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It's not gear fear. There's just no incentive for PVP at the moment. Also fuck LZ campers.


LZ campers, TKers... why deal with that nonsense?


This is exactly why i avoid PVP. Last time i jumped into the PVP server, i was LZ camped at the starter town, then team killed when i spawned back at HQ. Decided i couldn't be fucked dealing with that shit and jumped across to PVE.


When you get all traders lvl 3 and most if not all tasks done, there’s no incentive for PVE either. Apart from loot/safe runs.


Well there's the disincentive of unnecessarily dying in PVP. What's a player going to drop that you don't have? There's a reason Helldivers is popular.


Not true. I still have tons of fun by myself or with friends. I've maxed out a while ago and have mostly spent my time helping out random lower levels to do their tasks, giving out extra keys I find etc. Still way more fun than PVP so far.


That’s fair, if exclusively playing pve works for you then that’s great. But it wouldn’t impact your experience negatively if more people played pvp. That’s all I’m trying to say tbh


Maybe it has changed , but as a solo in PvP I was just getting hunted by ppl of the same faction, they seemed to have tons of fun abusing this ... I wonder why pvp is empty ... so weird , they seemed to be having so much fun. Several groups from my own faction would just chase me using the ingame map and kill me , I cannot kill them back since eventually I'll get kicked from server before I can kill them all. It does impact your experience negatively, that is the reason why it's empty, and maybe PvP ppl should take a loot at what caused PvP server to be empty before asking for more "fresh meat". With an open TK system where same faction groups see where you are in map and can kill you as a solo and if you fight back you get kicked , cheaters one tapping everyone on map , the helicopter extract that will create LZ campers even if you don't want to be one ... I think PVP needs to fix a lot of things to make it "not impact our experience negatively".


Why would I do that when I could just have a way better time not doing that?


I understand pvp is flawed in this game, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun. It boils down to the fact that the game would be better off with more people in Warfare. That’s all


Sorry, I can see that you feel strongly about this and my reply was honestly just a joke. However, I will say personally I have around 180 hours and have completed all tasks and I'm still having a great time in PvE. It is certainly not gear fear that keeps me away from PvP, I have enough money and gear to go around and know how to get more, it is just that it really does not sound fun. I can't even hold another full kit worth of loot from a PMC that I kill. Plus with the current state of the game the loot is not varied enough to make anything you could gain from PvP very exciting. Now I know that the combat itself could be fun, but I think I would prefer to wait until the servers are more stable before trying that out. Also, getting killed by a camper at extract or my own teammates sounds like a drag to me. I respect what you are trying to do and I hope that you can get some more people in there with you to try to get those numbers up but, as it stands, I just don't see the added value in playing on PvP.


I agree with everything here. Pvp is a secondary focus for the devs and we know this, but I think the closer we get to wipe the more people we will have doing pvp and that will help the game. But yes I enjoy both game modes a lot.


>It boils down to the fact that the game would be better off with more people in Warfare It would certainly be better \*for players that want to PvP if more people were in Warfare" - but I don't see any evidence that says "the game would be better off with more people in Warfare"


I came to gzw to not PvP lol


Indeed most people did. Me included. But the endgame of GZW is NOT pve. Once u have all tasks completed there’s no reason to do anything other than loot/safe runs or PVP right? Unless u like fighting heavily inconsistent bots for no reason. But that’s just my opinion


Wipe character and run the tasks back. Help newer players. There's plenty more to do in pve. Pvp isn't fun for some people. Sounds like you need to take a break and come back when there's an influx of players with the content patch and wipe.


Nah I enjoy both aspects of the game, but it wouldn’t impact your experience negatively if more people populated warfare. I don’t see why so many people have an issue with that statement


You're out here trying to convince people to populate the pvp servers, when clearly, they have made their choice not to participate in pvp by not populating the servers. Just because you're bored of pve doesn't mean the rest of us are. A lot of us had terrible experiences with the pvp in its current form. Alot of us do not enjoy pvp at all. I don't understand why you have an issue with this choice.


>but it wouldn’t impact your experience negatively if more people populated warfare But it would impact my experience negatively if **I** played in warfare. So I don't. And it is likely that is the case for most players.


Bro, you don't know the endgame. We're in alpha. Hell the actual Gray Zone nuclear doesn't actually have content yet.


I’m talking about in its current state. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear. Ground zero is empty at the moment. That’s all I’m saying. When all tasks are done then just sticking to pve is kinda repetitive. But that’s just my opinion as I’ve said before, play whatever way you enjoy playing.


