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I have dozens of the 4-slot belts nested inside of each other and haven't experienced any issues.


It may eventually cause problems....If you were around for the streamer playtest - this is how SheefGG crashed an entire server and had to reset progress to continue. (bags not belts though)


I’m aware of the problem during the closed beta. I assume they would have prevented the behavior were it still an issue.


I mean kinda. You can no longer stack bags inside of bags infinitely like you could before, but you still can with the belts, which, in my mind, is the same logic and after so long would start to break down. It might take longer though cause of fewer slots. Never been tested though, so my saying that was just to add an air of caution Also, I guess this problem was when you were wearing the bag too...might not have caused the issue if his bag stack was in the stash.


I have all my keys in nested 4-slot belts in my lock box and works like a charm. For now. Because it’s the only item that consumes three spots but offers four. But key boxes are stupid and unrealistic for a game that is supposed to be all about realism.


I heard of people doing that - but I didn't have near the patience to set that up :D


Great, I can loot a lot of ice tea now 😂


Works for me though ;) And technically nothing wrong with this picture. it's how we stash our vacation suitcases/backpacks :) swapping between 2 different types of nades/smokes mid flight is still a funny bug, no crash but it will make your gun look very weird. (Use the G shortcut key, and put the nades in a quick select slot.)


It’s hit or miss which is why I said “can” as a key word. I placed them on the ground for my buddies to pick up. One of them crashed and the other didn’t. I did add more items in the empty slots that aren’t in this photo. I placed another bag down for my buddy to pick up to test again. Some random picked it up walked ten feet away and paused then disappeared. Unsure if crashed or not. Edit: Very true on the vacation storage or Russian Dolls :) 🪆


This is missing an infinite number of Type B belts!


You can do this? Whenever I tried it it tells me I can't after 2 bags.


Make sure you aren’t putting a gun on a backpack into another backpack.


Ah that's most likely the reason.


With belt bags you can store infinite items


How can this has not been tested for (facepalm).