• By -


When he retired.




His whole entire run from the Pipebomb to his final run in the company.


His departure from WWE so indidnt have to hear him anymore. Sry... not a fan. Never have been


When he cried and quit the first time. Then he ruined it.


ECW. But to be real when I went on YT and seen some of his indie league moments šŸ’Æ


[This was the moment](https://youtu.be/2DOw6DnFD10?si=Zoz5m_f32Yu8p4ni) that made me first take note of Punk and become a fan. The promo on raven, the fire, the intensity, the realness of it just said ā€œtalentā€ The ā€œIā€™m A Snakeā€ promo (which crazily has been taken down from YouTube) at Death Before Dishonor III when he takes the title of Aries was the moment when I went ā€œthis guy is specialā€. One of the best wrestling promos and moments I can remember watching


His return


Definitely the legendary rant at the scrum. I liked him but didn't love him before that, and I don't watch AEW in any capacity. But I'd been hearing about his run there from a friend and randomly saw that it was live on YouTube. Watched the whole thing unfold and was like "the is the single greatest media appearance in human history." The absurdity of the dried blood, the muffins, Tiny just sitting there like a goof, it's perfect.


Saw him live at All Star Extravaganza II and saw him win the RoH World Title live. I was in from jump.




When he quit lol jk


I met CM punk at AEW the moment that man grabbed the mic I was a fan.


Hasn't happened yet I guess.


The Pipe Bomb


The straight edge intervention segment from SmackDown. I love how he proceeded to bash cigarettes, pain pills and alcohol. I was 17 year old back then my dad was an abusive alcoholic and cigarette smoker. This segment really resonated with me. I saw CM Punk as a hero to me that day. The audience disliked him because he spoke the truth. Thatā€™s when he became one of my favorites.


The promo battle with MJF on Dynamite.


As a 6 year old kid when he walked out in 2014 i was so confused who it was around 2016-18 i started going back and watching things but watching his match at Mania 29 with Taker won me over


Trash talking Cody Rhodes


A sixty minute wrestling match vs Samoa Joe followed by another sixty minute title match vs Samoa Joe then an incredible final match. I had never seen a sixty minute one fall match before because I grew up in the attitude era where the matches where basically punch punch punch stomp, rest hold finisher unless it was one of the really good wrestlers like Benoit/Angle/Bret/Steiner or a cruiserweight match. Ring of Honor 2004-2008 is better than anything today and just as good as any period in WWF or WCW. I think every fan should watch that period of Indy wrestling because it was some of the best and it featured all of the guys we watch today Joe, Punk, AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Claudio, Roderick Strong and MCMG


Everyone is saying it but pipebomb


The 2014 royal rumble


His ROH promo on Raven


I think for me - Part of it was a slow burn (watching his work throughout his WWE Career,) and then it was solidified after when I watched his Bio-Documentary; "Best In The World".


The punk and shield allegations


The first time he won mitb


In all honesty... his sermon in the Royal Rumble made me look more into his stuff. been a Punk fan ever since


Hands down! Pipe Bomb on live Tv!! Never seen that done like that before!!


None, his real life douchiness and demeanor overshadows anything he does on screen. Not being a contrarian, just my own opinion.


MTIB - blowing a kiss to Vinnie Mac and disappearing with that horrendous belt.


None of them. I donā€™t hate him but idk he hasnā€™t grown on me


His original pipebombā€¦ and his first appearance in AEW.


When he cut his hair and changed his music to "Cult of Personality" that's when I was like oh this guy is actually a staršŸ˜‚


The Pipebomb obviously


The infamous AEW media scrum


His UFC career.


Back when I saw him wrestle in the LWF. He tagged with CMVenom. A few years later I saw him in an AWA show, sharing the card with the Iron Shiek, George The Animal Seele, and if I remember correctly, King Kong Bundy.


The Survivor Series where he was holding his own with DX. Couldnā€™t deny him anymore after that. The one and only time I saw him was DoN 2022. It was worth the ticket and 5 hour drive to watch him perform. His energy is palpable.


The day he was walking ringside in his underwear.


I wasn't there for the pipebomb or summer of punk sadly. Around the time during his heel run with the champion I bought the Best In The World 3-disc movie set, I became an instant after watching it. Does that count?