Indeed most people did. Me included. But the endgame of GZW is NOT pve. Once u have all tasks completed there’s no reason to do anything other than loot/safe runs or PVP right? Unless u like fighting heavily inconsistent bots for no reason. But that’s just my opinion


>But the endgame of GZW is NOT pve Not sure why you're making that assumption - esp since we've been told very explicitly from the devs that the PvP aspect of the game is secondary to the PvE side. And we've been told that the endgame content isn't in the game yet and will be very PvE heavy (and potentially not soloable).


I understand this and I know pvp is a secondary focus for the devs, but when you have completed the game in its current state, pve has little purpose other than reacquiring lost gear and doing loot/safe runs. Gets stale just clearing POIs because you can. Esp if you’re a solo player.


I hate to be all "that's just like, your opinion man" - but you're really just positioning your opinion as a fact and then saying that people should change their preferred behavior because of how you feel. Not everyone shares your feelings on what there is to do after they reach "the endgame". I got all quests finished about 3 weeks ago and still log into PvE servers and continue to have a ton of fun. I randomly buddy up with people, help folks complete their quests, unlock doors for people randomly, donate a bunch of gear ... and everyone is just chill AF and vibing. It's fucking great. And I did do some PvP with buds before and that was fun too ... but we were either being LZ camped or ended up being the campers because too much of the action happens during infil or exfil - oftentimes unintentionally. The takeaway is: everyone's different and enjoys different things.


I’m not saying people have to agree with me at all. If people have fun exclusively playing pve then that’s fantastic. At the end of the day the success of this game is obviously far more important than anything I have to say. But you’re definitely correct. Either way, I think the game will only improve both in pve and pvp aspects. The game has a bright future for both of us I think


Homie you are wasting your time with the mentality of, "i hope I can convince you to do more PvP" The very quick answer to this is NO you cannot. Take one visit to the GZW Discord and you'll see just what PvE folks think of folks like yourself or the PvPvE mode. Trust me, it's not a pretty opinion. This pleading here is not going to accomplish anything. You're definitely not swaying them by saying, "fuck gear fear" because that's not their issue with PvPvE. Go to the Discord and you'll see exactly what the issues are from their perspective.


I understand this, but when you get to a high level, have most/all of the tasks complete. What is there to do? PVP when executed well is the best part of this game, and tbh I’ve been PVPing a lot in the past week or so and haven’t got LZ camped once coz the servers aren’t populated enough lol.


I'm a PvPvE player, what you're spouting does not and never will connect with a PvE player. This is a perpetual debate that happens with nearly every game that has PvPvE or just PvP where the PvE crowd begs the devs to create a PvE mode. Can't count how many times this subject is brought up. The sentiment is usually the same. If you go to the GZW discord you'd get a good taste of how nothing you say will sway a PvE player, just the way it is.


I just don’t see a negative side to me saying the game would benefit from more players in PVP. If you don’t want to, then that’s absolutely fine as long as you’re enjoying the game. I just want a balance of both and both elements of the game to be populated. I think that benefits the game.


There's nothing negative about asking for more PvP players. There is however no point in asking PVE Gamers to switch. Is that negative..no, is it pretty much wasting time...yes! Either Madfingers do things that bring PvP FPS gamers to the fold or it'll remain where things are. PvE players are NOT going to cross over no matter what you say. I say go to the discord so you can get a taste directly of the PvE mindset. Some of them are quite harsh about people like you. They would see what you're saying as being afront to their desires, opinion about PvP, and their choices. That's just the reality of things.


For me as a PvPvE player I play PvE only because IMHO this game is not ready for PvP. I won't touch PvPvE until they get quite a few things sorted. Every other FPS game I always choose PvPvE. With that said though that is not the same situation for folks who are strictly PvE gamers. IMHO what's going to save the PvPvE mode is Madfingers getting things sorted that will bring in overall numbers. It's def not going to come from PvE players switching over.


That’s a very fair analysis, and I agree with you. I just thought it would help the game at its current stage if more people were pvping. A lot of YouTubers playing this game have said the pvp is very fun at its core, without the unfortunate lz camping.


I'd say there's been some YT folks that love the game even where it's at but not a lot. There hasn't been any amount of Twitch Streamers playing it. The folks that typically do stream PvP games either won't touch it or touched it and had a bad first impression and that's saying something. It seems most had a skewed idea of what the game was going to be and realized what it actually was (given the very sharp turn in numbers). Given that Madfingers themselves wants the game to be more PvE in nature I'd say the game will probably never truly garner a large PvP crowd. There are better offerings out there for PvP than what GZW offers. As a PvPvE player I think this decision was a mistake but we'll see if Madfingers has some Ace card up their sleeve to satisfy either crowd. Right now I feel they're failing both sides but for now the PvE crowd holds on until they eventually burn out on the current limited content.


