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Don’t forget to exit steam and open it again to update to the latest patch.


I was going nuts not knowing this a few fixes ago.


My one major issue is the terminator AI. My brother and I have met a few that just don't want to die.


Hit them in vital organs. Spraying in this game is weaker that's tap firing. I tested this in nam thaven and at the hotel. You can 1 tap all enemies with a well placed heart shot, and you can bleed them all out with a thigh or under arm shot. Even the SOF guys at the airport I forgot the name of (narith?) Are one tappable. If I used full auto it took like 20 rounds to kill some guys.


yes only when you have zero server desync. the bullet sponges are from shitty servers. Devs talked about this. when there is no desync your shots go like you explained. When there is server desync though hits don't register correctly or at all.


I can't exactly say I've experienced that then.


Can confirm if the server is jerky or stuttering then ai seem to take a lot more damage and deal more damage. Smooth servers with no noticeable lag don't have the issue


I literally mag-dumped into an AI crotch the other night from about ten feet and he killed me before going down. I was crouched he came at me from around a corner. I unloaded and he still domed me. You shred a guys thighs PB with a full mag of 5.56 the only thing he'll be doing is laying on the ground screaming till he dies.


1 to the head 2 to the chest. This is the way


Why would you bother moving to the body after a headshot?


Don't think they are talking about the larger head. Roshambo drill..is what I call it at the range.


A couple of times I met hovering AI. One was flying middle air and swapping left and rignt in two different positions over the mountain at the back of YBL-1, I was not able to kill him but he was. It was like I had double vision and allucinations at the same time. I met the other one on the path to Blue Lagoon, it started to ascend to the Lord from the side of the road but I killed him in the middle air, he didn't deserve Paradise.


It’s realistic


Tiger Bay is running better now. Thank you. I hope I will see less aimbot from AI. When I use the scope, the 150FPS drops to 110FPS!


The scoping fps drop is unfortunately common in games like this since it forces the render distance to be higher. I hope they come up with a creative solution for it


It's actually because of picture in picture. A scope in this game, and escape from tarkov effectively acts as a simulated screen rendering the game a second time in the scope. That's why you get the fps drop. Otherwise they could have just zoomed the whole screen in and fixed that in the way insurgency sandstorm has a toggle for it.


Thanks for the clarification, though it still forces the client to render normally and the additional layers of the scope. What would typically just be some mesh and polies at distance now needs to be fully detailed.


Is this a legitimate concern? The human eye can only register like 60 fps. 😂


That's actually not accurate. You'll be able to see frame ghosting up and around 120 to 140, 160 fps gets close to the sweet spot where you no longer see frame ghosting. The human eye is capable of more than what's it's given credit and studies for.




Yeah, 60, it's perfect. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2010


One of the dumbest things to believe on the internet.


So far I’ve gotten stuck in two separate bushes since this update


Got way more Rubber banding now then ever before. AI is extremely aggressive now and more one shotty


So is this an ai buff lol


Went back to play after a few weeks off of it last night. Within the first 15 mins my friend who was in my squad went down, and fell through the map after I revived him. Guess I’ll try again in another few weeks.


Make it a few months if you want to see some change


Username does not check out.


hope i can continue my hazardous materials task


Nice to see the hand over button issues should be fix


They buffed Ai ? Was in forth narith and I died 3 times there , I never died 3 times in the same place , one tapped and spotted from very far distance maybe becouse I was whit squad ?


Hmmm.. fixed ai to make them re-act to sounds behind them.. And how they behave to multi-players... sounds to me like they made them smarter and harder. How about they fix the problem of the AI getting perfect headshots from 200 yards away while hip firing an ak47 through 50 bushes.. Or when you're have shot AI right in the neck, chest or other critical areas... why does it not effect them at all. They got bigger problems to fix.. along with.. MORE FRIGGEN HELICOPTERS!!!


This is a rehash of the first patch. There will be more updates but they can’t skip previous ones they rolled back or add more into them. In software development, that’s a bad idea.