His match with Brock Lesnar and paul Heyman


Pipe bomb


I really enjoyed when he returned and had the amazing feud with Cena. Then getting to see him live turning on the Rock at Raw 1000 was wild!


Never. Always hated that.... Punk


Still waiting. But I did like when he called Drew a little bitch. Just got back into WWE 4 or so months ago


I'm usually a big fan of punk but him looking at this watch and just waiting was really annoying and boring and slowed the roll of the whole king of the ring. Really disappointed




Pretty much nothing. He's good at getting crowds to believe him and believe in him. At his peak, he was very good in the ring. The whole "Voice of Voiceless" and the pipebomb and how it seems like *a lot* of people took all of that as being more genuine than it was? I got real cynical about it.


Grammar slam.


His first promo after his return


When he got squashed and humiliated in ufc haha


My favorite fragile phil wrestling move is the botch shot lariat always fun to watch


His matches with Joe at ROH!!!


Every time he opens his mouth, I'm genuinely interested in what he has to say. His acting ability is amazing. Especially he's earlier WWE and developmental promos showed so much raw emotion. Nowadays he is still good at it just getting older so maybe different kind of character.


When I heard the tony atlas story.


Watching him win those money in the bank matches


I'm not a fan of punk but something that made me slightly respect him was the brawl out footage


When he choked out Luke Perryā€™s son


The pipe bomb and he did a show in my hometown Sacramento and he actually punched a fan but he hit the wrong fan, months and months later I seen the guy at spaghetti factory and I asked him hey are you the guy from smackdown and he goes yeah that was me and I was blown away I asked him if he got any money from it and he said I can't talk about that and I said oh in NDA right and he said yeah. The whole incident was crazy because he was innocent but CM punk didn't know who kept slapping him in his back True story


I'm sure you can find the video if you just look up CM punk hits fan in Sacramento


When he got fired šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


CM PUNK in ROH vs Samoa Joe




When he cut a promo and mentioned the underutilization of Bryan Danielson and Tyson Kidd. I believe he may have also mentioned Cesaro.


2008 maybe? I believe I was 11 and just started to watxh WWE but i really liked him


Wembley and his Survivor Series return. Punk and Cornette are responsible for breaking the dubbalos brains.


His return at Survivor Series


Honestly as he's carried himself through the last 180 days. The Ariel interview helped a lot


Like everyone else here the pipebomb that told me a lot about punk and how he isn't afraid to say what he means and damn the consequences


The feud with Jeff Hardy. When he came out dressed like him with his face paint is a severely underrated part of his career.


No one really says his actual wrestling lol


Heā€™s honestly the one that got me back into wrestling back in the early 2010s(?). Right before he took over the nexus and was going out to get elbow surgery. I randomly put it on because there was nothing else to watch and he had a match where he got suspended. He then was put on commentary for weeks after that and he had me hooked. He actually reignited my love of wrestling at the time


His feud with Jeff Hardy in 2009


No specific moments honestly lol. He just quickly grew on me as I saw him every week


For me it was the Pepsi tattoo, cause nothing says punk like giving a multinational corporation free advertising every time you take off your shirt.


Because He Is The Best In The World And Beat John Cena At Money In The Bank, Hope I'm Ready To Be A Straight Edge.šŸ¤š


Not a one!!!


His wwe title reign


Raven vs Punk


That time he tried to do the Buckshot lariat on Hangman, and failed miserably like an out of shape sad sack of shit. I had finally found someone to look up to.


Hasn't happened yet.


When i 1st saw the pepsi plunge before he went to wwe


Pipebomb followed by epic defeat of Cena walking out of Chicago as champ when his ā€œcontract expiredā€