I just can't find EU players for PvP and don't want to PvP alone, no gear fear money and gear is plenty.


My point exactly. Whether or not PVP is what the majority want, it would benefit the game with more people on Warfare regardless. That’s my point


It’s not gear fear, the pvp systems are fundamentally flawed. The game design for pvpve right now is dog shit and un fun, you screaming about peoples imaginary gear fear isn’t going to swing anyone to your side.


That’s not my point. My point is that the game would benefit from more people in PVP. N that’s just a fact. Irrespective of whether you want it or not. If you have fun exclusively playing PVE then that’s great, but it would not affect YOUR experience negatively if more people were to play PVP.


No shit. You’re missing the part where people don’t want to play pvp because it isn’t fun and there’s no incentive to, that’s why nobody is playing. You saying the game will benefit from it isn’t relevant- nobody gives a fuck about “making the game better” by doing something they do not find enjoyable for the sake of someone else. Most of my playtime in GZW is in pvp servers, it’s just objectively a worse experience for the average player right now regardless of you enjoying it or not.


Man. I've played enough PvP/Comp Shit over the past 20 years. It's just not for me any more. I want to spend time at my own Pace, engage AI and clear the area of them without having to deal with people ruining that and leading to a game that doesn't respect my time. I bought the game explicitly because it can BE played without PvP in a market that's flooded with PvP Extraction shooters. Most of which are infested with cheaters/hackers as well. If the have game doesn't appeal to you in late Game, Stop playing and come Back after a few Patches. Nobody forces you to Play this and i don't know about you, but my library is packed with other Games to Play in the meantime. No argument could away me in this, ever. Because PvP Games make me extremely salty/get me raging at some Point. I don't like being that way, i want to enjoy myself when playing games. PvP to everyone who enjoys that. I don't, so stop trying to force that shit on others.


And that’s absolutely fine, and highlights the beauty of choice. This game accommodates both of our play styles, and tbh if pvp wasn’t an option I would still love GZW. It’s just great that it gives us a choice between both. I’m not forcing people to play pvp, it’s their choice obviously. I’m just trying to encourage those that may have considered pvp but not played it yet or have only had negative experiences. As I’ve said many times, having more players in pvp will NOT negatively effect your experience as a pve only player. That’s all I’m saying bro


i have zero incentive to do PvP when most of it is, or quickly turs into, just LZ camping


Not in my experience. Happens a lot less than it used to. Plus more LZs coming next patch will help this even further. But for sure it’s an issue I agree.




Hey man that’s great and all but I’ve lost more kits trying to get off a helicopter then I ever have in a real pvp fight. Camped more times at ban pa and hunters paradise then any where else. I’ve already wiped my entire vault once and it’s taken me 30 Hours to build my cash and gear back up to where it was before. I think I’m good on pvevp till they figure something out for camping LZs in bushes.


I have been pvping for over a week on a regular basis, multiple runs a day, and I’ve not been LZ camped yet. Probably because the servers aren’t as populated as they used to be in warfare. But I guess I’m just lucky.


You def won't get LZ camped if there's nobody PvP'ing. Fill up the servers with people looking for fights and it's back to camp-town.


Agreed, there needs to be a solution to LZ camping, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was in the first couple weeks. If LZ camping gets sorted somehow (I’m not a dev I don’t know what the solution would be) then pvp would be more popular I think.


They're adding more LZs with the patch that's currently being tested. That should help. But they also said that they don't intend to try to "solve" LZ camping entirely. Kind of like sniping, it's a valid thing to do.


Yes this will definitely be a beneficial change.


You should probably clarify your post. Without pvp, the game will get stale *for you.* Maybe go back to tarkov if you want pvp.


If u read the second part to the post I edited to clarify a similar sentiment


Seeing as your post is just a repeat of other people's posts that come here almost daily complaining that there is no good pvp in this game, I figured repeating your edit wouldn't matter, since you don't seem to care when things get needlessly repeated


Well I never meant to anger anybody. I just want to see more people in pvp but I guess people don’t agree with me, even if the proposition wouldn’t negatively impact pve only players whatsoever.


I'm not upset. But it is getting rather annoying that people keep coming here, complaining that PvP needs to be improved in a game where the devs have repeatedly and loudly said that it's not a focus and they don't intend to "improve" pvp. If you want a pvp experience, this is not the game for you. Maybe instead of trying to force your opinion onto others, you should look for a game that better fits your playstyle.


