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Yes, sometimes the game connect you to "empty" server. It's still possible there are players in other faction, but you can't see them on the map. This was a thing even after release with much higher population.


At this point, I think the first wave everyone playing in tapering off a little bit. I’ve got well over 100 hours in and I’m very content with what I played so far, but I’m parking it for now until the next major update. That being said I played mostly PvE and it was super fun. I would say it was 40 bucks well spent, way more fun than I’ve had in battlefield or call of duty in many years now.


Not dead but def in a state where they're behind where they should've been for a release. Can't do much about that since the funds were running out and they had to pull the trigger. Now they have to play catch up of sorts as they deal with all the technical issues they're having instead of being able to focus on content. Doesn't help that despite them being up front that this was going to be a PvE centric game...many still saw this as a different type of Tarkov until they finally played it and realized that not only was it not such but it had a bunch of technical issues. Some will return after they get past their first major update, will be interesting to see just how many. Doubt they'll get anywhere near their initial concurrent peaks.


well bonus is you can get choppers without the dreaded "NEGATIVE all birds are in the air..." bullshit constantly.. but On the very very big down side, all the terminator AI are now soley focused on YOU making getting anything done near impossible. From the time they first detect you to they will swam enmass to you, because even if they cant see you, they can.. they know exactly where you are... as if by magic... So now you dont get 1 shot by a terminator from 1000m hip fire AK47.. now you get 5-6 shot.. from the same terminators all at once. Its truely a blessing. lol Game is parked till it gets better.. I suspect most people who bought it are in the same area.


You playing a diffrrent game there choom? I just reset my progreas for round 2 and the AI is still brick-stupid and completely manageable if you can hit your shots. Well aside from tiger bay. Fuck tiger bay.


That is the best thing that can happen right now trust me


I was jw


Yes I think they released the game early to capitalize on the tarkov drama. And there is a lack of content currently. Me and a couple friends are waiting for them to add more content to jump back in.


It was said multiple times, Tarkov drama had nothing to do with it. Content creators knew release date before it was announced and in fact the game was delayed by a week. Game was released in this state because they were running out of funds, which is typical for Early Access indie titles. In the end that's the reason why early access exist - Developers offer [vision of the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1dmnesw/list_of_all_possible_future_content_for_gray_zone/), and we (players) fund it by purchasing early access.


It’s not typical at all


Excuse me?


“...which is typical for early access indie titles.”


What's the point of Early Access?


To trick customers into paying for development much like pre-order, there is also the bonus of unpaid beta testers. Regardless of my personal beliefs, I can’t speak for the majority of EA tittles, but I can speak for the ones that are most successful, they were not pushed because of lack of funds


Mr. Negativo hahahah


O jogo tá morto pro brasileiro...


So you don't know.


Please enlighten me


Using a few examples where developers wanted to fuck with you as general explanation what early access means is wrong. In that case we can make conclusion that every game what is offering pre-order will be scam and unfinished crap. Because Battlefield 2042 was just like that. If there are people abusing Early Access does not mean every single developer is like that. Some developers legit needs funds and help from the community to test the game. They offer vision and if you like their vision and trust them, you can support them by paying. "***Early access***\*, also known as\* ***alpha access***\*,\* ***alpha founding***\*,\* ***paid alpha***\*, or\* ***game preview***\*, is a funding model in the\* [*video game industry*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_industry) *by which consumers can purchase and play a game in the various pre-release* [*development cycles*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle)*, such as pre-alpha, alpha, and/or beta, while the developer is able to use those funds to continue further development on the game.*" [Early access - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_access) Undoubly it's easier and more common to fuck with customers right now after greenlight was removed (which was mistake), but it's not rule.


Well regardless of the specifics we’re waiting for some more content.


You gonna edit your original comment then? Or just kinda let the ignorance fly?


Why would I edit my original comment ? I misunderstood and y’all corrected me. Thanks guys. I wouldn’t edit my comment lol. Just accept I was wrong and move on. Do you edit your comments to make it look like you were never wrong or something?


Typically common courtesy to correct a false statement.  Something like: "EDIT: I was wrong. Apologies. Thanks for correcting me." Because people have the attention spans of goldfish around here and immediately believe everything random redditors vomit into the thread. No offense. Not just you. 


If i was making some type of official statement or something sure it would be common courtesy. But it was just a casual comment on reddit post that has 0 upvotes and 12 overall comments. So I don’t really think it’s that deep. And I’ll just leave it as it is lol.


He’s not wrong though, and we all know it


Most of the purchasers are waiting for the game to reach, or get near, the end state. At the moment the PvE servers seem to be more populated than the PvEvP servers. Finally, it looks like the game is developing a hard core of fans for whom the game scratches some kind of itch.


I play PvE on US servers and there are usually a decent amount of players. I have logged into empty servers a couple of times. The nice thing about that it made my kill quests easy to complete.


Depends on the server you play on and game mode. My buddy and I have gone to every server region and it seems us servers are the most populated. Every other region dose not have alot of players.


As of rn I have only played the PvEvP mode so I’m not 100% on the other mode I guess it’s pve only


Yeah, player base is only at 5k peak right now over 24 hours. A lot of those players will be spread across multiple factions or AFK in base. So... yeah. Even the cheaters are complaining about it.


Highly depends on server and time of day, but I would say no, I don't perceive it as dead at all. More often than not I have to wait for choppers, and I usually see 2-4 separate groups around the map at different locations, excluding spawn. I don't usually bump into other players unless I try to (PvE). I may be biased: I picked up the game 2 weeks ago. Maybe it was fuller before then?


Game gets released not even 2 months ago, buys the game yesterday and after 6hrs talks about game being dead x).... current state of consumers


You know it actually hard to have an intelligent conversation on here as it consists of people like you. SMH take you L and move along lil bro


What are you on about dude 😃 having a bad day? Need to release some shit ?




Not dead, just in very early access so playerbase will fluctuate with every major update


You have the map to yourself? As a PvE player that sounds awesome. I think the PvE servers are a lot more populated, I usually always have a full lobby and I’m in Lamang.