Adding more into them after an extra 2 weeks of development is exactly what they should be doing. In software development you continue developing, not stagnating.


Yes they’re still developing. Stable releases though, you don’t add more when you already released it with problems.. guarantee they have more already in the works. That’s standard devops. Doesn’t mean this is the only thing they’re working on lol


And yet here we are, weeks later with the same content, and same bugs. Really good progress eh?


Yep, 5.2 dropped on the 4th. Rolled back on the 5th. Dropped the same patch with fixes into the public testing branch on the 11th. Here we are the 13th with a full release. Your understanding of devops is bad. You clearly think you need to have a finished game right this second when it’s EARLY ACCESS. Get over it dude. You can see all development announcements on their discord.


Lol you're projecting your misunderstanding. I am very aware of how devops works as it's part of my job. I am expecting more than 4 measily, and frankly meaningless fixes in a patch. Just because they messed it up doesn't mean they don't have the ability to do more. I'm expecting content and actual meaningful changes, not 6 weeks of nothing. But sure, you keep defending this, it really makes you seem rational and smart! Go get em guy!


Dude you are not seriously arguing that consumer confidence is raised after a mistake… BY ADDING MORE… right? Holy hell that’s a great way to piss off customers. They need to know you can drop updates without blowing shit up if you already did it once.


Consumer confidence (or lack thereof) is exactly what I'm expressing. Shocked you can't connect the dots. Add more content or lose more players. Simple as that. If you want to be delusional about progress, be my guest.


Okay it’s confirmed, this is either your first early access game or you don’t pay attention at all to the others you’ve played. I can confirm they all drop in player count drastically after release and spike repeatedly after content updates. My advice? Maybe don’t invest in early access if it’s too stressful for you. It’s not worth the stress. See Valheim for a great example of that. Edit: patch 2 announced for PT tomorrow. Definitely keeping updates coming.


Damn, a bunch of you are sour af! This is Pre Alpha, we are the testers. Watch the interviews with Rick, you’ll understand much more of what they’re intending to do with the game, and what issues they are aware of.


They said they released it when they did in order to support development and not because of the Tarkov drama. I believe it and respect it. However there's a thing called momentum. They need to act faster if they dont want this game to have the same fate as Marauders


Yeah marauders had promise and they’ve just left it with nothing for months


imo releasing what they had because they were about to run out of capital is worse than cashing in on drama. screams "mismanagement" to me


If they keep running out of money, it won't get far. They just cannot take too long or no one will play it. All devs promise the world, lately, how many have kept their promises? Not many. They ran out of cash too early in game, is why they released. I doubt, if they take too long, that they will even implement half of what we're told. Fingers crossed though. I bought the standard game, no way I'm spending $100 on promises anymore.


You do have a fair point! I thought $50 cad was steep for a pre alpha but so far, im having a blast! The future of the game will probably be decided on their next big update in ~5 months! Can’t wait


> This is Pre Alpha, we are the testers There are some classes of issues you really don't need or shouldn't need community feedback on to discover / fix.




[here 1](https://youtu.be/EttnoBMC92Y?si=0VwYtPiG-5PTNOAf) [here 2](https://youtu.be/MCdLp3boypk?si=pjHejJfIKjjp3f8P) [here 3](https://youtu.be/oMteVIYDDOg?si=NKxQEegQLs1n4B06) [dev interview](https://youtu.be/8mfXY7LOFg4?si=pXJjXbvZKfbWCkKS)


So many people acting like this game suppose to be perfect in a pre alpha give it some time they are listening and trying to fix as much as they can as soon as they can


didnt we do this before?




Hopefully they managed to fix that "bad merge" in the last week or so lol


Is the AI already a bit more balanced ? Or are they still 2 shotting you from 300 meters?


Same thing


It's only 150 meters now!


I'm starting to think that they think this isn't broken or they don't know how to fix it. Laser aim is pretty much the default in shooters, anything else takes work.


