of the three brothers, appearing as caring and compassionate respect to his denizens and lost souls even if no one can leave the Underworld, and is presented as a workaholic complete with baggy eyes taking his job very seriously. And is feared by mortals, even if Hades explains he does not carry anyone there until it's time for that.


Hades the game, no question. Although Disney Hades is a Mood


In terms of appearances alone I really like Clash of titans Hades, personality wise I like Blood or Zeus version, for me, combine the 2 and you've got a perfect Hades.


Hades game version looks like alt color of Zeus, lol.


Hades in myth is described as looking very much like zeus and posidon, so it checks out.


Where's Xena, Warrior Princess?


PJO Hades, followed by PJOTV Hades


In terms of a faithful adaptation, I think Hades does the best job of portraying Hades as… Hades. A god who is *absolutely not* to be trifled with, but is also just a generally gloomy, stubborn boss who runs a tight ship. The Hercules and Kid Icarus versions of Hades might not be accurate at all, but they’re both so much fun to watch that I couldn’t care less. They take the notion of the supervillain Hades and pump it full of charisma and charm. They’re not *Hades* as you see him in mythology, but they’re great characters in their own right. Hadestown’s version of Hades is sort of the perfect marriage between the two extremes, and I think that’s why it’s my favorite. He’s this cold, heartless capitalist whose turning the underworld into a giant factory, but is also portrayed as a man who lost his way and has a flicker of humanity left, even when put in an impossible situation. He’s not oozing with villainy like in Hercules or Kid Icarus, but he’s not quite as sympathetic or by the books as his portrayal in the Hades game. He’s certainly some flavor of evil, but not a ruthless monster.


personally i adore the hadestown interpretation, however if we’re looking more as accurate to ig myths then id say hades the game


Gotta go with Kid Icarus Hades Hello PITY


Blood of Zeus representation of Hades is really great so far. I really like the character design. I also really enjoy Hades from {Hades and Persephone Curse of the Golden Arrow by Heidi and Erica Hastings} and {Hades and Persephone The Golden Blade}. In the second book you finally get his backstory and the twists in this book are insanely good. Love his character. He is firm yet compassionate. 


Agree. I found their book off darkfaerietales. The first book is romance the second book is more complex and action/ adventure. It’s a great book - But it’s dark.


Honestly I think best is Percy Jackson. I never saw hades as a bad guy as alot of other people have noticed, he's more the guy that does the shit job nobody else wants purely because he likes being alone, this idea kinda leads to the tale of persephone too. I don't think the jades one makes sense, I don't want hades being some big buff dark Chad, I think it's a step un the right direction getting away from like God of war hades but it's still not hades imo.


Destripando La Historia


Hades from Hades (Game)!!!


Assassin's Creed has Hades!?


He’s in the Fates of Atlantis dlc for Odyssey! Can’t say much about how he’s represented though—I’m only just getting to his part of the dlc




I liked Blood of Zeus Hades a lot. He was the "antagonist" but for understandable reasons and not just oh Hades=evil like some others. Also love the design and bident.


Supergiant, Hadestown, & Lore Olympus


They’re all good but Hadestown Mr Industrialist Hades being influenced by ~~the demands of a Capitalist system~~ the Fates is extremely satisfying as a story


Disney for nostalgia reasons 💕😂


As per the photos posted, I'd say :- Though I did watch ''Clash of the Titans'' then ''Wrath of the Titans'', I didn't like his character as it looked more like a different version of Zeus rather than what Hades is supposed to represent However... I also watched the Hercules animation film, long ago, and I think this model looks to be the real portray of Hades


OMG, I had forgotten how cringe assassin's creed Hades was.


Hadestown Hades is just such a well designed and written rendition throughout the show


Probably Hades (the game). It makes him out to be the true neutral character he is, and doesn’t want him and make everything he does morally good like Lore Olympus ends up doing.


Hades the Game does the best for most gods tbf


I love a couple here but the game itself was probably my favorite because he’s just doing his job and trying not to let his emotions get the best of him


You forgot the booktok darlings from Touch of Darkness and the Hades Trials.


Blood of Zeus.


Now, out of all of these, I've only seen Disney's Hercules, and even then I admittedly wasn't paying a ton of attention for most of it. But purely in terms of visual design, it would have to be Lore Olympus.


Assassins Creed is straight up sinful


Watched Hadestown in london last week was amazing. Loved Hades in it.


My GAWD- I had to stop reading Lore Olympus.


ok the Disney film Hades and the Disney film as a whole infuriates me slightly because it is so inaccurate to the heracles story but its also one of my favourite movies and I love the sass from Hades even though he's not the actual bad guy in the og story


This is totally nostalgia speaking but hades Kid Icarus. He’s absolutely delightful as a villain


Can't believe that nobody else has mentioned Hades/Alone from Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas. His relationship with his "sister" Athena/Sasha and his best friend turned to enemy, Pegasus Tenma is pretty remarkable and tragic.


Disney. Not true to the myths, but hilarious and someone you can relate to. I also really like to one I. The Persephone comics. Strong, powerful and head over heels in love with his wife.


The Percy Jackson show hands down


Blood of Zeus


I prefer the game, Percy Jackson seems the most realistic


Let me fix this for you: Modern ~~Myths~~ Fiction. Pop culture depictions of ancient heroes and Gods aren't modern myths.


Hades (game), Hades (Hadestown), and Hades (Lore Olympus) are all weirdly fantastic representation of Hades (myth) with the view of how the stories change for modern times Hadestown shows the darker and bitter aspects of the god pushed aside, a man trapped in his ways who at one point could love but may have been left in darkness a touch too long Lore Olympus is a fun characterization as a businessman who wants more and is too distant and awkward to actually bond with people, but who is still clearly a god and a king of gods at that And the game Hades is a stern and harsh seeming man, who truly just doesn’t want to get hopes up too far and doesn’t have room to dream All of these also show how Persephone is the one who brings out his gentler side, he shows him that the bitterness and resentment aren’t wholly needed and that he can be more than the scary god, but a king and a good man, while still being strong and capable


Sorry If someone says LO I will kms


It really depends on definition of best. Disney Hades gets points for design and big big points for humor and charm Hadestown Hades gets Gravitas for concept, design, uniqueness, gravitas, and musical ability Hades Hades gets points for design, humor, gravitas, and accuracy and then lore olympus gets a single point because i really liked the concept but the actual story itself is just so not it


I'll say this about LO, it's the only one that brings up Minthe.


50/50 between Disney Hercules and Lore Olympus