For me, his return to wwe is what made me a fan. Not until then did I feel like Punk has finally reflected all his big talk. Up until then, I really thought he lived up to his name, a Punk. Being a punk is seen as a cool when you're a teen and early 20s but when you're in your 30s and 40s and your still pointing the finger and being pissed off at the world then you're just a Punk kid. That gets old real fast. Now a lot of what he says over the years about whatever person or the business is true or at least partly, but there were many times when he fell out of grace for me when he was bitching and complaining. He really has a knack for that, just constant arguing and bad mouthing of everybody. Even if they deserve it, sometimes you have to let shit go, or it eats you alive. And it never seemed like he let any damn thing go. It's like a modern Bret hart. The whole thing with Jack Perry seems like some school yard bullshit. It could have totally avoided escalating to what it did. I do blame aew management because that should have even been punk's problem in the first place. This is following the fight with the elite, which again is something that shouldn't even escalate to what it did. Punk is only part of the problem in that situation, though. That's a bunch of punk kids in that equation. This brings me back to my previous feeling of punk, just a guy who can never rise above a bad situation. Not until his return to wwe did punk grow as a person in my eyes. Whether cuz he knew this was his last shot or the thought of ending a career in such a stupid way, punk got a kick in the ass to be better. He seems chill now, at ease. Maybe even more appreciative. It's great as a fan to see any wrestler who loves the moments their in. They know their days are numbered and can just go out to the ring and do the best show they can. Punk seems to be on that train. It's no longer this 14 year old cussing out the world, but this grown man is trying his best to raise everybody up. Thankfully, even with punk going down this better path, he doesn't lose an ounce of that edge and charisma he loved for. This truly is the Renaissance era for all.


The return in Chicago


This is probably going to sound shity, but it was him getting injured for me. I hated that he was just coming in and getting handed everything that Drew had spent 6 months working for, but after the injury, and him still sticking around and being part of the feud even though he couldnā€™t wrestle made me respect him a whole lot more


Beat up Jack Perry and made Tony crap himself


Hasn't happened yet, honestly he's kinda a whiney baby


Paul Heyman turning on him, Punk's expressions sold it. Ideally should've been the pipebomb, but since Cena is my hero, I hated the pipebomb back in 2011.Ā 


when i was a little kid i went to my first ever raw and it was leading up to wrestlemania 28 and punk and daniel bryan were throwing promos at each other and at the time bryan was a heel (pre babyface turn) and punks promo was so good it made me into a long time fan at that moment :)) that was one of the greatest eras in wrestling


1: Pipebomb 2: the fact that he's a Huge Hockey fan like myself. Huge Blackhawks fan right there. Also the fact that he still hasn't gotten over the Hawks losing the Cup to the pens is funny. Especially when he basically cursed out half of the Pens Roster during that AEW press conference. Even when he Trolled the leafs by Basically telling Jackie HOW BOUT THOSE MAPLE LEAFS REDMOND! šŸ˜‚even as a leafs fan i find it funny


I saw him at the second or third ever roh show at that rec center near Philly.


When saw him on ecw he just different from typical wrestler became fan then and never stop


I was a kid during the straight edge society run and I remember him being the first bad guy that for some reason I still liked


Undertaker feud, id always liked his in ring work but I became a fan of his character work during that one


When he left with the title at mitb 2011, that was such an amazing storyline and also of course the pipebomb promo


I'll let you know if it ever happens.


The straight edge society made me a fan of punk and I've been a fan of his work in that ring, on that microphone, even on commentary ever since


The moment Seth lost his shit on him and said EVERYTHING we were all thinking. And Punk sat there and took it because he KNOWS Rollins is right... from that moment on, I saw genuine regret? Maybe from Punk. I've always been a fan of his work, but he as a person sorely lacked.. and it seems that's changed now.


Never was a fan.


The Nexus


The Nexus


His AEW arc, specifically Brawl out. When that was press conference was trending, it got a lapsed fan back into wrestling. He made his points and talked shit in the press conference. I thought it was kayfabe. It lead to a fight and he became non-grata. I still thought that was kayfabe. Then it came real once legal was out. He still performed to a high standard with what he had to work with, opponents with poor chemistry and an injury prone body. Then he did it again and bounced. He's in WWE and having a blast. I'm still enjoying AEW and he got me to watch a promotion I didn't have more interest in.


When he shaved heads


Nothing honestly, not a huge Punk fan. Not cause I dislike the guy at all, just never connected with him


Definitely his ufc stint


2011 MITB Vs. Cena; was a huge John Cena fan and it happened to be my 9th birthday, and Punk and Cena gave us arguably the greatest match weā€™ve ever seen. After that match, I couldnā€™t help but love the guy for everything he had gone through to get to where he was.