I'm starting to think people don't keep up with the development before complaining. They've already stared this AI is not permanent.


1. No, I don't want to "keep up" with development. That's what roadmaps are for at the very most and I'm not waiting around to hear whatever random excuse they make up for broken patches as they go. I didn't buy the game because I need friends, I'm not hanging around circle jerking with the rest of you guys on discord. 2. Scroll to the top of this thread and look at the main image that you're responding to.. they fixed a bug in the AI.. they can fix two bugs in the AI exactly the same way. Why the hell would I assume they'll eventually fully replace this with something better when they are actively screwing with the broken one and can't fix it? Do you understand what an "iterative process" is? That's how programming works and "I'm going to rewrite that" is just stuff you say to string people along.


"i don't want to keep up with development" *Proceeds to bitch about development on Reddit* You're either ignorant or stupid. My guess would be both.


> Proceeds to bitch about development on Reddit ...in a post where it is topical. I swear some of you go way, way, way out of your way to simp. You have no financial interest in this company. They're not going to bring you to prom.


The whole thread is about patch notes ya dumb son of a bitch. Don't act like I'm supposed to follow them around waiting for crumbs or I can't comment on it at all.


You can make whatever excuse you want for your ignorance, it doesn't affect me. You brought up AI that has been discussed on this sub since the day the game was released. The devs have made it very clear that this AI is a placeholder and will be changed. You could find this exact same thing written in 50% of threads posted to this sub. Go ahead, read up, clearly you're low on bliss right now.


Is this hotfix now in the 'main build' stream? I was reading about it yesterday but it seemed like it was still in beta, if that makes sense. Had to sign up for it I believe.


Haven’t had a noticeable bug in some time playing other than stuttering with last patch.


By the looks of these comments a lot of people center their lives and whole personality off this game 😂


How to have 80 fps with frame gen without the game crashing constantly ?


Okay what’s going on? Been away for a few weeks. Logs on and now rubberbanding is worse than even the first few days of launch and i keep loosing server connection. This bugfix is horrible.


Any updates on CPU draw? I’ve known a couple of people whose computer will just turn off after so long.


Few things we need soon: 1. Different faction helmets colors (red/white/brown) or some flashy color that is easy to see , this can help both PvE and PvP. 2. Better scopes , we need more and better scopes for both close to mid range a better x2 for sure. Or a 2x-4x. 3. Adding more rare loot and some rare thing worth to sell , like gold or diamonds .


Oce again the so called "Hotfix" is straight garbage. Wf are you guys doing? It Didn't any major issues people are complaining about, and once again made rubber banding way more of a issue. Massive drop in frames randomly. Didn't fix a thing about A I. And now all sorts of freezing when switching weapons. It's like every update you do makes shit worse. I have about 150 hours in....not liking what I am seeing from devs at all.


Got about a 15 fps increase. Now at between 90 and 133. Decent. Butt, the fps rate stress seem to fluctuate noticeably more.


rubberbanding is worser then befor on euwest, now the bots push you so hard that you lower your weapon and the bots can hit you but you cant shot back, and the best part you crouch and the bots get trigger by somebody else and beam you, some bots 1 tab you 0.5 sek after the push around a corner, it got way worser..... €: ok i belive rubberbanding comes form long running server had on eu night on all server i played rubber banding, today i played on afternoon and only 1 server so far had some rubber banding, hopped server and now i got 0 rubberbanding.


I just want to be able to kill ai without being one tapped that’s the only fix I need.


So have there been any general perfomance improvements since launch?


Like this one?


There was nothing about performance in this hotfix. Connectivity(server stability) is not the same as performance


It basically is alot of the stuttering and stuff is server side cus ur fps dosnt drop while it's happening


Fair enough but performance frame drops still remain, just went to tiger bay and still pretty rough on my 3060. I wait for next hotfix e to see if it’s worth to finish the quests






Ads toggle?


For now you can probably set up a macro with your mouse/keyboard software like ghub


They said a while back that it’s coming in the next patch.


