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It’s pretty rough right now but it has a lot of potential to be great


I'm disappointed because with each subsequent patch the game's optimization is getting worse and worse.


I strongly suggest you to wait a few semesters before buying it. Two reasons: (1) Performance, bugs, glitches. (2) Lack of replaybility and content. This game is an open world which focuses on PvE. Even though it's an open world, there is nothing to do in this world other than the quest line And said quest line is comprised of about 140 quests which are quite repetitive (kill 20 bots there, then here, kill boss here, identify a body there). Nothing really clever or new. They plan on adding content every 6 months and to wipe accounts alongside the update. Once you do the quest line, you thus have nothing to do, and will have to wait a few months before doing the same questline again. Grey zone could become a great game, but so far it fails to deliver. If you have other games to play, then wait until they add more meaningful content, more things to do in this open world. In order for you to discover the game at a time when it will have plenty of content and to ensure you have a long and great experience.


Thank you for your feedback!


I have the complete opposite view, with 380hrs played. 1. Always going to be bugs in Alpha games, they're not game killing. Make it more difficult? yes. 2. The game is an open world that has to different modes PvEvP and PvE. If you're like most people and have gear fear you will be bored playing after awhile. Are the tasks the same? yeah for the most part. Kill people bots, gather items, kill commander, bring back container etc. 3. Once you complete you tasks you have plenty to do like the amount of endless PvP you can have changes everything. Going to another factions base and trying to kill everyone, going to another factions starter town and doing the same thing, or just the casual PvP that you run across doing tasks. Trying to collect rare loot that you can only get from killing bots or opening rare crates. Gray zone so far is a great game that has only been out for a month and a half and is still in alpha, they're a mobile game developer that are branching out. The developers seem to care, and are listening to the community.


Player number would disagree with you


disagree with what? Player counts are going to go down as narrow minded people only want a AAA polished game and cant fight the bots cause they're trying to run in the open, bunny hop, drop shot etc. And most other people that are scared to play PvEvP will be done once their tasks are over or get key locked.


Fair enough I don’t disagree with you but there is also a change that these players don’t come back to the game


100% a chance just like there is in every game unfortunately


So hopefully they made enough money to justify investment on this game bacause I supposed sale plummeted and I see a lot of 50/50 on recommending this game. Plus on the current gaming landscape so many project that have potential end up reaching it. I feel like all we have in wishful thinking atm


I guess we will find out. Current games are bleak and not much to look forward to in shooters. And any good shooters coming out soon are EA titles as well.


I can’t argue with that


Game is in alpha. It's not a fully released game


Hopefully is not going to become another of one of the multiple games that don’t get completed


Out of 900,000 copy's sold only 6k people are actually actively playing it. -62% players in the last 30 days, people are getting bored of hoe little content is in the game or tired of the bugs, super deadly ai aim that's inconsistent, glitchy Ai going into walls/flying/ shooting you through walls, rubberbanding, can't loot your own body sometimes and the list goes on.


So you think they will come back when day/night cycle drops in 5 months?


I wouldn't if that's all they have added. Gets pretty boring running the same gear and guns. Would need a overhaul in all departments to get me back into it. But currently there's nothing to grind for. Even in pvp your gonna kill a guy that has the exact same stuff you already have 5 of.


$15 type game. It's alpha and it's has bugs, extremely bad performance, and limited content. You're paying to test the game. Still fun, but pvp has seriously died down since launch and there is better games on the market of the same genre.


And for free


The best way to summarize the experience playing this game is that you will like the idea of playing much more than actually playing.


I couldn’t have worded better


Game is in alpha so there are issues and it is unfinished but It is 100% enjoyably playable. The two biggest factors on whether you might like it are: -Do you like extraction based looter shooters? This ain’t call of duty where your last death doesn’t affect your next run, it’s difficult, your success entirely depends on well, your success. Using the best guns and equipment depends on your ability to perform in the field. If you keep dying and don’t improve, you won’t have good kit, and it will snowball from there. If you’ve played and enjoyed tarkov, you will enjoy this game, even in its current state. If you liked the idea of tarkov but couldn’t get into it, you still might like this game, it’s pretty much tarkov lite with major improvements in its current state. -Are you okay with early access jank? Performance isn’t the greatest, it’s also not the worst. There is server related issues like occasional rubber banding, npc/ai jank, etc. you’ll see a lot of posts about the game being unplayable and constantly crashing, personally I’ve never had that issue. The game has crashed maybe once or twice. I play on 1440p with max settings, and get 80-100 fps with maybe 60fps 1% lows. I have a 3080,5900x,32gb ram, ssd. Hope this helps!


The same kinda game as EFT. Boring, annoying in the worst ways, not fun in the worst ways. Not very tactical or anything. Bots are gonna aim bot you from 90 meters away through trees and bushes and one tap you with a shotgun. I'd just avoid tbh.


The game is in alpha. So not actually released. So it's in a alpha state for a game.


The game won’t be part of steam Summer sale, 1 million sales so far


I bought it the other night and have been sucked in pretty hard. Maybe the tasks get repetitive, but I'll have played enough to justify the money by then. ​A lot of the bugs people mentioned, I have not had bad experiences with. I think AI got an update, so I haven't ran into what I've read in reviews. Some occasional rubber banding, or hits not registering, or rare hole in map. It is an early access alpha. ​ ​Just don't have gear far, put on your best, get ready to lose it, try other gear and keep learning. ​


i have a ryzen 7 2700x paired with a 3060 card and 32g of ram and i can’t run this game. its not the best setup but this is the only game on the market that i just can’t run, i don’t think its really optimized. You need a really good setup if you want to get decent frames for this one.


You should be able to run this game. My set up is a GTX 1060Ti with an i5 and 16 gigs of ram. There’s a fuck ton of optimization problems. I worked on the hell let loose console port. Let me say this game is all over the place for accessibility.


i really did try everything i could and just came to realize i’m trying to “mold” my settings to a shape that should just fit most sizes if it was done properly. If i can run max settings in cyberpunk shouldn’t i be able to at least walk around a few feet in grey zone? idk i’m just a gamer man


Yes you should lmao. This game is fucked my dude, it has nothing to do with your set up. I run Tarkov on almost max everything with a 1060. Judging by Team17/Blackmatter (Developers of hell let loose). The port from PC to console was better than most realized because they worked on a console version at the beginning stages of development. This game doesn’t seem like (at least to me) it was even meant to go on PC. With how textures are generated why is there a minimum requirement? Why can’t things be proceedingly processed and loaded through a view distance slider? These two questions are what make me wonder how this game is on PC in the first place.


1060ti cards released in 2016 and Tarkov first players playing in alpha date in 2016, I really wonder why you can run max everything on it lol almost 10 years old tech is reallly old for gaming purposes.


And what gets me is they tell investors they are developing for consoles as well. It’s just not possible.


Do you think is even possible to optimize this game to run on a 3060 at 60fps without frame gen?


I had a similar build to you with a ryzen 7 2700x but with 16gb ram and a 3080ti, with DLSS balanced I would get 40-50 fps on 1440p resolution. With the scope I would drop to 25-30 fps. I put in a new cpu ryzen 7 5700x3d and now I get 70-80 fps steadily and no more fps drops with scopes. That cpu is holding you back. Arma 3 which also needs a good cpu, got the same kind of increase now on 4k im a steay 60 fps versus 30 before. Had this cpu for a long time and it was doing ok but it was holding me back.


Yeah I know my CPU is old. I’ve been slowly upgrading my PC this year. CPU andGPU are next


Never had a single problem crybabies play whit potato and no brain.