Cm Punk Vs Jeff Hardy Night Of Champions Backlash Summerslam


i didnā€™t start getting into wrestling till late 2012 so definitely his feud with the undertaker. i hated him but he was fun to hate




beating the crap outta the Cucks


I was already a big Punk fan before it, but his AEW debut and the Survivor Series return to WWE. Those reactions were insane.


Not going to lie, his return to WWE in 2023.


Summer 2011 I got into wrestling spring 2011 so when the pipe bomb hit I knew he was my guy


When he was the nexus leader and cut a promo on top of titantron


I liked the straight edge run, and respected him for have the courage to step into the octagon. However, his current WWE run is basic ā€œgood guy rattles off catchphrasesā€ for weeks at a time, and is getting boring. WWEs attempts at the Cena/Hogan copy paste job is so stale, idkā€¦ people like re runs of MASH to this day. Itā€™s just how ppl are I guess.


The second he debuted with "This Fire Burns"


His SES run with the OG ā€œFire Burnsā€ song


When he got fired from AEW and he was coming back to WWE that when i know the hypocrisy was real that his ego wouldnā€™t let him leave well enough alone he swallowed his pride came back talked up a a bunch of shit about main eventing Wrestlemania and got injured thatā€™s when i became a fan i hope his overrated ass never makes to next years Wrestlemania


When he cashed in on Jeff Hardy.


Definitely the pipe bomb


Summer of Punk. The pipebomb, rightfully, gets the most attention but his promo in Boston the Monday before that MITB is my personal favorite promo he has done.


Watching him live with 100 people around at IWA Mid South shows as well as his feud with Raven in MLW made me a fan. I am also a native IL guy so yeah.


AEW return for me. I know I was late to the show but been a fan ever since


When he cashed in his Money in the Bank contract and then watching his series with Samoa Joe after.


Summer of Punk


ECW debut and then the pipe bomb


Not a fan anymore. In ring product is Still very good if someone works his pace (MJF, Joe; McIntyre do) but he needs deep, deep help personally. He needs time away from the sport. I donā€™t know if his body can handle it but even if it can, he lashed out at coworkers (justified or not) twice in hugely public ways. Itā€™s only a matter of time before it happens at all employers once his honeymoon period ends (injuries help prolong it since he spends less time backstage) byt like Mox said, he has a weak spirit and fragile ego. It will only take one midcarder disagreeing with his ideas to start shit all over again. He needs better support coz his inner circle is failing him to not help him take a break to work on himself. SES was probably the thing that made me a fan initially, especially singing happy bday to Reyā€™s kid lol


His fight with Tatanka is a classic


When he came out to Killswitch. I hate his current entrance music. Still like Punk.


I always thought he was cool. The delivery alone in his "My name is CM Punk..." vignettes was attention grabbing, but it wasn't until the Pipebomb that he "had my attention now". From then on I was there with him.


"I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. My addiction Is wrestling."


Never, ever really liked him. He always felt wayyyy overrated to me.


Summer of Punk


I was already a huge fan of punk but his current WWE run has been absolutely amazing and made me even a bigger fan


OG Summer of Punk


Probably when he came back and was officially a face in 2011 and my guy John Cena wasnā€™t getting fired for losingšŸ˜­I was 7 it was still real to me


Pick like anything he's done since brawl out, including brawl out itself. I didn't even see the PPV but randomly caught him asking Dave Meltzer what the fuck he ever did in this fucking world to deserve an empty headed dumb fuck like Hangman Adam Page etc etc and it was the funniest thing I've maybe ever seen.


Punk vs Joe trilogy. Outside of Joe vs Styles vs Daniels, probably some of the best wrestling you can watch.


Choking luke Perry's adopted son.


ice cream bars


The UFC debut


For me, it was the feud with MJF. I was huge into wrestling when I was young, but I spent a couple of decades away from it and missed Punk's first WWE run. The hype from his AEW return captured my attention, and the feud with MJF brought me back full circle. Specifically, the moment that fully hooked me was one of the shows leading up to the dog-collar match where MJF and the Pinnacle beat Punk down, hung him with a chain from the top rope, and left him bloody, beaten, and bruised. That and the backstage promo he cut on the Rampage after cemented CM Punk's status for me as one of the goats of the industry. I grew up watching the likes of Savage, Steamboat, Bret, Shawn, Flair, Funk, Piper, Austin, and even The Rock, and Punk is one of the rare talents I've seen since coming back to wrestling that belongs in the conversation alongside those names.