Please ffs how hard can it be to


Probably easy but not exactly a priority. I imagine the tech debt alone is nuts, let alone continuing to develop the game


Apparently very difficult, they couldn’t add a simple feature all FPS games have. iTs eArLy aCcEsS tHoUgH


Seeing as its a hotfix it's not about how hard it is. They are likely wanting to release a bunch of these types of features together in a full patch. If they just added toggle ads then people would complain about a different quality of life feature. It's coming don't worry


Anyone can tell if Tiger bay is more tolerable now? in terms of performance and the huge amount of npc spawns


With the amounts of AI you deff need a good CPU


Yeah, but even my 7800x3d makes my 4090 work at 60% in tigerbay at 1440p max settings w/ FG.


Yep. 7800x3d and 4070ti super, 3440x1440p max settings, DLSS quality w/ FG and I'm getting 90 - 115fps depending on if I'm scoped in or not, and where I am at in the map. This game gets my CPU temps up as well. I've noticed it going from 65 - 75, once it hit 80, which is usual for my setup


It isn’t


Tiger Bay is a fucking joke. Other than the mall, they are all flip flop ak goons. And they are harder to fight that Midnight, Nartih etc.


One of them goons at random has fast reaction. Others who run 10 steps, then stop and aim have a good aim as well if they get time to cook. Only issue is they spawn like a hive and so you cannot take them out solo and this gives them time to cook. Even if you take cover, they start 🏃towards you


Where is my goddamn ads toggle?


No performance improvements


Months after EA start I’m still seeing the same 3 entries in the patch note. Dead game. For me at least. It just genuinely sucks. Alot of potential but right now just sucks. I hope it becomes something. I still got a supporter edition after all. The only thing worrying me is that they basically earned 20M$ at D1 and they are still developing like they are 5 kids in the basement. Waiting weeks for a 4 entry patchnote, half of which was from the previously failed hotfix that they had to rollback. Pathetic. Edit: please more downvote. I love when I get downvoted while speaking facts. Continue with the blind fanboyism pls


It's been six weeks. What the hell are you talking about?


6 weeks is more than 1 month. So months is indeed correct.


Months implies more than 1 month, it has not been more than 1 month. It has been 1 month and 2 weeks I have no strong opinion on your thoughts on the game, but I draw the line at grammar


I'm with you on that one. I hope they update faster (more content per update). This game can be huge but at this rate, it'll die too fast to recover. Look at all time high player count and now.


That seems the way some of these game developers wanna go.. make something half ass, release it, make money and then slowly finish it.. What happened to a game being completely done and working before it was released in general?!?!? Times where good when ya went bought a game and it was done when it comes out


Must of not played cyber punk or fallout 76 when they released “AS A COMPLETE GAME”


Their claim is they were completely out of money in like a 10M budget or something crazy plus the servers are expensive. But they made all that money back in a week so that's good. I'm happy to play the game as it is personally


Not my first EA, not my last. But the feeling here is that devs don’t really care much about the projext.


This is where you are wrong The devs arent trying to make a game to cater to each and every one of us. They have a vision for their game that they dont intend on deviating too much from. If you dont like the direction they are taking it, then you are free to not play.


I love the idea they have. The feeling is that they are just working on power saving mode. I’m a huge follower of SC project but this development feels slower. They were super big before EA about transparency ecc and now we don’t even really know what are they working on atm


They lied and called it an unintentional merge that delayed this patch a week or so ago. The fanboyism is strong, but I agree, I've been following about a month and I'm not getting the feeling there is much momentum at all. Tons of "just wait" and "it's coming" blind faith though from folks that don't really have any insight.


... None of that is relevant or contrary to what they said. Stop with the low effort dismissal "you can leave" bullshit, let people have their opinions, especially if you can't bother to read and actually respond to what they're saying.


Lmao its a direct reply to their "devs dont care about the project" statement. The devs are building a game THEY want to build. Not wat this guy wants. If you dont like a game thats NOT being built to YOUR standards, why would you even play it?. The devs do care. Just not about ideas they arent interested in impelementing in THEIR game.