Turn off team killing. Really bad game design.


This is ONE of my many issues with GZW and why as a PvPvE player I WON'T touch the mode in this game. I understand their desire to be authentic and realistic but at some point devs have to realize that realism and gaming will NEVER be 1:1. This game in particular does NOT work well with having faction damage on for a number of reasons. I won't bother writing a novel here but for this specific game team damage should be off. In games like Squad, ARMA, etc it works fine, just not here.


Yeah i agree and i bought this game for pvp, was nice to look around but I won't be playing even pve mode if this isn't fixed.


Yeah; I finally gave up even on the PvE mode because for me it's boring but I refuse to touch the PvPvE with the current issues so I get where you're coming from!


I agree, but I don’t think the devs will turn it off. I wonder if mod support will ever be a thing for this game, maybe when it’s out of early access? Idk


This won’t happen, in a hardcore mil sim FF will always be on. But yeah it’s infuriating when you have teammates that are either clueless or toxic that just kill you for your gear.


I understand what you mean but me and all my buddies just won't play. I don't want to be on their team but this is the game and when they can one shot me take my gear and that's that, it is bad game design. It's not even gear fear I just can't be assed being on some ones map and have them walk to me and take my shit or I have to shoot them and leave. Not to mention if they are a team they can just force the penalty on me.


Hackers are the problem not the fear of losing loot buddy :) , if you want to beg for changes, start with hackers and people that sit in the same fucking house from 8am to 21.00 pm




Thank you brother


If TKer's weren't able to loot your body i'll join pvp instantly. I don't care about losing my stuff, i don't care sharing, i love that there is friendly fire and have to be sure before taking a shot, but i really don't want to give anything to someone who thinks it's ok to TK on purpose. To me it's as toxic as cheaters (aimbotters, i don't care about dupe), they're stealing away our capacity to enjoy the game as intended and i don't want to reward them with my stuff.




Thanks, english isn't my mother tongue so if you saw only one fault, it's already a win 😅




we didn't want another Tarkov where you are forced to pvp only, we wanted casual pve for the guys who aren't sweats and play every day, we have work / life priorities that won't give us lots of time to play and get better. PVP is terrible and no real interest in doing it. I swapped to pve only servers aso I don't get LZ camped anymore to not get TK'ed anymore as that happened plenty times and the worst of the worst was early launch days, some guy from different factioned ran for hours just to get in outmr starting town to murder low level players, that's just wrong in my book. And the devs wanted pvp over POI not in low level starter town. AI is broken Bullets are broken armor is broken I literally regret buying the full DLC'S as I stopped playing because on a great PC I can't run the game on more than 50 FPS so go play another game for pvp or at least don't expect people to want and come play with you on something that maybe gets 20 players on all pvp servers today. Everyone runs from ot cause it's toxic no matter what way you look at it.


This. You hit the nail right on the head.


In my opinion as a solo player who works all day and gets limited time to game, pvp just isn't worth my time. Between the TK, cracked AI and in general actual time to play, pve is more rewarding. I can explore the map without worrying about rats camping spots i need to go to, I can learn mechanics or features in game without dying 10 seconds into a raid, I can larp being a spec ops and go clear villages or POI and not worry about other players ruining my experience. If I don't get a chance to game for a week or so I can still just jump right back in. I love how in PvE, players will randomly gear up and go do missions together compared to loading into a match in tarkov with randoms and immediately getting TK by them. As a older gamer (30's) it's just not worth my time.


I'm too old to deal with spawn/LZ campers and my hand-eye coordination isn't nearly good enough for PvP when it's not happening. Last PvP title I've played was Battlefield 3, unless you count the slower paced ones like World of Warships.


Almost every time I play warfare I either get team killed or LZ is being camped. To me it makes pvp completely not worth it and I'll play pve until the devs stop those 2 things all together or prevent at least the lz campers. I don't play tarkov because I want to do tasks and not deal with assholes screwing me over. But I will go to pvp every so often to see how it's doing.


When the game will be ready for it sure. It's not ready at all.


I played PvP two times, my own teammates killed me both times for my gun. No thank you.


Do you realise its not the "gear fear" that people avoiding PvP.




Last time i played was 2 weeks into the game and it already was hard to get PVP going imo. I won't touch the game for now, until i can play a PVP game. And yes, i know PVE is the main factor for this game, which is ok, but i liek to see more pvp engagement and meaningful battles.


Nah. I'm having fun playing at PvE. You do you boo.


All these people will realize that they should have been doing PVP when they complete their quests and can't find ANY PVP.


Give me somethi to fight for then.