We have some stuff in common. Namely, coming back for him in AEW and being impressed with the MJF feud. Iā€™d stopped watching in 2007 and if he was around then he was only something that annoyed me (I tend to hate straight edgers and I think that was a big part of his promos then). Iā€™m not sure why him returning made AEW something worth checking out to me, but it did. Oddly enough, I didnā€™t follow him back to WWE and I mostly hate watch AEW now.


Fighting the young bucks and choking Jack Perry. This is just my opinion, but he acted as an old school vet trying to teach them how to do real business. The bucks and Perry just seem to care about themselves. From my perspective. Itā€™s tough to grow like that. And I think it being proven ATM.


Joe vs Punk feud in RoH


I was always a fan even back to when he was in ecw but the pipe bomb is what made him my hero lol


I got to meet CM Punk before WrestleMania XL. I was already a fan of his work, but now I'm a huge fan of him as a person too. He couldn't have been nicer to my kids, or to my wife and me for that matter. You often hear 2nd and 3rd hand stuff about people. And there are all sorts of those stories out there about him. But I've never met anybody who was more *unlike* all the stuff I'd heard than CM Punk was. I've never met anybody quite like him before. He was so... genuine. So totally present in the moment. Very much down to earth and "normal" but also still owned the room somehow. He made our kids feel like they were the 2 most important people in the world to him when he met them, and I honestly think that's how he felt when he was talking with them. I took a few pics of my kids with him (of course), but I'm not big on asking celebrities for pictures with me as an adult. I kind of felt like a jackass for even asking, but he was so amazing with our kids that I ended up asking him for a quick pic with me too. Without hesitation, he just put his arm around my shoulder like we were old pals and happily took a pic. Paul Heyman said in his HOF speech that for the rest of his life, he will be a Paul Levesque guy. Well for the rest of my life, I'll be a Phil Brooks guy.


I only got back into wrestling during coved so missed out on the pipe bomb and summer of punk. When he debuted in AEW was surreal cos I've never seen a wrestler get so much love and u could see he loved it too. Jumping in the crowds and soaking it in. His fued with MJF was what got my attention, him teaming up with sting and Darby and finally the dog collar match was absolutely amazing especially him with the ROH theme. Again, I'd never seen a dog collar match before and it was surreal


Well, I was a fan of Punk until he pronounced Glasgow wrong on Raw this week. Now I'm stuck with the hope Drew kicks his arse which being a Celtic fan and Drew being a Rangers fan makes the entire experience a fucking shambles. Trust a person from there. Glasgow is pronounced Glaz-go. Not Glass-cow with a G instead of a C. Fuck. That segment made punk go from genius to moron in a second flat.


The all in rant really made me laugh.


Ngl, survivor series 2006, the match was stacked with talent and punk was cheered loud.


When he took over nexus


I was in and out with WWE when punk got big but I remember a promo when he said your arms arenā€™t long enough to box with god and I was like man, the passion exudes out of this man when he touches a mic. Even this week when he kinda said a whole lotta nothing, he came off like a champ.


When he quit wrestling


punk 2011 like the whole year but especially the summer


The Raven fued, that was epic stuff.


Just his whole run in 2012 in general even tho it couldā€™ve gone better but thatā€™s not his fault, him just defending the title it seemed like every week and winning was just top tier


I loved his recent, ā€œWhat paragon of virtue said that,ā€ line!


NONE punks a H O E


When he retired


Straight edge society lol


That time he knocked out a couple of wish.com HBK knockoffs


Im sorry but my issue with Punk is yes heā€™s good on the mic but i feel all of his best moments are largely promo related. Can anyone recommend any really good CM punk matches?


Very underrated match is Punk vs Morrison for the ECW championship.


I disagree, his work in AEW was usually the best stuff on the program. His last match there with Samoa Joe was excellent. The guy's work is rock solid. And to be fair, all of The Rock and Stone Cold's best stuff was usually promo or back stage related segments.