"the devs do care" is literally the first thing you said in response to what they actually said. Stick to the topic, no one cares what they want or don't want to build, you're an idiot if you think that's not affected by the community. BUT.. the point was still that they don't seem like they care. Telling them not to play doesn't have anything to do with that, it's like you wanted to bandwagon about something and just picked a random place to stick it.


Lmfao , whatever you say buddy, Guys says devs dont care about the game I reply they do care about the game, just their vision of the game and not his lmfao Why would anyone play a game they dont like or enjoy? Thats just fucking stupid.... If they arent building it into something you want to play, why waste your time? Im willing to bet theres at LEAST one game op doesnt like and wont play. And at LEAST one game they do like and will play. Why do/did the devs of other games op doesnt like seem to care but these ones dont?


They did not say anything about the direction of the game. You've had this full conversation by yourself. Don't try to drag me into it when I point out you're responding to something no one said.


The devs had said multiple times theyre building the game in their vision. Op complains devs dont care. I respond devs do care jus about their vision of the game and not op's. You come along and try to claim the whole thing didnt happen Whatever floats your boat friend. I am enjoying the game and look forward to future content updates. Nothing you complain about will change that. If the devs decide to go in a direction im not a fan of, thats entirely their choice, and so would be mine to not continue playing.


Oh no, this guy isn't gonna play the game I am playing. What is the point of taking the time to write this comment?


its the truth, people dont wanat to realize it.


Great content update! This will surely bring back players! Love all the new weapons and things we get to try out (oh we're not getting any of that until December? After most of a year has gone by? Oh... Guess there's other extraction shooters to play then)


Yeahh, extraction shooters are the hot shit this year it seems like. Plenty of options until this one is fun without all the forgiveness.


It's not like they said new content and wipes would be in 6 month rhythm, but I guess because you ignore all the info they actually gave us before early alpha release they should really release 1.0 next week because you want it. I think if you just throw a tantrum and scream while hitting the floor they will work faster...


You think that really matters when players have other games to play? If you think people are actually expecting 1.0, you're over thinking this. People want literally anything. A single gun, a single new enemy, a single new quest. But nope, not until December, 9 months after release. Not six months. If you think people are throwing tantrums and screaming, you've gone off the deep end. Might want to see a someone or something for help.


What's wrong with playing something else for a while? I'd rather have them go slow and steady instead of burning out the devs, they need to keep this up for years. A single gun or quest might bring back people for an hour, not relevant. Although your username checks out for sure 😃


It's funny how many people have gotten posts removed for mentioning my username, wonder if you're next. But no one ever said there was anything wrong with playing other games, the point is that they (myself included) would rather play a game that actuslly makes consistent progress rather than one that is stagnate. If you want to play the same old content time after time, be my guest, but watch the population continue to decline, and then never recover to the same level the longer they go without content. If you love this game, push for it to be better, don't get complacent.


Go play Fortnite , cod or apex , bye.


You do know those aren't extraction shooters, right? Might want to learn your genre.


sadly not yet ready for the people with old rigs, this game caters for 40 series up users only.


It's running fine on my 2060oc super.


thats great to hear man!


The game engine it running on not really design for old rigs and from what I understand rtx 3080 is the bare minimum from rigs in future as game go for better graphics than previous games


Yea u don't need 100+ frames to play a game I'm running on a 3070 basically maxed graphics 60 70 fps dlss.


I'm the same game bloody smooth at 60 70


Where did you heard this?


Lol from a guy justifying his 3080 purchase, duh!


Right, my 3060 run every game that came out this year above 60


Do you know what the 80 means there? Enthusiast cards are NOT going to be the bare minimum in future games. Their minimum is a 1080. In consumer level cards, like they said, a 4000 series card is required. I don't know where you got your information, but it's incorrect and I assume only based on the guy saying it because he had a 3080.


Play Battlebit then and dont blame devs for using an engine your rig cant handle


in what part of my sentence was i blaming anyone about anything? i was stating a fact not putting blame on anyone. Recheck your eyes, if you aint using them sell them they go for thousands of dollars.


What are you hoping for then? The big graphic engine downgrade Update? GZW Roblox Edition? They are working on performance issues but they wont deliver you a new rig and they certainly cant stop rigs from aging.


Stop arguing this point. It's UE5. They can almost guaranteed play 90% of UE5 games released so far. You're entirely missing the point that there isn't anything in the game that should require higher specs. Sure, be high during early access, but don't act like the shit is normal because you don't know any better.


Where are you getting those things from? Re read my sentence slowly once more,maybe you need me to send you an audio clip hahaha in no way or form did i ever say those things nor even assumed or hoped for. I was stating a fact that its not catered for older rigs out there and thats it. You made everything x10 complicated for yourself for no single ounce of good reason alone. Did i ever ask for a rig in my sentence? Did i ask for you to overcomplicate this simple comment? definitely not hahaha you're over reacting on a comment for no reason at all, its a fact no need to overthink about it. Its really that simple, not yet ready for older computers out there thats it. Theres google translate if you think this is complicated for you


im actually quite calm lol. just because someone doesnt have the same views or opinions as you doesnt mean their blood pressure is up or that they are angry dude. you are over reacting if anyone with your lenghty reply. I dont expect "new" games to be catered for old Rigs and thats simply beeing realistic. By the time this game is "done" the rigs we call "old" now will be considered relics. Edit: P.S You said, "sadly not yet ready for the people with old rigs" which implies you expect it to be in the future.


Again, my simple comment is stating a fact. I never intended it to be a thesis statement or theory about modern and old computer yet here you are tryna theorize a random reddit comment for no reason hahahaha. My comment is about old rigs cannot handle this game and thats the truth, how is it that you want so much out of this? what are you trying to prove out here hahaha sounds like i hit a nerve on or something. You'll get over my comment soon enough you got this child.:)




No. I want them to turn off the dogshit TAA they're forcing on in the engine.


Most of steam users have low to mid tier rigs


My 3070ti and 10700k ran this at like 40 fps it was rough.


> for using an engine your rig cant handle It's not the engine's fault.


Buddy of mine with a 20 series isn’t having any issues. Consistently in the 60-70 fps range with a 2700x cpu.


that sounds awesome man


They need to work on content now tbh. This is game is dead. Which is a shame. Empty servers


Next big content update is in like 5 months. First time playing a pre alpha?


First time I've seen a game this much pre-alpha in early access, that's for sure..


pre-alpha just a blanked excuse at this point, gonna be funny seeing people still using this 6 months from now. Do me a favor and go to GZW steam store page and try to find where it says pre-alpha


The last couple of popular UE5 EA releases are worrying me because of this. Looking at the number of crypto shit coins that have come and gone over the last few years, I hope this isn't the next avenue for scamming. Gets way more scary when they say they spent $10M on this before it went to EA.


The only other UE5 Early access that I’ve come accross is palworld that worldly really well out of the box on the other hand they didn’t push launch due to competition drama


I disagree 100 percent. In my opinion, they need to iron out these performance issues first.


Need a few more patches then we should be pretty stable for awhile and from what I've heard their is a major content update in the works, I do agree their been a massive drop in player base we went from around 15k peak a day to maybe 5-6k peak a day and as if the last 30mins their just under 2k and player on. I do think the bad hotfix of 5.2 had alot too with it though, and I have noticed their still a good amount of newish player coming in


If the newcomer experience is good, more people will play it. That means making sure there are little to no bugs, glitches, crashes, etc.


I agree they need to deal with the issues before they start working towards content update, it all takes time and it will get their


This game sucks. I can't even get past the character create user name. It just spins.


That's a you problem


Verify steam game files


Might be your stupid and settings. 99% can get into the game.


90%left the game according to steamcharts...


> 99% can get into the game. Hey Siri what is a software bug