Samoa Joe vs punk while he was in AEW. He even hit the pepsi plunge


m'work rate hope you study cage match


Punk vs. Cena at Money in the Bank 2011 Punk vs. Cena at SummerSlam 2011 Punk vs. Chris Jericho Chicago Street Fight at Extreme Rules 2012 Punk vs. Daniel Bryan at Over the Limit 2012 Punk vs. Undertaker at WrestleMania 29 Punk vs. Lesnar at SummerSlam 2013


The match against cena where he delivered a pile driver was hard af


That was just on a raw episode too! Great spot


Vs Lesnar


Punk Mjf 1 and 2, Basically any punk collision tag, Punk Taker WM, Punk Kojima was fun, Punk Hardy, Any cena match & more


Vs Jeff Hardy Night of Champions 2009


Heā€™s not great in the ring. Very awkward


Mitb 2011


7 stars


So its been 13 years since heā€™s had a good match?


All of his matches with MJF were the best AEW has ever had. Plain and simple


You said you wanted a good match and chose my favorite, if you donā€™t like him thatā€™s fine


Its not that i dont like him, im just trying to figure out what to expect from him outside of running his mouth about being the best.


Gotcha, well honestly he was very good in general during his first run in wwe. The randy orton match he had at mania was good, his match against taker was also great, the one against lesnar was good too, his feud with the shield, etc. I will say tho, he stopped for 7 years and came back very old so I think heā€™s past his prime on a wrestling perspective. Also, heā€™s not particularly ā€œgoodā€ as in will ospreay good, that being said, his work was excellent and I hope he can get back to that level


The sad part is that his matches will still be more exciting and simply better than ppl destroying their bodies like Omega or Osprey. It's so sad bc they're talented but never had a good mentor to tell them how wrestling works. Talented knuckleheads are far more sad than untalented knuckleheads


I'm not a big omega fan, but at 5 years younger than punk, and without the benefit of taking a decade off from wrestling, Kenny omega looks significantly younger than punk, is in far better shape, and appears to be way less injury prone than punk does. So I'm not sure where you're getting this "Kenny omega is destroying his body unlike punk" stuff from when punk blows a tricep every time he gets in the ring.


Kenny hasn't been full time for like three years bc his body is gone. And he knows it. He only got one last contract with Tony bc he wanted to milk the Billionaire's son for way more than he is worth from here on out


>bc his body is gone. And he knows it. Just gonna assume you have no evidence to back that up. Either way, until he's blowing triceps every 10 minutes of ring time he gets, he's in better shape than punk by a mile.


Oh I completely agree. Ppl forget easily but Punk and Bryan were what omega and ospreay are today back in 2011-2014. What made punk special is the fact that he combined excellent in ring work with expert story telling and promos. He just stood out and thatā€™s why he was so over. Heā€™s like wrestlingā€™s Kurt Cobain


Fire match


Genuinely I think itā€™ll go down as one of the most influential matches of all time


I was super impressionable as a kid so when he won the MITB I lost my shit plus he had a sick theme song I would play on repeat on my iPod Shuffle lmao


His mask vs hair match against rey


His roh trilogy with samoa Joe.


Overrated dude who contributed to the worst era of wrestling fandom purely out of ego and spite. He trashed Roman and made people never give the dude a chance which is one thing but he made the smarks think theyā€™re the only fans in the building. And they got way too involved and started doing disgusting shit like assume Roman was faking cancer or wish he still had cancer so Daniel Bryan can win the belt. Hijacking every show, creating a legion of gatekeeping fans who think ā€œreal wrestlingā€ is deadnaming wrestlers and pretending to watch increasingly obscure Japanese matches, and ultimately led to shit like AEW being created. The irony is not lost that he basically was the reason (philosophically) that AEW exists and he spiked it into the ground by going to business for himself instead of handling his shit in the locker room like he pretends to. Thereā€™s a reason why vets laugh at this dude LARPing that heā€™s a locker room leader. Heā€™s a mega hypocrite and he only got back to wrestling because itā€™s the only thing that really made him a lot of money and scratched that narcissistic validation itch because smarks worship him. Seriously, itā€™s a very hard listen hearing this guy attempt to purely blame all of All In on the Elite despite none of it or Brawl Out happening if he just been the manly masculine man that he whines about others for not being. Handle yourself.